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vado- I'd rather get a mutt than a bred dog, certainly. Hate breeders.

Sep 10, 07 10:23 am  · 
Living in Gin

Oy, that CTA thread is reminding me why I left Chicago. No regrets.

Sep 10, 07 12:34 pm  · 

lb- are you going to start a 'de-inflated monday' or can I?

Sep 10, 07 1:23 pm  · 

'de-inflated monday' thread that is?

Sep 10, 07 1:24 pm  · 

only three days of work left.... it's killing me to be here when I have so much to do at home. But I know that WonderK and myriam are far too kind to say "I told you so!" and will let me off the hook on this one!

Sep 10, 07 1:28 pm  · 
Ms Beary

A schipperke! (that lil black pup)

vado - my cat hangs out on the ironing board too, I have the kind that flips down from the wall so he just floats there.

Sep 10, 07 1:33 pm  · 

its pissing down with rain, and I want to go home with a bottle of whiskey and one of those puppies by my feet. I suspect that would be a more peaceful end to the day.

Sep 10, 07 2:28 pm  · 

techno, I think you just described my perfect evening.

Instead, I go home to boxes. Full boxes, empty boxes, boxes in progress... I don't really know that they'll all fit in the car, which is a scary prospect.

Sep 10, 07 2:34 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'd be happy with just the whiskey.

Sep 10, 07 2:35 pm  · 

Tumbles.....hate to dissapoint....but Me be the Third Dog! Two four legged kind and one two legged kind. Someone has to be able to kick the bucky football for them.

Sep 10, 07 3:21 pm  · 

I'm having a rocky start to the week. I biked to school/work this morning, as usual, but lost my favorite black hoodie off the back of my bike on the way in. It was an afterthought and I didn't secure it properly....and it was my favorite because it was my *only* black hoodie, but still.....the search for a new black hoodie commences.

So then at lunchtime, I grabbed my water bottle and went to the bookstore to search for a new hoodie. Found a good one and a hat, went to pay, the line was 50 people long. Screw that. Came back to get my food, the place was out of salmon, the only thing I wanted** a sandwich, came back to work. Realized I left my water bottle somewhere between the bookstore and the cafe. It was a generic water bottle that I was reusing and I probably should have been done with it a while ago, but still....the search for a new water bottle now commences as well.

I must be out of it today. Losing things left and right. I shouldn't even touch my wallet again until I go home.

**As I don't want to burden you any further with my ranting, I will be writing a very terse blog entry later on about how many times in the past several weeks I have gone to get something to eat, only to find that they are out of precisely what I want. California, the country's salad bowl? Empty salad bowl, perhaps....

Sep 10, 07 5:45 pm  · 

WOnder K go grab yourself one of those nifty archinect £€$$ hoodies and be the envy of all your friends. Sorry that you are having such a ramble of a day.

Well I wanted to share this with TC. I went to see a client after work and as I was turning onto their road I saw this...

Sep 10, 07 5:58 pm  · 


Sep 10, 07 6:49 pm  · 

eek. Is it always like that, or is it priming to blow?

Sep 10, 07 6:53 pm  · 

its always like that but the fog cleared so you could see it in all its distructive beauty

Sep 10, 07 7:20 pm  · 

I'm really sorry, lbelle, but either that's a really bad drawing or that's a really bad design. Ugh. Also, two things make me angry in that news item: "24-year-old developer" and "Panda Express."

Sep 10, 07 8:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

No kidding, myriam: both the "design" AND the drawing are hideous! I'm not at all happy about it, but given the story behind the developer, although I wish him the best in trying out something new in this sleepy town, I have little worry that this project will ever get built. Thank goodness. It just has no grace at all.

Sep 10, 07 10:10 pm  · 
vado retro

i think indy really needs a twisty turny building. and since calatrava is busy we'll take what we can get. now we need to get to work on that big shiny building with a hole in it. indiaiconapolis. that's us. baby.

Sep 10, 07 10:19 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Sigh.... Long day at the office today, probably the first of many. My co-worker just began her 2-week vacation, leaving me in charge of doing CA work on her project until she gets back. Naturally, this is the time when the project is finishing up, all the trades are coming together, and there's tons of little coordination issues. On top of that, there's still some unresolved design issues, and of course, the design intent and most of the CD's were already set up before I even started with the firm. It's always tough coming into the middle of somebody else's project, especially this late in the game. I'll survive, but it still feels like I'm in over my head a bit... And of course, being new in the firm, I'm still trying to make a good impression. I have to pick a bunch of paint colors, and I have about a billion Benjamin Moore color samples to chose from, so I'm sure that whatever I pick will be second-guessed by either the client, the project principal, or my co-worker when she gets back.

Other than that, I'm glad to be living in NYC again and I have zero regrets about leaving Chicago. In fact, my only regret is that I didn't leave Chicago much sooner... Even more so than in 2004, New York is really starting to feel like home for me, and I hope I can maintain that feeling without becoming burned-out.

That said, lately I've been having a hard time dealing with my lack of social life / dating life here... It takes a long time to get that stuff up and running, especially for me... I'm not one of those people who can walk into a room and instantly become the life of the party. Granted, I didn't leave much of a social life behind in Chicago, but New Yorkers tend to keep their defenses up by necessity, and it's hard to even make eye contact with people here, much less say hello. I really need to be more assertive about getting involved in activities that put me in a position to meet new people, but being as terminally anti-social as I am, it's hard to take that first step. Help!

Sep 10, 07 10:21 pm  · 
vado retro

archinect ain't social enough for ya???

Sep 10, 07 10:33 pm  · 

Gin – what about joining some clubs or activities; if you like wine, join a wine club; or maybe a toastmasters club, or a book or music club, hiking club. You get the idea ;) Join something that you like doing and meet people that like the same things…

Sep 10, 07 10:52 pm  · 

sorry you had such a wacky day WK - let us know when the blog post is done!

Sep 10, 07 10:54 pm  · 

My news for the day - I bought a Mazda3 Hatchback today; I'm stoked! It’s a great little car loaded with great specs. It's the first time I bought a brand new car – owned plenty of pre-owned and its nice to finally buy something brand new!

Sep 10, 07 11:03 pm  · 
vado retro

kudos katze, is it grey with red brake drums??? now you're off to the in n out burger...

gin this is for you and since you are livin in the fast paced area of nyc i'm givin you the CoNcIsE version...

Sep 10, 07 11:31 pm  · 

zoom zoom zoom'n to the nearest in-n-out!! :) You're more than welcome to join me! Best burgers in the world...

Sep 10, 07 11:41 pm  · 

Katze, those Mazda 3's are adorable. One of my best friends has one and I love hers....what color did you get? I do miss my car, a little. I miss its hatchbacky-ness.

Blog post is done so check it out if you want to hear the extended complaint.

I have to say, I have the opposite problem of LIG....I am a serial participater. In fact, my classmates are already having to take responsibility away from me because I can't help but volunteer for stuff. One of my group members was like, you have a job now, don't worry about this.....and I'm like, I'm sorry, I can't help it. I just keep going to meetings until I'm in over my head. I've already joined about 3 student organizations and I introduce myself to everyone I see in the elevator in my apartment building. I'm too friendly. But I sincerely feel that being friendly is practical shady situations, it's a defense mechanism. People should be friendlier to each other, as a general rule.

Except when they are being dicks on the road, in which case profanity is probably appropriate and needed.

Sep 11, 07 3:29 am  · 

congrats katze... my wife's last two cars have been mazda 3 hatchbacks... the first was silver and the current one is black... they're great little cars that are fun to drive...

Sep 11, 07 8:06 am  · 
brian buchalski

three cheers for per corell and the hi fancy graphics lovers thread

hurrah, hurrah, and hurrah!

Sep 11, 07 9:09 am  · 
liberty bell

<anti-interior "designer" rant>

Existing kitchen in a historic home, over a basement. Homeowner and designer have decided to install reclaimed stone tile from a French chateau or some such nonsense. (OK, they're pretty, and I love re-using). Problem is the tiles are 2" thick, and the space has six cased door openings entering into it.

When the architect mentions that dealing with the door casings might be a big problem, the interior "designer" asks "Well can't we just shave down the tops of the floor joists?"


Yeah, reduce the bearing capacity of the floor and THEN throw 25 pounds per square foot additional weight on top of it. Arrrrrrgghhhh....

<end rant>

Sep 11, 07 9:26 am  · 

lb, you should ask the interior designer to just shave 1 1/2" off the back of the tile, please.

Sep 11, 07 9:32 am  · 

Sounds like a gutt job to out the existing floor, rip out the existing floor joist. Put in New Floor Joist at 12" o.c to accomodate the extra load of the tile and also install 19/32 T&G Floor Sheathing, Exposure 1. Then toss 1/2" Hardie Tile Backer Board just to be sure you have a good stiff floor. Oh ya find out if you can thin set it or is it a mud job. I'm sure the Homeowner won't be upset about the cost....and be sure to tell the interior decorator, you didn't add on 100 percent of the cost of your fee....inorder to make the Tile Work.
Actually you should ask her for her design fee, cause your the one that made it work.

Sep 11, 07 10:22 am  · 
Living in Gin

I work in Midtown Manhattan, and some airplane or helicopter just flew very low over the roof of my office... I don't have a clear view outside, so I have no idea what it was or where it was going. No doubt it was some news helicopter exploiting the city's grief for their ratings, or some military escort for some politician exploiting the city's grief for his campaign... But on this, of all days, do we really fucking need to be hearing aircraft engines just outside our offices?

Sep 11, 07 10:54 am  · 

whats the code for resizing an image? I feel like an idiot because its not standard html on this forum

Sep 11, 07 12:01 pm  · 

time for lunch. I'm awfully hungry and wouldn't mind a long lunch at a bistro or something. But the reality on this tiny bug of an island is that my options are limited, and don't include a blue marlin sandwich with mustard, and chunky chips. Sigh

Sep 11, 07 12:05 pm  · 

one space then type width=400 then close the parameters

Sep 11, 07 12:07 pm  · 

thanks - I want to post a thread about a little known Mies house outside Chicago and want the thread pics to look right

Sep 11, 07 12:11 pm  · 

TC has been really sleepy today. I know its a time for memorial.

Sep 11, 07 5:03 pm  · 

hi techno.

Sep 11, 07 5:17 pm  · 
Living in Gin

hi tumples

Sep 11, 07 5:22 pm  · 
Living in Gin

tumbles, even

Sep 11, 07 5:23 pm  · 

And here I was thinking I'd been doing you all a favor by not posting! I'm a big ball of stress right now, and figured y'all wouldn't care to read about it.

Sep 11, 07 5:25 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Rationalist, we have to have something exciting to liven up our boring work days.

Sep 11, 07 5:30 pm  · 

hi mighty - going to steam some fish later, you crossed my mind. Wondering (not K this time) if you've had whole steamed fish with okra before?

hi tumbles...gin

rationalist - let us be your shoulder, you've been there when I've had it bad. Let's share the stress - far easier to bear

Sep 11, 07 5:37 pm  · 

techno - never had whole steamed fish with okra before. you do love okra, don't you! i have made and also ordered whole steamed fish before, usually with black beans and oyster sauce, or with cilantro and chilis.

there's a great cantonese style seafood restaurant near where i live called DAIMO. they have tanks and tanks of live fish and lobsters and crabs and what not. you just point to the one you want to eat, and voila! they'll make it for you.

i imagine you've got quite a collection of local seafood to eat on any given day though, no?

how do you prepare your okra?

Sep 11, 07 5:43 pm  · 

It's very boring sort of stress, nothing dramatic or lively. And I'm sure that WonderK, tumbles, and Gin remember the recent feelings of it....

there's just the absolutely constant feeling that I'm forgetting something, that the boxes won't fit in the car, that I'll somehow manage to get lost or stranded on my straight-up-the-5 route accross the west coast, that I'm making the wrong decision, that I'll regret it, that I'll miss people (or maybe a certain person whom abra's been trying to convince me to break from for years now) so much it hurts, that I won't be able to hack it when I get there, that I'll be absolutely broke very soon, that the boxes I've shipped won't make it there and I'll have lost hundreds (maybe/probably thousands) of dollars worth of books, or that like a fickle spouse I'll decide I love architecture as soon as I've broken up with it!

Sep 11, 07 5:50 pm  · 

oh, I have time today and tomorrow, as I'm still at work!!!!! Which makes me feel like an idiot. I turned out to have more unused vacation time than I thought, about 3 days worth, so I totally could have had this whole week to deal with stuff if I'd known that sooner.

Sep 11, 07 5:51 pm  · 

Hi tumbles! I just sent you an email.

And hello everyone. I'm around today but trying to keep my head screwed on straight. It's hard.

rationalist I feel for you and I wish I could drive with you but there's no way. I've got a project due Monday that I haven't uh, quite started on yet.....

mightylittle, thanks for the Facebook add. ;o)

Sep 11, 07 5:58 pm  · 

Gee, well now I feel better!!!! At least I'm doing better than that. Logically, the money works out for me. The nerves are mostly coming from the fact that it'll be the first time in many years where I've had no steady sort of employment, and therefor steady trickle of $$$ (or even just $) coming in.

It's all right, DubK. Considering my other worries, I think I'll need the passenger seat for baggage!!!

Sep 11, 07 6:01 pm  · 

mighty I do like okra - in the islands its believe to give sexual prowess and mental potency. But i have found post-adolence I really like the flavour. Typically I cut it open and place in a pan with a little olive oil and water or vinegar. You can cut it keeping it crisp or until it becomes a little soft. It does have a slimy interior but its tasty :)

Rationalist, look toward your new experience with excitement. The boxes and packing is just the start of that journey. ramen, it costs but cents.

Sep 11, 07 6:04 pm  · 

hey lb, dontcha just want to look the interior designer right in their face, and before they respond, and say...

"any possible solution you might have to problem at hand will only show just how stupid and naive you are, so don't say anything."

Sep 11, 07 6:05 pm  · 

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