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dubK, that's what i figure, i don't have the time or inclination anymore to be anything but honest and myself. i like what i like. i am happy with who i am and i am not apologizing anymore.

Oct 11, 10 6:27 am  · 

beta... maybe you should buy yourself a really nice pen... i have my eyes set on a midnight black montblanc starwalker...

Oct 11, 10 7:49 am  · 

Who beta i like phillips idea.

Whatever you do have a good one. Hope everyone has a merry Monday!

Starting tomorrow there will be a temp worker sitting less than 2 ft from me sharing squatting in my cube.

Ahh the life of a cubicle monkey

Oct 11, 10 8:29 am  · 

beta that should have read whoah

Oct 11, 10 8:30 am  · 

phillip, that is a nice instrument.

i forgot one of the ironies of ironies; our anniversary is shared with bill and hillary clinton. in fact we invited them to our wedding, and actually got a reply back from the white house.

if you told me, 12 years ago, that the clinton's marriage would outlast mine, i'd still be laughing.

Oct 11, 10 8:30 am  · 

I love Philip's idea too - my 25 year old Caran D'ache lead holder makes me so happy.

Though I'm guessing, Philip, that the name "Starwalker" resonates a little Star Wars-ish for us all, which makes the pen even that much cooler - are you a Star Wars geek? ;-)

DubK think break-up via text message has become more common lately - it's really a pussy way out, if I can be blunt.

Good morning everyone! Measuring a new whole house remodel project today - gonna be a long day.

Oct 11, 10 8:37 am  · 

it is a pussy way out...

Oct 11, 10 9:22 am  · 

In lieu of an image, here is a design firm called:


Oct 11, 10 9:35 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Beta, you're sounding bitter, which makes me think you do care. That being said, I think you should do something that will forever re-associate the day for you. Go bungee jumping, or sky-diving. I don't know, you get the idea.

Since I'm working more now, I have to get new clothes. I'm thinking "Today-Show Styling" Something that says fashionable, young, but commands respect. Gotta keep those kiddies in line.

Oct 11, 10 10:35 am  · 
Ms Beary

I have found that teacher wardrobes are way different than architect wardrobes. I have lots of designer dresses that are way too flashy and sexy for kids. Teachers need basic clothing to get respect... but you can do fun accessories. I have found the kids pay more attention to me when I have cool earrings on.

Oct 11, 10 10:53 am  · 

eh. i have my good days and bad days. i care in as much as i think - like texting a break-up - ending a marriage when the vows are for better and for worse are rendered meaningless. now, having said that, i want to be married again, i want a family, and i want to be happy. so, i am not bitter about marriage, just hypocrites.

Oct 11, 10 10:54 am  · 

I could not ever imagine breaking up with someone via text. It's amazing to me how little sensitivity people can show.

You're better off without him.

Oct 11, 10 11:30 am  · 


Oct 11, 10 11:32 am  · 

are kids these days so uncreative that they need help in learning how to pretend to do work?

breaking via text? total wuss.

Oct 11, 10 12:31 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, Toast, you have no idea. I couldnt even get students to colour, cut and paste on Friday. Sheesh!

Oct 11, 10 12:38 pm  · 

RIP my school blog until further notice. Won't disclose any details beyond be careful what you post about students and even more careful when other folks start making snarky comments about said students...

Beta, make sure you include 'owning a fountain pen' in your match profile.

Oct 11, 10 1:20 pm  · 

I was reading an interesting article on marieclaire about this anti-rape condom (with teeth) that has been developed for 40 years by Sonnet Ehlers. "In South Africa, one out of every two women will be raped during her lifetime" Link

Oct 11, 10 1:46 pm  · 

b3ta if you don't already have one - go get yourself a tattoo that says 13. And be sure to put it somewhere you can't see all the time like the back or tricep. The way I see it the tattoo both reminds you of your marriage, but it's not somewhere you'll always see it, plus the few minutes of pain as the ink is inscribed into your skin will be the small pain when you knew that the relationship wouldn't last forever - plus it gives you a story beyond "nice tattoo." That's far more edgy that I usually am but thought I would say it anyway.

DJ *hearts - I love your strength and your resolve.

And now for the other side and I'm probably a total douche for bringing this topic up moments after my previous statements of this conversation but to be totally honest with tc, as I've always tried to be. I have some good news. The missus and I have been struggling with our wedding planner and venue for the last couple of months, especially since both are who/what we wanted as we felt the vision of our wedding could be best satisfied by them. Well with much resistance we went to look at a new location, and were blown away both by the beauty of the venue and their professionalism. I cannot begin to describe the allure but we decided to switch locations and drop our wedding planner for this beach side wonderlust.

Oct 11, 10 5:17 pm  · 

tk that's sad news I know I found your blog to be informative, but I will now be on my best behaviour too.

Purpurina that is a most disturbing link, but it's appropriateness in countries where suck travesties exist so openly is honourable. And I guess far more humane that going around with a hack saw or blunt knife chopping weeners off. As you can tell I have strong feelings towards sexual abuse of any kind.

Oct 11, 10 5:29 pm  · 


Glad to see your settling in to Cin-City! Wishing the Best for you on this adventure.

Oct 11, 10 6:09 pm  · 

tk, sorry about the blog, it was probably something i said. poor little kiddies and their anonymous whining...

Oct 11, 10 6:51 pm  · 
vado retro
Oct 11, 10 7:22 pm  · 

oh, i forgot to say that it's good to hear everything is going well gin. Nice to see you around here though!

Toast that discussion is so funny.

Oct 11, 10 7:27 pm  · 

but it does cover a serious issue which is how to cover the difference between showing initiative and stepping up and not reminding a boss that they should let you go for lack of work..

Oct 11, 10 7:28 pm  · 

I think the Rape-Axe (which I've seen on other blogs) is an excellent idea in theory but really wonder if it works in practice. It seems dangerous to me - that it could go haywire and hurt the woman, AND there is the very real danger that an angry man in agony because his penis is being hurt would flat-out kill the woman in rage either before or after getting the thing stuck on him.

Not that any woman is "lucky" to "only" be raped not killed - that's not AT ALL what I'm implying.

Oct 11, 10 8:24 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I can't get that rape condom idea out of my head either. What about spreading infectious disease (aids)? You might have luck on your side if the unthinkable "trespassing" occurs and you may be spared, but now with a barbed condom, not only is there a very angry man in pain on top of you, there is blood dripping all over you.

Oct 11, 10 11:22 pm  · 

i KNOWWWWWW you are all DYING to know how i spent my 13th anniversary, let me sum it up in photo form for you all:

= $22 a shot

= $14 cigar

= $8 desert sampler

= $3 velvet hammer

= spending time with this guy, <priceless>

Oct 12, 10 1:35 am  · 

...oh, i forgot; $20 tip at the Irish bar - The Local

Oct 12, 10 1:37 am  · 

interesting link - Desig To Fight Obesity

Oct 12, 10 2:10 am  · 


that's been on my counter from netflix for weeks. maybe once i'm less busy i'll finally be able to see it...

Oct 12, 10 3:09 am  · 

b3ta those photos are making me sing, "why can't we be friends" That just described my perfect man-date (sans the dessert) anytime you need to recreate that let me know, I'll even supply libations and cub...uhmm cigars ;-)

Oct 12, 10 8:28 am  · 
Ms Beary

Wanna hear something funny? Well you know since my architecture career took a dive, my husband and I have been running our own little special education business, and since fall is the slow season, we asked our teachers to create an info board showing who we are and what we do to put in our lobby and use to talk to parents with. We gave some guidelines and a budget, but apparently we should have said NO CRAYONS and NO BUBBLE LETTERS. LOL!

Oct 12, 10 4:10 pm  · 


I was thinking the same, but on the site faq, they say that there are no bleeding, at least in excess, and it is designed to never turn inside out.
She is receiving requests as well from U.S. female soldiers.

Oct 12, 10 4:54 pm  · 

The desert looks good b3, I am having a sweet tooth since yesterday, and no sweets around.... and nice pic of you...I don't think you are going to have any trouble in finding new dates.

Oct 12, 10 5:00 pm  · 

i bought a new car. (well, ok, used.) it's pretty.

Oct 12, 10 10:36 pm  · 

What?! Steven you can't just drop that info and not explain further!!!

Oct 12, 10 11:02 pm  · 

With regards to the text-messaging Douche-boy, my Coworker's Roommate and he did some networking at my birthday party (before he came out as a douche), as he is shopping for a new job. Today, Douche-boy called the Roommate, and Roommate said he did have a job open... but had the good sense to check with my Coworker first. Coworker also happens to be like a brother to me, and we decided that Douche-boy is probably not mature enough for said position. Coworker said he would pass that on to his Roommate.

Moral of the story: you should really treat people properly in a small town such as this. Also, Karma is a bitch.

Oct 12, 10 11:40 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Uh-huh, yes, indeed.

Oct 13, 10 12:01 am  · 

Karma is a bitch. I've been dating someone for a few months, things were going well. Then they cheated on me with my good friend while I was in Japan. Super, super, super shitty situation.

Karma strikes! They were doored while biking, broke the frame of their $2200 bike, in a cast for leg nerve damage, then had their car stolen AND totaled two days later.

The karma gods exist. Careful, friends. Treat people well.

Oct 13, 10 12:30 am  · 

n_ there's a teensy weensy part of me that loves stories like that.

Oct 13, 10 12:35 am  · 

I made a conscious decision, when I was a teenager, to always treat people as kindly and patiently as possible... you just never know when you are going to meet someone who could be having the worst day of their lives, and maybe your kindness will help them through it. Even when I encounter someone with whom I disagree or outright can't stand, I try to treat them with respect and move on.

That said, I gave this guy nothing but my best... he made his decision, and he's the one who has to look himself in the mirror everyday. I guess we all have to learn somehow.

n_, that is a truly shitty situation. But I totally agree, the karma gods do exist, and the Universe will balance it all out in the end. I hope you are doing OK... I'm sending positive thoughts.

I'm sending good energy to you too, beta... I'm glad to see that you made the most of your anniversary!

Oct 13, 10 12:46 am  · 

Sending you good vibes as well on your thirteenth beta.

congrats on finding the wedding location... on a beach no doubt. Does this mean I can come barefoot?

Oooh... SW please post a photo of the new car soon.

LOL Straw

TK sorry to hear about the blog thing. That really does suck,

SH - I think cool accessories should be the way to go.


Dub and n_ karma is a bitch isn't it. Though I often times fall short, I try to treat people with respect... now if only I had your patience dub I would be a much better person.

Sorry if I missed anyone... it's been a verrrry long day. Nite all

Oct 13, 10 2:10 am  · 

hi melt, dubbers and n_

One way or the other you will get yours. I think that is the lesson of those two Karma stories. Glad to see so many people stopping in and saying hi.

Steven, yeah what kind of car?

As for me. I am luckily still alone in my cube as there has been a delay in the temp starting. downside is more work....

Morning all

Oct 13, 10 8:45 am  · 

thanks for the good vibes everyone. hey melty, how was SoCal?

Oct 13, 10 11:47 am  · 

Why are tuesdays when my blog gets the most visitors?

in my prep for tonight's omnibus lecture about water, found some satellite imagery of the [url=]kolontar toxic sludge spill[url] worth sharing...

Oct 13, 10 5:28 pm  · 


in my prep for tonight's omnibus lecture about water, found some satellite imagery of the kolontar toxic sludge spill worth sharing...

Oct 13, 10 5:51 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I think Steven isn't sharing because he traded in his prius for a hummer.

I ended up getting two dresses, two skirts, three pants, two jackets, a belt, two pairs of shoes (boots and booties), two sweaters, and three or four tops. Just incase anyone was biting their nails in suspense.

I'm exhausted. I'm staying with my dad this week, and spending my days cleaning out my MILs sheds. Mostly it's been tractor parts and Christmas stuff, but I did find husbands baby book. He was a 9lb12oz-er, and his favorite foods were chocolate and sprite.

Hang in the melt, nam, N, and Mkem.

Oct 13, 10 7:14 pm  · 

did anyone catch last nights Colbert?
Where he did the review of the released renders for the new Park51 community center. He actually seemed to have the archi-speak down, "tesselations, shading and mimicry". But then he found Bin Laden's face in the facade in it?

It's a hoot.
Next dinner and then off to see some friends who have started making a name. Very cool shamanic, dance music. Been picked up by one of the dudes from Aninmal Collective's label.

Its a wed night but they live in in the NE now so.... TTFF

Oct 13, 10 8:09 pm  · 

Goodness, Sarah , you went on a shopping spree!

nam, I LOVED that bit on Colbert last night!

Oct 13, 10 8:29 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah, I did. I felt a bit bad, but I did get it all at an outlet mall. I even found a blazer at Charlotte ruse for 20 bucks that fit just as well as the 180$ one at Brooks brothers. Sure, it's cotton, and jersey knit lined, but it fits and hangs like it should, and that's really all that matters. Plus, I won't need to get it dry cleaned.

Oct 13, 10 9:01 pm  · 

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