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tunamelt etal,

i meant no disrespect with my little quip. i'm not surprised that
women also have libidos and thought it was in a strange way nice
that some were expressing their pleasure in the male form.

my comment was only to say that far from being offended at this
i actually kind of liked it...which seems to be the opposite reaction
women give off when they're ogled or described as slabs of meaty
deliciousness. probably because men are so much more open and
over the top with it...and women are typically far more respectful
and coy.

and wonderk i apologize for the insinuation that you're not always
intelligent...poor use of the word 'typically'. congrats on your new
position btw.

and i'm a big fan of 'tofutastic'

Nov 16, 07 11:20 am  · 

and happy birthday Cameron...where in the world is Mr. Sinclair today?

Nov 16, 07 11:21 am  · 
liberty bell

lars, that's the intent I read in your email - that you liked it when smart women are being a little racy.

I just realized I skipped breakfast this morning, and now I'm CRAVING crabcakes!!!

Nov 16, 07 11:33 am  · 

No worries Lars -
I think you hit the nail on the head when you said "men are so much more open and over the top with it...and women are typically far more respectful and coy." at least in mixed company. Some of my female friends though can be just as bad as guys are.

LB - did you say crabcakes? Yummy! I heart me a good crabcake. Alas, I only have egg salad and pita.

Nov 16, 07 12:22 pm  · 

BTW - Not sure how far the news has spread but for all you people that have ties to the Queen CIty and/or a baseball fan []Joe Nuxhall[/url] passed away last evening at the age of 79. It's all over the news here. I remember listening to him with my dad when I was young.

Nov 16, 07 12:46 pm  · 


Everything is a blue haze and I expect it will be in the future.

Nov 16, 07 12:47 pm  · 

Let's try this [url=]again[url].

Nov 16, 07 12:48 pm  · 
Third time is a charm?
Nov 16, 07 12:50 pm  · 

i've spent the last 2 weeks trying to fix the microphone on my laptop, back and forth with tech support, only to find out after a simple check that I don't have a built in mic. How fun is that?>

And now for something completely different

Nov 16, 07 12:52 pm  · 


my other comment was going to be 'now i know what it feels like to
be in a women's locker room'..but it just didn't quite sound the way
i meant it.

Nov 16, 07 12:56 pm  · 

OMG!!!! Crabcakes AND asparagus. My mouth is watering from the deliciousness of that photo. That's just cruel Atechno. ;-)

Nov 16, 07 12:56 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm digging the recent black and white album from the hives. first rock and roll that i've bought in a while and some of the songs actually make me feel like dancing...weird

Nov 16, 07 1:18 pm  · 

omg i want that. mmm! techno, what are the green orange slices?

Nov 16, 07 1:39 pm  · 

LOL! Does it feel tofu-tastic, Lars?

Nov 16, 07 2:28 pm  · 

Arrrggghhhhh!!!! Y'all are KILLING me with the crabcake talk!! I won't be back in Maryland til Christmas, and I made a personal rule to only eat crabcakes there, from there, or that I made myself. Probably missing out on some good ones with a rule like that, but there are many disappointing imposters out there....

in other news, here's a fun tool

Nov 16, 07 2:39 pm  · 

I heart Maryland Crab! Put down some newspaper and give me a hammer and let me go at it. A little messy (okay a lot) but oh so tasty. Damn, I'm salivating yet again.

Nov 16, 07 2:47 pm  · 

I dunno, myriam, I just found that image online and it looks like how my breakfast should of. But I think they might be mandarine slices

Nov 16, 07 2:52 pm  · 

local crab season in the bay area is delayed two - three weeks because of the oil spill.

when will i get my dungeness fix?!?

Nov 16, 07 3:26 pm  · 

tuna! I didn't know that until I read your post! So sad. He was like the city's grandpa. :'(

lars, I totally knew what you meant and was just giving you a hard time. I am nowhere near easily offended and appreciate any men who recognize that women have brains AND libido. Especially after reading this article. It's kind of depressing.

Nov 16, 07 3:34 pm  · 

i dare you!

have a great weekend TC!

Nov 16, 07 6:44 pm  · 

DubK - I think everyone in the city has/had similar feelings about Joe as you. I know I did. He will be very missed.

Nov 16, 07 7:59 pm  · 
brian buchalski

It's kind of funny (spaeking in relatiom to the article posted above)...i honestly don't have any problems with the desirability of intelligent women. In fact, I would probably describe my ideal partner as about the same age as me with a graduate degree and, just for kicks, membership in a sorority as an undergrad (remember, i am a frat boy after all). in other words, someone not unlike myself.

but having spent several years of getting crushed by these types of women, i've recently found myself very attracted to the most pathetic of stereotypes. think hugh hefner and his flock of large breasted, happy, dumb blonde women. no wonder "girls next door" on e network is now one of my fav shows.

intelligent, ambitious women are great...but damn if they are not incredibly demanding. is it any wonder that most men don't measure up?

Nov 16, 07 8:38 pm  · 

I heart Maryland crabs too. i grew up in Southern Maryland. Several times a summer we would buy a bussel of crabs and steam them. Some old bay, vinegar and melted butter and you are set. Oh, and of course lots of beer. What a great afternoon.

Nov 16, 07 8:50 pm  · 

apparently I'm the female equivilant of the guys in that study... I keep going for guys who (while not stupid) are not as intelligent or ambitious as I am. For anyone who hasn't been following, it's recently become quite problematic. They're usually guys who are at my level professionally, but self-made men so to speak, who are happy to have come as far as they have and don't plan on anything more, while I have plans to get a bit further. It's not that I seek this out- what I seek out is a guy who is the innately trustworthy type, a little old-fashioned in his values without being overtly religious, and a good time. And I end up with underachievers.

Next man (after rebound-guy, for whom qualifications are lowered), intelligence and ambition will be a requirement.

Nov 16, 07 9:46 pm  · 

I'm in Grand Rapids... turning 34 ;(

next week, South Africa and Rwanda. In 2 weeks, India/Nepal. Will blog it at the new AFH site.


Nov 16, 07 10:13 pm  · 

Happy Birthday C (35 is better) & bon voyage! wait, is grand rapids really that exotic a location that it ended up in the same post as africa and india? wow - who knew!

Nov 16, 07 10:17 pm  · 
b3tadine[sutures] kids.....

Nov 16, 07 10:35 pm  · 

I've been discovered! One of my advisors at school figured out who I was on here. There's always just a tiny tinge of "oh no!" whenever that happens. Fortunately I think I represent myself and my school as well as I can, so it's all good.

I love that rationalist is planning on a "rebound-guy". I have a hard enough time planning on a guy, period. I'm working on that though ;o)

I've already wished Cameron a happy birthday but it doesn't hurt to do it again here! Happy Birthday, C!

Nov 16, 07 11:21 pm  · 

happy burthday, cameron !

kinda wish i was 34 again. was a nice year, 34.

my wife is smart. very smart. in different way than i am, which is good. she is ambitious in different way too. makes life a good way...i think.

Nov 17, 07 3:18 am  · 

happy birthday, Cameron!

WonderK, of COURSE I'm planning on a reboud guy. If I don't get to have a rebound guy, there would be no redeeming value to this breakup in the short-term. I just have to figure out how to meet people around here that aren't friggin married.

Nov 17, 07 5:18 am  · 
liberty bell

Cameron, happy birthday and safe travels - I can't believe you are so young, but have accomplished so much.

rationalist, rebound guy should be fun, good luck!

Received an email from vado - he is safely landed in Cambridge (the real one) and recovering from jetlag.

Nov 17, 07 9:59 am  · 

happy belated Cameron...

rationalist good luck on the rebound guy, I'm sure he'll have some redeeming qualities to at least qualm later memories.

Nov 17, 07 10:11 am  · 

I'm rooting for vado. Gooooo, vado!

Happy Bday, Cameron! I think 34 must be a great year--beats the awful late 20s, that's for sure! What are you going to be doing in Rwanda?

Rationalist, your paragraph there exactly describes years of my experience w/ boyfriends. SAME thing. I go for guys who made me laugh and feel relaxed and for some reason that ends up being underachievers. Current (final?) Gentleman Friend is a welcome exception, however. I finally got SO tired of the slackers that I specifically went and looked for someone accomplished. Hopefully I'm not misreading the situation...

Nov 17, 07 11:50 am  · 

Is anyone else feeling like the days are just flying by?

Nov 17, 07 1:37 pm  · 

Dubbers - I feel like days are flying by. I keep thinking we are in late September or early Oct.

Nov 17, 07 2:41 pm  · 

gray davies (overcast) in los angeles, perfect day to be lazy and do nothing but i have been very busy working on stuff and i am just about done.i'll go hang out with daisy and rupi for a while and watch some hbo with them. they show some good programs as i 'remember' (you can tell i am really not with it lately). i have two writing projects one is an interview i conducted with a famous rock musician, the other is a conversation with an architect that is arrenged for next saturday. all on top of a little remodeling job i am doing + there are so many things to do around the house involving electrical, plumbing and concrete work. if you think i would not have a tool belt, you are right because i carry my tools in a paint bucket.
but before all that, i need some sleep and rest and i need to cook later.
stuffed cabbage rolls is a possibility. so as the minted thai chicken stir fry. most likely the former for this weather. if you think making stuffed cabbage leaves is hard and complicated process, you are right again. but over the years, i got it down to science.
when you are older like me, you will need to know few skillz to keep yourself engaged.

Nov 18, 07 4:57 pm  · 

anyone ever been to a rug auction? well, i went to one today, me and the mrs bought about $10,000 in rugs for our new home for oh, about $900....nice. a couple of these beautiful rugs were originally 10000 and did not sell at 5-600 - it took every ounce of me not to buy just to resell....argh.

Nov 18, 07 5:08 pm  · 

nothing wrong with a little re-sell...only if its out of the back of your car at the end of the street two minutes after the auction. And even then its not so bad.

Nov 18, 07 8:08 pm  · 
This week in celebrity sightings:

-Alexis Bledel, Friday night at the opening of an American Apparel concept store in Echo Park. She seemed really laid back. Also, like myself and my roommate, she did not emulate "hipster" like most of the other attendees.

-Sandra Oh, today in front of me in line at the Home Depot. She had great hair. Also she was really into her boyfriend.

It's fun seeing these people in real life, like, oh look, they exist.

Nov 18, 07 8:21 pm  · 

hah hah great dubK, granted I think they might of been more impressed at seeing you.

Also if anyone is interested I finally editted and posted an interview with Eric Bunge of nARCHITECTS > the interview that went awfully wrong. careful what you say/ask

and is it me or does TC seem awfully quite for a weekend? Is it because Darth Vado is in blimey?

Nov 18, 07 8:45 pm  · 

good start with the interview architechno. pity it went a bit off at the end there.

part-time practice was probably not the right choice of words. but i understand the thought behind it though. their works are not exactly indicative of a traditional practice, and they themselves do not highlight the more bread and butter work on ther website, instead incluing their installations in with their buildings...

just chalk it up to learning experience. i once interviewed riken yamamoto and made the mistake of visiting his buildings the day before. all of my questions were made moot by the realisation that his housing blocks were all empty cuz they were designed so bad (and everyone moved out) and i couldn't bring myelf to ask him a decent question as a result. i also didn't know how to do the follow-up thing at the time and missed some interesting opportunities. interviewing is, like anything else, a thing that needs to be learned. am sure next time will be great!

Nov 18, 07 10:05 pm  · 

I had a celebrity sighting this weekend too.

Ben Folds was at the table next to me at dinner tonight. I gave him one of those hey-I-like-your-music smiles and he sheepishly gave a half wave back.

Nov 18, 07 11:38 pm  · 

i suppose a hey-i-like-your-music smile is common in nashville?

Nov 19, 07 7:02 am  · 

steven's question for the morning: should i apply for the posted position at eight inc so that, if i get it, we can move to honolulu?

i know someone at eight inc.
but we'd probably take a loss on the sale of our house.
but the weather's getting cold.
but we have so many friends here.
but my wife has family in honolulu and on maui.
but you've always been a cheerleader for louisville.
but i've already stayed here longer than i've ever lived anywhere.

Nov 19, 07 7:15 am  · 
liberty bell

I thought of you the moment I read that listing!

Nov 19, 07 7:47 am  · 
liberty bell

..add "But liberty bell would miss you"

but then she'd come visit.

Nov 19, 07 7:48 am  · 

I'd come visit too...always wanted a reason to visit the other volcanic islands

Thanks for the kind words jump, to be completely honest I've done similar interviews in person (grad school dissertation) where you can tailor questions based off body language - but via e-mail you miss out on the tone. Ah you said there will be other opportunities to get it right - btw you are on the list of folks to interview.

Happy Monday

Nov 19, 07 8:25 am  · 

Steven - You've got nothing to lose by simply applying. If they offer you a position, then you and your family can begin to ask the million questions and compare the pros and cons of Louisville vs. Honolulu. If the curiousity is there, give it a try so you won't look back and say "I wonder if that would have ever worked out..."

Nov 19, 07 8:46 am  · 

this same position was posted several months ago and i decided i was NOT ready to uproot my life. are they going to do this to me every few months?!

Nov 19, 07 8:58 am  · 
Living in Gin

Happy Monday....

Cold, gray, and windy outside, with precipitation that can't make up its mind whether it wants to be rain or snow.

Perfect weather for sleeping in, except that I get to go on a site visit to an outdoor electrical substation in some God-forsaken corner of Newark, New Jersey.

Nov 19, 07 10:11 am  · 

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