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liberty bell

Come on, techno! I have a ton of Young and listen to it proudly! They *did* make fun of me for it in undergrad, though.

Oct 11, 09 12:10 am  · 

lb gave me a disc of neil young in an attempt to make me like him better. it almost worked - every now and then i'll dip in for a few songs until i can't take it anymore. let's say i appreciate what neil young does/has done without really liking him.

Oct 11, 09 7:38 am  · 
liberty bell

You guys are just weird. Neil Young is a genius. The songs that get radio play are, as is typical with good artists, not his best, even.

Oct 11, 09 11:35 am  · 

What's wrong with Neil Young. As a fellow Canadian and oldies music lover I say....

Also, my sister is out of the SICU and has begun talking and even walked to the bathroom (in her room) last night. A long way to go but it seems as if the brain trauma will not lead to permanent disabilities...

Thank god(s)....

Happy Sunday all.

Oct 11, 09 12:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

nam, did I miss where you told us what has happened to your sister? Or are you keeping it quiet? Either way, I'm very glad to hear she's on the mend and the outlook seems good, though difficult.

Oct 11, 09 2:31 pm  · 

Waving Both Hands in the air....I'm a Neil Young Fan! burry me where the buffalo roam... in my case toss my ashes!

Oct 11, 09 2:43 pm  · 

I posted it on my Facebook and I am not sure if anywhere else.

Basically she was ran a red light on her bike wed night. She didn't have a helmet was hit by a car (or more accurately ran into the car) and suffered massive brain trauma.

They rushed her to the hospital, performed an emergency craniectomy and she has been in ICU since. She just in the last 24 hrs been showing signs of real improvement, motor skills, short sentences and responsiveness. She still has quite a bit of swelling and it will be awhile before the doctors know for sure the extent of possible brain damage.

A rehab of some length will likely follow.

Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts...

Oct 11, 09 3:36 pm  · 
vado retro

i was just playing cinnamon girl on my new guitar! but karma police is more fun to play...

Oct 11, 09 3:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

nam, my prayers are with your sister and my thoughts with you too as I know you are stressed and worried about her. It's so good to hear she is talking and walking, I'm sure those are excellent signs of an oncoming recovery.

On a much less significant note, if I can just survive this week of deadlines and expectations, I'll be a much happier liberty bell next week. It's looking to be rough until Friday.

Oct 11, 09 5:21 pm  · 

My prayers, thoughts and healing vibes are being sent your way nam. Must be nice to see that she is awake and responsive and is beginning to walk. Hope her recovery is smooth and steady.

Oct 11, 09 5:30 pm  · 

Nam I'm at a loss for words, that really sucks. I'm glad though that she is recovering, I hope for her continued success. And for you enough booze to calm your nerves

Oct 11, 09 7:10 pm  · 

Thank you all.

Archi, yes booze...

Just got back from visiting with her. Nite all.

Oct 11, 09 9:03 pm  · 

Nam - I'm so sorry to hear the news about your sister. I'm sending all my positive energy to her and your family right now.

As you may know, Ali, my good friend and fellow Archinect editor, suffered a similar accident a few years ago while at the GSD. His doctors had a very grim prognosis for him, but he has since fully recovered and is better than ever now.

Oct 11, 09 9:15 pm  · 

I was car doored on Commonwealth Avenue when I lived in Bean Town. The guy opened his car door and when he saw me left it open and crawled back into his car before I hit the fully open door. Turned out he was a Doctor and he said I was ok....I cussed at him and ask for a license and then limped back to the office and called a friend and he took me to the hospital to get xrays of my arm. I was sore as all heck but didn't damage anything except my bike and ego.

Nam my best thoughts are with your sister and you and all of your family.

Oct 11, 09 10:50 pm  · 
vado retro

nam sorry about your sister. thankfully it looks like she is going to recover. but such a terrifying and helpless feeling to see a loved one in that condition.

Oct 11, 09 11:05 pm  · 

wow, nam. that sucks.

my brother did same a few years back. shattered his left leg. i was so angry at him that he went through a red light (typical for him) but sooo glad that he wasn't dead. and now he is fine as fine can be. except that one of his legs is now half an inch shorter than the other (i shit you not!!).

am very glad to know she is walking around and on the path to recovery.

LB, no i am from manitoba (next to ontario). neil young played at my uncles high school graduation supposedly, but not sure if that is true. he also claims to have been to a dance with burton cummings doing the musical act, but that seems to be too fantastic to be truth. two world class bands playing in rural canada at the same time? only in the twilight zone.

i love neil young. he is definitely under-rated. probably cuz he comes off as too professional. have to admit i like jack white more. same sort of music though. very honest stuff.

Oct 11, 09 11:35 pm  · 

hoping you continue to see dramatic recovery, nam. good you live near enough to be able to be there for her.

Oct 12, 09 8:12 am  · 

Thank you all.

Yes it is good that I am near. I work in the same hospital that she is in, so i can spend my lunch-breaks sitting with her.

Please keep her in thoughts and prayers....

Oct 12, 09 8:46 am  · 

prayers continue, Nam.

Oct 12, 09 9:06 am  · 

Admittedly I'm not particularly a man of prayer, but I hope she recovers fully. I'm sure your continual presence is a source of comfort for her as well.

Oct 12, 09 10:13 am  · 

nam, I'm very sorry to hear about your sister. Very glad that you are close to her and can keep her company. Bike accidents are so scary... I'm a biker too, it's nervewracking. I'm glad she's ambulatory. If you don't mind, will try to remember to pray for her today.

Oct 12, 09 11:52 am  · 

does anyone have past teaching experience here? besides techno?

Oct 12, 09 11:53 am  · 


Please do.

Also, i have teaching (but not of college age) experience...

Plus, has anyone seen this?

Toy Story 3 Andy goes to College

Off to visit my sister for lunch.

Oct 12, 09 12:11 pm  · 

a couple more (super quick!) resume questions for the thread central pros :

--if you brought a project in to your firm, do you mention that on your resume? (if so, how?)

--if you freelance projects to keep yourself busy in unemployment, do you mention that on your resume? (if so, how?)

--how do you address pro bono design work? in "activities"?

Oct 12, 09 1:05 pm  · 

--how do you address pro bono design work? in "activities"?

"I give freely of myself, just not to partners of Architectural Firms."

That should raise and eyebrow!

Oct 12, 09 1:25 pm  · 

Have taught briefly, manta.

And in resume I've always just put everything not work or education under 'activities'.

Not sure I'd put work you landed in there. Seems a stretch, like you're padding (even though I know it was impt to you). Maybe save it for interview, and then only if it fits comfortably.

Oct 12, 09 4:56 pm  · 
Distant Unicorn

You could do a CV format and put everything that's important to you in that.

At least that's what the hired professional told me to do with my vast amounts of unfinished papers, journal articles and other BS. My reply was "Really, really... really... because i just paid you a 100 dollars for something I've already tried."

Oct 12, 09 5:13 pm  · 

well, I'm a bit late (previous page) but I just have to post this for lb and others here who like him, 'cause Neil plays some funky organ here...and there's dancing hippies too....naked ones even...

Oct 12, 09 7:12 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nice, Emilio! Those little girls in the hippie dresses twirling on the pavement? That might as well have been my sister and me at the Vortex 1 concert in 1970.

Neil Young's eyes are so crazy. And sexy.

Oct 12, 09 7:27 pm  · 

wow, lb, you were at one of the old rock festivals? cool. maybe you can try spotting yourself here then (and continuing the nudity theme...)

Oct 12, 09 7:50 pm  · 

lb may have been nude, but also, what, 3yo?

Oct 12, 09 8:10 pm  · 

huh, what?, nom the nudity theme is the naked guys that seem to appear in both the videos I linked to (and in the second one, the guy is walking naked with a fully dressed girlfriend...figure that one out...ah, the sixties)

Oct 12, 09 8:34 pm  · 

mantary you can't forget about treekiller!

And I so know I was a hippie in another life. I remember reading something, must of been a really old encyclopaedia when I was younger that hippies were akin to tinkers/gypsies. I grew up feeling very angered by that comparison. Hmmm

so rather sucky day at the office. It's been confirmed the guy I was filling in for has resigned. My hours for the rest of the semester are two fold...yikes!

Oct 12, 09 8:40 pm  · 

manta, I have experience as a TA if that's relevant.

Also, always list freelance. I list "Freelance Design 1.2005-Present" on my resume and then list some of my clients. But for architecture it may work better to list it on a project-by-project basis, I'm not sure.

Oct 12, 09 8:48 pm  · 

techno, I emailed you through archinect, in case you didn't get it.

Oct 12, 09 9:05 pm  · 

My carless days are drawing to a close - I'm pitting two internet car sales folks against each other for the best price. A few emails are a cheap way to save $1000 on a set of wheels. Looks like I'll be leasing a Honda Insight LX for a few years till plug-in electrics go mainstream.

Had a meeting today with the department chair and the undergrad coordinator about spring semester. Looks like l'll be teaching 240 students in a lecture class - glad I won't have to do any grading, that's what the 4 TAs are for. More in my blog when I get more details. Other dish is that I'll be teaching a 3 week green roof course for 'm-term' in may/june - now I just have to figure out what I want to teach about green roofs.

manta - they call it 'lecturing', not teaching 'round here.

Techno, at least you don't have a wee one to care for (this sucks lots of time out of my days) - just take care of yourself.

Oct 12, 09 9:36 pm  · 

it's done and you'll see it in few minutes..!

manta, i did it myself and still need your final pointers for the future. regardless, many thanks.

happy late b-day snooksky. nam, any update, 'prayers' continue.. (yeah, i know few nice ones from three -four religions and few other ones from individual wise (wo)men..

Oct 12, 09 10:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

Wow, Emilio, thanks! That's the festival, and I've never been able to find any photos let alone video of it on the web! I have no memory of it, as I was only 3 (like Steven said), but my sister, who is 4 years older than me, swears she remembers the same thing my dad does: a guy walking through the crowd selling sausages, with them draped several times around his neck and body. Of course he was naked doing this, which to me puts a bit of a damper on my taste buds.

My follow-up to those hippie roots was going to the Oregon Country Fair (slightly NSFW) in 1991, which I vaguely, due to an altered state of mind, remember being a lovely, beautiful, fully connected weekend of love for all humanity. WonderK, you should plan to go next year! The structures that make up the fair village are really fantastical and wonderful.

Oct 12, 09 10:39 pm  · 

abra!!! I am finally, EGREGIOUSLY, reading the piece!! I love it so far! It feels like california and yet also the world. I love your writing. strange sites, indeed.

If it's not far, far beyond the point of usefulness to you, I'll make my comments and return.

Oct 12, 09 11:25 pm  · 

tk, that is insane! what topic are you lecturing?

manta, i don't put teaching on architecture cv.

i also trim lots of professional stuff from cv for academia.

sadly they seem to be rather insulated from one another and even cause issues for some (some academics don't like practicing architects and vice versa - in my experience even violently so).

i do put in publications for both cvs, but separate articles i wrote for journals as academic from those that others have written about me and my office. academia seems very un-impressed by the latter so probably will take them out once i get someone to print more peer-reviewed stuff.

i don't write about freelance work or work as artist-installer-ator for either cv. my feeling is that it is too distracting and i prefer to be talking about the point on hand rather than the side ventures i am involved in.

could not say if any of the above is right way to do things or not. steven seems to have the most sensible view.

naked people at concerts are always fun. especially the old dudes selling things. i think they are all the same person and he is frozen and shipped round the world and that is why he ages so slowly and is in all the pictures.

Oct 13, 09 7:38 am  · 
Oct 13, 09 9:00 am  · 

My high school drama teacher, who I ultimately ended up completely losing respect for, ruined Neil Young for me. He used to play it on the piano all the time and for years I was only able to picture him whenever I heard Young's music. It's only been recently that I have been able to listen to without thinking of him (jackass drama teacher).

Manta - may I ask what position you are looking for?

Anyone heard from Sarah of late. She hasn't been around these parts and I'm beginning to worry. SH if you are out there, please pop in to at least say you are alive.

Oct 13, 09 9:25 am  · 

manta - for resume - the advice given to me recently was to keep a "master" resume where you have everything you've ever done (but you'd never show anyone this one because it's probably 10 pages long) and then only pick out the pieces you think fit best with whoever is looking at it. that way you can include a couple free-lance things if they are relevant to the position.

Oct 13, 09 9:44 am  · 

Hi all,

I had the other two wisdom teeth removed this morning. Plus, my sister is being moved to a rehab facility from the hospital. Hopefully she will only be there for a few weeks.

Toast's suggestion is the way i have gone myself recently. A master resume with various versions....

Also, Orhan love the piece... Glad to see it up.

Oct 13, 09 10:45 am  · 

the mega lecture course is: Environmental Design and its Biological and Physical Context - one of the core undergrad courses in the college of design. All architecture and environmental/landscape design students are required to take it. I don't recall having any architecture course this big as an undergrad.

Oct 13, 09 10:53 am  · 

Hmm. Lots of resume thoughts to think of. Tuna, I'm looking for a full-time arch gig.

Oct 13, 09 11:05 am  · 

Thank you, all!

Oct 13, 09 11:05 am  · 

TK, we had a core undergrad course called Site & Landscape Context or something like that -- it was EXCELLENT -- one of the best classes I ever took. Totally fascinating. Every arch student had to take it and under the professor I had (who has since retired), the highest student grade was a C. (ha...) nobody minded -- that was back when they were saying "your grades don't matter". I still have all my notes / sketches from that course and the textbook as well. It made me consider studying Landscape Arch. at some point... At the same time we had to take a core studio that was focused primarily on site, and we had to determine cut & fill & road grading and exact vegetation types (had to be local or at least the correct climate type!) and all that. It was fun!

Oct 13, 09 11:09 am  · 

All students had to take Acoustics & Lighting course, and Design Economics (basically real estate economics) courses as well... and Psychology of Habitation... we had a lot of great required courses that I've since learned are a bit unusual I suppose.

Oct 13, 09 11:10 am  · 

Oh Orhan, I see. Excellent.

Oct 13, 09 11:51 am  · 

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