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what kind of weeing eye dog did he have?

What does this even mean!? And why am I still giggling!?

Anyway, the purge continues in my apartment, and it's liberating. Tomorrow my coffee maker, an old metal rolling storage thingy and some other stuff will disappear. I've taken a strategy of trying to fit everything I want to keep on my giant storage unit and purging everything else, and it's working. Yippee.

May 24, 09 1:31 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I wouldnt varnish it if its going to stay inside - I like the semi-matte finish, but maybe someone has a logical reason why you SHOULD varnish it.

Something is wrong with my kid. He's become a TOTAL whiner the past two days, and he wont take a nap. I'm assuming he's whining because he's tired, but why the heck won't he nap!?! I just hope he stops soon.

Beta, I dont know that I wouldve picked up on that at all. I think with me, I just assume people are being nice, and they have to be REALLY blunt in order for me to get that they are hitting on me, and even then I assume theyre just joking.

LB, you should share some of the 'made stuff' with the archinectors.

May 24, 09 4:34 pm  · 

LB.....ya the little guy could have his own gallery here on Architect! We would all love to see the creative juices a flowing from your young lad. Just set up a topic and link it to flicker and we be there!

May 24, 09 4:37 pm  · 

thats a problem with us too LB. I give my kids free reign to paint sculpt or draw with whatever materials they can find in our home, and they make things constantly. we have a closet full of paintings and i don't think i can put anything else on the walls. that table my daughter made is in the living room, and there is a 1.5 meter wide painting she calls "rainbow jelly fish" that i put on a matte frame that really is awesome. i knew i shouldna bought that easel and work table for the girls. recently it has become a bit manageable because they started partnering up to make books and those are pretty small. and instead of two paintings they collaborate to put together just one so we are ahead. but it is clear we are going to have to rent studio space if we don't stop them soon. maybe it will be a birthday present for them or something ;-)

May 24, 09 5:01 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I've seen where people scan in their kids artwork and turn it into a photobook ala photobucket, ect.

May 24, 09 11:00 pm  · 

i would rather convince my kids to do a sport (basketball, tennis, soccer, or golf). better future. the art life is tough.

May 25, 09 1:22 am  · 

breaking a limb from a sports injury and unable to play is more tough. At least art can offer them a creative outlet.

May 25, 09 1:31 am  · 

my oldest is on the track team, if that counts.

May 25, 09 6:25 am  · 
vado retro

there have been many athetic artists. Caravaggio killed a guy in a sword fight. You gotta be an athlete to do that.

May 25, 09 9:36 am  · 

my sister-in-law made a book of my 4-year-old nephew's artwork on blurb... she put it all in chronological order. there's this ongoing study of fields of color and collages of stickers... individually they seem like any other kid's artwork, but taken together in its totality his work is pretty amazing.

I've read somewhere that young kids have a really great sense of proportion and color - and that during adolescence they loose some of this ability. many artists work their entire lives to get this sense back.

May 25, 09 10:26 am  · 

TC seems nice and quiet. Everyone must be out cleaning their grills for the festivities and picnics later. I'm about to make a pulled pork sandwich for breakfast. A reminder of things to come today, I'll skip the beer chaser though

May 25, 09 11:04 am  · 
brian buchalski

i haven't been attacked by any lions today, so it's been a pretty good day so far.

someone mentioned ants recently and, yes, they've been annoying me too. they've been all over the place lately. i hate it most when the start crawling on you...because then any time you feel anything you start thinking it's an ant & you try to swat at it...and then you start losing you mind.

May 25, 09 1:31 pm  · 

ugh, pulled pork. One of my favorite foods, but I ate so much yesterday (from Fette Sau in Brooklyn) that I ended up feeling sick, and had some cold sweat thing going on the rest of the day/night. We bought 2lbs of pulled pork shoulder and a got a few pork cheeks to boot. For 3 people. Plus a large side of baked beans, and a bag full of rolls for sandwich making. Man, so good, but I overindulged big time.

Heading out to Queens in a few hours for a bbq at the home of the #2 guy at the GF's firm (not the guy with his name on the door, but the partner that makes sure the work is code compliant and that it gets executed properly). Really cool and super intelligent dude (Cooper Union and Cornell grad) with really bright kids (the eldest is heading to McGill for college this coming Fall).


I spent the end of last week helping a close friend from undergrad wrap up her thesis at Princeton. She had a few current grad students, one undergrad, and her BF and I, pitching in to wrap things up. It was cool to lend a hand, but also very cool to be there to check out the thesis projects. A dozen or so students presented, but only a few of the projects were well regarded by the jury (fortunately my friend's project was one of those few). All had redeeming aspects of course, and all had parts that were lacking, but only a few of the projects seemed to be accepted as generally solid through and through.

More than anything else, it was entertaining and educational to listen to the jurors and watch how the interacted with one another, and how the panel as a whole "matured" over the course of the reviews (both Thursday and Friday, with a few members that were only there for one day or the other).

A few of the jurors were impressive in how they got to the heart of things, and effectively discussed ideas and proposals in a way that was useful to the student and less about "strutting their [own] stuff"...Sylvia Lavin, Sanford Kwinter and Reinhold Martin come to mind. pics at flickr

And I was able to kick it with Smokety McPhD too. He is well...

May 25, 09 1:32 pm  · 
liberty bell

AP, last time I ate too much pulled pork I spent half the night sleeping in my husband's LC4 knock-off. I hate the damn thing, but at least it's good for riding out stomach/back problems!

Thanks for the review pics - I enjoy seeing those. The picture through the model is quite nice.

May 25, 09 3:57 pm  · 

Happy holidays my friends. I've been burning calories like mad the past few days, with a "short" bike ride of only 12 miles on Saturday but then a "long" hike of 7.5 miles yesterday, the first half of which was ascending about 1800 feet. That pretty much did me in, and between that and chores and selling furniture, my body is quite mad at me today. I wish I could afford a massage. :-/

May 25, 09 4:12 pm  · 

Hi all.
I am just wrapping up a nice afternoon sitting at the cafe. But in doors cause it was too hot out.
Nice to not be at work.
How are you all???
Drinking, sunning, or grilling?

May 25, 09 4:12 pm  · 

working :(

my book is due at the printers on wednesday, so I'm going to keep on keeping on til then

May 25, 09 4:15 pm  · 
Living in Gin
May 25, 09 4:24 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Slow weekend here, which is fine by me... I spent all day Saturday cleaning the apartment, church and sleep on Sunday, and more sleep today. I'll probably head out later this evening and wander around a bit.

May 25, 09 4:27 pm  · 

So, I think I accidentally purged my remote control for my MacBook Pro, and then I was like...."hmmm, iPhone app?" And lo and behold, there was a FREE IPHONE APP for a remote control that controls your entire iTunes library from ANYWHERE IN YOUR HOME. And it's better than my original remote since I can page through the library too. Holy hell, the iPhone has officially changed my life.

May 25, 09 5:36 pm  · 
liberty bell

DubK, that's awesome. That's one thing I don't have. But wait, did a remote come with my computer? Hang on....

May 25, 09 5:39 pm  · 
brian buchalski

yeah, i love the remote control app. also love the carpenter app that includes a level.

May 25, 09 6:15 pm  · 

puddles, I too enjoy the carpenter app. I used it to check the tilt on the solar panels when I visited the solar farm. 15 degrees, in case anyone cares.

liberty bell, you should have gotten one, if you got a MacBook Pro!

May 25, 09 7:45 pm  · 
vado retro

and if its not level you can use the iphone as a shim.

May 25, 09 9:36 pm  · 

I've officially dropped off the planet last month. But I'm back.

Happy graduation, DubK.

May 25, 09 9:38 pm  · 

Thanks n____! What planet did you go to in the meantime?

May 25, 09 10:03 pm  · 
liberty bell

vado that's about the funniest iphone joke I've heard!

I'm watching Planet Earth on Animal Planet. Good lord is it beautiful.

May 25, 09 10:19 pm  · 

Ahhh I'm tired, and full, and tired. But so happy. I drank enough beer to completely numb a small child - luckily I am not. It was a beautiful day out despite the rains earlier. Good friends and some amazing food. I was the official carver - and 1st assistant to the chef. One would normally call it a sous but seeing as we were doing pork, souse seem more in order.

hope everyone had a great day - now back to work

May 26, 09 1:05 am  · 
liberty bell

Prop 8 decision today - I'm nervous.

May 26, 09 7:11 am  · 

Woot, back from Cincinnati! Good weekend.

LB, are you voting against the prop?

May 26, 09 9:45 am  · 

Back to work. To back to back awesome music shows this week.

Isis and Mr. Lif. Will probably end up missing both because they are during the week. Who books that shit??

Did you all rest up? I did.

May 26, 09 10:01 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Depressing news this morning....Target cannot offer me a position at this time. I wonder how much is because I'm "Over Qualified." Its getting harder and harder not to take it personally. Blasted Target.

May 26, 09 10:04 am  · 

Planet Debauchery - it's been an amazing month.

May 26, 09 10:04 am  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, really: don't take it personally. It's impossible for everyone out there right now.

jk3hl, I'm anti-Prop 8 (that means I'm pro-marriage for all), but I don't live in California so I didn't vote on it. I'm more concerned about riots and continued angriness from both sides until this is all settled, which will be a long but hopefully peaceful time.

May 26, 09 10:37 am  · 
liberty bell

You know: I LOVE what I do. I love architecture, especially the figuring out of engineering, construction costs, ADA, basically getting all the puzzle pieces to fit together.

What I don't love is that even after 20+ years in the field I can't seem to get anything done on a schedule that doesn't leave me frantically scrambling at the last minute!! It would be so much more fun if I'd work on it sooner than right before the deadline!


May 26, 09 10:59 am  · 

n_, well done :o)

lb, I'm nervous about the decision too. I hope there's no problems here. You would think with the "two sides" being "christians" and the gay community, we'd be OK, but who knows. On the plus side, it's Sotomayor! She seems cool.

lb, also, have you ever done an audit of your workspace to determine if there's something that would make you work more productively? For instance, is there some hardware or even software for your computer that could help you in some way? Do you create schedules for yourself? I'm sure if you needed to purchase something that it would be tax deductible, since you're a small business owner, right?

jk, what'd you think of Cincy?

May 26, 09 12:48 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh my god, a good structural engineer can TOTALLY make your day!

May 26, 09 12:50 pm  · 

Liberty I love that you are still stoked about architecture after 20 years. I love what I do too - even though I'm not doing it in the capacity I'd like to. Notwithstanding, I think what makes this profession amazing, and perhaps what hurts us most, is that we have such high numbers of people who enjoy it so much... people assume we'd do it for free.

OK time for lunch

May 26, 09 12:53 pm  · 

I'm glad about the sotomayor choice although i do NOT agree with many of her most prized decisions. But, I am psyched to see another woman on the court, and a minority as well. Latin americans are such an integral part of american life and so woefully, woefully lacking representation at the governmental level.

Some of her decisions do frustrate me, however.

May 26, 09 1:43 pm  · 

Hi Wonder - what'd you mean by your 'two sides' comment? Christians are the probably the most vehement opponents to gay marriage (barring a minority of liberal congregations).

But yea, Cinci was great! Thanks for all your tips/help!

I'm actually an undergrad student at UC, so I've lived there on campus for a couple years, but over the weekend I realized there's so much I haven't had a chance to see! (slaving away in studio and whatnot)

I went down with about a dozen people - we all stayed in a friend's gorgeous apartment in Newport near Mansion Hill. Friday night we just partied on the building's roof deck and enjoyed the air. On Saturday I took some guys on a tour of UC's campus - they're intern architects, by the way - and so they were in absolute awe of all the cool architecture. We played some frisbee on the football field, then I split off and hung out with some studio friends that are on an opposing co-op schedule and are in studio this quarter.

Sunday we went to the Reds game, walked through Taste, visited the CAC, and ended the night at the Hofbrauhaus (they have cornhole)!Aaaand, Monday I went on a great 13 mile bike ride up around Hyde Park/Lookout Hill with some guys, while the rest of them were visiting IKEA.

All in all, great weekend!

May 26, 09 1:43 pm  · 

Well, they upheld the ban.

May 26, 09 1:47 pm  · 

Such as? I ask because the most prominent one seems to be the Ricci case. And there while i understand people's gut reaction as this [url= [/url] explains the lega case was fairly cut and dry...

May 26, 09 2:46 pm  · 


May 26, 09 2:46 pm  · 
vado retro

if gay marriage ain't legal and marriage between a man and a woman is so damned sacred then divorce shouldn't be so damned easy to get. personally i aint all that crazy about marriage anyway.

May 26, 09 4:03 pm  · 

Within the context of questions regarding Title VII, from what I understand the discriminatory determination is based on ststistical failure rates....

May 26, 09 4:03 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Can someone explain how it could be discriminatory? I mean, its a test, a test for promotion, not a test for getting into the program, right? So they're all already firefighters...right?

I guess I'm confused.

From what I read about the prop 8 issue, they werent deciding on marriage, they were deciding on whether or not voters should be allowed to vote for changes to their constitution, right? I can agree with that.

LB, snooped around your flickr page today. I love your house. How did you convince your husband, and can I get a ballpark figure on how much it cost? Maybe thats too forward for the world wide web.

I'm watching Dr Phil; apparently I'm not nearly as terrible a parent as I could be. WoooHooo!

May 26, 09 4:14 pm  · 

"Can someone explain how it could be discriminatory? I mean, its a test, a test for promotion, not a test for getting into the program, right? So they're all already firefighters...right?"

I know on the old SAT questions... there were a lot of culturally inappropriate questions.

"If the wind is blowing from the WSW at 16 knots and your yacht has to travel WNW, at what degree to tilt your sail to make the yacht go at least 12 knots an hour to be able to get back to brunch?"

How many ethnic people in this country own schooners?


"If there is an adder, a rattlesnake and a mamba ... which of the three snakes will be killed first by a meerkat with red-green color blindness?"

Without wikipedia or a lot of extensive travel, it is hard to know that an adder is black, a rattlesnake is usually brown and mambas can be green or black. You'd have to be wealthy to answer this question 60 years ago because you'd have to go to three different continents.

"If your at a polo match for 4 hours, what kind of sunscreen do you wear?"

Haha, yeah.

It's really easy to make a test discriminatory because most stereotypes do indeed have a half-truth to them.

May 26, 09 4:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

jk3hl, I think WonderK's comment meant that both Christians and gays have a reputation for being mild and peace-loving, so one would think there would not be any kind of violent protest no matter what the ruling ended up being.

As it came down, it seems to me there is a huge open door now for a civil rights lawsuit, as 18,000 Californians have been granted a right that is now no longer available to the rest of the state. But of course I'm not a lawyer and don't really know what I'm talking about - I suppose the whole notion of a "grandfather clause" could apply.

Sarah, my husband did most of the work on our house himself, with the exceptions of setting the kitchen cabinets, rough electrical, countertops, and skimming the rough textured plaster ceiling with a smooth coat. We spent about $40K (roughly) doing a new kitchen, all new flooring, total rewiring including bigger panel, plaster ceiling, about 12sf of wood re-framing, a couple new windows, removing one door and installing another, powder room fixtures, and various accessories like shelving. Of course my clients spend upwards of $100K on just a kitchen.

May 26, 09 4:39 pm  · 

is anyone else feeling the effects of the long weekend? I'm proposing a worldwide adoption of a mandatory half-day post any public holiday weekend to make up for adjustments in productivity. Why go to work on time if you are only going to be 1/2 as productive? Best to spend the morning sleeping in. Let's call it Proposition 69, are you with me??

also the cup of expresso I just had isn't working

May 26, 09 4:45 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LB, I really love the wall in the dining room, and the blue couches.

HR, the yacht question is just a math problem; it has nothing to do with boats really. I dont think owning a yacht would give you a leg up. Same with the sunscreen/polo question. Point taken on the snake one, however. THey dont ask questions like that, do they? I mean, not without showing pictures of the snakes. Maybe they did.

May 26, 09 4:55 pm  · 

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