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vado retro

i feel like havin a omelette for dinner so thazz wot im a gonna do...

Sep 14, 07 8:08 pm  · 

So I'm home doing homework on a Friday night. Which is really dorky. But yeah.

I got about 10 more roommate inquiries today.....and most of them seem like normal, well-adjusted folks. This whole "room for rent" thing is a great way to meet people!

I think I got spammed earlier through Flickr, which has never happened before...anybody ever had this? Really weird, one guy emailed me and said something about me calling someone a pedophile (?), then another guy wrote to tell me I had been "reported to Flickr". For what exactly?!? Speaking of Flickr, I need to upload more photos!...

Sep 14, 07 11:57 pm  · 

With all these inquiries of your room for rent WonderK, when/how will you make the decision? It's good to hear everything is working out.

Sep 15, 07 12:05 am  · 
vado retro

got a call from my friend silent bob. he was rather freaked out, a very sad story about a woman he dated briefly, who at 37 is on death's door after having bloodclot in her lung. she has a 9 year old daughter. its really tragic as she is a very smart and beautiful woman.

Sep 15, 07 12:41 am  · 

that is a sad tale vado...indeed stories like that reminds us that we are all mortal no matter creed or lifestyle. Enjoy each day like its your last.

Again I must reiterate how frightening it is that someone, worse a professional contractor/architect, would think it is okay to place 30+ students in a windowless box for 8 hours at a time. They are children for f'ck stake.

on a more happy front. Orhan the new place looks great. The renovation seems simple enough and can't wait to see it after you've moved in. A running photolog would be appreciated and a nice way to warm up to the new environment. You haven't mentioned how your are dealing with the transition worse that we knew how much you enjoyed the previous location. On another note I'm curious to if you would consider teaching at an architecture on the side. Not that I have a job lined up for you or anything but you are a great wealth of knowledge and are TC's resident link to when SCI-Arc was the up & coming new brash kid on the block.

Sep 15, 07 1:14 am  · 

we need horrible schools that way we can create more architects for the AIA dues.

Sep 15, 07 4:50 am  · 

VADO! I have a challenge to your YouTube supremacy! Meet KlAuS!

Sep 15, 07 2:00 pm  · 

tumbles, you got a what?

Sep 15, 07 2:55 pm  · 

Sep 15, 07 3:08 pm  · 


So, I'm in the office on a Saturday which is sadly happening more and more often these days.

My job is to correct elevations for a project. The project has been in our office for quite sometime so numerous people have worked on these elevations. Apparently, no one took time to actually snap their lines to an intersection or verify that the lines were straight. I would say that about 90% of all the lines have a slight angle to them. If the project was small, it would be much easier. The project is approximately 800,000 square feet.

This is my office pet peeve - sloppy drawings. Draw a straight line. Use the snap command.

Thank you Thread Central listen to my Saturday bitchin' and moanin'.

Sep 15, 07 3:38 pm  · 

It makes no sense to me that people don't draw things straight and correctly. If you're going to bother drawing it AT ALL, then draw it CORRECTLY. It's not any more difficult (in fact it's actually easier) than drawing it sloppily! Makes no sense...

Sep 15, 07 4:02 pm  · 
vado retro

straight lines are soooooooooooooo boring.

Sep 15, 07 4:19 pm  · 

you know what? i bet liberty and her family are out picking apples or something cool and outdoorsey, either that or planning a trip to a space station...i however type and watch the mets bullpen blow anther game to the now hated phillies and watch as the red sox feign at winning the al east.

Sep 15, 07 5:13 pm  · 

beta- don't get too upset if boston wins the series...

Sep 15, 07 5:35 pm  · 

boston isn't due until 2091....

Sep 15, 07 6:20 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Even though I prefer the Yankees over the Red Sox, I was actually happy to see them win the World Series a couple years ago. It's hard not to root for the underdog (unless it's the Cubs). I just hope the Red Sox don't become like the 1990's Braves and start winning multiple World Series, and becoming arrogant jackasses in the process. Their fans, with the exception of larslarson, generally annoy the hell out of me as it is; imagine if they start actually winning games.

My roommate is a big Mets fan, but I find myself completely neutral about the Mets, lacking any strong feelings about them one way or the other. Weird.

I'm sorry to say I haven't paid the slightest attention to the White Sox all season, but I understand they're not having a good year. Looks like they had their fifteen minutes, and are now back to their usual performace.

Sep 15, 07 6:50 pm  · 
Living in Gin

This is weird... I have an incredible view of the sun setting over Lower Manhattan, and the sunset is being reflected off the facade of the Citibank Building right into my window, so right now it looks like there's two sunsets over the Manhattan skyline.

Sep 15, 07 6:58 pm  · 

Gin that sounds like a good experience and another reason to keep that apartment despite the rough neighbourhood.

So I'm a little toasted. I've just returned from a HASH, if you don't know what that is its like a game played by expatriats and usually British ones. Involves lots of walking and lots of drinking - lots. Anyhow I'm home safely. YUM!

Tumbles, it could be the alcohol swimming around my empty stomache but I'm interested in these piercings you are referring to. Rationalist has been kind enough to elaborate about hers - particularly since she used to work in a stab-shop (what we call a piercing palour).

Anyhow time for dinner - its late I know, but I'm hungry and the something has to soak up the drinks in my system.

Oh and about bad CAD. I have a new technician that knows how draws lines and that's pretty much it. He doesn't care that if he fucks up someone usually me or the project architect has to repair his mess if they can find it. But we've gone through 24 redlines of his work so far. Hmmm looking forward to next week when I'll be urban planning instead for a change. Wish me luck?

Sep 15, 07 8:37 pm  · 

This morning I biked 4 miles to get to the start of the Nike RunHit Remix race (I'll post pictures of Sir-Mix-A-Lot later), then I ran/walked 6 miles, then I biked 4 miles back. I burned about 1200 calories and still haven't made up the difference. No wonder I'm getting a headache!

I don't have an opinion on piercings one way or the other. I think nose ones are cool but I don't have the nose for it, so beyond that, it doesn't appeal to me.

Speaking of rationalist, I wonder where she is right now.....

Sep 15, 07 8:43 pm  · 
vado retro

east coast teams suck! so do west coast teams. tumbles how is anyone supposed to nibble on an ear with that thing in it???kids...

Sep 15, 07 9:34 pm  · 


Sep 16, 07 1:47 am  · 

hey guys! I'm in Seattle, my lovely roomates had the net up and running already, so I'm back. Well, except that I have to go pack.

I used to have one of those tumbles.... with a bar that was custom bent to fit my funny shaped ear. Sorry for the crappy photo, but you get the idea.

Sep 16, 07 6:11 pm  · 
vado retro

your earlobes need some giant plugs. don't be so timid...

Sep 16, 07 6:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

beta, you are correct: the family has been outside doing fun things all weekend. Spent yesterday at a living history museum watching the blacksmiths and petting the pigs and whatnot. Spent today at the Irish Festival where my two boys did a fun run in which participants were required to wear a kilt....the Kilted Mile, it's called. My 4yo Angus ran it very well considering that a mile is a looooong way for 20" legs to run! I cheered from the sidelines with a Guinness in hand.

I'm with vado, I don't see piercings as anything particularly erotic to have to work around. Plain flesh is fine with me.

rationalist, your custom bent one does look very cool, it's just not (to me) erotic, that's all. And hey: glad you made it safely to Seattle and the roomates have things ready for you! Let the new adventure begin! Mkae sure you read Savage Love in The Stranger every week.

Q: why do clients respond to your email saying you can meet any day next week but Tuesday morning with the question "How about early Tuesday morning?"?!?

Sep 16, 07 6:48 pm  · 

that's actually a very cool photo rationalist. And that custom bar is cool...WAY cool

Sep 16, 07 6:48 pm  · 
vado retro

i was at an irish bar with my german friends one time in evanston and there was the obligatory pic of samuel beckett and james joyce and my friends and i are like ireland is soooooooooo overrated. and proceeded to reel off all the german contributions to western civilization which have all been clouded by that asshole hitler. wtf adolf. way to fuck up my culture. now all they ever do is play polkas and wear lederhosen.

Sep 16, 07 6:55 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh, and best T-shirt slogan I saw at teh irish Festival, worn by a teenage boy:

Mom and Dad,
I'm Gaelic.

Sep 16, 07 6:55 pm  · 
liberty bell

You're in a bad mood tonight, aren't you, vado?

Sep 16, 07 6:56 pm  · 

Did anyone see that post by Architect102 before it was deleted? A few members accused him of spamming the site – I didn't really see that; his intentions seem sincere. Anyway, he was looking for constructive feedback on a website he designed - it’s a site where Arch students, Architect's and anyone interested in Architecture can seek help and/or communicate and post comments about projects. It has a flavoring of Archinect but it really is quite different from this site. I'm hesitating on posting the link – maybe I'll be accused of spamming :) anyway, if anyone is interested I'll send you the link.

Glad to see you made it safely to Seattle Rationalist - welcome to the rain :)

Sep 16, 07 7:01 pm  · 
vado retro

i'm not in a bad mood. im just tellin it like it is..

Sep 16, 07 7:01 pm  · 

Vado, I do wear some moderate sized plugs now. That photo is about three years old, and i took out the industrial some time ago. Frankly, I just could never get comfortable with it, as the long bar basically acts like cross bracing and stiffens up your entire ear. Also every time I got a haircut it almost got ripped out with a comb.

Sep 16, 07 7:07 pm  · 
some person

Katze: the spammer would have been almost acceptable if he had only posted in one thread. He posted in about six threads (including school blogs) the other day. Archinect apparently banned him. He posted again today on multiple threads.

Sep 16, 07 7:12 pm  · 

DCA – ah, I did not know that :) If my memory serves me correctly, I thought his stats were 1 post, 1 response, so I was a bit confused why he was being accused of spamming. Archinect must have tweaked/deleted the stats as they were banning him (or something like that). Anyway, its too bad he spammed because he has a nice website, and he is an Architect, not some bozo off the street selling something…

Sep 16, 07 7:26 pm  · 

katze, I think I remember seeing his/her post before and had gone to the site (if its the same one I'm thinking). At the time the site didn't have many visits but I wasn't impressed. Seemed like more of a place to gripe about the profession/schools etc than anything else.

vado, I know this isn't the same but the Irish contribution is in many ways limited to US societies, despite the fact that I live in the only island despite Ireland that was first populated by the Irish. But that said Hilter did screw up alot of things for germany - for that most of their pre-war culture is consciously forgotten. We might have to start a thread to say thank you Germany...for things like Industrial House music, and a stoic view of architectural practice, etc. Ohhhh and some of the best World Cup's ever!!!

Sep 16, 07 8:15 pm  · 
vado retro

and don't forget the beethoven ringtones...

Sep 16, 07 8:22 pm  · 

and octoberfest!

Sep 16, 07 8:29 pm  · 

are we talking about the same site?

Sep 16, 07 9:09 pm  · 

and the best damn cars out there...including the mini 2.0

katze - naw it wasn't that site. This one looks way more professional

Sep 16, 07 10:24 pm  · 
some person

Bonus points to whoever can produce the full Sally Field statement that was just edited from the Emmys...

"If mothers ruled the world, there wouldn't __________"

Sep 16, 07 10:47 pm  · 

and the best damn cars out there...including the mini 2.0

katze - naw it wasn't that site. This one looks way more professional

Sep 16, 07 11:54 pm  · 

katze, i have seen that site before, in a much earlier iteration, and it's probable that when he/she was banned last time their access to the account was also blocked, hence the new name. in any case, after becoming a member, the first thing you think of doing is post the exact same comment on two different threads and that is not spam? i think the first time is fine, but the second, it becomes obvious where they were going...besides they want feedback, pay the man for advertising.

Sep 17, 07 4:31 am  · 
liberty bell

"...there would be no goddamned war in the first place."

I googled it as soon as I woke up this morning. I expected that's what it was, but wanted to verify.

Maybe now people will stop making "You really like me" jokes around her?

Sep 17, 07 7:23 am  · 

yeah, but you know what, that is just a bold face bs statement and completely without any historical appreciation. golda meir, and how many countless queens or prime ministers have their been in the history of the world?? mothers would still have to make the tough decisions that fathers make...

Sep 17, 07 8:37 am  · 
Living in Gin

Agreed... The British were just as capable of killing each other under any number of queens as they've been under any number of kings, as one example.

Sep 17, 07 9:58 am  · 
Ms Beary

I spotted an ARCHITECTURE SUCKS t-shirt over the weekend! It wasn't on an archinector, but her boyfriend. He just thought it was funny.

Sep 17, 07 4:06 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm not saying the comment about "if women ruled the earth" isn't a simplistic assessment, but:

Queens and female prime ministers etc. throughout history have been surrounded by male advisors, dukes, clan leaders, etc. That's not exactly a world "ruled" by women.

Sep 17, 07 4:16 pm  · 

i'm back from DC after some marathon jurying... a very interesting experience... on the t-shirt front, one of the older guys on the jury (gotta be at least 65 or so) had on a "fuck frank gehry" shirt on under his button up shirt...

Sep 17, 07 4:19 pm  · 

no lb, i wasn't really commenting on what you were saying, just that if in some alternate reality where men would be treated the same way women are now treated by men, i think there would little to envy as well. i guess a happy medium is a goal, but an unattainable one, not fruitless, just not within this crop of homo sapiens. perhaps as evolution continues....

Sep 17, 07 4:36 pm  · 

isn't it picking nits though? so because elizabeth has men
that surround her she's not really ruling? regardless of gender i
think the title infers rule...and you should be held responsible
for decisions made during your reign/ administration...there are
quite a few women in congress/ the current administration...have
their opinions been ignored? or just because the majority is
men we just say that it's governed by men?

i think the general point is true...that rulers regardless of gender
are just as capable of starting and starting/being involved in war.

while i don't disagree that we shouldn't be in this war...i can't help
feeling as a male and possible future father that my feeling for
my child would be any less than the mothers..and therefore allow
me to somehow make going to war an easier option. it's pretty
insulting actually.

Sep 17, 07 4:53 pm  · 

i agree with lars and disagree with sally field. ruthlessness and vindictiveness and territorialism are temptations to which either gender is subject. it's just that more men have had more opportunities to enact war through most of our history.

Sep 17, 07 5:11 pm  · 

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