
Thread Central

Distant Unicorn

Oh please, Donna.

But you're certainly entitled to your opinion of me since I don't go out of my way to turn this place into a hugbox.

Let's analyze the situation here:

-- Have a problem, not actually solving said problem
-- Instead of addressing the elephant in the room, LET'S BUILD A GIANT HOUSE.
-- Already has a severe lack of trust in said employees.
-- Willing to design a house for the sole purpose of controlling and manipulating said employees.
-- Deep sense of shame in interacting with said employees.

Fostering those kind of feelings of hostility, shame and mistrust especially in silence is a far greater dehumanizing crime than obviously being an ass to said people.

But, the shame part gets me the most. Do you feel shame because the person you pay money who is know watching you eat just changed your brothers diaper? Does that make your skin absolutely crawl?

If shame is a component to this... then everyone is obviously living a lie.

And, for instance, not involving the person, who this entire lie is constructed for, in these decisions is a bigger insult than insulting them directly. Just because they are deaf, mute, quadriplegic doesn't mean they don't understand this!

What's the point at that point? Fix the problems or ship him off to a private or state facility.

So yeah, call me an asshole. But at least I'm not asshole in silence.

Oct 3, 10 2:12 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Also, Donna...

"a**hole loser self-involved"

This comes off as petty. Not only do you frequently cuss all over this pisser of a board... You purposely censored yourself to elevate yourself in a sense of moral superiority.

Cheap shots are cheap.

Oct 3, 10 2:15 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Lastly, please direct all unicorn-related hate mail to archinect (at) gmail dot com. Obviously, if you hate me so much, let Paul know in the form of a short-form essay.

Be also sure what you frequently contribute architecturally, aesthetically and artistically to this board, other than groupthink and in talking.

Give examples of why your contributions are entirely more relevant and excellent than mine and why you think your contribution to this community generates more page clicks and ad revenue.

Because, frankly, this board is mostly associative chatting followed by vague generalizations in the form of career and school advice. Then, there's the occasional crop dusting of political ideology. Then, sometimes, some actual discussion posts.

Oct 3, 10 2:23 pm  · 

n_, thanks for the link to that article about Meier's daughter's wedding. Although I cringe at the saccharine breathlessness of wedding reporting, it's cool to see this one - and to see Richard Meier looking so exuberantly happy!

Weddings are fun.

Oct 3, 10 2:35 pm  · 

didn't feel like finding the picture of the day or small architecture thread...
but wanted to share this gem:

photo by seier+seier

Oct 3, 10 2:52 pm  · 

Unicorn: I've hit the "ignore" button on your posts but I've turned it off to say this: you crossed a line with that porn thread TITLE - I never even clicked through to the thread itself. When steelstuds called you out, I decided to go see what the ruckus was about and there you are threadjacking even worse than usual.

No one here elevates themselves above anyone except those who purposely disrupt conversations with selfish, bizarre, obnoxious self-serving drivel while the people around them are trying to be helpful. A thread with a silly intent is fine for silly posts; a thread where someone is honestly looking for advice is not the place to bring in a bunch of crap off wkikipedia and personal bullshit. It's inappropriate and it diminishes the efforts of the community of practitioners here.

I haven't complained to Paul or asked him to ban you because honestly I don't think he should waste his time policing the place that he made for everyone else to enjoy. The only times I have complained to Paul have been when someone maliciously outed someone else's identity. In every other situation I think the forums should police themselves.

So I'm turning back on the "ignore" button* for your posts and encourage everyone else to do the same. Go ahead and imagine that I'm pulling rank or considering myself better than you or whatever and go ahead and post angry rants at me and my supposed superiority - I just don't have time or energy to spend on you anymore, so I won't be reading.

*Obviously there isn't really one, I just do it myself as I skim the post authors.

Oct 3, 10 3:11 pm  · 

New Archinect version will have ignore AND poke (superpoke) buttons!

You heard it here first.

I find unicorn's high-jinks and buffoonery entertaining most of the time. Sometimes he does lack tact. I will call him out on that each time.

Otherwise, there's no need to get angry by anyone. Life's too shor <ugh!> <user expired>

Oct 3, 10 4:07 pm  · 

i grew tired of that infant when he/she/it faked its death. after that, i kept hoping it would become a reality.

Oct 3, 10 4:22 pm  · 

wait unicorn was the same tosser that kept stating his absence and demise. Hmm so much smarts but far too much angst to find an outlet.

What else...ah

So Meier's daughter has a favourite shape. I'm not sure I have a favourite shape... but apparently they needed an extra sentence to make that piece complete. Or perhaps it would seem esoteric enough since she is the daughter of architects... a point stated no less than 3 times.

Oct 3, 10 6:32 pm  · 

Hahahah techno I also giggled over that sentence - "her favorite shape is a square" - lordy lordy. I'm sure Meier's daughter is wonderful and sophisticated and smart - how could she not be being his offspring! - but those wedding articles always reach so, so hard to make every choice about the ceremony rich and deep with meaning! I'd rather write obituaries than write weddings - if I were a journalist, which of course I'm not.

steelstuds, I like your style. I'm glad you're hanging around TC and not worrying about how "cliquish" it appears to some.

Oct 3, 10 7:28 pm  · 

thanks for the info everyone - this is helpful...

steel - I'm not really sure what you're talking about - there are plenty of incompetent teachers in canada too (and it's just as hard to get rid of them as in the states). the US does have more problems with poverty and an a much higher distrust of government and authority figures, though, which I think has a much more negative effect than a few bad apples in the system.

plus - teacher and substitute requirements are different by state... some are far more rigorous than others.

Oct 3, 10 7:40 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

Or perhaps, you know, people could realize that I explained someone hijacked my computer once night and posted a bunch of shit all over open windows I had.

Which is why I changed my username to begin with.

Oct 3, 10 7:45 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So I was trying to find some of you guys on facebook, and found a few interesting things.

Donna, there's another you that likes country music and people speaking English. There was a AU emblem in their profile. Maybe that's Alabama.

Dubbers, there's another you in Portland that just got married. Or, did you forget to tell us something?

Techno, you come up first on a name search, unless there's another you, that looks like you, and is in jamaica too.

Oct 3, 10 8:23 pm  · 

hah hah hah Sarah... nope it's only me. So where's my friend request? Do I have to beg for it??

Oct 3, 10 10:19 pm  · 

Seriously, Sarah - friend request? (I don't like country music, BTW).

Oct 3, 10 10:38 pm  · 
i grew tired of that infant when he/she/it faked its death. after that, i kept hoping it would become a reality.

This is the reason I haven't been posting around these parts anymore. Not that I expect anyone to have noticed either way - just thought I'd chime in with my two cents. I got tired of asking questions or commenting only to have UG / rockandhill / whatever the original name was that I've forgotten come on to post some fake personal self-centered "drama" (or made-up "facts") and derail the whole thread. Kind of killed the forums for me. There, UG, you've won! I hope I've fully assuaged your vanity.

Oct 3, 10 11:40 pm  · 

mantaray you have been missed and don't you forget it..

Oct 3, 10 11:53 pm  · 

well, thank you, techno. I have some stuff I've been wanting to talk to TC about, maybe some day when it feels like a comfortable place for me again. Till then - hope all is well with everyone! I've been with this thread from day one, literally - feels odd to have missed out on pages and pages by now. Ah well!

Oct 4, 10 12:02 am  · 

mantaray, I've seen you post some great replies in these here threads. It's a shame you are letting other users get to you. I think a certain percentage of lunacy is healthy for any given group or discussion. It gives perspective to sane posts, you know. It's unfortunate when the craziness gets monopolized by few, but it's of benefit for everyone to be able to operate in a wider spectrum of acceptable opinions. My range of acceptable conduct may be higher than of some. Still, the trick is not to take it personally.

What would get me to participate less in these forums would be increased censorship. A thread I started got deleted today. I asked a question about sluggish performance of this site, that was followed my Unicorn's stand up act, followed by Paul's response, followed by a bunch of users begging for early invites to new site version. Then the thread was gone. I don't get it. I definitively don't appreciate such approach to discussion and rate it as a much higher irritant than anything Unicorn could ever possibly do.

Oct 4, 10 2:39 am  · 

If there is a threat that should be nuked from the orbit, it would be the project runaway thread. It's like an army of teenage cousins took over all'yalls accounts.

It reminds me of the time five(?) years ago when I witnessed a group of highly intelligent friends have a serious, irony free, discussion about a show called Flavor of Love. Gah!

Oct 4, 10 2:51 am  · 

as for someone hijacking a computer, i'm calling bullshit.

on another note, i love my new laptop, for one specific reason, it's dark and i don't want to turn on a light an wake the sleeping soon-to-be-ex-wife upstairs, so i hit function-z and bam, backlit keyboard.

Oct 4, 10 5:45 am  · 

It's nice to have YOU back again, too, beta - I hope things are OK.

"Too" means you, first, manta - though I know you've been around quietly.

steelstuds, various threads over the years that discuss specific aspects of Archinect itself have been deleted regularly. That was Archinect policy before the forum rules even went live: basically "no discussion of Archinect itself; if you have comments about the site, email the site directly". So don't take it personally.

Oct 4, 10 7:13 am  · 

thanks donna! i really wish there was a way a bunch of us could do a weekend hootenanny.

here's a question for tc; how soon is too soon? second, i have decided to take the go slow approach to grad school; study hard, take gre's, work hard on portfolio, and then apply at end of 2011. i am thinking that the three schools i will apply to are; upenn, cranbrook and cooper. first two have essentially non-m.arch programs and are self-directed, which is in my estimation, the only way for me to go given my pseudo-schizoid nature.

Oct 4, 10 9:10 am  · 

Just go to Cranbrook. That's my totally non-biased, impersonal opinion. But really, 2011? For entry into the program fall 2012? That seems like a long time form now!

Oct 4, 10 9:20 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, Beta, as vague as that was, all I can answer with is soon is only too soon if you feel it's too soon. I mean, you'll just know, like when you wake up with a really bad hang over, and you just know it's too soon for more alcohol come evening. Once you're excited about something again, then that's when it's time to act. That is when it is no longer too soon. I think that goes for anything.

Techno, I think I sent you a request this morning, at least I sent somebody a request, and that somebody likes "Belly of an Architect." Which, incidentally, was almost reason enough not to friend them. I can't eat figs because of that movie. Well, that and a lecture about fig-wasps I attended once.

Oct 4, 10 9:20 am  · 

Hey, since you brought up Rome, Sarah, I'll announce that we're throwing credit card caution to the winds and going to the Venice Biennale next summer! Our good friend Lisa Freiman was recently announced as the commissioner for the US Pavilion so we are going to support her and work on some contacts for Brian. Angus is going too - his second time in Venice (IF I get our expired passports worked out, that is!)

Oct 4, 10 9:24 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

OH, I am SOOO Jealous. I got to go back in '04 while in school. It was so much fun! Can I come too? Since you're throwing credit caution to the wind and all.

Oct 4, 10 9:36 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I know this is so "home and eating bonbons," but I'm really liking the Nate Burkus show. It's like oprah, but with only the good stuff.

Oct 4, 10 3:48 pm  · 

that is a pity manta. i do what donna does and ignore UG (usually). i think is easy enough to skip past his posts since they are the long ones.

do keep lurking though! would be real sad if you completely disappeared.

donna that is awesome (in all kinds of ways). way cool!

Oct 4, 10 8:52 pm  · 

don't go to far..

Night all.

Oct 4, 10 10:42 pm  · 

everyone seems happy again (good) I've never been to venice - actually I've never really been to Europe. Time to dust off the passport again. I'm thinking that I should make one last solo grand tour before I get married next year. Not like I can finance it or anything. But she lived in Europe for 6 years and it has formed a great deal of her personality and is excited about showing me around. Hmmm I'm sure I'm get a raucous "do it" from the tc crowd... but I suspect I would go and miss her

Oct 5, 10 8:33 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Off to my first yoga class. Wish me luck!

Oct 5, 10 10:15 am  · 

Public Service Announcement:

Jon Stewart on Fresh Air.

Oct 5, 10 10:52 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yoga was easy. My joints are a bit week, but other than that, it was a walk in the park. Anybody ever fall asleep in class? I totally could have if I was still pulling all-nighters.

Oct 5, 10 1:20 pm  · 


Your recent blog post saddens me, as you are responding to the culture of fear and not to the parallel culture of inclusiveness. I can't live in your shoes, but dammit, don't let the bigots and idiots win.

Time to start teaching abram some poses. my shrub loves doing 'downward dog'...

Oct 5, 10 1:50 pm  · 

thanks b..
yes this is something i deal in my daily life as well now. but i also have wonderful support system and people around me as well.

i remember the day aka 9/11 when i went to a nursery with tina and we planted beautiful flowers for the innocent victims of the terror plot. we were horrified and were scheduled to fly to ohio next day to visit her family which never happened. i told her that my life is never going to be as easy as it has always been living in los angeles which i love and consider home.
it doesn't matter that i am some kind of a non religious, far too tolerant and progressive person, i am associated with with what these ignorant bigots call enemy muslim by default. my accent, my name, my opinion etc., all giving this people reason to hate me.
it is very tiresome to deal with it, but my personality and conscience do not allow me to sit down and see/hear/say nothing...

tk, congratulations for the grant money. you deserve all that for your talent, dedication, knowledge and research.

Oct 5, 10 6:43 pm  · 

Just to clarify, yes I am in Portland, but no, I did not recently get married! I found my local doppelganger on Facebook, and from the tiny picture, she appears to be taller and possess better skin than me. So I guess that makes her NOT my doppelganger. I have friended her like I friend most of my "others" out there, because I think it's fun and because I want to make sure we are protecting the Emily Kemper brand, LOL.

Which reminds me, I did see the Facebook movie. It was riveting. It's also a tad distressing that something so useful could have come from someone so lacking in integrity. I cannot dispute his genius in creating it though, I don't think anyone can. I recommend it for its story (Aaron Sorkin is also a genius) and for its total relevance to the culture of our time.

Oct 6, 10 1:45 am  · 

PS. Sarah did you want to FB friend me too? Or didn't you find me? Honestly I hope you couldn't find me because that means my privacy settings were working, and after seeing the movie, I feel strongly that they must be tight... but I still want to be FB buddies! :o)

Oct 6, 10 1:57 am  · 

ek, the reviews of the facebook movie i've read have all pointed out that it is probably more than half fiction. the facebook-success-as-a-love-pursuit strategy, for instance, is apparently largely creative license. zuckerberg may or may not be 'lacking in integrity', but i wouldn't use the movie to gauge it.

Oct 6, 10 6:57 am  · 

saw the artist christian moeller speak last night. wonderful low-key presentation of really thoughtful public art work. i'd love for my architectural work to be as rigorously thought through in the way that mr moeller pursues his art. the way he describes his work is, in many ways, the way i learned to think about architecture in the first place - taking into account not only people's senses but the way people react to things, their curiosity, etc.

while i do fine, responsibly- and tastefully- designed buildings now, i'm not often in a place where i have the opportunity to think about things in the way mr moeller does. maybe one reason i responded to his work so positively last night is because right now i am in a project which has allowed for some unusual thinking about its users and their activities/reactions: a preschool. and that's been refreshing, fun, but also frustrating because there's simply not enough time to think through our ideas as far as they deserve.

architecture is a great thing to be able to do but a horrible way of having to make a living.

Oct 6, 10 7:06 am  · 
Architecture is a great thing to be able to do but a horrible way of having to make a living.

Slogan for the next Archinect T-shirt, please. Though I imagine "Architecture Sucks" is just shorthand for the same sentiment.

Oct 6, 10 8:07 am  · 

SH - Sorry to hear that your yoga class was boring. You need to come to my yoga class. It will definitely NOT put you to sleep but it will help you sleep.

Orhan - your story really troubles me. Makes me incredibly sad considering what this country's principles were founded upon.

Atechno - I personally think you should wait to go to Europe until you and the missus can go together. Europe can be so touristy when done wrong and I have no doubt that she can show you all the litlle known out of the way treasures.

Oct 6, 10 8:45 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

It wasn't boring, it was the lay on you back and breath from your toes part that nearly had me snoring on my mat.

I'm teaching 9th grade English today. So far, so good. It's all Romeo and Juliet notes. They haven't started the play yet, but many have seen the dicaprio movie. I'm trying to tell them all the dirt I remember, but it's been a while.

Wk, you most certainly may friend me, but I couldn't find you.

And melt, where have you been?

Oh, and were having a lock-down drill at some point today. I'm suppose to lock the door, turn off the lights and hide in the corner. Oh, and get 20something 14 yearolds to shutup.

Oct 6, 10 12:10 pm  · 

Yeah, melt, where have you been?

Sarah, I once used this line on teenagers, with a decent amount of success: I don't need you to be quiet, I need you to be SILENT.

Oct 6, 10 12:31 pm  · 


activities/reactions: a preschool. and that's been refreshing, fun, but also frustrating because there's simply not enough time to think through our ideas as far as they deserve.


Oct 6, 10 1:15 pm  · 

snook, extensive time on-site studying existing conditions is the hallmark of an excellent professional. Get back to that bar.

Oct 6, 10 1:26 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

If I was an actor, I'd pretend that the threat was real, and that some really is going all columbine on us. Make them good and scared, but I'm not. I'd just look like a crazy doomsdayer.

Mmm, bars.....

Oct 6, 10 1:32 pm  · 

Orhan - your story really troubles me. Makes me incredibly sad considering what this country's principles were founded upon. "

Which founding principles? 10 commandments? Constitution?

US has nothing but a history of bigotry starting with day one and continuing to this day. Here is a great, very recent, article from Smithsonian about America's True History of Religious Tolerance.

If that article is too long for you, you can always go through the related slide-show.

I read Orhan's blog post. His concerns are very valid, but they fall in line with historical trends. You can't have progress without constant challenges coming from within. If there ware no real threats to "founding principles" someone would find it necessary to create some.

Oct 6, 10 3:16 pm  · 

you know i am reading - finally - DeLanda's Thousand Years... and from my early take, studs is right, that real change happens when opposing forces cause a cultural bottleneck. think about the history of this country, when the rubber hit the road, and the people moved from talking, to pushing and shoving to firehoses and lynchings, the real america stepped up and change was had.

so, while i'll agree with studs, i'll also note that we should meet these hate merchants face to face and show them that we are not afraid. i'd take a bullet for Orhan or any other person that was being persecuted, the way other americans in the past have been. that goes for homosexuals, and any other group that is being scapegoated for the failings of others.

Oct 6, 10 5:01 pm  · 

Studs - I was referring to the Constitution. Has anyone here read the]Federalist Papers? I've been trying to get through them, but the language is tedious and boring at times. Very interesting stuff.

Oct 6, 10 5:47 pm  · 

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