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Ahhh crap. I meant Federalist Papers.

Oct 6, 10 5:50 pm  · 

steven - one last note - I have a friend who teaches at Crow Island Elementary, and gave me an extensive insider's tour - that building is amazing!!! Designed 100% for kids without ever looking kid-ish, if that makes sense. It is so thoughtfully and elegantly designed it is astounding. I can't even tell you the number of great design ideas all packed into a dense little space. Fantastic.

Oct 6, 10 10:15 pm  · 

ah, weird... my comment was here, posted, and then it disappeared... here's what you should have seen before that last comment:

I love the Federalist Papers too, tuna; one of the most fascinating things I have ever read. But I suppose I am a sort of hobby political theorist or somesuch. If you like things like that I have some other books I could recommend to you...

steven, I've had the occasion to do some designing for children a few times in the last few years, although none of the projects made it into construction unfortunately. But I've really enjoyed the design side of it - got way more into it than I ever thought I would, and in the end the projects have ended up reshaping my general aesthetic and inclinations in architecture. Thinking about designing for kids led me to think about all kinds of larger questions about how we interact with the architectural elements around us - which really impacted my thinking in a new way. I wonder what kinds of things you're thinking about?

on a side note: has anyone here ever done a concrete planter, or exterior concrete steps? It sounds so simplistic but I'm struggling with the detailing and have to get it done ASAP. Oddly enough these are not things I've ever detailed before.

Oct 6, 10 10:24 pm  · 

Yo TC.

"architecture is a great thing to be able to do but a horrible way of having to make a living"

Ha! Thats one way to look at it. And Donna - 'Though I imagine "Architecture Sucks" is just shorthand for the same sentiment' - Thats great. I never thought of it that way, but I think I get the sentiment you're talking about.

Anyone know why ARE test results take so long to get, if the tests are indeed all graded via computer? I'm hoping there is a really good reason. This is me being a bit annoyed finding out that after all the BS I've gone through to document IDP after a certain period of eligibility and waiting to be 100% to be done (not only hours but paperwork), I've found that not only can you now start taking the AREs as soon as you finish school regardless of IDP completion, you are now elibible for IDP as soon as you're enrolled in an architecture program. I'm guessing they'll probably make the results show on the same day after I finish all my tests?

OA - In a way, I guess the issue is not necessarily the fact that some people assume one's religion based on perceived characteristics, but that the religion itself has such negative portrayals and perceptions in the first place and that by proxy one is associated with all the negative portrayals of that religion and its practitioners? While this distinction may not mean much to anyone, it is interesting to me that I've often called people out for making racist or sexist jokes (or remarks) that for it to be funny or even make sense, is based on a biased PREMISE, and they don't understand the distinction. I've learned to deal with ignorance (by accepting everyone is ignorant about everything to some level - including myself especially), but ingrained and SYSTEMIC bias is a different matter. Does it really take that cultural bottlenecking for change? Does it really have to get to the point of outward and explicit expression of hate and/or violence for people to change? I.e. is that college student's suicide some planned catalyst for change or simply another result of an ingrained systemic bias? Ok, that last question was kind of leading, but... does anyone get me?

Oct 7, 10 1:45 am  · 

Sorry, haven't posted in a while and I kind of went into a long rant, didn't I? I promise I'll post some architecturally related comments on these forums. Some day.

Oct 7, 10 1:52 am  · 
"Anyone know why ARE test results take so long to get, if the tests are indeed all graded via computer?"

---one of the great mysteries of the world!

with all this talk about designing for children and the fact that i've been writing about aldo van eyck's amsterdam playgrounds recently, i thought that i'd share this poem from aldo...

"To consider the city is to encounter ourselves.
To encounter the city is to rediscover the child.
If the child rediscovers the city,
the city will rediscover the child—ourselves.


A miraculous trick of the skies—a fleeting correction.
All at once the child is Lord of the City.
But the joy of gathering snow off paralyzed vehicles is

Provide something for the human child more permanent
than snow—if perhaps less abundant.

Another miracle."

Oct 7, 10 8:11 am  · 

manta - I love political theory too. In fact that was the main reason why my first degree was History as well as International Relations. It's so freaking interesting, esp the founding principles of this country that go back to the Humanist movement. Ya... definitely send me your recommendations.

I think designing a school would be a very fun challenge. To make it both aesthetically pleasing to the general public (i.e. not kidish) but also to integrate the interests of those who use it (kids). Very interesting, fun and challenging indeed.

Oct 7, 10 8:29 am  · 

There is a new Biography out about George Washington. I was listening the the author on npr yesterday. It sounds like it might be a good read. I did learn that Washington did not have wooden teeth, as I was told in Highschool History classes. Well can't give away anymore about the book cause then you might not be go out and get a copy.

Oct 7, 10 11:13 am  · 

Donna - your man Bradley is in town this week making a movie. usually you'll see the celebs out and about, but he seems to be keeping to himself.

holz - whenever I see the passivehaus thread I think it says:

'aggressive passivehaus'

Oct 7, 10 12:07 pm  · 

I think the passivhaus is baring its teeth and growling, too, toaster!

Phillip that poem gave me a little chill. Lovely.

Back to Sketchup.

Oct 7, 10 12:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

All the new elementary schools around here are, well, they have good points and bad. Kindergarten classrooms all have an attached bathroom, which is nice, but the rooms and hallways all have 10' to 20' cielings. It's a bit large. As if they thought big was synonomous with grand and important.

Oct 7, 10 2:32 pm  · 

donna....sketchup-8? Wondering how accomplished you are with your sketchup as of today. I still keep find myself messing around with it. Mrs. think it is like a good I dissapear for hours at a time.

Oct 7, 10 6:02 pm  · 

LOL!!! I thought I was the only one that read it aggressive passivehaus

Oct 7, 10 6:13 pm  · 

Slartibartfast, I don't know. I am disappointed that these people post somewhat intelligable architecture related posts etc.. But when it comes to me they have no boundries. They call me names, fu's and so on. I am or could be as old as their parents. I have students who read these posts. I have a wife who read these posts and sometimes my family and relatives abroad read it. Never mind the rest of the world. I guess it gives these people a false sense of power when they can easily say fu or something... I am just participating in the community. I share my experiences and thoughts and opinions. It is so sick. I do not know them. What did I do to these people that they hate me so much? They must really hate themselves. That is the only way to understand it. Let's say one of them ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere at night and some muslim guy stopped by to help them and kind of save their life. Would they still think the same way? I mean this could happen. We are all humans.

Anyway, here is a picture I shot in Cal Poly yesterday. No cropping.. seasons do exist in socal..

Oct 7, 10 6:28 pm  · 

not everyone is unchangable though.

not so long ago i explained to a relative back in canada that there were 2 muslim places of worship IN the world trade center buildings, and that muslims died that day too, so that whole WTC ground 0 mosque argument was a bit silly....especially since its a community centre...and she thought about it and said, oh well then nevermind. she understood immediately that she had heard only one side of the story and it was not enough to understand the topic.

she literally believed muslims had never been in new york before and were taking advantage of the terrorist attack. she was also surprised to learn there is a mosque in the pentagon (also hit by an airplane).

disinformation is probably one of the biggest problems with bigotry and the rest of the silliness in north america.

Oct 7, 10 7:41 pm  · 

Orhan, that image is beautiful...

Oct 7, 10 10:36 pm  · 
It's a bit large. As if they thought big was synonomous with grand and important.

Sarah, that's one of the best things I've ever read on archinect. One of the most succinct and yet needing to be said.

Oct 7, 10 10:57 pm  · 

Beautiful image indeed.

BTW - I'm going to be in the LA/San Diego area all next week beginning Saturday night for work. If anyone has any interest in meeting for dinner/drinks let me, email me.

Oct 7, 10 11:17 pm  · 

melt, just missed ya. make sure to hit up some of segal's work, extraordinary desserts, the salk and neurosciences if you can. i love visiting san diego, but i could never live there.

compared to LEED, passivhaus is aggressive!

Oct 7, 10 11:50 pm  · 

manatary give a holler... I've done a few dozen in my day. Any questions I'll be free to answer (of course I'll be useless with the code stuff seeing as I practice on tiny islands)

Oct 8, 10 1:16 am  · 

manatary give a holler... I've done a few dozen in my day. Any questions I'll be free to answer (of course I'll be useless with the code stuff seeing as I practice on tiny islands)

Oct 8, 10 1:18 am  · 

Orhan I love the image. I won't see natural purple hues like that in Jamaica until next year - everything is so saturated with the weather and that f*cking tropical storm that hit us last week. From drought comes the storms.

I'm still totally avoiding my conference paper. But I am ready for my lecture later today and the missus' arrival tomorrow. The MIL to be comes in as well - that should be fun, we three haven't been together since a wedding last year.

Anyhow what are the weekend plans?

Oct 8, 10 1:27 am  · 

I just got my ticket to DC for the Rally to Restore Sanity! Thank goodness for SkyMiles!

I don't really have anything else of value to say right now. Carry on then!

PS. To be clear, my impression of the founder of Facebook, after having seen the movie, was derived from the parts of the movie that were taken from facts... facts like words that he actually wrote on his blog that were then read aloud like lines in the movie. But now I'm giving too much away, aren't I?

Oct 8, 10 2:30 am  · 

track and field at my youngest daughter's school tomorrow. i have to prepare 2 lectures for next week and catch up on work somehow too but am looking forward to spending the day outside and in the company of 6 year olds. tug-o-war is mandatory for all parents so should be fun!

Oct 8, 10 3:58 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, you know they could never get away with mandatory tug of war here in the states. SO unfair.

I've got chemistry again today. 9th grade english was fun on Wednesday; it was all Romeo and Juliet notes. I did my best to give them the dirt I could remember. Chemistry is ok, but the students are just coloring and filling stuff out, so I'm just monitoring. I think I prefer to lecture, although desk crits were always fun too.

Abram has a Birthday party to attend on Saturday. I guess he's not at the age where I can just drop him off yet, so I'm attending a birthday party too. It's at a bounce house with kids from his school. I have to meet the other moms; hope they like me!

Oct 8, 10 8:02 am  · 

Hey all work has been crazy, so i haven't been able to stop in the last few days.


Emily sounds fun. I was wondering if anyone i knew was going to go.....
Are you making a trip to DC out of it or just going for that? I have great memories of DC (mostly museums the Mall etc) but haven't been there in like at least 10 years.

Orhan as I have said before, the level of personalization that is directed against you in these forums is uncalled for and i am sorry for that.

This weekend I am hoping to get my fall crops in the ground.

Donna, speaking of which how are those chickens going?

Oct 8, 10 8:26 am  · 

Chickens are happy but not laying yet - a couple-few more weeks, apparently, until I get some fresh eggs.

Emily, I donated to the National Mall restoration because I can't afford to go to the rally. I'm very glad you're going - I hope it's enormous.

snook I don't even know what version of SU I'm using - its free, and I'm getting better at it, though all my models are definitely scabbed together with spit and silly string!

Sarah it seems you're getting pretty frequent subbing gigs - I'm surprised, I figured they would be once a week at most. Good for you.

Oct 8, 10 8:31 am  · 

emkem... my wife and i might take a trip down to DC from philly for the rally... i'll let you know once we decide for sure... maybe we can get a drink!

Oct 8, 10 9:32 am  · 

Donna....I keep getting complaints from the MRS....I'm putting to many suggestive looking ladies in my rendering...mine are alot like thing I have learned is save and another name just incase your drawing goes south...which many of mine have for one reason or another.

Oct 8, 10 6:24 pm  · 

totally wanna join the rally. hope all who are going have a blast

sarah, i believe it (about the tug-o-war thing). japanese believe in personal struggle and even more in group struggle, so it is totally on par for the program. more than in north america, ironically, considering the mythology. also, we/they tend to be in pretty good shape, so it isn't a hardship ;-) i ain't nevvah heard no complaint.

i would like to personalise my support for orhan !

Oct 8, 10 7:47 pm  · 

Oh, me too - Orhan, I feel like my support of you is known to all, most importantly you, but obviously we all need to hear those things reiterated every now and again. I don't know why trolls attack your posts here and you constantly get the "not related to architecture" accusation thrown at you. Silly people, architecture is everything and we put our heads in the sand at our own risk!

As Dan Savage said: miserable people like to make others miserable. You make others dream.

Oct 8, 10 9:35 pm  · 

Who was attacking Orhan on these threads? I must have missed it. There are a total of 2 users on this site that could even remotely be described as right wing, and even they are kind of lazy posters at best.

There are many mainstream media news comment-boards that make me weep for humanity. I just haven't seen that here. Are there any threads that I should check out to see examples of dumb?

I must be new around here...

Oct 8, 10 10:05 pm  · 

Anyone in SE Virginia? That's where I am. Until Monday.

Oct 8, 10 10:24 pm  · 

Nam good to see you around, it did seem silent from your end. When is your Pecha Kucha presentation? Good luck on that.

Has anyone heard about the BMW research labs that are travelling the world? I'm oddly excited by this even though it's not coming anywhere close to me. Maybe some American car company should do the same, get one some urban research but travel to Latin America and the Caribbean. I'm throwing out hints here...

Oct 8, 10 10:51 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, please go on...

Oct 9, 10 9:26 am  · 

okay, so soon i'll be single/divorced - i like single more than divorced, but i guess single says one thing and divorced another - and i am checking out match, because i've heard many good things about the site. here's the thing, i have a half started profile - waiting until the conclusion to complete - but the thing i've been wondering is this; what do women want? i'm happy with the person i am and the direction my life is moving, but i hate the job i have, do you really care? do men need to be the ones making the "move" or are you more inclined in this day and age to make the first move? do you care if i've been married for 13 years and have had just one "partner" in my life? just curious, not like all these issues are confounding me, but having really only one life mate, i feel a little outside my comfort zone, but i am excited to be uncomfortable.

Oct 9, 10 12:38 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Beta, didn't you see that Mel gibson flick?

No, really, I think if you're interested in a girl, you ask her out. If a girl asks you out, you go with it. I don't see why your past should come up, to be honest. I mean, having only one partner isn't exactly front page news, is it? I just don't think it's worth mentioning unless she asks, or you feel the time is right. I mean do people usually discuss their sexlives on a first or date?

Then again, I've only ever had my husband, and never did any dating. So maybe I'm not the expert. I say just be you, if you're happy with you. Confidence is the number one turn on.

Oct 9, 10 1:29 pm  · 

Can I just say leaving for a work trip on one of the last great weekends of the year sucks a big donkey's dong. I leave tonight and have spent the entire day doing all the last minute stuff. BOO!!!!

Oct 9, 10 3:12 pm  · 

Aww, melt, I'm sorry - but your use of the donkey dong imagery made me giggle!

I'm stuck inside sewing on this gorgeous autumn day, oh well. Husband's career priority - I'm making some outfits for him and Angus for a photo piece he's working on.

beta: seriously, my advice is to spend a little time NOT looking for a relationship but enjoying a few "hookups", as the kids say! I imagine on matchdotcom you can be fairly upfront about NOT wanting anything long term, but looking for some companionship and fun. Unfortunately at your age bracket I imagine you might get a lot of women whose biological clocks are screaming for them to FIND A MAN AND GET PREGNANT ASAP!!!! Not that if some miracle happened and you met Ms. Perfect you wouldn't necessarily be opposed to that, I suppose (I really DON'T know what exactly you're looking for right now), but from the recently divorced people I know it seems a year or so getting together with several/lots of different people and learning about yourself via seeing yourself through their eyes is a good way to transition out of a marriage.

Also: I'll say it publicly: you're smart, sensitive, and good-looking, plus you have that whole romantic mythology of the intense architect going for you, so I imagine you'll get plenty of interest once you get out and show yourself on the market!

Oct 9, 10 3:46 pm  · 


I don't know what women want, in only one answer, but I think you need to start from your end. What do you want...past and long relationships can teach you lots of things about you and the others.

That's a chance to start new, and a chance to change, if you need to change something and stick to it.

Good luck!

Oct 9, 10 5:03 pm  · 

Morning all,

Archi, i actually presented two weeks ago. One of the "projects" I am currently trying to finish is to type up my extended notes and share the presentation with other via my blog or something. I am kind of thinking with the additional notes and some further flushing out it might make an short essay/article (but not sure)..

Plus, work has been really busy and i just haven't had as much browsing time as usual.

beta, what everyone else has said. Actually a good friend of mine (also recently single) just started using Match and he seems to be having some success.

Hi Purpina!

Oct 10, 10 11:17 am  · 
Living in Gin

Thought I'd quickly pop my head in and let everybody know I'm still alive.

I'm heading into the 4th week of my M.Arch. program at DAAP, and I think I'm starting to settle into somewhat of a routine. It's been hectic and stressful, but that's pretty much what I expected. I've got a good lineup of professors, I like the pedagogy (less emphasis on blobs and starchitects; more on craft and phenomenological and sustainable aspects of design) and our studio project has the potential to be pretty cool. Last weekend we took an overnight field trip up to Cranbrook, and I was blown away by the place. I'm confident I made the right choice by picking DAAP for my M.Arch. degree.

Life here in Cincinnati has been going well... I've fallen into a pretty good social circle here (one of the reasons my participation on Archinect has been minimal lately), and I spent most of the summer working at a new bar in Over-the-Rhine called The Famous Neons Unplugged that's been open about six months. I've been helping out with barbacking, the website, social media stuff, and getting the upstairs lounge renovated in time for colder weather. The interior of the bar was designed by one of the owners who happens to be an unemployed architect and DAAP alum, and the place has been a big hit. Neons is pretty much my second home outside of studio and my apartment, and I've even gotten a couple leads for some freelance design projects in OTR via Neons.

My apartment hasn't been quite as successful... In addition to being way out on the west side and fairly isolated from school and Neons, I've been dealing with some crime issues across the street and a batshit-crazy neighbor upstairs. I'm hoping to get some sort of loft-like apartment down near Main Street in OTR after the fall quarter is over, probably in January or February. A little ironic that I might be moving from Westwood to OTR to get away from crime and noise, but such is life.

In other news, after many years of wistful longing in the Apple Store, I've finally made the switch to Mac and gotten myself a 17" MacBook Pro. I can't describe how awesome this new puter is... I just try not to think about how much I paid for it.

Anyway, that's the past seven months of my life in a nutshell... I hope everybody else is well.

Oct 10, 10 1:27 pm  · 

Unemployed architect opens cool new bar - that could be the story of so many of us! Glad DAAP/Cincy is working out so well for you, Gin!

Oct 10, 10 7:32 pm  · 

hey LiG - good to hear things are going ok. cranbrook is a pretty amazing place... I was there once every few months when I was a kid (did many youth art/science activities there)... I loved going there - especially the koi pond in front of the old science museum.

I'd thought I'd share something I stumbled upon recently:

99% invisible

new short 4 minute podcasts about architecture - so far very interesting.

plus I had no idea that west coast public radio stations had good locally produced programming.

Oct 10, 10 8:18 pm  · 

in a yippie, who gives a fuck moment, i'd thought i'd share that tomorrow is my 13th wedding anniversary. i don't care, but i felt like marking the day by saying, who gives a shit.

Oct 10, 10 9:07 pm  · 

actually, i feel like i should buy myself a gift. what should it be? you be the decider.

Oct 10, 10 9:09 pm  · 

Unlucky 13, huh, beta?

Buy yourself something soothing, like a yoga mat. Or, a cool car.

Oct 10, 10 9:13 pm  · 

you make a good point. 13 will officially become my lucky number.

Oct 10, 10 9:29 pm  · 

Take yourself and a friend out to a damn good meal accompanied by damn good cocktails.

Oct 10, 10 10:00 pm  · 

Wow, I didn't even get the chance to tell you guys I was dating someone before he freaked out and broke up with me... via text message. I won't be dating younger men anymore, that's for sure. The spectacular part is that I still have no idea why. Oh well, at least I only wasted a month!

Beta, just be yourself in your profile. We can always tell the guys who write what they think women want. The more honest profiles are way more fun anyway.

Oct 11, 10 3:11 am  · 

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