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ah! Thanks, architechno--I was wondering why additional tests and things needed to be done. So I guess the docs are still being strict with you because they're trying to find the reason for the seizure? I'm glad you're feeling better. I'll send positive thoughts your way to get through all the follow-up!

Orhan, Daisy looks like the sweetest dog in the world. I'm glad she's better and she has a lot of friends to love her and help her. I'm a sucker for dogs. If I lived in LA I'd be over with treats. Thanks for the update.

Jun 13, 07 8:30 am  · 

glad to hear the daisy it doing at least a little bit better... do you think that she could get around by herself by using her one good leg if she had one of those doggie wheelchair things??? at least until she fully recovers...

Dog Karts
Handicapped Pets

Jun 13, 07 8:46 am  · 

my cat is on a diet, everything i put in front of him, he eats... so i've been feeding him only 2/3rds cup of cat food/day (when the bag says to feed him 1 cup). His success is going from 24# to a svelte 21# over 3 months. not sure if he's lost more, his ideal weight would be about 15-16#s. So let him chase the corgis next door and tussle with the cockerpoo on the other fence line.

garden update: the spinach is getting close to it's peak (haven't bought a bag of prewashed organic greens in two weeks), had my first radishes- next week will be bumper for them, a few strawberries each week ripen, and the chard is getting close to harvestable size. The fava beans are flowering, the peppers have started to blossom, the tomatoes are growing quicker then the beans, carrots are starting to thrive, cauliflower is still all leaves, the squash plants are ok, watermelon has sprouted (planted seeds from a grocery store chunk), and I finally have some basil sprouts.

between studying for the LARE and taking the LARE, I've been rescuing coneflowers, ferns, hostas, mulch and more from a house down the street thats about to be bulldozed - so the decorative side of my garden is finally getting some love too.

last week this is what it looked like:

that pinwheel is so wrong- why don't lil dogs have any pride????

Jun 13, 07 10:01 am  · 

thanks for the img assistance tk

Jun 13, 07 10:22 am  · 

Wednesday, June 13 - Sproutin?

so, day 3 in the life of a chia-turtle is rather uneventful...but i have figured out how to make my cameraphone take larger images!

...after close inspection i realize that a few of the seeds have begun to sprout.

Jun 13, 07 11:32 am  · 

Daisy looks like she's a little scared to be in that radio flyer...i suspect she prefers to be in the drivers seat

Jun 13, 07 12:26 pm  · 

anyone else keep a bottle of bourbon next to their bed?

Jun 13, 07 12:37 pm  · 

the bottle is either under my pillow, not next to the bed, or in my belly! *hick*

Jun 13, 07 12:55 pm  · 
Ms Beary

what does wheatgrass juice do for you?

My latest thing is TEA. I have an iced tea pot that makes 3 qts at a time. Me and the mr drink 3 qts between the two of us most every day - green tea, rooibus, yerba mate. It suppresses my appetite and I don't drink sugary coffee drinks when I have the tea.

Jun 13, 07 1:21 pm  · 

...tumbles... please find those pictures...

Jun 13, 07 1:26 pm  · 

I don't put sugar in my tea, but I like to buy the fruity teas... pomegranate flavored, blackberry, mmm, all kinds of fruity goodness. Ooh, or tea mixed with lemonade. That's excellent in the summer when you really want lemonade, but it's lower calorie.

Jun 13, 07 1:32 pm  · 

oh, I told WonderK my fun happenings for the day, but forgot to post here: at 2am the fire alarm in the hall (two doors down from my unit, grrr) starts making it's little warning noise. This consists of honking like a car horn every few seconds. The power had gone out. To my knowledge, it is still not back on. I'm really hoping our fridge full of groceries (juuust went shopping) doesn't all have to be tossed out. Aside from that, I'm very sleepy. Sleep and fire alarms are not compatible.

Jun 13, 07 1:35 pm  · 

did the same thing with tea in the last few months--have always been addicted, but without the sugar i have stopped craving sugar in other things. i had no idea what an impact it was having on me. it's amazing how the biggest healthy dietary change can come from simply weaning ourselves from the addiction to sweet tastes. This is why I think diet cola should be banned, btw... (HARMFUL!!!!)

Jun 13, 07 1:37 pm  · 

I also had a fluffy white dog and gave her rainbow dye jobs (but most often pink). And I drink a LOT of tea. So much so that many of my friends give me tea for birthdays/holidays...

Jun 13, 07 1:38 pm  · 

been quaffing japanese barley tea (kaori kaoru mugicha) nice and cold- no sugar needed. got it in LA on sawtell. the entire package is in japanese except for a small sticker on the side...

Jun 13, 07 1:58 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I don't put sugar in my tea, never have. I do put it in my espresso, which is what I am weaning off of.

It is also good to mix teas with cranberry juice, especially white cran. One of my friends used to make us "tea cocktails" all the time. We would get together and brew all sorts of teas and mix them and add various juices. It is a good aternative to booze as the teas can still give you a buzz and it is fun to make cocktails to try.

Jun 13, 07 1:59 pm  · 

heh - tea drinkers - me too...i go to my local pan-asian sto and buy the box of Indian black loose -

i like it chi-style, the way i had it in Nairobi growing up (but without the cool brass samovar!)

Jun 13, 07 2:04 pm  · 

expresso needs sugar but so little to avoid worrying, imo. I drink my green teas straight, jasmin mostly...keep a tin in the office

Jun 13, 07 2:15 pm  · 

i'm the first on 108, don't hate

Jun 13, 07 2:16 pm  · 

and for all those seeking stillness:

Jun 13, 07 2:18 pm  · 
vado retro

just walkd by the plotter and noticed that it outta paper. ran out in mid drawing. i changed it, even though i am not plotting anything.and i didnt even say "hey i just changed the paper!!!" i am a team player.

Jun 13, 07 3:09 pm  · 

ah, actually I guess I do sweeten my tea sometimes. Trader Joe's sells these honey&lemon straws that are only 15 calories a piece, and sometimes if I'm craving sweet I'll add one of those to my tea.

Jun 13, 07 3:19 pm  · 

here's a fun tip:

make lemonade ice-cubes and float them in your iced tea.

now you're drinking an Arnold Palmer, so relax, life ain't so bad!

i just got a new Vita-Mix Blender so i've been rocking smoothies like crazy monkey banana style.

this morning's was 1 banana, 8-10 strawberries, some blueberries, brown cow maple yogurt, lots of ice, a bit of maple syrup, a splash of milk and a cup or so of apple juice.

i'm going to open a smoothie bar in my backyard.

(don't worry, there'll be plenty of bacardi flowin')

in general though, i rock the yerba mate. i try and keep my coffee consumption on the weekends only.

Jun 13, 07 3:26 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

My husband dyed his white cat with food colouring when he was about 5, and then to top it off, when the colouring didn't come off, he tried to flush the evidence down the toilet.

Jun 13, 07 3:31 pm  · 

brown cow's the shiznit yogurt for sure.

i like the guayaki.

Jun 13, 07 3:46 pm  · 

and oh, i feel the good energy alright.

Jun 13, 07 3:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

toroid, I am glad you got help with the miage - I thought you had solved it already, because you posted a small pic, and then tk popped in with his advice, anyway, I don't want you to think I was ignoring your request. But now you can ignore this explanation because trying to clear up misunderstandings online always leads to far too many boring words (as in thi paragraph, for example).

tk that cat is awesome. Such a lounger.

Orhan, I am glad Daisy is recovering and hope it is brief. She is lucky to have you guys taking such good care of her. I also hope Rupi can deal with it well, I'm sure he was a bit scared at first!

In Arizona we made sun tea every day - 4 teabags in a large (gallon?) glass jar with the lid screwed on tight and left to sit in the sun all day. We'd drink the tea over the night and next morning and make a new batch each day. Yummy and NO impact!

I am so tired I just bought a starbucks ugh canned iced espresso at the drugstore and poured it into my leftover coffee from this morning. A wee kick.

Boy the bottom line of 3-digit numerals is filling up quick!

Jun 13, 07 3:51 pm  · 

just came out of a budget trying to resolve the final account for another project I had done the sketch designs to. I think I should stop giving away work to the underlings - too many of them get screwed up.

Jun 13, 07 3:53 pm  · 
Ms Beary

since we are talking about yogurt, I'll tell you that sometimes I put a spoonful of preserves/jam into my plain yogurt. That way I can buy the big thing of plain yogurt and flavor it as I see fit. I have some pomegranite preserves I am currently making it happen with. It tastes better than already flavored. I get Cascade brand, big tubs. And yes, keep it at work.

Jun 13, 07 4:08 pm  · 

Mmmmmm I was just lamenting my lack of Brown Cow Maple an hour ago, how weird. I made WICKED strong coffee this morning and drank it ALL, and just wanna crash now. But i bought a new bike on Sunday and need more than anything to go ride after work before I kill someone, so I gotta keep the energy up, c'mon local radio station help me!!!!

On the upside I learned something useful about myself- if I buy a new bike every couple of years, nothing else really matters!

Glad to see Daisy still gets to go on walks, even though she can't yet walk.

Anyone ever replace the LCD screen in a Canon PowerShot by themselves? Thinking about going for it....

Jun 13, 07 4:11 pm  · 
vado retro

if you freeze the fruit you don't need the ice.

Jun 13, 07 4:27 pm  · 

my cat is laying on my desk with a bookend attempting to keep his head off the keyboard... one ear is pushing on the left hand shift key... since he started chasing the neighbors dogs, he's more aggressive towards me and now tries biting me when he's had enough combing versus swatting at me like he used to... need to cut back his dog diet.

Jun 13, 07 4:36 pm  · 

lol tk. I just had an imagine of a dog stuffed in your cat's mouth. Better keep daisy away.

Jun 13, 07 4:46 pm  · 

I put on 12 lbs in the past 4.5 months and most of my trousers don't fit anymore. The thing is, I already eat balanced/healthy for the most part with some small vices (1-2 alcohol drinks a month, 1-2 french fries a month) and I already avoid processed foods and preservatives. I *think* my portions are pretty reasonable based on looking at charts and I know I'm not eating huge quantities of anything (except fruit). Help me TC!!!!

Jun 13, 07 4:50 pm  · 

I mean 1-2 servings of french fries, not 1-2 individual fries. I'm not THAT weird.

Jun 13, 07 4:51 pm  · 

20 minutes a day of enough exercise to elevate your heartrate, np - as we age our metabolisms slow down - you need to recalibrate your bodies ability to burn calories as you age. no diet will help (well, the cardboard diet might...)

Jun 13, 07 4:55 pm  · 

um, namby, you are that weird, regardless of your french fry intake.


Jun 13, 07 4:59 pm  · 
vado retro

maybe you got a bun in the oven :/

Jun 13, 07 5:17 pm  · 

namby- get on that Afribike and explore!!

I'm giving the long route home a try tonight, trying to get my mileage up to a level that will burn equivilant amount of calories as a trip to the gym. I absolutely kill myself when I go to the gym, leave barely able to stand up, so this requires a bit of serious effort, although I ride much more regularly than I ever went to the gym.

Jun 13, 07 5:18 pm  · 


do you eat wheat? If so, you could be alergic...

Jun 13, 07 5:20 pm  · 

yow vado I thought that a few pages ago when namby said something about crying and ice cream or something.......

Jun 13, 07 5:27 pm  · 
Ms Beary

AHA! Just found out the real reason why one of my projects is not happening (and we aren't getting paid for apparently). The owner's, a husband and wife, are getting divorced, and the wife's new boyfriend is the contractor!

But why does that mean the architect doesn't get paid? Dammit!!

Jun 13, 07 5:48 pm  · 

I do eat wheat, but I've no problems with it (got tested a while ago - no probs. with dairy either.) And there is definitely no bun in the oven. You guys!!!! hahaha. I am going to listen to rationalist and ride the bike a lot... but I have been doing that anyway. It's great to live on an island :)

Jun 13, 07 5:58 pm  · 

namby lives on an island too?


archinect island tour 2008?? Anyone game for that?

Jun 13, 07 6:56 pm  · 
Ms Beary

manhattan island?

Jun 13, 07 6:58 pm  · 
Ms Beary

i like islands

Jun 13, 07 6:58 pm  · 

Techno, I think the 2007 Existential Crisis Convention needs to finish up before I can commit to any such thing.

Jun 13, 07 7:05 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i am scotch.

Jun 13, 07 7:34 pm  · 

they may... particularly since "they" = "we"

Jun 13, 07 7:41 pm  · 

hi tumbles

Jun 13, 07 7:52 pm  · 

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