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Bonused today! - too bad I already spent the money...

Dec 17, 15 1:27 pm  · 

BIM= Body In Motion......ya I can do that!

Dec 17, 15 7:03 pm  · 

I also know how to go with the flow and I grew up in this profession cutting up babies.

Dec 17, 15 7:04 pm  · 

when the best client in the world tells you to drink more MacAllan 18- you do it.......most the party goers had no idea they were within 10 feet of the closest person to God on earth......i drank me Macallan 18 hapilly;)

Dec 17, 15 9:56 pm  · 

Closest person to god on earth. interesting to speculate who that might be....

Drove our child and his friend out to a middle school party at the suburban trampoline park last night. My blood pressure rises and temper shortens whenever I go out there. holy crap it's ugly. Give me twenty Mark Foster Gage colliding eagle skyscrapers over a single BuyBuyBaby-anchored lifestyle center, please!

Dec 18, 15 8:42 am  · 

to make said suburbs more MFG - take stuffed animals, douse in glue, hurl at crapitecture, make sure they stick......i can't tell you Donna!

Dec 18, 15 8:44 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

closest person to God on earth? uh, the pope? 

Dec 18, 15 8:51 am  · 

^ G. W. Bush

Dec 18, 15 9:25 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Trent Reznor?

Dec 18, 15 9:26 am  · 

never heard of any of these men!

Dec 18, 15 9:27 am  · 

probably not the pope.  maybe olaf.  maybe the dali lama.  just as likely the closest person to god is hindu, muslim, jewish, secular, atheist, shinto, etc.

Dec 18, 15 9:28 am  · 

If you take it metaphorically instead of literally we are each god of our own existence. But if you prefer the other point of view send all your money to me.

Dec 18, 15 9:57 am  · 

el chapo?

Dec 18, 15 10:02 am  · 

Years ago I briefly worked at a terrible corporate firm in Chicago that's no longer in business, and the design partner was a raging alcoholic with a personality that could best be described as a bull in a china shop even when he was sober. He's been posting Balkins-style angry rants on Blair Kamin's Facebook page bragging about how he was friends with Mies and C.F. Murphy back in the day, demanding that his more recent work get reviewed (it's all terrible), and accusing Kamin of being a communist. It's simultaneously sad and hilarious to watch.

Edited to add: He just posted a rather contrite apology, so I'll at least give him points for that.

Dec 18, 15 10:47 am  · 

got to love the ragers

Dec 18, 15 11:05 am  · 

Olaf with that stuffed animal idea you are indeed approaching godlike stature.

<...runs off to make FB friends with Blair Kamin....>

Dec 18, 15 11:14 am  · 

i read some of that MC guy's facebook rantings on his own page.  if his thoughts were that clumsy and disjointed in regular dialogue, it must have been very hard to work with him.  not that i agree or disagree with what he's saying.  it just isn't presented well.

for someone who uses 'communist' as a derogatory term, he sure does like putin.

Dec 18, 15 11:17 am  · 

so Donna is he your FB back any findings ;)

Dec 18, 15 12:51 pm  · 

True story: A decent percentage of the books in my library are from Blair Kamin's desk. Back in the late 90s I was a student intern at Perkins+Will in Chicago, which was located a couple blocks from the Tribune Tower. One of my closest friends was a music critic at the Trib, and sat a couple desks away from Blair. Every so often my friend would take me up to his floor, and we'd stop by Blair's desk to say hi.

As the architecture critic for a big-city newspaper, Blair gets sent a copy of just about every architecture-related book that ever gets published, in the hopes that the book will get some favorable coverage. His entire desk is pretty much covered in books stacked up to eye level, and he'd only have time to even look at a fraction of them. So whenever my friend and I would stop by, he'd practically beg me to take as many books as I could carry. I'd always joke that I was going to start renting a U-Haul truck once a month load up with all his surplus books.

Pro tip for aspiring architects: make friends with an architecture critic and offer to take any extra books they have laying around.

Dec 18, 15 3:04 pm  · 

Is everyone moving to Seattle? If I didn't know better, I'd think all the "Help me, please review my portfolio" or "Help me, which school should I attend" threads got replaced with "Help me, I'm moving to Seattle" threads.

David, you started a trend.

Dec 18, 15 3:14 pm  · 

I noticed that too... First time I've ever been accused of being ahead of the curve. I just hope I get there before all the good jobs and apartments are taken.

Dec 18, 15 3:23 pm  · 

Heh.  Well for me it wasn't so much a plan to move to Seattle specifically. It's time for a change, and In the past year I've also interviewed in Boston, Atlanta, and Salt Lake City.  It happens that a Seattle firm seems like the best fit right now.

Dec 18, 15 3:42 pm  · 

Is anyone getting any work done today? I'm not. That LMN holiday video is very cute!

Dec 18, 15 3:51 pm  · 

Just issued a 100% CD set this afternoon for a project I've been working on since July. Our office white elephant gift exchange starts in an hour and I'll probably be on a new project on Monday, so right now I'm sort of in limbo.

Registration update: NY apparently sent my ARE scores to Ohio two days ago, so hopefully that's the last time I have to make any phone calls to Albany for a while. Now just waiting for NCARB to send my IDP record, which should happen any day.

Dec 18, 15 4:10 pm  · 

Two DD deliverables and a SD package out the door this week. Last few days have been full speed ahead. Next week another DD deliverable is scheduled, but I think it might have been postponed without anyone telling me ... this afternoon has been too quiet.

Dec 18, 15 5:42 pm  · 

A DD set went out on Wednesday, a construction set on a very large project went out yesterday, and now no major deadlines until mid-January, so no, not getting anything done today.  Probably not much next week either.

Dec 18, 15 7:04 pm  · 

so... are ARP-1 and knoa the same person? looking through their comment history they both started out complaining about the hours and pay at BIG before going troll. I think many of us have been misreading their flat irony.

I love architect gossip. Time to do some googling, though I have a hunch...

Dec 18, 15 7:07 pm  · 

Meanwhile in Bolivia...

The work of Freddy Mamani Silvestre

Dec 19, 15 12:24 pm  · 

wild stuff situationist....and midlander I was wondering same thing, maybe they mad -

Dec 19, 15 2:56 pm  · 

That building typology in El Alto is really interesting - there's retail on the ground floor - there's some kind of "hall" and a few apartments in the middle, then there's the owner penthouse at top.  I'm trying to think of places in the states where zoning would allow such a thing (stupid parking requirements kill everything).  Seems like a smart thing to do if you've made a bit of money - instead of wrapping it up in a shoddily-built mcmansion in some boring geriatric exurb, get a small lot in an up-and-coming urban neighborhood, build one of these things, and use rental income to pay off your mortgage.

Dec 19, 15 4:24 pm  · 

Had a long talk with a building inspector Friday, basically I was thinking about doing my basement w/o a permit because the fee was so high (0.70 per sq ft) found out that basements are a flat rate and had some good advice regarding fire alarms, all in all a pretty nice conversation. I hear a lot of negativity about inspectors/planning so thought I'd share...

Dec 19, 15 9:21 pm  · 

Thanks to Olaf for taking a shortcut to prove Godwin's Law. 

And to quondrum for regurgitating yet another years-old self-posted thread that nobody cared about then, either.

Does digital architecture disappear when the power goes out?

Dec 20, 15 11:11 pm  · 


Dec 20, 15 11:30 pm  · 

what is BALLkins law?

Dec 21, 15 8:04 am  · 

That's great, shuellmi, that you were able to find one of the good guys in the building process. They DO exist! We have a guy in the streets department locally who is wonderful, knowledgeable, helpful, logical...all those things you don't think of government employees being.

I enjoy the holiday weeks at work. Usually nice and quiet so I can get work done. Also, I spent half an hour last night Google Streetview touring the streets of La Paz, where Silvestre works. Saw at least one of his buildings, possibly two.

Dec 21, 15 8:25 am  · 

Miles and Beta, i'm wondering, based on my current reading of Feuerbach's famous txt - "essence of christianity", would it be fair to say that conspiracy types and truthers find humanity's essence evil? 

the expirement with Beta and Davvid in good humor might point to this...

Dec 21, 15 8:50 am  · 

davvid's kitten posts on that Hitler thread are excellent.

Dec 21, 15 9:02 am  · 

I'm very emotionally worked up about the possibility of DSR doing the Obama library. It  makes me sick to my stomach. This is why I'm a terrible critic: I can't separate the work from the person. In my mind all of DSR's work sucks henceforth, it's all tainted.

Dec 21, 15 10:21 am  · 

davvid should do architectural critiques with cats (they aresecret agents of the illuminati, ask a schizo)

Dec 21, 15 11:34 am  · 

I'm pretty worked up about who might build the library, as much as or more than the Architect.

Dec 21, 15 12:05 pm  · 

archanonymous do you work at a construction firm? is that why you're worked up about it?

Dec 21, 15 12:57 pm  · 

davvid's kitten posts on that Hitler thread are excellent.

Agreed, and I think the first time I've agree with him.

I can't separate the work from the person.

You are what you do.

Dec 21, 15 1:16 pm  · 

Donna, No I work for an architecture firm. 


The scuttlebutt around town is that the firm who has been/ will be awarded the AOR and construction contract is helmed by someone who is on the selection committee and is personal friends with Obama... including being a campaign donor.  

I hope this turns out to be ill-informed gossip, but with how Chicago and national politics go, I wouldn't be surprised.

Dec 21, 15 2:03 pm  · 

Oh, I'm absolutely certain that's the truth, archanonymous. That's always how these things go! As Ike Reilly said, it's called The Windy City due to all the bullshit of politicians, who were exactly as corrupt in the 20s as they are today.

Dec 21, 15 2:11 pm  · 

hypothetically, if someone was to offer a candidate who was already employed a job, would they contact the current employer first?

Dec 22, 15 9:35 am  · 

For what, a reference? I'd say no unless the candidate has explicitly given you their permission to do so. Otherwise you run the risk of poisoning the relationship between the candidate and their current employer.

Dec 22, 15 9:39 am  · 

Wow this thread keeps going on and on. Happy holiday everyone :)

Dec 22, 15 9:39 am  · 

curtkram something about that scenario makes me think of men asking a woman's dad for permission to marry her. A bit icky.

Employees aren't property.

Dec 22, 15 10:08 am  · 

but they're often treated like property, aren't they?  or at least with some employers, there is that belief.  i'm just curious if it happens.  i assume if it does, there's a pretty good chance i wouldn't know about it.

Dec 22, 15 10:31 am  · 

I guess there are levels of professional courtesy, of course. Architecture is a small community within small communities; if I were specifically poaching a really great employee from someone it would be courteous to call their current employer - if s/he is someone I know professionally - to tell them I hope there's no hard feelings or something.

Dec 22, 15 10:38 am  · 

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