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*state like Washington, I mean. Seattle is a city in Washington. I knew this.

Dec 23, 15 2:23 pm  · 

I'm off to the international grocery to buy a few last-minute items for the Christmas dinner.  it is likely to be absolute chaos out there. If you don't hear from me by tonight send out a search party to Saraga.

Dec 23, 15 2:54 pm  · 

I'm back! Despite a tornado warning and torrential downpour while I was in the store, I made it out alive. The people in line behind me had strong Philly accents, which was weird. It's an international grocery store, but I usually hear Burmese or West African accents, not Philly!

Got my pea shoots and pickled peppercorns. Cambodian food on Christmas day, Mexican on Boxing Day. If the meat market is open tomorrow I'll pick up some fresh oysters for Christmas Eve.  What do you all eat at the holidays?? 

Dec 23, 15 9:20 pm  · 

No idea what I'll be eating with the family tomorrow, but I'm drinking margaritas now. Our traditional Christmas dinner is roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, but since we're going to my aunt's house this year I doubt we'll be having that.

We had a tornado warning a couple hours ago down in Kentucky, and I think there was some storm damage. Nothing here in Cincinnati but I had my window open and I could hear the sirens going off across the river. A storm like this would be normal for this area in March, but it's absolutely bonkers for late December.

Dec 23, 15 10:14 pm  · 


I'm glad you are safe and sound despite the tornado warning scare. 

Dec 23, 15 10:34 pm  · 

61 degrees and pouring rain. Low today was 58. Normal average for Dec. 23 is 41. Record high was 57.

Forecast for tomorrow is 62. 

Dec 23, 15 10:47 pm  · 

When New York is warmer than Astoria Oregon in December.... is interesting. When it snows in Los Angeles (even if mostly snow flurry than real blizzard) in the middle of summer, that is downright strange and I had seen it once. Although, it was brief. It was very strange.

Dec 23, 15 10:53 pm  · 

a human Rick, much appreciated and Merry Christmas!

Dec 23, 15 11:18 pm  · 

anyone else stuck watching national lampoon Christmas? the wife makes me so it every year. i never thought Chevy Chase was funny. i like he annoying brother in law

Dec 23, 15 11:19 pm  · 

Consider this the beta release of my new website. Check it out and let me know what you think... I'd especially appreciate any reports of bugs, typos, or other issues. Same with my thesis project website, which I'm launching simultaneously.

Dec 24, 15 12:51 am  · 

Regarding the Website: (not the thesis project site)

First critique is the image background at the Enter point processes slowly. Is there a possible way to have an image maybe smaller in size.... It seems to loading slowly. I'm not sure if it is really the image or the server running the site is slow. 

[ Edit progress in writing ]: It might have just been something slugging the loading but it might be snappier upon first loading if the image was 2000 x 1500 (reducing also the file size as a few MBytes might slow loading over the internet at times). Remember, internet isn't all guaranteed gigabit throughput everywhere. Aside from that, once the web content is cached by the browser, it moves along fairly snappily.

I don't see anything glaring. I like the overall composition. Nice balanced and use of white space with the content on the site.

I may suggest border-less iframes or something like it. One thing I noticed is when I click enter and it brings up a snippit About you. If you scroll back up that "concrete wall" with "enter" button comes down and covers the screen. That maybe something that may confuse or frustrate or annoy some clients. Just some mechanics aspects that I believe can be solved without losing the overall feel and intent of the website. It would be a little more sophistication of web coding.

When I read the text on the About David S. Cole,

The gray used at spots are a little light. Still readable. 

This is a cursory look at your site. I will look more closely for anything else, tomorrow. 

Don't take anything as harsh criticism. I brought up a few minor technical stuff.

Dec 24, 15 1:31 am  · 

ummmm.......david i am slowly losing respect.......look i am a geniune asshole, but bro you change your pic now you have a site. you passed your exams, calm the fuck down bro. strolll your rolll.

Dec 24, 15 1:32 am  · 
Non Sequitur

David, congrats on the license and posing with a sweet leather jacket for your avatar.

Dec 24, 15 8:52 am  · 

Officially David Cole, AIA!

Olaf, I've always had a website, but I hadn't done a major overhaul of it since before I started grad school, and my previous profile pic was probably about as old. I figure a milestone like this called for a significant rebranding effort, especially since I'll be starting a job search soon.

Dec 24, 15 12:35 pm  · 

David website is nice.  my only recommendation from personal experience, is I use to use my company name as a handle on archinect and archinect is highly searchable, so switched to the character Olaf, although it wouldn't be hard to figure out who I am, but Olaf is often over the top fiction.

nothing you say on Archinect seems to be offensive, but it might be worth going to a handle, granted I see you are not searchable from Google on archinect....

Dec 24, 15 1:11 pm  · 

Posting under my real name here forces me to behave myself. Otherwise I'd be tempted to flame the hell out of a few people and just become another troll.

Dec 24, 15 3:40 pm  · 

It happened again....I was foiled on Christmas Eve by Mrs Snooker.  Today I did some running around  and picked up a few stocking stuffers.  One  I picked up at the grocery story was milk chocolate cover pretzels.  I  unloaded the car in the rain and damn if I didn't forget to pull them out before the Mrs.  put away the groceries.   So they were not game for stocking stuffers.   I had another errand to run this afternoon  and damn if there wasn't another  container of chocolate frosted  pretzels next to the register so I figured what the heck.  I brought them home and  had them in a plastic bag on my throw table behind my desk.  Earlier in the day I had declared  that area off limits to the Mrs.  So were sitting here at the end of the day and low and behold  she gets up from her desk and  bee lines for my desk and the plastic bag thinking it is empty and wants to get rid of it and she discovers the undiscovered.... Merry Christmas to all~~~~~

Dec 24, 15 5:43 pm  · 

Christmas Eve gathering with my extended family, in a nutshell:

Aunt, to my 6-year-old nephew playing with Legos on the floor: "Did you build that all by yourself? Are you going to grow up to be an architect like your uncle David?"

Me, without looking up from my iPhone: "The architecture critic for the New York Times just shared my Penn Station thesis project on his Facebook wall." [immediately feels guilty for being such an anti-social dick]

Cousin's husband, after a few stiff drinks: "Hey man, check this out. Did you know Hitler used to hang political dissidents with piano wire? That's crazy."

Me: [begins looking up how much it would cost to take Uber home, decides against it when I realize I'd then have to spend an hour explaining to my parents what Uber is, plus another hour to explain to them what the internet is]

Dec 24, 15 9:40 pm  · 


Dec 24, 15 9:56 pm  · 
That's awesome David! (The Kimmelman thing)

What I learned by wrapping presents while slightly drunk: 1. It goes a lot faster and 2. Thank heavens for lots of tape!
Dec 24, 15 10:10 pm  · 
Non Sequitur
Christmas scotch (or bourbon if you must) to all.
Dec 25, 15 9:27 am  · 

Merry Christmas you filthy animals!

Santa snuck a Telecaster under my tree this year, pretty stoked on that!  Hope you all have a merry Christmas, I'll be back at my station next week fixing a BIG mistake made months ago, gotta get it done before the new years.

Dec 25, 15 2:21 pm  · 

Merry Christmas!  

Dec 26, 15 3:43 am  · 
Boxing Day!!
Dec 26, 15 8:47 am  · 

Cold, rainy Sunday in late December = Doctor Who marathon on BBC America and a CEU marathon on my computer.

CEUs for 2015: done. Now I don’t have to worry about my license being revoked nine days after receiving it.

Dec 27, 15 6:38 pm  · 

listen brah if they said - hey let's take David's license,i would say- you ain't got no clue. he knows Scotch, kimmelman, and what mies would want for Christmas, scotch. that alone is 36 CEU's....just saying

Dec 27, 15 7:11 pm  · 

I love architecture like this. Do you know similar ones?

Dec 28, 15 1:17 am  · 

Good morning all, Hope every one had a merry Christmas/Hanukkah etc.

Everyone looking forward to the New Year?

I know I am... Working this week (not Friday) and plan on using the (relative) slowness, to get a jump start on some big projects for first quarter of next year.

Dec 28, 15 1:29 pm  · 

Also David congrats and overall site looks good. One issue I noted is not all the photos were loading for the Conrad B. Duberstein U.S. Bankruptcy Courthouse and General Post Office listing...

Dec 28, 15 1:34 pm  · 

You know you're having a bad day when you google "when to get stitches".

Dec 28, 15 1:41 pm  · 

Nam: Thanks... I'll take a look when I get home this evening.

Dec 28, 15 1:43 pm  · 

i'm several inches away from buying a (fixer upper) brick two flat

any tips from home owners in lowering their design expectations in their own home?

Dec 28, 15 2:57 pm  · 

Weed helps when you find the last do-it-yourselfer ran the waste lines from the sink (the one with the in-sink-erator) uphill to the main.

Dec 28, 15 3:45 pm  · 

Wow... I put my resume on file with AIA Portland less than 24 hours ago and I've already gotten two calls. Neither firm was really what I'm looking for, but it's nice to have people interested. I hope that's a good omen for when I kick my job search into high gear after the new year.

Dec 28, 15 7:22 pm  · 


At least that's good to here. I hope it's a good omen for you in the near future.

Dec 28, 15 9:19 pm  · 

Interesting approach, beginning a rifle hunt by firing a shotgun in the air.

Dec 28, 15 9:35 pm  · 

I've rarely, if ever gotten decent job leads by putting my resume on file at a local AIA office (usually it's just recruiters looking for CAD monkeys), but I figure it couldn't hurt. I wasn't expecting such a quick response. Pretty soon after the new year I'm going to start sending out letters to my top-choice firms in Seattle and Portland in order to give them first dibs and the longest time to respond, and then I'll start working down the list. My goal is to have at least a few interviews lined up for my next trip out there in March.

Dec 28, 15 9:47 pm  · 

any tips from home owners in lowering their design expectations in their own home?

I've always found time and money to be effective. If I had more time or more money I wouldn't have to lower my expectations.

Dec 29, 15 7:59 pm  · 

Looking through this year's Year in Review posts, one would think that all that happened on Archinect was related to news and features alone. 

What happened to the reviews of years past that touched on almost all areas of Archinect -- job board, competitions, firm profiles, blogs, etc. -- not just the news and features? This one for example (and again, and again, and again). Looks like it was missing in 2014 as well. Any thoughts on bringing this format back?

Dec 30, 15 12:24 pm  · 

the year hasn't ended yet EI.

Dec 30, 15 1:00 pm  · 

^ Fair enough. I jumped the gun. I will calmly sit here with my hands folded patiently throughout the rest of this week and the coming weekend. Based on it not being issued last year, however, I will not be holding my breath.

Dec 30, 15 3:12 pm  · 
vado retro

Well back in the day I used to be someone around here and was asked to do a year end wrap up with two other Archinect legends, Abra and Oana. OMFG it was ten years ago that Archinect Pie was written. Happy New Year, TC.


Archinect Pie , by Vado Retro
(To be sung to the melody of Don McLean's classic tune American Pie)

Along long time ago
If I can still remember how his topics used to make smile
And I knew if I had the time, that I would respond in kind
And maybe I'd be happy...for awhile.

But October made me stressed
When I heard about that awful mess...
Bad news in my inbox
Felt a bit like small pox
I don't remember if I got riled
When I read about his exile
I guess that I still don't understand...
The day John Devlin got banned.

Did you attend that ivy school
All the kids thought you were cool
At least you look that way to me...
And do you believe in all this bull
Or are you just tryin to pull some wool
And can you tell me where I can intern for free.

Well I know that you're in love with him
Cuz I saw that blob you call a gym
You got holes in the soles of your shoes
Kid you're really payin your dues.

I was a lonely little pencil neck
Til I got hooked up with Archinect
But I really felt like a major reject
The day John Devlin got banned.

So bye bye
My Archinect Pie
Looked for John Devlin
But John Devlin was nye
And Abracadabra was drinkin warm beer from a can.
Singin “Did you hear that John Devlin got banned?
Yesterday John Devlin got banned.

Now for ten years we been out of school
And 15 since we were considered cool
But that's not how it used to be
When Rita Novel posted like a champ
In a coat she borrowed from Duchamp
In a voice as sexy as a wheelchair ramp.

And while Evil Platypus was looking around
Mystery Man slipped on out of town
The responses were never posted
All the necters were too toasted.
And while Driftwood read a book on Rem
Rationalist went for the higher hem
But nothing really went as planned
The day John Devlin got banned.
We started singin...

Bye bye
My Archinect Pie
Looked for John Devlin
But John Devlin was nye
And Abracadabra was drinkin warm beer from a can.
Singin “Did you hear that John Devlin got banned?
Yesterday John Devlin got banned.

Helter Skelter, Hell yes, I felt her
At the protest for the homeless shelter,
Right now I'm high but crashin' fast.
With talk of cheap wine and good grass
Oh it was such a blast with
Smokety McSmoke Smoke in the shadows
With a flask.

Now for some the summer was quite fun
With pictures posted by almost everyone
Some boys got quite a rush
From Strawbeary, their archinect crush.
But he's a husband and she's a wife
So, we all just better get a life
Because John Devlin's been banned.
We started singin'

Bye bye
My Archinect Pie
Looked for John Devlin
But John Devlin was nye
And Abracadabra was drinkin warm beer from a can.
Singin “Did you hear that John Devlin got banned?
Yesterday John Devlin got banned.

There we were all in one place
A generation lost in cyberspace
With no time to detail our stairs
So come on, create a topic
Or kill a thread. Disagree with all I've said
Frankly, no one really cares.
And as Norm read Nicomacheans views
His face started to turn a lovely shade of blue
No opinions from the right
Are welcomed at this site.
And as the number of his posts began to rise
Pixelwhore just rubbed his eyes
Heterarchy left off where he began
The day John Devlin got banned.
We started singin...

Bye bye
My Archinect Pie
Looked for John Devlin
But John Devlin was nye
And Abracadabra was drinkin warm beer from a can.
Singin “Did you hear that John Devlin got banned?
Yesterday John Devlin got banned.

I met Liberty Bell and she sang the blues
And I asked her for some happy news
She just smiled and said “Go away”
So I went online to that sacred site
Where I'd seen John Devlin just last night.
But the site said JD cannot play
And the three girls that could make me stay
Oana, Stephanie and WonderK
Well they're just humoring me anyway.
The Day John Devlin got banned.

So bye bye
My Archinect Pie
Looked for John Devlin
But John Devlin was nye
And Abracadabra was drinkin warm beer from a can.
Singin “Did you hear that John Devlin got banned?
Yesterday John Devlin got banned.

Dec 30, 15 3:45 pm  · 

^ I could get behind this format as well. Now I'm hungry for pie.

Dec 30, 15 4:23 pm  · 

just stopping in to say hi and happy new year, thread central. cheers! 

Dec 30, 15 5:49 pm  · 

Nice to see you back in TC, Steven.

2015 had its high points (finally getting licensed, my trip to Seattle and Portland in September), but overall it's been a terrible year for me and it can go choke on a giant bag of dead monkey dicks. Looking forward to better things in 2016.

Dec 30, 15 9:26 pm  · 

Well, a few months ago I gave myself until New Years to make a decision about whether I should move out to the Pacific Northwest or not. Now it's December 31st and the decision is made: I'm moving out there. Just a matter of finding a job and working out the logistics.

Dec 31, 15 1:29 am  · 

Whew, It's been a while since I've set foot in these forums.  A lot has happened since then...  The most exciting being my supervisor left the firm I'm interning at and moved to a higher profile firm in the same city.  When he left, he told me I was doing great work and offered me a foot in the door at the new firm after I graduate.  The guys at work found out about this and all but offered me a job upon graduation!  Makes me very excited to get my degree and start doing cool things in the real world!

Dec 31, 15 1:07 pm  · 
Happy f-in new year TC!
Jan 1, 16 12:10 am  · 

Happy New Year, TC! Looking forward to some major life changes this year.

Jan 1, 16 12:33 pm  · 

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