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I like my okra roasted so it's crispy on the outside and soft inside...

Sep 11, 07 6:20 pm  · 
Living in Gin

You know how Michael Carleone took care of all the unfinished family business at the end of The Godfather? That was me taking care of most of the unresolved issues on my projects today. It feels good... Time to go home.

Sep 11, 07 6:22 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Oops, one more item:

Sep 11, 07 6:24 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Sep 11, 07 6:26 pm  · 

roasted okra is nice. A little wine over it is quite nice as well.

Sep 11, 07 6:34 pm  · 

Its been too long since I've been in nyc, I don't even remember the subway anymore. Sigh. Field trip!! Touring the underground rails of the world. I have a love affair with Boston, DC & the Underground. This is perhaps the wrong thread to mention this.

Sep 11, 07 6:37 pm  · 

the nyc subways themselves have changed so much over the years...they're all, like, high-tech and shit now, with working lights and (usually) working HVAC.

the stations, on the other hand...are as lovely and fetid as always. you want to see and smell the real nyc, go underground!

Sep 11, 07 6:45 pm  · 

on the plus side, though.... this is easily the least nervous I've ever been about a piercing, despite this being the most visible one yet, because clearly getting a 14g (or maybe 16g, still deciding) needle poked through your nose is nothing to stress about compared to such major life changes.

Sep 11, 07 7:37 pm  · 

If you want to... I'm heading over to Prix in Hollywood tomorrow night directly after work.

Sep 11, 07 8:17 pm  · 
vado retro

doncha shoot me in the eye before my massage is done gin!!!

Sep 11, 07 8:19 pm  · 
vado retro

i'm gonna eat a salad and watch the biggest loser.

Sep 11, 07 8:21 pm  · 
some person

As promised back on TC Page #138, I finally took a trip to the National Museum o fthe American Indian to seek some answers about the multiple architects on the project.

Well, the desk volunteers were not incredibly knowledgeable. I probably could have pushed them to refer me to the specific individual who is more knowledgeable, but I was short on time.

I started with a benign question: "Who was the architect of this building?"

A: "There were actually two. But the first one left the project."
Q: "Why did the first one leave the project?"
A: "Due to a design dispute."

hrmm.. anyways, they gave me a fact sheet on the Construction and Design Team:

"The museum's architect and project designer is Douglas Cardinal (Blackfoot) of Ottawa, Canada. The museum's design architects are GBQC Architects of Philadelphia and architect Johnpaul Jones (Cherokee/Choctaw).

The museum's project architects are Jones & Jones of Seattle and SmithGroup of Washington, D.C., in association with Lou Weller (Caddo) and the Native American Design Collaboration and Polshek Partnership of New York City. Ramona Sakiestewa (Hopi) and Donna House (Navajo/Oneida) served as design consultants. Landscape architects are Jones & Jones of Seattle and EDAW Inc. of Alexandria, Va.

CLARK/TMR is composed of the Clark Construction Company of Bethesda, Md., and Table Mountain Rancheria Enterprises Inc., a construction company that is a subsidiary of the Table Mountain Rancheria of Friant, Calif. Table Mountain Rancheria is a federally-recognized American Indian tribe; Table Mountain Rancheria Enterprises Inc. has completed a number of commercial and residential construction projects in California."

Sep 11, 07 8:35 pm  · 
vado retro

so its good to see that the biggest loser is showing the domino's oreo pizza in their commercials.

Sep 11, 07 8:49 pm  · 
vado retro

well tumbles its a dessert pizza with oreos and frosting served warm on some crust. you eat it after you eat your pizza and mozzarela sticks and garlic bread with cheese dip.

Sep 11, 07 9:25 pm  · 

So somewhat like a choco taco?

tumbles, should I wait for you there before I get the actual poking done? Or is that just too early?

Sep 11, 07 9:37 pm  · 

the adverts are actually kind of funny. With the growing oreo chip mustaches/beards.

like vado I was watching the biggest loser and almost shed a tear when the old guy (62) lost the most weight in show history for a one week weigh in. And on that note I'm going to go hiking this weekend. Not sure where but it won't be that smouldering mountain I showed you on page 144

Sep 11, 07 10:32 pm  · 

WK – its grey (officially called "Galaxy grey" on the Mazda site) – I know, how boring, right? But in the light, it produces an iridescent blue/grey/purple color that is pretty cool. I love the hatchback style! HEY! I didn't bookmark your blog – what's the link again? I want to read about your recent CA story…I promise to bookmark it this time.

architphil – thanks! They are fun to drive, aren't they? Sounds like a made the right decision! A few years ago I had a Mazda 929 which treated me well so I decided to stick with Mazda products.

rationalist – I understand the stress factor – take a deep breath; it will be ok! You are off to a great new adventure; embrace it. And like techno said – let us be your shoulder…you will be fine!!!

Techno – I also have a love affair with the Boston Underground – so we have something in common!

VR – those domino Oreo commercials – I almost flipped my lid – WTF??? Oreos and pizza – now I've heard it all.

Sep 11, 07 10:34 pm  · 

lb... must be B_slapping the interior decorator....for such a lame thought about using antique tile. I had a similar occurance with a client (who was his own interior decorator). He called the office where I worked and I had been there less than three days, his call coming from Europe, wondering if this Normandy mantel would work on his project. He was of course sending me a fax to confirm the dimensions. Well when the fax arrived it was in the metric scale so I was scrambling...for conversion charts and this was pre internet. I figured it out and called him back and said, "well it is about 1" to tall for the space. His responce was, "It is on its way." So when it arrives here I am with the mason looking at me like I'm from another planet cause there is no fricking way he is going to risk cutting a antique limestone mantel from france and risk it splitting. So i suggest we just recess it into the floor by one inch. Which is no big I'm an instant hero..but do I get paid for it....nada.....a whole nother story.

Sep 11, 07 10:48 pm  · 

I get off of work at 5:30. But there might be 15 minutes worth of goodbyes tacked onto the end of that. But yeah, I'll talk to you tomorrow afternoon and see. I've got to try to rush off to Goodbye Party #2 afterwards.... of course I schedule one, and at that goodbye party everyone goes, "oh, but you're here for almost another week! We should do something together next week!" which I don't have a ton of time for, but I'd feel guilty if I didn't agree to.

Sep 11, 07 10:50 pm  · 

Katze, yay! It sounds pretty. My blog is here:

DCA, thanks for the report. I must admit I don't remember where the original conversation was going, but yeah.....

rationalist, I'm sorry I cannot come to your piercing tomorrow. I am getting ambushed with project upon project, and now that I am employed, my time to use things like the wood shop are limited. Still, let me know if you need my help on Friday, and I will be there.

tumbles....check your email again. :o)

Sep 11, 07 11:31 pm  · 

no problem. Piercings are only a thing among pierced people, and if you don't want to become a pierced person, it's probably best you stay away. Everyone that's come to Prix with me has gotten pierced there whether intending to or not, except of course the bf.

Speaking of whom, he's been extremely helpful. I've been having trouble asessing exactly how much I have left to pack because his stuff is still laying around. So he walked through the apartment with me and we sorted out what was whose, and what was going to goodwill (again!), and it helped a lot.

Sep 12, 07 12:19 am  · 

Well that's good.

I'm watching South Park again. The boys formed a boy band. The band is called Fingerbang. (!)

Sep 12, 07 1:00 am  · 

i think oreo cookie pizza is attempt by dominos to outdo pizza hut to create the most disgusting pizza on the planet.

Sep 12, 07 4:49 am  · 

sounds like you're working too hard in school, wonderk:

project upon project > watching south park again.

; p

Sep 12, 07 6:45 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Though I'm a bit late, and perhaps this should go onto the Food thread, but I LOVE okra, though I've only ever had it fried - in flour not corn meal like those crazy yankees did in teh Phila U. caffeteria once, and boiled with tomatos. I haven't mastered the boiled with tomatos, it gets past slimy to primordial ooze, which, though damn tasty, is visually unappealing. Oh, and in stew, but the ooze just works as a thickening agent then.

So how do you roast it? I'm thinking I could roast it with tomatoes, and maybe lessen the ooze factor a bit.

Sep 12, 07 8:58 am  · 

I think Oreo pizza sounds orgasmic.

I'll take 4.

Sep 12, 07 9:23 am  · 

roasted okra- wash pods and cut off stem, toss with a little olive oil, salt & pepper (plus other spices if you want to have fun), on a baking sheet, roast for about 30 minutes at 350... yumm.

okra pizza anybody?

Sep 12, 07 10:17 am  · 

oh, the roasted okra ain't slimy once cooked.

Sep 12, 07 10:17 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Will have to try that. Fried is still my favourite, though.

Sep 12, 07 10:21 am  · 
vado retro

badfinger was a great band. two of their members killed themselves.

Sep 12, 07 10:32 am  · 

last day of work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, goodbye private schools for stuck-up kids that already have a school that's 5x as nice as the places I went to school... goodbye (for now), clients who don't pay... goodbye, project manager who yells at me for not being psychic, building where I have to pick up a restroom key at the front desk every time I have to pee, goodbye to being a CAD manager, and goodbye to CAD itself! Hooray!

Sep 12, 07 10:34 am  · 
vado retro

make sure u leave at lunch and have them pay you for a full day!

Sep 12, 07 10:36 am  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats! Shake the dust off your shoes as you walk out the door, and best of luck in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.

Sep 12, 07 10:41 am  · 

C'Mon Rationalista -

You Can Do It!!!

Just one time for the man!

Sep 12, 07 11:34 am  · 

Good job rationalist! Yay!

When I said I was watching South Park, I meant I had it on in the background, as I was working on my computer. I can't stand working without some sort of background noise. Then I started to fall asleep at my desk. I'm not sure why but I am REALLY tired these past couple of days. I am hoping my bike ride takes care of that today....

Sep 12, 07 11:36 am  · 

hope so, DubK. I was lazy and drove today, since I have several things to do tonight and people waiting on me to get places.

Sep 12, 07 1:04 pm  · 

starting next month me and godeleine (my illustrator studio mate) will move to a smaller place around washington and centinela in west la.
the rent here got out of hand and i simply cannot afford it. 2850 $ a mounth. new place is 1200 $ and it is in a converted courtyard apartments turned into office spaces.
with less than the half of rent we will be confortably set for a while. space we are in now is great but it started also to bug me with constant search for the third or fourth mates every 3-4 months since people get tired of the noise from aamco transmissions across the lot, which we are used to. i liked the new place and the landlord will modify few walls as we want them and i have to get rid of a lot of material i gathered over the 7 years i've been here (plastics, metals, wood, tools, experimental prototypes etc.)
actually now we've notified landlord and i have just drawn the plan for the new place, we are looking forward to moving. in addition to that we will have a outdoor garden lunch area in the new office.

Sep 12, 07 3:49 pm  · 

orhan- good luck with the move, you'll enjoy exploring the new naib. any good sushi joints near by?

Sep 12, 07 4:00 pm  · 
vado retro

i am totally in love with your studio mate orhan!!!

Sep 12, 07 4:02 pm  · 

i haven't been able to be here all day but ... um ... congratulations everyone! and good luck!

Sep 12, 07 5:25 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i kind of feel like going to the that weird of me? should i feel ashamed of those feeling? i'm so confused...

Sep 12, 07 6:01 pm  · 

Definitely WeHo, home of the best and most patient piercer in town (IMO). Starting to get slightly nervous about it. It's much easier when they're poking needles through somewhere you can't actually see.

Sep 12, 07 7:09 pm  · 

office cat strikes again:

c'mon kitty - review those shop drawings!

Sep 12, 07 7:21 pm  · 

Looks like my cat trying to help me with structures HW the other day....

Sep 12, 07 7:50 pm  · 
some person

WonderK: That's so cute how you wrote your name in the upper right of the assignment. It looks like you're glad to be back in school :)

And the cat is cute too...there are way too many dog photos on Archinect, not enough cat photos.

Sep 12, 07 8:22 pm  · 

miss ferris from san pedro, ca.

Sep 12, 07 8:52 pm  · 

and her slave... sorry back to dogs.

Sep 12, 07 8:56 pm  · 
liberty bell

Congrats rationalist, and I hope the piercing went well!

Congrats on the new space, Oran, can we see pics?

Tons to do in the next hour so I'll keep it brief - I have a very early morning meeting and a VERY busy day including driving to Louisville to see Cameron speak wahoo! I'll call you as I approach town tomorrow Steven!

Sep 12, 07 10:30 pm  · 

His name is Pocket and he is a pug and he is fucking awesome and he loves In-N-Out.

I helped co-raise him but one my sister snatched him away from me when she moved to LA. Pocket, come back to the Dirty South.

Sep 12, 07 10:43 pm  · 
vado retro
Sep 12, 07 10:52 pm  · 

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