
Thread Central

Sarah Hamilton

Cheese pies, like plain pizza, or something more glorious? I am imagening flaky pies oozing with melted goodness.

Nov 30, 07 9:27 am  · 

sometimes these conversations go to bizarre places. today it's subway sex talk, cheese pies, exchange rates, and cleveland. i think i'm a little dizzy.

Nov 30, 07 9:34 am  · 

@ Steven isn't that the beauty of Archinect?!

Nov 30, 07 9:40 am  · 
brian buchalski

you could try to save some money by hitchhiking to cleveland...or have you considered plane tickets? might be a good last-minute rate available...but you'll never know if you don't try.

cleveland sounds so perfect right now. i really wish that i could be there today

Nov 30, 07 9:41 am  · 
Living in Gin

Regarding romance on the subways, I suppose there's always this guy's approach.

Nov 30, 07 10:04 am  · 
John Cline

cheese pies

Nov 30, 07 10:07 am  · 
vado retro

the deserts quiet and cleveland's cold.

Nov 30, 07 10:08 am  · 
John Cline

yikes! (sorry!)

Nov 30, 07 10:08 am  · 
brian buchalski

i can hardly believe that the end of 007 is near...will thread central be hosting a holiday party this year? schedules are already filling up fast so we'll need to know soon if we hope to attract any of the a-list celebs.

Nov 30, 07 10:15 am  · 

and so the story ends we're told.

Nov 30, 07 11:44 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

John, they look like Holiday snow-flakes of cheesey goodness. I'm envious.

Nov 30, 07 11:55 am  · 

Mmmmmm. Cheese pie. That's awesome John. I too am envious. I have to drive to Columbus this weekend. Although it's not as far as Cleveland, I'm still not looking forward to filling up my gas tank after that trip; considering I just filled it up yesterday. Harumph!!! :-/

Nov 30, 07 12:17 pm  · 

what ohian ethnicity invented those 'pies' ?

Nov 30, 07 12:49 pm  · 
vado retro

i filled mine up yesterday 33 bucks wtf???

Nov 30, 07 1:23 pm  · 
brian buchalski

did i mention that i have a company car and that i don't have to pay for gas...or service...or washes...or anything? and i still bitch because i have to drive myself...i'd really rather ride in a public train than have to resort to driving myself around everywhere

Nov 30, 07 1:34 pm  · 

Puddles - I'm playing a song for you on my very tiny violin. ;-) Vado, I'm right there with you. I think it was $34 to fill up mine.

Nov 30, 07 1:38 pm  · 
John Cline

They are strumptious. The ones we get in the office aren't quite as fancy as the cheese pies in the picture (ours are just round) but none the less tasty! It's a funny thing to watch my coworkers reactions the morning of and the arrival of the monthy cheesy treat. To say it just creates a buzz around the office would be an understatement... it's rather like a frenzy. And everyone is so damn devious about how many they take.. and the routes they take to and from the kitchen it's like they are some sneaky thief or vigilante. Everyone also pays attention to how many their fellow coworkers take...

"OMG your taking 4!?" [how dare you!]

Nov 30, 07 3:39 pm  · 

tuna, will you play a song for me on your tiny violin as well!?! LOL. My bike ride to school today was like an obstacle's cold, raining (a first for me), and the traffic was the worst I've ever seen it due to some massive event at the convention center. My jeans are still wet 2 hours later. I walked into work looking like a drowned rat, but I've just located a space heater and life is good again. I should at least get a cookie - or perhaps a cheesy pie - right? ;o)

Nov 30, 07 5:00 pm  · 

everything is okay since the earthquake - no damage

Nov 30, 07 5:06 pm  · 

Oh WonderK, that actually sucks. For that you deserve a cookie, a cheesy pie and a cup of bailey's and hot chocolate, which for whatever reasons seem to be the drink of choice for me of late.

Atechno - Glad to hear all is okay and no that there was no damage.

John - That's hilarious that people tend to get rather "territorial" over the cheesy pies. So how many did you end up eating?

Nov 30, 07 5:46 pm  · 
vado retro

hats off to garpike, who always has my back!

Nov 30, 07 5:49 pm  · 

posted on "would someone please explain" as well:

rip Evel

Nov 30, 07 6:08 pm  · 

wonderK's experiencing her first rain in LA, and I hear that I'm about to experience my first snow in Seattle. Eek! I'm seriously tempted to barricade myself in my house with massive amounts of hot chocolate. But I do really want to go downtown to watch football tomorrow. Hopefully it can hold off on the white stuff until after the game's over???

Nov 30, 07 6:15 pm  · 

and vado, I'm sorry if I got overly offended about the monkey comment if you didn't really mean it. There are SO MANY architects who really do think of graphic designers as some sort of inferior species that it's something I get defensive about.

Nov 30, 07 6:16 pm  · 

by contrast, I have no idea how much it takes to fill up my tank... the last time I filled up was in September, on the drive up here. Half the tank got me from Portland to Seattle, and the other half hasn't run out yet. I've considered topping off just to get the winter mix in the tank but haven't yet.

Nov 30, 07 6:34 pm  · 

Yowza Tumbles... that's a lot. I only condemn people who own Hummers that actually don't use them for armed military use. IMHO it's justified if you do actually haul a lot of stuff. It's kinda hard lugging around gyp. bd. in my Jetta if you know what I mean.

Nov 30, 07 10:26 pm  · 

Oh look....all my girls are in the hiz-ouse! LOL. Sorry, don't know where that came from.

Also, I just need to say this for a second, and I know my ladies here will agree with me. Sometimes, I just get overwhelmed by how attractive men are. I just really appreciate them - looking at them, talking to them, and especially flirting with them - and this evening is one of those times. So to all of the smart dudes out there who are hot, and nice, and kind, and thoughtful, and funny - you get a gold star from me today. Le sigh.

Nov 30, 07 10:42 pm  · 

DubK - true that sister... The sexiest guys are always the hot smart ones (at least in my book).

Vado - I just read through the entire thread and I completely agree with your argument.

Rationalist - Is this your first snow? Stay warm and have fun at the football game if you go. How cold does it typically get in Seattle anyway? I thought all architects thought interior designers were the inferior species?

I'm off to commence knitting. I'm making an afghan for a friend's babyshower which is tomorrow at 1pm. Keep your fingers crossed I can finish it.

Nov 30, 07 11:16 pm  · 

It'll be the first snow in which I have to worry about things like getting myself around and going about my daily life. I don't fancy driving in snow (tires bought in CA are probably not up to it, and neither are my nerves), and the busses are said to be crap when it snows, so I'm a little nervous about the whole transportation thing. All previous snow has been seen either a) after it fell, or b) from the cozy confines of a ski lodge, relative's house, or similar place where I could bunker down and not really have to get anything done. It freezes every winter into the upper 20's/low 30's at nights (we're getting lows of 30-31 degrees right now), and people now tell me that it tends to snow 2-3 times a year. This is a little infuriating, since before I moved here people told me that it doesn't snow here, it just rains a lot. Maybe 2-3 times per year was not enough for them to think of as statistically significant, but I sure think it is! I have seen hail a couple times since I've been here though.

As for inferiority, it seems to affect graphic designers too, just not get talked about as much because graphic designers aren't trying to take bits of work away from architects. I had to endure a 45-minute lecture from my boss on this topic when I told him I was switching over, and some of my friends back home seem to think it's ok to say things like, "But we're better than them!" because they still count me as an architect(ural intern). Then I get it from the other side when graphic designers make this distinction between architects and "designers", as though architects don't do any design. So sometimes I feel shunned by both sides.

Nov 30, 07 11:29 pm  · 
Living in Gin

For the second time in less than a year, I find myself in the odd position of designing my own employer's new office space. I think I've found my calling in life. And once again, I'm in culture shock at how different my new firm is from my old firm in Chicago.

Old firm: Husband and wife partners who never agree on anything.
New firm: One partner designated as the decision-maker.

Old firm: Every design move I make is second-guessed a million times.
New firm: "That's a pretty good idea. Why don't you go ahead and develop it some more."

Old firm: "Don't let anybody else in the office see what you're working on."
New firm: "You might want to ask around and see what people think of this."

Old firm: "We need to cover the timber ceiling with 2x2 tile so that dust doesn't fall onto our computers."
New firm: "I agree, we should leave the ceiling exposed. It makes the space much more open."

Old firm: "We need cut the lunch room in half so that we can make room for some more workstations."
New firm: "It's okay if we lose a couple workstations if it means we get a nice lunch room."

Old firm: "My office needs to be much bigger, and I can't work without a window to the outside."
New firm: "Maybe we should look at pulling the partners' offices to the interior of the floor so that the studio gets more natural daylight."

Old firm: "Herman Miller is giving us a good deal on this line of systems furniture, so we need to design around it."
New firm: "We need our new office to represent everything we value as architects."

I feel like I'm in some sort of weird parallel universe compared to where I was a year ago.

Funny thing is, my old firm was supposed to have moved into their new space around this time last year. I just got an email from a friend at the firm who informed me that they're finally issuing for permit next week, but that one of the partners has insisted on yet another complete re-design. They're probably on Scheme 37 by now.

Things certainly aren't perfect here, but there's no amount of money on earth that would make me want to go back to what I left behind in Chicago.

Nov 30, 07 11:57 pm  · 

well those're some good vibes, lig! especially compared to your experience at the flooded hallway desk a few short weeks ago. something to feel good about.

n_, i'm heading your way, though not stopping in nashville. the event for which we're near nashville is actually in murfreesboro - BEYOND nashville - which my wife didn't know when she committed to it. that's why i was up at 5am this morning....

i don't know your approximate location (around vandy?), so we'll just wave at the skyline.

Dec 1, 07 6:24 am  · 

....and with this post, i have exactly as many comments as lb!

Dec 1, 07 6:34 am  · 

That is why you have to get bike fenders.
I didn't for awhile but when biking became my main form of transportation for my daily commute to work i did....

Living In Gin,
That great sounds like your new firm is much more transparent...
And communal?

Dec 1, 07 11:36 am  · 

anyone gonna be in Milwaukee for the AIAS Forum? I might be chaperoning and was wondering if there should be an archinect meetup.

Dec 1, 07 12:01 pm  · 

Pixel, my friends are trying to get me to go for a couple of days but I'm still not sure. I'll keep you posted but I'm definitely up for a meetup if I go.

Dec 1, 07 1:46 pm  · 

wK- thanks for joining my linkedin network! anybody else want to join the fun?

On to other news worth sharing:

I'm convening two education session proposals for GB2008 Boston (nov 19th-21st). They are megacities and sustainability (#80), and the other (#88) is intended to be a postopolis style discussion about the [/i]new media and sustainability[/i]. Both are intended to appeal to students and the typical archinecteur.

I'm looking for nominations for presenters for both session - drop me a note with who you recommend (that could be yourself). I'll be writing most of the abstract minutia, but will need speaker bios, personal contact info, and a summary of what you'd contribute to the discussion to complete the application.

Presenters get $200 off their membership and maybe we can create an archinect press pool to get free press passes for everybody. Greenbuild is also looking for session reviewers - this gets you $100 off the membership and a sneak peek how to write a proposal.

The abstract deadline is January 11th. I need to hear back from all interested folks before the new year to pull this off.

If I get a flood of interested folks vying for spots on the panels - I'm going to pick the most diverse and interesting perspectives, so please don't hate me if you don't get picked!!!

GB2008 info

Dec 1, 07 5:15 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I just bought the most beautiful, fragrant christmas tree. I haven't had one in years! YAY!

Dec 1, 07 6:37 pm  · 

let me guess what mdler's new alias is...

Dec 1, 07 7:15 pm  · 

Well, hello everyone. ;o)

Dec 2, 07 6:29 am  · 
vado retro

Emily tries but misunderstands, ah ooh
She's often inclined to borrow somebody's dreams till tomorrow
There is no other day
Let's try it another way
You'll lose your mind and play
Free games for May
See Emily play

Soon after dark Emily cries, ah ooh
Gazing through trees in sorrow hardly a sound till tomorrow

There is no other day
Let's try it another way
You'll lose your mind and play
Free games for May
See Emily play

Put on a gown that touches the ground, ah ooh
Birds on a river forever and ever, Emily, Emily
There is no other day
Let's try it another way
You'll lose your mind and play
Free games for May
See Emily play

Dec 2, 07 8:54 am  · 

wow, someone's come out of the closet... I'm not that brave, though 'rationalist' is pretty damned recognizable.

Dec 2, 07 11:10 am  · 

Steven, awwwww Murfreesboro. I actually have only driven through three or four times. It was enough for me to realize that I never wanted to return. Hope you and your family enjoyed yourselves.

Dec 2, 07 11:58 am  · 

Emily - does this mean you're now a 'frequent contributor' too? YEAH!!!!

nice job with your [url=] on to the ranchos huevos....
Editors Pick[/url].

Will somebody with superuser admin powers/news team get your post out of the news dropbox?????

Dec 2, 07 12:07 pm  · 
[/i] on to the ranchos huevos.... [/i]Editors Pick


pesky 'enter' key...

Dec 2, 07 12:08 pm  · 

Back behind the veil of a fake name for steps to legitimacy....

I've been thinking about going legit for a while and decided this "assignment" was as good a time as any. I would say that many users who don't frequent TC don't know who many of us are in "real life". And that's OK with me!

And yes, it is there now. Note the time it was posted at. Someone must have been up working late!

Dec 2, 07 1:19 pm  · 

this is cool -

Dec 2, 07 3:24 pm  · 
Dec 2, 07 3:31 pm  · 

I never noticed that 'house' looks like Beta until now. The veil of a users name allows for creating a persona, every now and then it's nice to lift the mask.

talking about masks, do I know Becky?

Dec 2, 07 4:29 pm  · 

Who is this Emily Kemper person? They say she's a regular contributor. Never heard of her ;o)

Dec 2, 07 7:19 pm  · 

hi strawbeary!

Dec 2, 07 9:43 pm  · 

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