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John Cline

As long as they didn't say it as they were pinching your cheeks...

Nov 21, 07 8:50 am  · 

t-minus 4 hours and counting until i am self-employed...

Nov 21, 07 12:22 pm  · 

Steven, lb, and vado....didn't I meet you guys all at the same time? And then we've crossed paths in various capacities since then. You know, brunch and beer and what not.

Re: the "supers", SuperHeavy went to China and then returned to grad school. I think SuperBeatledud is having some issues. As I am not in the Ohio River Valley anymore, I can only speculate, but I don't want to start a row.

(BTW, isn't "row" a great word? Right up there with "kerfuffle".)

Anyway....yay architphil! Good luck and you know your support network is right here, pretty much all the time.

Nov 21, 07 12:49 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yay architphil! I'm so excited for you! Despite some significant drawbacks, overall self-emplopyment is the best. I'm happy you are taking the plunge!

DubK, I like "contretemps" too. We met at Donna's Cafe the first time, with SH, but I'd already met Steven by then. As I recall it was right after St. Paticks Day, and you'd been at Donna's for like 28 of the previous 36 hours.

Nov 21, 07 3:09 pm  · 

OMG, Donna's Cafe was so great. Mmmmm, I could really go for some apple-smoked bacon, hash browns, toast and a fruit cup right now. I think I called it "Emily's Breakfast" even though the name never officially caught on.

Nov 21, 07 3:19 pm  · 

You and your brunches DubK. You crack me up!

Nov 21, 07 3:38 pm  · 

yep, i didn't meet ya'll cincinnatians 'til later, calling from a conference by the airport outside of cincinnati to see what you were up to. lb had to give me your number.

Nov 21, 07 3:38 pm  · 

That sucks Tumbles. Much sympathy goes out to you. Hot Cocoa sounds good... with a bit o' Baileys.

Nov 21, 07 5:51 pm  · 

while i understand all of the negative comments geoff got about the feasibility, desirability, and implications of his most recent 'speculative' idea, i think it's beatifully described and makes me want to experience it, if only temporarily or on certain occasions:


as fleur de gris comments in his blog, it's like poetry.

Nov 22, 07 8:24 am  · 

happy thanksgiving everyone. i'm hittin' the road to eastern kentucky: land of no cell service and no convenience stores free of cig smoke and fried fat smells!

Nov 22, 07 8:26 am  · 

...and, of course, no internet access.

Nov 22, 07 8:27 am  · 

ack no time to archinect - now I'm going to sounds like puddles...I'm still alive

Nov 22, 07 9:05 am  · 

the vado 10k post party can be at my new house - I made an offer, got a counter offer of about 12k more. Advice regarding please all home owners. Help! I'm getting shaking knees as this is the big step away from a liquid lifestyle...meek

Nov 22, 07 9:24 am  · 

12k in the grand scheme is not all that bad...

Nov 22, 07 9:37 am  · 
liberty bell

tumbles, spiked hot cocoa is a cure for ALL ills. Hope your eyes and outlook improve today!

techno, this house seems pretty once-in-a-lifetime from what I've seen. As beta said, within those boundaries, 12k is not much.

Happy Thanksgiving, TC, I'm thankful for all your companionship and good humor. Safe travels everyone.

Nov 22, 07 11:02 am  · 

second that lb, have a great family friendly day!

Nov 22, 07 11:16 am  · 

tumbles- can you repost that pic from the turkey thread??? it's too cute!

Nov 22, 07 11:25 am  · 

happy thanksgiving everyone - we are partying later, as apparently its also a thankful day in Canada as well. I dunno - that's what they said to me, and I don't pass up dinner/drinks too easily.

Liberty the 12k difference is actually on another house that I was looking at - no pool, one bathroom less, no ponds...but much closer to where I live and a better opportunity to input my creative ideas. The problem of course is that at a higher price, and greater infrastructure to add to make it potentially viable commercially I just don't know. I haven't spoken to my flip|muse (flip) - I'm sure she'll have her $0.02

Nov 22, 07 12:40 pm  · 

Happy thanksgiving everybody! Today I'm hanging out with a bunch of vegetarian girls, eating side dishes, and drinking wine, should be fun.

Although, since I like to keep things interesting, here's a conundrum for you:

There's this, ahem, guy....and he doesn't have plans for today....but I don't necessarily know that it's my place to invite him to hang with the vegetarian girls either. So, do I try to bring a date to the currently ladies only turkey-free day adventure? WWTCD?

Nov 22, 07 1:18 pm  · 

Happy Thanksgiving TC!!! Hope everyone has a good day.

Atechno - I'll have to mull that predicament over for a bit and get back to you. How many bathrooms dos the other have? Do you have photos of this one?

DubK - Was this planned as a designated testosterone free event? If it is than I suggest not bringing the one and only guy. I understand your desire, but you need to be sensitive to the others. Also being the only guy could also potentially make him feel awkward/uneasy as well. Just my $.02. I'm sure other have better suggestions.

Nov 22, 07 1:42 pm  · 

norms was my favorite for years, i took many people there with me. in the long past there would be oliver stone sitting on the counter. lincoln & clorado, santa monica. link

turkey drumstick is my favorite.

Nov 22, 07 2:27 pm  · 
snooker a breast man here! yikes....I might be telling to much about this is cyberspace...

Nov 22, 07 9:13 pm  · 
liberty bell

So there you go. The day is done, the turkey was delicious, the carcass is simmering itself into stock on the stove. I have two half pies and a pile of mashed potatoes left over along with enough meat for several turkey on toast sandwiches - and I sent half the turkey home with the neighbors!

Thankfully the microwave - which has been threatening to break for the last two months - waited until the only thing left to do was soften butter for the rolls before it gave out. So tomorrow is Buy Nothing Day, but I do see a new microwave in my near future. Well, one from the local appliance store scratch and dent place, that is!

DubK, I'm with tunamelt on your dilemma - but you can invite him over tomorrow for leftover side dishes, no?

Happyhappy everyone.

Nov 22, 07 9:19 pm  · 

had thanksgiving dinner under the moonlit sky with a number of folks lastnight. It was most enjoyable, but I feared my brian thought it was Friday and I was hard pressed not to spend the night in their garden with a bottle or two of heineken. The food was good, and available for the no meat eaters. Although no matter what anyone says, there is no such thing as matter how good they taste.

Nov 23, 07 9:32 am  · 

wK, did you bring home stray animals as a kid?

so did you bring the guy along for the veggie feast or did you leave him to wander alone in the holiday wilderness?

back at the office, we have a 'floating holiday' to use either for today or around x-mas/new years eve. I'm saving mine for new years eve... half the office is in today - very melllow.

Nov 23, 07 10:18 am  · 
liberty bell

I'm in for a half-day, getting some materials boards done. Then in the afternoon I'll have Angus, so we'll go to Lowe's to select a Kraftmaid door style and pulls for a client's laundry room. He's been calling Lowe's "Christmasworld" this year, it's very cute.

Nov 23, 07 10:28 am  · 

my first veggie thanksgiving was good, except that just as we were sitting down i developed abdominal pain - i.e. gas pain - so eating anything was a labor. i had some roasted roots, green beans, a little mash, some ethiopian red and green lentils - spicey - and a little cranberry fluff.

desert was all organic pumpkin pie.

Nov 23, 07 10:38 am  · 

lowes has don't pay until jan 09! yeah debt!

Nov 23, 07 10:40 am  · 
Living in Gin

Happy post-Thanksgiving Friday. No work for me today.

I ended up going to a Mediterranean restaurant I like on the Upper West Side and getting their Thanksgiving special, which included: salad, bread, roasted leg of lamb, potatoes, stuffing, dressing, veggies, cranberries, pumpkin pie, half a carafe of wine, and coffee. It was a nice meal (I've been to this restaurant several times before and have never been disappointed), but it would have been nice to not be eating alone. Better luck next year, I guess.

Nov 23, 07 10:49 am  · 
John Cline

I'm finding it hard to do anything productive at work today. Don't they know that when the day after Thanksgiving is considered a normal work day?

Nov 23, 07 11:11 am  · 

I don't understand offices that have work the day after thanksgiving. I, of course, have to do work but it's to make a model.

I didn't bring home stray animals as a kid but I whined about them a lot and I still do.....the restraint was due to my fears of germs, lol. As for the guy, I didn't bring him either, which turned out to be a really good thing because I got a migraine at the end of the night last night and I ended up getting sick and going to bed by 10:30. I couldn't even walk straight. But I did get leftovers! Thank goodness, because I was sick by dessert so I missed it entirely. :o/

Nov 23, 07 1:22 pm  · 

Am relishing in the fact the office is closed today and that I didn't need to go in after all. Feels strange though not to be working as I've done so the last three years. Ran a few errands, picked up some movies at the library and think I'm set to finish my stairs today. I'm quite excited. They're looking quite nice, now that they match the rest of the dark mahogany stain in the house. Off to eat some leftovers. Really wanted a smoked salmon bagel, but I fought the temptation.

Nov 23, 07 1:30 pm  · 

wk- glad you're feeling better.

if the mail is delivered, I guess that makes it a regular work day.

I'm changing my plans to a half-day in the office today. will have accomplished everything needed for monday morning and would rather post to archinect from my cozy basement man-cave then my bright sunny desk overlooking the park.

Nov 23, 07 1:36 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive...busy day...conference calls suck...

Nov 23, 07 2:28 pm  · 
John Cline

You said man-cave... I have one of those!

Nov 23, 07 2:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

Is one of you trying to call me? If so, unblock your number or I won't answer.

Nov 23, 07 8:26 pm  · 

I'm not currently calling you lb, but I will if you want to chat! :o)

Nov 23, 07 8:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm hiding from someone I don't feel like talking to! But I'm about to go read Angus bedtime stories, so no time to chat now. Though I do want to hear about the man who was almost invited to girl's night!

Nov 23, 07 8:32 pm  · 

Liberty - I truly believe caller ID is one of the greatest inventions of the modern era. I'm surprised you haven't gotten the story from dubK yet. I'm currently sitting at a friend's house awaiting to start demolishing her bathroom walls. What better time to start a project than at 10:30 at night, right? Should be an adveture expecially considering we've got to take down plaster and lath. The things I do for friends. But hey, her brother is helping out and although he's about seven years younger than me he's still nice to look at. Wish us luck.

Nov 23, 07 10:28 pm  · 

not sure what inspired the nostalgia, but I just looked up on IMDB my very first film job a dozen years back...

half the crew fell off the face of the earth after this adventure into the world of celebrity, a few had created a journeyman career for themselves. still you'd have to pay me $$$$$$$ to even think about returning to that life.

posting to archinect is better then watching tv on a friday night- Happy weekend ya'll 'nectuers!

Nov 23, 07 10:33 pm  · 
Chase Dammtor

does anyone else (other than me) just stop paying attention to threads that have more than 20 comments/postings on them? i hate paging through pages and pages of posts. i see an interesting subject but then i see, oh its got 60 (or 1800) posts, i dont have time to read all of that to get informed enough to say something... it's too bad too. i feel bad just ignoring those threads. but it's the truth.

Nov 24, 07 1:59 am  · 

my male cat has been neutered for over 4 years, yet my wife and i noticed last night, while watching tv, that he has taken to humping a stuffed frog. it was hilarious and sad at the same time. the frog had no idea what was happening to it. he went at it from one end to the other, changing positions even, poor frog, it looked even sadder after the cat was finished....

Nov 24, 07 5:28 am  · 

Happy Post Holiday guys!

Nice to see that many of you enjoyed the time off..

Nov 24, 07 9:09 am  · 

ouch. I have an awful sore spot in my back. I really worsen after taking a dip in the pool this morning (not my pool). I suspect it was a remenant from last night's dinner with the consultants - one needn't sit up straight after a few vodka tonics.

Nov 24, 07 10:20 am  · 

Beta - my neutered male cat has a stuffed walrus for a f*** buddy. He's done it ever since he was a juvenile. You should see the poor thing now. Nothin' like gettin' some lovin' from the "Goo-Goo Ga Joob"

Nov 24, 07 11:03 am  · 

I ignore most posts with less then 20 comments.

Glad my cat doesn't have a frog or walrus fetish!!!!

Nov 24, 07 11:47 am  · 

its Saturday and I'm working. To be specific I'm working on a couple of things one of which is reviewing claims for a project I did back in 2004 - how ridiculous is that? Sometimes I am reminded how much I hate lawyers. Grrr

Nov 24, 07 1:34 pm  · 

Ha ha ha, we're talking about cats humping stuffed animals. tuna wins my quote of the day award:

Nothin' like gettin' some lovin' from the "Goo-Goo Ga Joob"

Nov 24, 07 1:51 pm  · 

Liberty Bell how is in the tench Sketch up going? I decided this weekend was my jump....and damm if it isn't frustrating like anyother program. I' hoping someone will step up and be my mentor...even though you might be 30+ years younger than me.
I have looked at all the tutorials, but looking more for a path to enlightnment....which no one wants to explain.....gumba, gumba...

Nov 24, 07 11:34 pm  · 
liberty bell

snooker, it's too frustrating for me. I don't understand how individual elements - like a line - become or don't become linked with other elements lile an adjacent plane - so they can then be manipulated as one elment - or not.

I'm thinking about contacting a student I know to give me a paid tutorial over the holiday break.

Nov 25, 07 8:06 am  · 

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