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Yes, vado - I got home and read the email telling me I had to completely change my design that's been approved by ten different public entities already. Thank heavens it was cleared up - I was literally sweating rage.

Jun 15, 10 9:56 am  · 

happy that worked out donna.

glad you are painting still lars. last works i saw online were quite good.

Jun 15, 10 10:04 am  · 

pity the poor SOB's that come to any committee i am on. calling our group a bunch of commie/fascist business hating socialists - no matter how nicely you state it, is going to result in me, telling you, to stick it in your ass.

effing gas stations, and their effing electronic ad signs. the world is polluted enough with inappropriate and horrible signage, what makes them think that this would be a good thing at a critical intersection, within a pedestrian overlay district??

Jun 15, 10 10:12 am  · 

Speaking of libraries, I've been trying to remember this project that I looked at years ago. I'm hoping someone (cough, cough - Mr. Holz/I-know-every-architecture-project-ever) can help me out. I've done so many searches for this library over the years but keep coming up unsuccessful.

I saw the library project in a German book in 2005. I'm not sure if it was in Germany or a surrounding country. It was an educational institute's (not sure if university or secondary school) library that was a red or black box that was enclosed by a glass cube - basically a cube within a cube. The red or black (eek, forgot the main color) interior box had little study areas that popped out into the open circulation space that was enclosed by the glass cube. If I remember correctly, all the bookshelves, conference rooms, bathrooms, etc, were in the interior solid block so it all appeared to be hidden. I am kicking myself for not writing down the name of the library and architect because I have thought about it quite a few times since I saw it. If you have any information, I would greatly appreciate it.

Does anyone know this project? Is all hope lost that I'll ever be reconnected with this project? Why, oh why, didn't I write down the project name and/or architect when I saw it and was enamored by it? Is my memory going from my minimal marijuana usage while in high school?

Jun 15, 10 2:14 pm  · 

jump - I'll be in Japan for 5 weeks this summer. I'd love to meet up if possible.

I finished my first year of graduate school on Friday. All in all, I'm pleasantly happy with the program, what I've learned, what I hope to learn and the direction I'm going in.

Next year, I begin my MS in Real Estate concurrently while getting my MArch. No, I don't plan on sleeping. Ever.

And, I've been having a secret love affair with one of my studio mates for months. NO ONE KNOWS WHICH MAKES THIS SOOOO DAMN FUNNY.

That's what happens when I'm removed from archinect for a few months, all the stuff comes out at once. I'm back!

Jun 15, 10 2:20 pm  · 


how big was it? any chance it was wiel aret's utrecht library?

minimal marijuana usage won't affect memory.

Jun 15, 10 2:29 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Thanks for the eye candy once again holz.

Today is going MUCH better!

Jun 15, 10 2:45 pm  · 

No, the scale was much smaller - about 3-4 stories. Not sure - but maybe also a perfect square form. From the images I saw, it appeared to me fairly removed from other structures. The money-shot two page spread showed it with another campus building far in the background. And snow, lots of snow on the ground.

I emailed my German coworker twice about this German book (it was her friend's book) but the coworker is MIA and no one from my firm has heard from her since she stopped working with us.

Jun 15, 10 3:10 pm  · 

n_ secret love affairs are always fun. Are you going to Japan for fun or school/work? You really are going for broke with the dual degrees huh?

Also, I can attest that Holz is correct, even when usage not so minimal......Or so I remember..

Jun 15, 10 3:15 pm  · 

man, no idea. if i come across anything, i'll let you know. til then, i'll be printing a sh*t ton of resumes. yuck.

Jun 15, 10 4:07 pm  · 

vado where in loserana (as the Texans say) are you? I'll be down there next week, not looking forward to the heat, and hoping there will still be some shrimp and drum left.

Jun 15, 10 6:24 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Manta, I've never heard/said that, but it's clever. I tend to say loozianna, but most round here say looweezeeanna.

And n, wow.

Jun 15, 10 7:02 pm  · 

Ha ha, I was (kind of) kidding, I got it from a King of the Hill episode! I love that show.

The show *was* dreamed up by a true Texan, and most of the characters in it are pretty darn close to the types of people I know and love in Louisiana, so I take everything they say on faith. :-)

Jun 15, 10 7:47 pm  · 

n, that would be cool, just drop me an e-mail. i think would be cool to meet my business partner too. he is licensed architect and trained by starchitects but also runs a real estate fund here in tokyo. no formal schooling but 5 years of practical experience in a place like tokyo is pretty good education in itself i believe.

Jun 15, 10 9:27 pm  · 

Goddammit gmail just vaporized a draft email I've been working on for the last four hours. Goddamit it's 1am and I want to be done.

Jun 16, 10 12:46 am  · 

OK feeling much better about the world this morning after being allowed to sleep in a bit! Got the email recreated and sent off at 2:30am.

Jun 16, 10 10:03 am  · 

Wow... it's quiet here today. Everyone must be slammed. Just got done with a client meeting. Ho hum.

Jun 16, 10 2:44 pm  · 

I had a funny morning but accomplished something - a tiny little follow up to a long-finished job - I have been putting off for awhile. It feels so good to get work done, I don't know why I don't do it more often ;-)

Jun 16, 10 2:57 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm bored.

Jun 16, 10 3:10 pm  · 

I'm actually not slammed, I'm in the calm before the storm. I'm just seeing all the researchers get slammed, which means that I'll get slammed in a week or less.

I thiiiiiiink I've managed to salvage the problem client. Still got my fingers crossed for it to turn out well but got some promising feedback from the less problematic half of the partnership this morning.

Jun 16, 10 3:34 pm  · 

I'd like to plug the resurgence of the "parametricism vs." thread because I'd really like to hear people's thoughts on "performatism."

Jun 16, 10 4:39 pm  · 

holz - Thanks for letting me use your brain power. One day I'm going to find that project and rejoice. Good luck with the resumes.

nam - I'll be there half the time for school and the other half will be me traveling solo. I can't wait.

jump - I'd love to meet you and your business partner. I'll shoot you an email closer to time. I'll be leaving in mid August and coming back in late September.

Happy Wednesday, folks!

Jun 16, 10 6:26 pm  · 

Donna, I thought gmail saved drafts automatically?

I've been meaning to visit Japan again too, but its been pushed back for two years now. One of these days

Jun 16, 10 6:56 pm  · 

Slart, gmail does save drafts, but if you accidentally discard the wrong draft you can't get it back.

I would lvoe to go to Japan - Kyoto, especially - but I just read an article on Bhutan and now really, really want to go there to see the monasteries, like this one, Tiger's Nest

Jun 16, 10 7:29 pm  · 

Donna, that place looks like an amazing site to just slow things down for awhile.

toast i will try and take a look then off to an early bed night.,

Jun 16, 10 10:19 pm  · 

interesting and random factoid although well timed. Bhutan and Montserrat 2 World Cups ago (2002) played in the opening match - because they were the two last teams in the standings. They played in Bhutan and the team was comprised mostly by monks.

Jun 16, 10 10:25 pm  · 

and I think holz needs his own thread. For when you can't remember a project... [/b]call Holz[/b]

speaking of which there was a link a long ago (maybe 2 years) for a guide to creating really good portfolios. I swore I saved it on delicious but seem to be drawing a blank. Again help.

Also was anyone at the archinect party in Miami? I heard big names were supposed to be passing through but still haven't seen pictures

Jun 16, 10 10:34 pm  · 

f_ck that should of been call Holz

Jun 16, 10 10:48 pm  · 

argh, what a ruf day.

looks a cool place donna.

you know i don't think i could relax in a place like that. honestly i don't think i can relax anywhere anymore. i feel calmest amongst the throngs of tokyo and find the tranquil places nerve-wracking. probably not healthy.

Jun 17, 10 10:17 am  · 

techno, I'm not sure what link you're talking about but I came across this today and thought it might be of interest, if only for the pretty pictures.

Jun 17, 10 4:41 pm  · 

Thanks copper that's a good one as well. I'll make sure and save this one. TC seems quiet today.

I've spent the last 3 days on a schematic design for a new project getting it ready for outline submission. I forgot how much fun real architecture is, as well how draining it can be.

Jun 17, 10 9:20 pm  · 
vado retro

i've been working on some graphic design lately. Here's a little online PortfolioalaVadoRetro Please have a look....

Jun 17, 10 11:34 pm  · 

i have no ability to judge the graphic design, but the content is charming vado.

hey donna, i saw your fireplace and apron over on arch daily! coolio.

Jun 18, 10 3:56 am  · 

vado, is there any way to make the images bigger? They look more detailed than the size allows us to enjoy. The writing is awesome and clever, but you know that.

Jun 18, 10 9:17 am  · 
vado retro

thanks i'll have to play around with it. some of the pieces are small so i will need to resize them i guess.

Jun 18, 10 12:34 pm  · 

Work it, vado. Looks great.

Also, I forgot to comment on the awesomeness that is Donna's fireplace. AMAZING.

Jun 18, 10 12:41 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Very interesting, Vado. The "about" section confuses me because I don't know if it's a clever play on words about typography, ect, or if its all true. It seems sad. Maybe it's just my broken air conditioner that has my brain all askew.


Jun 18, 10 2:21 pm  · 

vado, i love the widows & orphans, please sir, may i have some more...what a riot!

Jun 18, 10 2:48 pm  · 

nice stuff, vado. I wish I could be as cheeky in my portfolio.

Jun 18, 10 3:21 pm  · 
vado retro

thanks guys. and yes, sarah that is a play on typography and it is autobiographical. i will probably change that. i have a piece that has a longer "typopoem" that i made add.

Jun 18, 10 5:58 pm  · 

he Vado love the portfolio.

Jun 18, 10 7:57 pm  · 

i am embracing my "inner assholiness," and you know what? right now, i am loving it, especially the unfiltered nature of assness.

Jun 19, 10 1:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Husband just cut his hair. He looks ten years older, maybe more. I told him as much. Was that assness?

Jun 19, 10 6:45 pm  · 

mmm, you maybe could have put it the other way... like, "but the long hair made you look so young!" and not put a number on it? Oh well, at least it grows back. I'm missing my long luxurious hippie hair a bit these days too.

Great thing about losing weight = "discovering" old clothes that fit again.
Not-so-great thing about losing weight = having to return a dress bought (on sale) for a coworkers wedding because it now hangs off of my waist in the most ungainly fashion, and the box pleats are too much trouble to deal with taking in. Hope they'll take it back!

Jun 19, 10 8:28 pm  · 

so I had a near perfect day. Sometimes it's important to do something that's perhaps completely illogical on paper but the more you say it out loud the more sense that it makes. Anyway before I get too esoteric - a friend (he's likely to be my best man) and I took a field trip from one coast to the next (south to north) to have lunch and watch the football match (about 150km each way). A great way to spend 8 hours. In the end we wondered how comes we hadn't done it before. Needless to say I'm happy though tired. Time for tv then bed

Jun 19, 10 10:55 pm  · 

Morning all,
I decided to not go in to work on Sat and did nothing this weekend. Except eating and sleeping.

Happy father's day to any and all.

Jun 20, 10 10:10 am  · 

Home Improvement Weekend. I received my water bill and ouch! Seems out basement toilet has been leaking and since were hardly ever down there it has been for a while. I decided to make a trip to
Home Depot to get a toilet kit and fix it on Saturday. So I shut off the water by valve. Flush the toilet and watch the tank empty. I proceed to back off the nut from the tank that holds the filler in place and realize this thing must have been installed in 1919 when our house was built, cause it is all hard plumbed and there is only one shut off which shuts off everything in the bathroom and laundry room. I realize because it is hard plumbed that I can't get the filler valve off without taking off the toilet tank which is anchored into the wall. The bolts holding the tank are fricking rusted to the point that I can't get a screw driver to work on them, so I get my hobby man grinding and cutting tool and cut the heads off of the screws. Then proceed to remove the tank from the bowl. I'm thinking to myself if I'm this far along I should just go ahead and replace the toilet with one which has a low water cunsumption. The only problem is that one of the people who lived in our house before we bought it was a tile layer and he tiled the bathroom with the toilet in place so it was solidly adherred to the floor. So this morning I went to Lowes and found a low water usage toilet, I come home and send the Mrs and the dogs into the back yard. Then I proceed to smash the toilet with a framing hammer. Once I pick up the pieces, I 'm looking at the mounting flange and it is mounted wrong, always has been. So I have to go back to the "Church" for more parts. I come home and it doesn't work. So I go back to the "Church" for another two parts and well (buying two is better than one when one is doing plumbing).
I come to the realization I'm going to have to grout the void in the floor where the old toilet sat because the new toilet is going to want to rock and well all know a rocking toilet is not a good idea. So now my Saturday Project is going to be a Monday Project.

"Nothing Like Smashing Toilets on Fathers DAy"

Jun 20, 10 2:34 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, sounds like our house snook. We had to replace the a/c and then the fridge froze up, and our dishwasher still isn't fixed. Thankfully, husband fixd the fridge. It's been a fun week.

Jun 20, 10 6:15 pm  · 

snook be blessed that you don't have to be per hour bills to the plumber.. instead you can be paid with beer and dinner and knowing it was a job well done!

Jun 20, 10 7:05 pm  · 
"If this toilet's a rocking, don't come a knocking!"

- i think that was an early Chubby Checker song...although, i could be wrong.

Jun 20, 10 9:09 pm  · 

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