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wK - I'm in your fan club too. if you're not to busy, I got a document I'd like you to comment on (can't reveal more). just let me know if you have time and I'll email it to you.

Q- same deal (fan club and wanting comments).

Sep 20, 07 1:00 pm  · 

tk, I'd love to take a look at it. I'm strapped for time but it may be something I do late at night when I don't feel like doing homework. :)

I'm sitting here with my classmates (a couple of engineers and an architect from India) trying to explain to them the "cult" of architecture and the difference between the architecture schools in Southern California, both real and perceived. It's amusing, and I'm sure it reads a lot like several threads we've had on the topic.

Sep 20, 07 3:03 pm  · 
I'm not just a member but the president of the DubK fanclub... circa the new millenium
Sep 20, 07 3:55 pm  · 

oh and gorgeous - yes I'm talking to you Wonder K; you have a hot date with me whenever I get to your side of the world. Fan Club President out!!

Sep 20, 07 3:59 pm  · 

agfa8x - it is a bad time to be buying in Auckland. We were offered the house in a private sale and bought below valuation - we were very, very lucky.
It's in Howick where I grew up, very near the village, and has a front and back yard. Its a 1950's 2 bedroom, red brick cottage with kauri floorboards.

Sep 20, 07 4:43 pm  · 

And I think I might go and stir up our friend on the experienced architecteurs thread....

And I notice that mny submission on the Name the Architect and Building thread hasnt been identified - come on people!

Sep 20, 07 4:44 pm  · 


Tee hee. Thanks architechno :o)


Sep 20, 07 5:03 pm  · 

you are most welcome Wonder[ful] K

On a side note I think my island version of Crystal Lite (aka Crystal Meth) is driving me up the wall. So on that note I'll be a happy camper as I officially (no seriously I'm really doing it) going to start at my three month (okay now its like 2.25) stint as an urban planner

Sep 20, 07 5:09 pm  · 

Aye? What do you mean atechno?

Sep 20, 07 5:13 pm  · 
Living in Gin

My boss just told me I came up with "the perfect solution" to a plenum air return issue that's been nagging us for weeks.

I believe my work here is done; time to go home.

Sep 20, 07 5:59 pm  · 

dia - I've been seconded to the new urban development corporation charged with the design of the new town here in Montserrat. We have to complete and publish the masterplan by I start on Monday

Sep 20, 07 6:25 pm  · 

hi TC. site visits all day for three new projects, no archinect-y for mighty, till now...

Sep 20, 07 6:43 pm  · 

Yeah, but I didnt get the crystal reference...

Sep 20, 07 6:56 pm  · 

ahhh crystal lite - its a reference to rationalist's former coworker, who seems awfully similar to mine (coincidence?). And meth seems more appropriate

Sep 20, 07 8:58 pm  · 

Diabase- the name "Crystal Light" came from someone correctly guessing that my coworker was the sort to drink gallons of Crystal Light per day, claiming it would help her lose weight. They were so spot on (except that it was Diet Pepsi) that the name stuck. Then her mannnnny other issues were revealed and so now referring to someone as being like Crystal Light means much more than just the drink reference.

GOD I'm glad I don't have to put up with her anymore!

Sep 20, 07 9:29 pm  · 

lucky you! sigh

Sep 20, 07 10:04 pm  · 

Right - for a second there I thought architechophilia was actually talking about crystal meth driving him up the wall - he doesnt strike me as a silly person hence my query.

We do not have Crystal Light in NZ - the drink.

Sep 20, 07 10:04 pm  · 

you have dying over here diabase. I'm silly not stupid. Thanks nonetheless.

Dia have you heard anything about Point of Arrival - the Ian Athfield masterclass - its a study tour run by the same folk who do the Glenn Murcutt masterclass in OZ

Sep 20, 07 10:23 pm  · 

Diabase I would love to read (and see pictures!) of your house adventures. It would be fascinating to see how construction methods and means are different in NZ--all I ever get to see is the American version, which is thin and played out!

Similarly, I think jump and his partner's blog about their new house construction in Japan is awesome.

Please do document the process for us, diabase! It would be valuable.

Sep 20, 07 10:50 pm  · 

For those of you (lb, wk...) that have given up on that thread, since I have been busy and came late to the party and missed that entire thread and now no one is reading it anymore, I will repost here what I just posted there, for your edification and amusement:

Sep 20, 07 11:12 pm  · 

since i am out of loop by time lag i'll just post to above randomly...

cool, gin! (which is different entirely from cool gin! amazing what a comma can do.)

my microwave is also an oven. i can bake a pizza at 300 degrees celcius or boil a cupa water all with one machine. AND it is a convection oven to boot. japan is amazing for space saving technology. i LOVE IT!

the experienced thread is plain silly. can't post there, even if the dude is an idiot. better to leave him alone and let the thread wither away...i am amazed it still stands near the top of the lists...

construction pics are very cool to look at. i hope you do show us your project db. while i am at it i will shamelessly plug my blog mentioned by concrete was poured today. i couldn't go to watch cuz of schedule conflicts but it looks like it will be ok...lots of complicated things happening but when the final formwork/hoarding comes off i think the thing is gonna be looking very fine indeed. we used a high-ish end engineer this time around (he was involved at high levels with tokyo forum and yokohama ferry terminal before starting his own office) and the skills he brought to table are really showing, now the wee house is going up. anyway, check it out. only a few more months afore the puppy is done and things is finally starting to get interesting.

Sep 20, 07 11:34 pm  · 


I dont know alot about that masterclass architechno - Athfield is a very well respected architect here - based in Wellington. I don't know alot about him [unfortunately] as I did most of my study in Australia. I think he has a similar reputation to what Peter Corrigan has in Melbourne. From what I have seen of the venue and read of the program and its participants, it would be a wonderful experience - well worth it.

Agfa8x might be able to give more detail.

Jump - I dig your website. Good to put a face and some work to the name.

I will probably document the house although it is a little while off before we get into some serious work. We are shifting in tomorrow and we have a pretty good idea about what we want to do, and what we need to do. And we have renovation money set aside so its a matter of consideration and timing.

The first job will be a complete reno of a bathroom, and then transforming a small 2nd bathroom into a 3rd bedroom so both of the lads have their own bedroom.

Should I do it here on a thread, or start my own blog?


Sep 20, 07 11:52 pm  · 

looks great jump. those walls are going to be like glass. smooth...
good luck. i hope you vibrated enough to get the concrete under the windows and and other upper corners.;)

Sep 21, 07 12:09 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive...word

Sep 21, 07 8:18 am  · 

yeah orhan, i gotta admit to some jitters about the concrete in the corners, especially since it is all done in a single lift. I have not done a project this small before so this is a new experience for me, but the previous work from the contractor we are using is quite good. AND they have already agreed to provide a cosmetic concrete fixer upper fellow to take care of any problems that come up. I found an area or two that just can't work with the foundations (contractor agrees) so i think we will use the fixer a bit. i am told ando uses this sort of service pretty regularly, so i guess is in process of posting images taken since pour and is looking pretty good. have a look later in day if interested...;-)

diabase, the setting up of a blog thing is pretty easy. the way we did it, with a few custom bits is not as easy without learning a bit of code. lucky for me, archinectors being who they are, the good "ulterior" has been giving me advice on this, and i promise to implement it as soon as i can sit down for half a morning...i thik he has saved me a tonne of time, if i could only bring my brain up to speed...

can't help but post the following image, one my partner took of re-bar before pouring. He is documenting the re-bar and formwork of a beam, but the non-regulation footwear is too funny to not share. architects are hilarious...

Sep 21, 07 9:24 am  · 

nice shoes.

Sep 21, 07 9:49 am  · 
liberty bell

That's a beautiful picture, jump! I haven't checked out the blog yet, I had forgotten about it, but will do so.

Sep 21, 07 10:16 am  · 
vado retro

are those steel toed?

Sep 21, 07 10:30 am  · 

jump, this reminds me--I have a million questions on your blog that would be really helpful to someone like me, just starting out and finding all this fascinating.

when you talk about specific points of interest in the photos--like, this rebar is doing that; this formwork will be exposed later so we are doing such-and-such to deal with moisture issues--could you mark the area in the photo with a little red circle maybe?

Also, I don't have enough technical knowledge to really follow what you are saying, but I am fascinated and would love to be able to learn more. The parts about building right close to the lot line, and having part of the formwork exposed... what do those comments really mean? I didn't understand the moisture problem thing. Also, ok, so all the 1st floor walls are concrete--do I understand it right that that means you have to set flex conduit and all your plumbing connections in first, before the pour? Or are you leaving space somehow to run that stuff afterword? What's the plumber access hole for?

I've never had the opportunity to work on a poured-in-place building (or actually, ANY concrete building, come to think of it) so this is all FASCINATING but also way over my personal head. Damn would I love a site tour and architect's lecture. :)

Sep 21, 07 10:41 am  · 

oh, also, jump--you mentioned the pleasure of seeing this come to being the way you had envisioned it in drawings and models--can you share a bit of the process of designing this thing? Did you build physical models, or just 3D?

Sep 21, 07 10:44 am  · 
vado retro

jump where's this blog at???

Sep 21, 07 10:47 am  · 

he linked it at 20:34 above.

Sep 21, 07 10:55 am  · 
vado retro

captain lazy thanks you steven.

Sep 21, 07 11:00 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Dia, just do a thread here, Steven Ward style!

Sep 21, 07 11:46 am  · 
brian buchalski

that blog is very nice, thank you for sharing jump

Sep 21, 07 12:11 pm  · 

yes, thanks for the blog jump, just saw the pictures of the poured concrete. cool.

Sep 21, 07 1:21 pm  · 

jump - just took a look at your blog and it is going make me miss building. Although it will just be for a little while. As Abra need to worry.

I am most impressed at the gleam coming off of the formwork. It is a beautiful thing to see contractors who appreciate quality like that. Sigh.

Sep 21, 07 4:00 pm  · 

Wow Jump, that blog is cool. Man, I should've stopped by when I was in Tokyo.

Sep 21, 07 4:05 pm  · 

next time, philarch!

myriam, now that you say all that, i guess i am filling in too much in my head. i will circle the bits i am talking of from now on, for certain.

as for your questions....

water penetration of concrete: because we are building really as close to the property line as is physically possible there is a portion of the formwork below grade that the contractor won't be able to take out (on the exterior face). this means that we won't be able to put a damproof coating on the concrete, nor fill tieholes with mortar, etc, so there is a chance moisture will work its way in through the path created by the formties. We are putting a drain in the ground on that side and it is not overly exposed so should be ok, but to be safe we had the contractor put rubber barriers on the formties to at least provide some kind of barrier. Hopefully this is going to be enough, but we will keep an eye on it in future too. an imperfect solution but one we decided to live with.

plumbing: yes we are running lines in advance for all electrical and plumbing. it would be hard to do later. the access hole is temporary. it will be used by the plumber to connect pipes in a month or two from now, then when he is done we will put in re-bar with chemical anchors and fill in the hole in the slab. we thought about leaving an access hatch, but there is not enough room to put a proper one in...which is a shame, but usually there isn't a hatch on a job like this, so not a big worry.

i agree about the formwork. the work has been done very nicely, so far. our contractor is quite good i think and a sport for dealing with all of our tedious detailing.

about process: we did sketches, 3d models, physical models, and regular docs in autocad. we tend to rotate through all 4 states without too much devotion to one or the other.

anyway, thaks for comments all. i will def try to be more clear with futute posts!

Sep 22, 07 3:39 am  · 

i just don't get it...
why people are voting against vado?
for any reason other than a joke, if he is banned, i am out of here too. and, taking all my aliases with me. time to write to your congressmen and solidarity with vado.
i hate when people blame others for their ineptness...

Sep 22, 07 2:53 pm  · 

it is a beyond gray but dark day in los angeles. i love it. we didn't have a storm for a looong time.

Sep 22, 07 2:56 pm  · 

i think the inclusion of vado among the multiple choices MUST have been a joke. paul seemed to be handling all this conversation lightly.

Sep 22, 07 4:36 pm  · 

i think so too. vado's name was used as a metaphor because he is the one with most posts. anyway back to regular programming.
hi vado...

Sep 22, 07 5:04 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm pissed off that I just went and read the "should archinect be moderated thread". I fully intended to ignore all those threads because, as I said in my post there, I'm sick of talking ABOUT Archinect. I enjoy very much talking ON Archinect.

And that't that. I'm not talking about this topic anymore.

Sep 22, 07 9:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh, and forgive how pissy I'm sounding, but I just read about Bill Maher comparing breastfeeding in public to peeing in public. AND, worse yet, to masturbating in public.

Yet Bill probably has no problem seeing Victoria's Secret models on billboards with 1/8 of their body flesh covered up.

When are women going to be allowed to own our breasts again?!? Oh wait, did I say again? That would imply that we ever did own them.

I feel a surge of mom power coming on.

Sep 22, 07 9:43 pm  · 

at risk of angering lb for continuing the topic...

i totally agree. i broke down and posted on the experienced thread, but won't be going back there either. it is all a bit too silly. which is how paul is taking the topic too i think...why else suggest the bannning of vado except as a joke? i think vado must be proud to be recognised that way...i mean if it was per, some people might actually think it worth considering...with vado is just humorous...well i laughed anyway. ;-)

Sep 22, 07 9:47 pm  · 

Of course banning vado was a joke, although I wonder if he isn't a bit miffed by it because I haven't seen him here in a day or so.

And seriously, all this because of a stupid troll. It's just like the Yale Blows guy, and hocus.pocus, and all the other disparaging personalities that tried to cause trouble on here before. NewTroll9 is now saying that "everything we say validates his point" so what was his point again? That we all suck and he is better than us? Of course! I almost forgot.....


Sep 22, 07 9:55 pm  · 

I don't even know what you guys are talking about, and I'm glad.

I spent the day DRIVING today. Driving! Ohhhh I love it so! I drove up lakeshore. I drove around lincoln park and the zoo. I drove on the interstate. I drove in Skokie. I drove everyone to the bar for the afternoon game and I drove everyone home as DD. I didn't drink. And best of all, I DIDN'T HAVE TO TAKE THE TRAIN!!

As much as I'm a fan of mass transit, goodness it is glorious to NOT HAVE TO TAKE IT!*

*for a day and a half.

Sep 22, 07 10:19 pm  · 

paul is deep but vado is deeper

Sep 22, 07 11:51 pm  · 

happy birthday, Orhan!!

Sep 23, 07 4:44 am  · 

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