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toaster: "re: another thread: I was very specific in who I called out for a reason."

But but but the other person started it!

His comment was like Germany to my Pearl Harbor, so I had to bomb Egypt in retaliation.

As a side note, I would love to teach world history at the same school Sarah is teaching maths :)

Oct 20, 10 3:23 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Yes, but I'm also mature enough to realize that maturity is not only reciprocal in nature... it is also completely unnecessary in some aspects specifically in instances where there's a certain informality present.

This is not a 'proper' venue-- we do not format our posts, we do not use any sort of significant peer-review-like process and we certainly don't adhere to any news or writing style.

As with any collective of individuals, there's a variety of self-organizing dynamic present. Familiarity, associated peers and individualistic personalities are all waging war on each other consistently although subconsciously-- it may not be obvious in its entirety but each individual faction does compete amongst each other to assert dominance and worthiness.

I think the worst social injustice in mass communication situations is ignorance. Not necessarily the ignorance we tend to apply to concepts like racism or xenophobia but the actual action of ignorance [ignoring others].

A lack of recognition, in my perspective, does not contribute to either negative or positive reinforcement-- no one gains or losses anything. Without gain, there's no progression. Without loss, there's no grief or opportunity to learn from mistakes.

Oct 20, 10 3:52 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

The portfolio I posted was an example of just that behavior.

With the exception of Cherith (who I tend to think of being a competent graphic designer based on observation -- though never actually seeing any of CC's work), the majority of people who responded to that thread are people who do not actively participate nor have they ever really shown of their own previous work.

I realized by making my enormous personality seem vulnerable by expressing what was believed to be my own personal work. However, if I didn't want to necessarily get sympathy by claiming that this work was the result of my entire life-- people who are really bad at just plain everything should probably not be assaulted on the limited value of their life.

So, I made the claim that this work was disposable rather than indispensable to make it easier to criticize without necessarily evoking deep sympathy.

With that in mind, I took a handful of 1950s-1960s era modernist furniture that was generally well-received, put a few tweaks on it and updated the color to a more contemporary but not necessarily harmonious palette.

And I proposed all of this furniture would be put in a nearly-perfect cubic 400 sqft pool house also done in a high-modern style. I detailed it out enough to be buildable, accessible and to show a decent amount of architectural knowledge. The reason for the blandness was to show technical proficiency and realism in design.

And the reason for the layout, with both lack of text and overall sterility, was that primarily that was the most concise way to express information without confounding it. I took the principles of portfolio building from a handful of schools and synthesized that a portfolio should ultimately show process and finished product.

All in all, the experiment worked out perfectly and despite the limited number of replies, the reaction was in line with what I was hoping to achieve.

Steelstuds and Cherith were the only two to obviously notice that.

Oct 20, 10 4:01 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Hey! I'm not teaching math, I'm substituting for the teacher ;~) Actually, I'm doing math again tomorrow. Ninth grade. I think I can handle that.

Oh, and my day got so much better! I got to help out in the architectural class. I talked to the teacher whose job I hope to take. He's going to put me on his sub list, and let me in that a salesperson convinced the principal that GIS is where it's at. It will be up to me to find a way to get him to tell me we don't want to get into that. Help?!

But it was soo much fun teaching design. God I want that job. Really really want it.

Oct 20, 10 6:55 pm  · 

Hi all, I gt back from my run and went out and had a couple of micro brews to celebrate my as of today raise.


Oct 20, 10 8:38 pm  · 

i can't resist being the one to knock us off 40k!


Oct 20, 10 9:15 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

You should have posted 14 times and then knocked the thread into 40,000!

You'd be 10,000 at 40,000.

Oct 20, 10 9:18 pm  · 

Yay to 40K! When's the book coming out? I need some new insomnia/toilet* reading material.

*two are not mutually exclusive

50K here we come!

Oct 20, 10 9:26 pm  · 

Congrats on the raise nam! Knock 'em dead SH! I know you'll do great. I had an awesome yoga class tonight. And on that note I'm out.

Oct 20, 10 10:03 pm  · 

thats really great nam!

i hope you get the chance to teach the class you want sarah. i can't imagine there are many people qualified to teach it anyway...are there?

Oct 20, 10 11:46 pm  · 

Steven: right place, right time, right action.

Congrats nam!

Oct 21, 10 12:30 am  · 

hey I got a raise too... granted with my fuel deficient currency it equates to nothing. Also I'm officially 7 hours past due with my paper.... I am so ashamed/stressed/bothered/burned out!

And I can't find my camera... I'll have to resist the urge to buy a fancy new one when I'm in PR.

I had to resist posting about 401k

Oct 21, 10 1:44 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, you're kinda right. From what the current teacher was telling me, most people who go into trade education come from a long background in the trade industry, and with that, a desire/need for greater salary. Lucky for me, I still think Intern Architect salary is sufficient.

I will need to update my acad skills. The school is currently using acad architect 2011. Sheesh! I never got past 2008.

SO today is freshman level math, and tomorrow is social studies! It's also peprally/80s rocker day.

Oct 21, 10 8:42 am  · 
Dapper Napper

Anyone here living in Kansas City? I'm mulling over an option to relocate within my firm.

Oct 21, 10 5:55 pm  · 

so finally submitted my research paper that I'm presenting next week and damn am I tired. I almost lost it there - luckily the missus and my students were able to whip me back into form. Now to prepare the visuals and I still can't find my camera (pout)

Oct 21, 10 5:57 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

And Hi, TC! Sorry for the abrupt post. I've been here reading just not commenting.

Oct 21, 10 6:05 pm  · 

Donna, how's about dem chickens

Oct 21, 10 6:10 pm  · 

Hi TC!

My new course for spring - LA 1001 Sustainability by Design - was approved earlier today! I'll be posting more details on my blog in the next few days. Any suggestions for good films about design, sustainability, or adapting cities to climate change? I'm not sure if I dare show Powaqqatsi or it's ilk...

techno, good luck finishing.

Oct 21, 10 8:27 pm  · 

Check out 'Carbon Nation', Barry. The director, Peter Byck (Louisvillian), is glad to arrange screenings, especially in an educational context.

Oct 21, 10 8:35 pm  · 

i have been showing the e2 series, barry. then following up with alternatives and oppositions. i am trying to get students to think for themselves and to develop their own view so finding balanced discussions is not easy (ie, density is always seen as the goal but then the videos are almost always about suburbia when most of my students are japanese or from pakistan or singapore or thailand and china and any discussion is just stupid - they know the downside of density first hand and just laugh at new urbanism and the compact city theory)

actually that is a a bit of an issue. teaching sustainable urbanism for the people who are actually living in the places where urbanism is on the rise is really important, but most of the literature is for mature or declining places like USA or Europe.

such irony. we are facing two kinds of problems; one for growing cities and one for shrinking (USA popn is growing but nowhere in usa is like china or africa or india so i count the country in the shrinking category). but the lit treats the problem like there is only one thing going on, and the base state is north america. feel kind of stupid talking about north America at all sometimes...

Oct 21, 10 8:44 pm  · 

very good points jump... that's one reason why i tend to find it strange that so many studios at the top US schools are focusing on china/india/wherever when the problems in those places are so different from the problems we have in the states... i tend to prefer dealing with local issues and trying to develop solutions for our own f'ed up cities before we try to save the rest of the world...

Oct 21, 10 10:37 pm  · 

Interestingly Barry, and it may have application, but the stance i'm presenting for the lecture is using existing estate housing as a vehicle for ecological repair and healing through solar energy generation, water recycling, oxygen production and other passive means.

Oct 21, 10 11:54 pm  · 

sounds cool archi!

i am not as worried about it from that perspective, philip, though i do kind of agree with you. it is very true that we need more local answers and also need to step beyond the orthodoxy. perhaps that is something the students can learn by stepping out of their comfort zone for awhile and checking out china and india, etc.

one of my students spoke of working for an NGO connected to aga khan in Pakistan (his own country) and he seemed to be saying the western advisors were selling snake oil of some sort when it came to sustainability (because it was obviously not connecting to the culture it was supposed to serve). he signed up for my class in order to learn something useful that he could apply from his own cultural background.

it really got me thinking about what is out there. japan is totally buying the western view of things too, even though it is not appropriate in my opinion....all the books (in japanese and in english) more or less just parrot the western party line whether it makes sense or not...

Oct 22, 10 8:30 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Maybe we should simply preach regionalism, and give up on the one-world, one-answer stuff. Interestingly enough, I'm off to teach U.S. History!

Oct 22, 10 8:55 am  · 

Hi Dapper! Some of the consultants working with with myteam at work are from KC, and they seem to like it.. Especially if you like bbq. From what they say it all depends on the side MO, or KA?

Also, something i came across awhile ago that seems pretty cool is the 10,000 Rain Gardens program that is a regional, more here

I am working from home today cause i need silence so that i can record my voiceover narrations for all the eLearnings I have been developing of late.

Barry i was going to say e2 as well. And phillip the whole reional/local thing has really been a strong feeling of mine of late as well. It is almost a just jump in and get your hands dirty. There are so many issues/problems just start and get involved. It is why i have been getting involved with local advosry boards in the last 1-2 years and why i am volunteering for a urban farm some friends who has a rural CSA farm are trying to start in my neighborhood.

Oct 22, 10 9:42 am  · 

also here is a song to get your blood pumping link

Oct 22, 10 9:44 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, turns out it's world history, and more specifically Rome. They cover the Punic wars through the pax romana in 6 pages! Terrible. No wonder our kids are so dumb.

Oct 22, 10 10:14 am  · 

Thanks for the suggestion Jump and Steven. I'll be focusing on refining the course format next week, got too many short term deadlines that need dealing with first.

techno - there are solutions that include the status quo, so keep up the good work!

nam, that was very timely - just was chatting with a student about his paper. he'll be looking at deploying active versus passive stormwater strategies.

Oct 22, 10 4:02 pm  · 

sarah, what DO you do when the school you are subbing at is not living up to the standards you think it should? are you allowed to expect more?

i would be more scared by a school teaching creation science myself, since its systemic and intended to be a world view. a machine for making smart people into proper dummies, really.

Oct 22, 10 8:15 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, I can't really do much. I looked up some information online about what kind of "violent end" Tiberius and Gaius Ghrakkus met, and found that Tiberius was beaten to death with chairs in the senate house at the hand of the senators. Why didn't they mention that?! HS kids would love that; it's sensational!

No, had I been doing more lecturing from notes, I would've put in more fun facts, but since it was "read and worksheet" I couldn't do much. Half the classes weren't listening to me anyway.

Oct 22, 10 8:39 pm  · 

hmmm Sarah that is interesting - especially spatially as I had to stop and think if the Roman senates actually had chairs and what kind. I would be curious to find out. But what a great way to segway. Maybe you could let them watch those many period films Spartacus.

Nam... loved the musical link.

Oct 22, 10 9:34 pm  · 

sounds like a real job sarah. how do you keep motivated if no one is listening and the curriculum is based on "high school for dummies?"

good point archi !

my kids are watching episodes of the smurfs today. they sure love it, even though its what, 30 some years old?

Oct 23, 10 3:52 am  · 
Distant Unicorn

So awesome if you like folk music.

Oct 23, 10 6:25 am  · 

Archi, i think Roman senate was set up more like auditorium... With built in chairs/benches. maybe of marble or some other stone.

Sarah, sensationalism is sometime a great teaching tool. At least for initial interest.

And barry re: that program i found out about it via [url=Ecology as Infrastructure
this]]this[/url][/url] conference proceedings video stream. It was part of the The Zofnass Program on Design, Infrastructure Sustainability & Social Responsibility conference held at GSD, and featured Charles Waldheim moderated panel discussing Ecology as Infrastructure. It seemed from the talk that Kansas City was taking trying a very metro/region/ multi-scaled approach. Including citizen level and agency level integration...

Just got back from a CRA new park opening. Part of a series of new improvements planned for the recently coined Power District

Oct 23, 10 2:20 pm  · 

the other day i had the privilege of seeing the new archinect home page very near completion on paul's i-phone. as expected, it is great looking and user friendly interface with beautiful things in it! that is all i can say, but i assume we all know/expect that much from the talents behind all this...

Oct 24, 10 4:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Orhan! You're such a tease!

Oct 24, 10 5:15 pm  · 

I want, I want, I want.

Do we know when the release for the new website is out?

Oct 24, 10 9:08 pm  · 

Orhan is a snake oil salesman, tempting us with his wares...and I eager and willing. Good day sir!

My presentation is moving slowly... very slowly. But I fly to PR on Wednesday morning nonetheless... the presentation is on Thursday @3pm if anyone is interested. Come on you know you want to - it's just a domestic flight away

Oct 24, 10 11:44 pm  · 

morning all,

My cube mate is now here.

We shall see how that goes....

Oct 25, 10 9:18 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Does he at least smell nice? Nothing is worse than a stinky cube mate.

Oct 25, 10 10:02 am  · 

sarah...maybe he is an "old spice" guy~

Oct 25, 10 10:35 am  · 
Dapper Napper

Sarah, the "Sensationlist teachers" are the ones I remember the most from high school. Engaging all the senses is just as important after primary school.

Nam, thanks for the KC info.

Oct 25, 10 11:16 am  · 

dapper hope it helps....

he is actually a she.

Oct 25, 10 11:27 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, does SHE smell nice?

Oct 25, 10 12:15 pm  · 

doesn't smell bad!

Oct 25, 10 12:33 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Guess what Guess what guess what!!!!

I got my Tech Ed test scores back. Finally. And out of 70 questions, I only missed 8! I KNEW I aced that thing. I'm like a genius or something.

And I got all the questions over construction correct. I'm just not so good at manufacturing - I missed 3 out of 12.

Oh, that feels good.

Oct 25, 10 12:59 pm  · 
Ms Beary

My high school closed the shop when the teacher retired last year. He used to teach CAD and industrial arts. So do you get to be a shop teacher, Sarah? Awesome.

Oct 25, 10 1:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I could be, but wouldn't want to. The position I'm trying for is an actual architecture class, but with heavy ACAD use. They really want the students to be able sit, and pass, the ACAD certification test - not that any student would spend the money.

I'm not that proficient in acad2011, but I'm working on it.

Oct 25, 10 1:29 pm  · 


" The Big Guy" I have grown to Love over the past nine years

Oct 25, 10 5:05 pm  · 

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