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su - its all about groups and components. that way volumes don't become sticky. i think making each object as a separate object helps.

Nov 25, 07 9:55 am  · 

LB and Snooker - I've sorta been half heartly trying to teach myself the program as well. I find it frustrating as well and slow too. This may sound rather crazy but if I play with it long enough, I start to get slightly dizzy.

Nov 25, 07 10:53 am  · 

i bought a book - that i still haven't read called Sketc up for dummies

Nov 25, 07 12:20 pm  · 

LOL! If you ever get around to actually reading it, you'll have to let me know if it helps.

Nov 25, 07 12:26 pm  · 
some person

Wow... Archinect creeps along at a painfully slow pace when no one is at work...

Nov 25, 07 2:09 pm  · 

DCA- I almost gave your a shout out with your real name - figured its worth letting the entire world know the good news.

Beta, hope this kicks starts the toy drive!

Nov 25, 07 3:32 pm  · 
some person

wow - I'm flattered barry. Thank you! (Yeah, I would never want my real name to escape... 910 posts, and very few people - I hope - know who I really am.)

Nov 25, 07 3:52 pm  · 

barry, looks like there are too many kohl's 4 am sale links in the first section and the section that deals with school threads. i don't know if it is on purpose or just copy paste error.

Nov 25, 07 4:11 pm  · 

opps- I wasn't trying to be tricky, just had several copy/paste/mac versus pc user moment. the links are now fixed.

Guess I'm morphing into a publicly schizoid user with the entire world getting to know my alter ego... the secret was nice while it lasted. Wonder how long it may take the boss to figure it out?

Nov 25, 07 5:57 pm  · 

hey, i don't think you have anything you should worry about going public. i would have like to work with somebody like you. you'll always be hired, or not, for who you are. what is bad about that?
'one life,' if you can afford it.;.)

Nov 25, 07 7:42 pm  · 

i'm back in civilization!

resigned myself to leaving most of humanity thursday and have been holed up on my mother-in-law's 180ac farm in eastern ky since then. no phone or tv or computer or any other electronic device to connect me to a larger world, though we did 'drive into town' once or twice. it's beautiful there, but i'm glad to be back, honestly.

Nov 25, 07 8:04 pm  · 

ok, now i've played on the computer for a while, the house it quiet because my girls aren't coming home until tomorrow night, i've had the only beer i'm going to allow myself, and the house STILL hasn't warmed up yet since i got back. (had the heat turned almost-off while we were gone.)

time to crawl under the covers and read my book, i guess...

Nov 25, 07 8:58 pm  · 

that was an 'archinect book club' link, btw...

Nov 25, 07 8:59 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yay, Steven's back!

Nov 25, 07 9:05 pm  · 

I'm back in civilization as well. Went out to eastern WA for the weekend. And I thought Seattle was cold! It didn't reach above about 24 degrees the entire time I was out there. Brrrrrrrrrrr.

Nov 25, 07 9:58 pm  · 
Living in Gin

What on earth were you doing in eastern Washington? Does anybody actually live there?

I spent the weekend here in NYC, although I wouldn't have minded a weekend trip somewhere else if I had the money for it.

I fucking hate having a roommate.... Sunday evenings are my special chill-out time when I dim the lights, put some spacey electronic ambient music on the stereo, and sip a glass of sherry while I chat online with some friends, write in my blog, and prepare for bed. It's a nice way to cap off the weekend before having to face another Monday morning. I've been keeping up this little tradition of mine for over ten years now, and I think it's helped keep me from going crazy a few times.

So, I'm about an hour into my Sunday evening chill-out time tonight, and at the exact moment I was thinking about heading to bed, my roommate has to come home, turn on all the lights, start yapping on his cell phone, and bang around all the pots and dishes while making his dinner. It's only a matter of time before he comes into the living area (where I am) and turns on ESPN to watch some stupid basketball game.

Arrrrgh.... Does anybody have a few grand I can borrow so I can get my own apartment ASAP?

Nov 25, 07 11:11 pm  · 

Gin, I'd guess the density of eastern WA to be equivilant to the density of say Montana or Wyoming. Sparse, but technically populated. We went to get a christmas tree, plucked straight out of the wild, and my roomate's dad was there hunting, so we stayed at the roomate's parents' vaca home. Anyway, we came home with a lovely tree, saw a funny little scandinavian-themed village, and my toes are finally thawing.

In other news, I've just heard that we might get snow here (in the city) within the next couple of days. Eek!

Nov 25, 07 11:32 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Sounds fun.... Right now I'm actually setting up an online photo gallery featuring photos from my first trip to Oregon in 2004, and it's making me miss the Pacific Northwest a bit. The scenery out there is absolutely stunning. I need to make another trip out there before too long.

Nov 25, 07 11:42 pm  · 
Living in Gin

As predicted, roomie is 10 feet away from me watching ESPN. Somebody please shoot me in the face.

Nov 25, 07 11:52 pm  · 
vado retro

i;m alive and in 15 minutes will have been up for 24 hours. Thanks to the 2.05 to 1 exchange rate, however, my bank account is on life support.

Nov 26, 07 1:40 am  · 

I'm currently working on a presentation on seismic failure and design. Did you know that the 1960 Great Chilean Earthquake is responsible for nearly a quarter of the global seismic moment released by the earth since 1900? And during the Alaskan earthquake of 1964, parts of Alaska actually liquefied? Fascinating.

Nov 26, 07 2:26 am  · 
liberty bell

vado I'm hoping you're not posting from home as I thought you came back today, not yesterday. Which means I haven't had a chance to clean up all the spilled beer and vomit at your place yet...those college girls in your pad know how to have fun!

Did anyone else notice on the Columbia v. community college thread that manamana referred to puddles as puffles?! I think you have a new nickname, puffles dear, because I giggle every time I say it!

Happy Monday morning back at work, everyone!

Nov 26, 07 7:07 am  · 

hey vado, are you ready for your party?

Nov 26, 07 7:28 am  · 

Vado is back!

Nov 26, 07 11:22 am  · 
Dapper Napper

Actually, DubK, I just learned that as well. I'm studying for lateral forces exam.

I got really tickled at the FEMA seismic deisgn papers basically blaming modernism and the international style for the prevalence of poor seismic designed buildings. Oh when will the architects ever learn.

Nov 26, 07 11:42 am  · 

hello world. Its 1pm, and have been stuck in a series of meetings all morning/afternoon with a few more to begin at the start of the next hour. I really didn't have an opportunity to disconnect this weekend, with demands from work. The evening drinking escades were perhaps the only bits that kept me from strangling someone (despite still wanting to on Saturday night).

Last night I slept the longest I've managed to in over 6 years going from 10pm to 7am and I still feel a little tired. Perhaps I over did it?

The work produced last week was good though, like minded professionals - charette style working arrangement on the urban detail of the new town. We are about 30% into our major exhibition to take place in December. Fun~

On a positive note...the friend is now a girlfriend

Nov 26, 07 12:15 pm  · 

congrats a-techno!!

I've realized lately that all of my good business decisions, ideas and connections come from either the pub or the chairlift. Sitting in the office today feels like dying a little bit.....

Nov 26, 07 12:24 pm  · 

Welcome back Vado.

Gin - Much empathy goes out to you. I take it your roommate doesn't have a TV in his room. Ever thought about putting the dang thing on a movable cart so you can just wheel into his room when he starts annoying the crap out of you? Perhaps then he'd get the picture. That's just rude and inconsiderate.

Nov 26, 07 12:48 pm  · 

here's your sign>

In my seismic research I came to the conclusion that we can design to resist seismic forces all we want, but will it really matter? In four of the greatest seismic events of the past 100 years - San Fran 1906, Chile 1960, Alaska 1964, and Sumatra 2004 - the greatest damage occurred not from the earthquake itself, but from the fires, tsunamis, and landslides that ensued. Sometimes if the earth is going to move that much, the building is just going to go. So I guess we should start designing hovercrafts!

techno> Well done or congrats or personal life is a bit more difficult, I'm afraid. What can I say, I like a challenge.

Nov 26, 07 2:23 pm  · 

via, the SubwayNut

Nov 26, 07 3:09 pm  · 

Hey Gin, did you ever end up taking up the part-time gig at Apple?

If that works out, maybe you can save some extra cash and peace out of roommate hell.

Nov 26, 07 3:39 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, so I'm a little late, but just thought I'd muse a bit....

It seems so strange to me that people have mashed potatos for Thanksgiving. We always have sweet potatos, and mashed potatos are just an ordinary affair. Not meaning that to come across so snobby, sorry. I do love me some mashed potatos.

And, other than location, is there a difference between stuffing and dressing? We make ours with cornbread, and I put it into the turkey (after stuffing it into a linen bag so I don't have to scoop it out of the bird), so I figure I make stuffing. My family doesn't stuff, so we have dressing when they make it. Is there another difference I dont know about?

Oh, and our TG went well, except that I HIGHLY reccomend if you make a pumpkin pie from scratch, stick to the traditional recipe. Mine was an italian version, just for fun, and because it called for RUM and I take it however I can now that I'm not allowed, but it didn't have any of the typical spices like cinnamin, all-spice, ect. It just had rum, lemon zest, and pumpkin. Of course it had the eggs, and sugar, and such, but in the end, it tasted like lemony squash. Go figure. It was good, but it just didnt hit the spot.

Vado, glad your trip went well, despite the exchange rate. Go to South Africa next time, I hear the exchange works in our favour there.

Nov 26, 07 4:46 pm  · 

stuffing is put into a bird/piece o'meat and baked in the oven, while dressing is made on the stove top and much moister. if you don't like this answer, ask mightylittle...

Nov 26, 07 7:22 pm  · 

I am having a very anti-Cincinnati day. As usual it has put me in a major funk which therefore makes me feel trapped and hate the fact I bought a house.


Now back to your regularly scheduled thread.

Nov 26, 07 8:20 pm  · 
some person

Yay - I'm meeting our good friend stephanie for lunch tomorrow and also giving her a tour of the firm. How will I be able to sleep tonight?

Nov 26, 07 9:01 pm  · 
liberty bell

Have fun, DCArchitect and Stephanie!

Nov 26, 07 9:03 pm  · 
vado retro

wtf? moment of my trip. guy checking his cell phone messages and completely bypassing all the caravaggio's. wtf???

Nov 26, 07 9:19 pm  · 
Living in Gin

n_: I never heard back from the Apple Store, so I'm assuming that I didn't make the cut. Probably just as well, as it would have been a severe strain on my physical stamina.

Unfortunately, I incurred a massive amount of debt during my move to NYC and enrollment in the Columbia summer program, and it will probably be almost a year before I have enough savings to get my own apartment -- or at at least an apartment that's worth getting. I suppose that could change if I got a huge holiday bonus, or if I somehow luck my way into getting a decent apartment without having to pay a broker fee, but I'm not holding my breath.

This has actually been a pretty good roommate, as far as roommates go, but the physical layout of the apartment provides almost no acoustical privacy. And of course, it's his television in his living room in his apartment, so I'm not really in a position to say anything. He could easily kick me out and have thirty people willing to rent the room within 24 hours... The joys of housing in NYC.

Nov 26, 07 11:52 pm  · 

I'm considering getting a cat. I hesitate to involve myself with another roommate though, now that I've finally tasted the joys of freedom.

Nov 27, 07 1:29 am  · 

myriam, the well-documented hilarity of having my cat has far outweighed any quasi-responsibilities involved.

Nov 27, 07 2:06 am  · 

I love that tumbles and I both posted pictures of our animals within minutes of each other.

Nov 27, 07 2:08 am  · 

totally cool wonder k, that whole seismic thing. i love studying that stuff.

if i am not making stories inside my mushy head i think that alaskan earthquake was also the first time geologists had evidence available to them so they could figure out subduction zones, a missing link in the whole plate tectonic theory that was no one believed for ages and stages...

modern architecture is responsible for earthquake damage? because of soft stories? or something else? if the former i guess i can understand. soft stories would not have been possible back when we still used masonry as structural really it is corbu's fault, with his dominoes and other cleverly named ideas...

Nov 27, 07 2:10 am  · 

yeah LiG..
i'm sorry..i had no idea you were in town...we had
20 or so people over here for turkey day. i apparently didn't write
your new number down so i don't have it even if i had known you were in town i wouldn't have been able to call you. sorry to hear you didn't have the best of thanksgivings...shoot me a text with your number.

Nov 27, 07 2:12 am  · 

jump, it is amazing. I actually enjoyed putting the presentation together even though it had a negative impact on my sleep!

Here's another crazy random fact: Even though the Northridge earthquake of 1994 was only a magnitude 6.7, it had the highest level of ground acceleration ever recorded in North America. Nuts, right?

But what we really have to worry about is that giant volcano under Yellowstone.(!)

Nov 27, 07 2:42 am  · 

apparently we just had an earthquake here. People started talking about it, and I didn't even notice. Must have been a baby one. Or living in CA has desensitized me...

Nov 27, 07 3:01 am  · 

bourbon is an awesome secret ingredient for most anything.

Nov 27, 07 7:18 am  · 
Living in Gin

Lars: I just sent you a text message with my cell number, per your request.

Nov 27, 07 8:16 am  · 

Bourbon is especially a good ingredient for Drinking!

Nov 27, 07 8:19 am  · 

Myriam - I totally agree with WonderK. The entertainment value of owning cats far outweighs the responsibility.

Nov 27, 07 8:38 am  · 

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