
Thread Central



you get any at Neocon?

Jun 15, 07 1:13 am  · 
Living in Gin

A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell.

Jun 15, 07 1:20 am  · 

I just wanted to stop in and say hello, and it was nice to take a 15 minute break to read about all of your days, challenging as though they may have been.....

Unfortunately I can't stay to comment because it's 1:45 am EST on Friday morning in New Jersey and I'm still working. Not working again, mind you, but still working. Comp time, here I come......

Jun 15, 07 1:46 am  · 

where are you in Joisey? maybe you can go by my Mom's house and say hey?!

Jun 15, 07 3:26 am  · 

the capital D discussion we were bringin' was a non-event. the board got new computers to play with and ate up all of our meeting time learning how to find their way around a simple interface. the cm, facilities director and i sat and made small talk during what should have been our dinner time and finally got the floor about 15 minutes before the board chair had to leave. we ended up handling some minor project technical issues and were rescheduled for another time.

Jun 15, 07 7:15 am  · 

bastards! Sorry you didn't get a chance to resolve that foolishness <- only way to really describe whilst sans-caffiene

Jun 15, 07 8:31 am  · 

I think I need to admit to TC that I'm showing my architectural fear. I so wanted to wear my architecture sucks shirt but just could face the inevitable questions. Sigh... I even tried to cover it up with another shirt but it was 28%%d by the time i was heading to work. Whoa is me

Jun 15, 07 1:45 pm  · 

zinc! Preferably in the form of a product called Cold-Eaze.

Jun 15, 07 2:29 pm  · 


hey, t'weed - i heard you talking about N Cali a day ago (or so) - i'm interested in replanting myself in a westerly direction and have heard a lot of good things about Davis - is that where, or near where, you were?

i had a buddy back in g school that was from there, it sounded kind of idyllic...

;) t

Jun 15, 07 2:30 pm  · 
yer daily superstition
Jun 15, 07 2:35 pm  · 


whiskey is the cure-all

Jun 15, 07 2:37 pm  · 

Central Cal (excepting coastal areas) = the Armpit of California. Hot, sticky, dusty, little industry beyond farming. You'd better speak pretty good Spanish and be willing to work on lots of tract homes and shopping centers.

Tumbles- I'm not just a bad speller, I think it is actually Cold-Eaze with a Z if I remember rightly. Tastes terrible, but it works.

Jun 15, 07 2:49 pm  · 
Jun 15, 07 2:52 pm  · 

Friday, June 15 - I see green!

Chia-turtle, bless her heart, is finally coming into her own. Now that her srouts are turning green, she no longer looks like she has maggots crawling all over her body. it's a happy day. also, after his picture was taken we relocated Chia-turtle from the conference room table to a window that looks out to the Brooklyn Bridge. she likes it much better there. ...i only hope she makes it through the weekend without anyone around to fill her hole with water.

Jun 15, 07 3:41 pm  · 


Jun 15, 07 3:42 pm  · 
vado retro
Jun 15, 07 4:18 pm  · 

...i only hope she makes it through the weekend without anyone around to fill her hole with water..

i need to get my head out of the gutter

Jun 15, 07 4:28 pm  · 
vado retro

i might wear my architecture sucks t shirt to the wilco show 2nite.

Jun 15, 07 4:37 pm  · 


are you trying to break my heart?

Jun 15, 07 4:40 pm  · 

I am home from my marathon trip now, thank christ. I'm exhausted. My cat was so happy, she did a little dance, like this:

She then proceeded to put my roommate's cat in a headlock:

Sorry, I got a funny "cat picture" email earlier and it's cracking me up still.

Jun 15, 07 5:14 pm  · 
brian buchalski


is now firmly lodged in my subconscious

Jun 15, 07 5:19 pm  · 
Ms Beary

vodka + guava nectar = yuck ;P

Jun 15, 07 6:44 pm  · 
Jun 15, 07 10:16 pm  · 

This date in Thread Central [HIS]tory

Brought to you by...

vado retro

Total Entries: 75
Total Comments: 7449

06/15/06 10:17

R.I.P. Yale Blows MOnkeys!!! :(

Jun 15, 07 10:35 pm  · 

liberty bell's off to lexington kentucky teaching architecture studio for high school students for the next three weeks. everybody wish her luck.

while i hope she'll be able to post occasionally over the three weeks, i remember that finding little windows of time when you weren't either teaching or exhausted was pretty tough. i'll get to see the whole class a couple of times so (if she doesn't) i'll give updates on the amazing things she'll be doing with them.

maybe we'll 'see' her tonight after the opening faculty/staff icebreaking sessions!

i miss gsa already.

Jun 16, 07 7:39 am  · 

i wish that i had gotten around to purchasing an architecture sucks shirt so that i could where it under a sport coat to tonight's design awards reception... maybe if i wear my wilco shirt i can channel vado's architecture sucks shirt from his wilco concert...

AP, your sexually conflicted turtle (his/her) is coming along nicely... i'm sure that she will enjoy her view of the brooklyn bridge... my basil and cilantro is looking forward to when "the signature" gets tall enough to see from their window...

tumbles, i think that mdler may be the cure-all for your impending cold...

mdler, you're welcome...

Jun 16, 07 7:52 am  · 

oh yeah, i had a bad start this morning... i woke up with a hangover at 7am and was planning on taking the dogs out and then getting back in bed until a reasonable hour... 5 seconds out the front door and my neighbors pit bull mix comes running around the corner jumping at my dog's throat... i was barely awake at that point and the most that i could do was kick at the dog while my two dogs tried to protect each other... they really need to keep their fucking dogs on leashes...

now i'm watching sportscenter and trying to relax so that i can go back to bed...

Jun 16, 07 7:59 am  · 

good morning tc!

any daisy updates? was great to see those happy pics of her although she did look a bit distrustful of the radio flier.

confession: i'm a tc lurker, but i'm being sucked in by all the pet stories

Jun 16, 07 11:09 am  · 

G'morning all.

So I woke up around 5am (odd for a Saturday, new habit since off the drink) to this rumbling sound. I peer through the window and see nothing but clear skies. Of course I started worrying that was the volcano. Then I remember there's supposed to be a sea borne storm coming our way.

Jun 16, 07 1:49 pm  · 

Its now afternoon, and its rained a few times but nothing of consequence. I just finished watching clone wars and was wondering if anyone else is of the belief that they are going going to be making another Star Wars...I'm really looking forward if they do.

Jun 16, 07 1:52 pm  · 

daisy has improved a great deal since last week.
she can now firmly stand on her four legs and yesterday, on an excited moment, she propped herself up without any help. she had a check up last thursday and her dr. was very impressed with the improvements she made and she predicts that daisy should start to take some giant steps in couple of weeks.
she is now totally used to her wagon and whole neighborhood is pouring out of their houses to say hello to daisy when we go for a ride which is twice a day.
thanks for asking for her and overall news is very good...

Jun 16, 07 2:32 pm  · 
vado retro

so my hangover has subsided...layed in bed til noon which i never do unless with a ladee, so yeah i get up early most days.

and now my andy rooney moment(s)...

hey 20 somethings turn off your fucking cell phones shut your pieholes unless you are singing along and watch the fucking concert.

most obvious comment: to me from someone at concert commenting on my sun records t-shirt. "sun records rocks my friend!" ah no shit einstein.

went out for coffee and then went over to get my healthy grocery list taken care of. saw the super cute woman who i talked to in the salsa aisle the other day again and chatted a bit about crablegs. a very beautiful girl said to her i assume boyfriend "that guys shirt says architecture sucks" maybe she's a lurker. anyway then talked to this guy who is always at the store. he has this booth where he sells his war art and talks about the uss indianapolis disaster. they are gonna have a new museum for the ship in july. for those unfamiliar, the uss indianapolis was the president roosevelts ship for sailing around in before wwII broke out. then it was in ten battles in WWII, it was the ship that delivered the nuclear bombs to the airbase and then it was torpedoed, sunk in 12 minutes and then over five days, 880 sailors were eaten by sharks! there's gonna be a movie.

now back and just finished a smoothie and must must must take a nap.

glad to hear the pooch is recovering orhan.
yes good luck lb. i know she was really rushing around juggling work, family and getting ready to go. but she's amazing so she can do it. its really an intense bootcamp. steven you and lb should develop a bootcamp get people who wanna go to architecture school there so they can get their portfolio's in shape. you can charge em a few grand a piece and make some caish. i mean our interior design summer intern had to pay 2 grand for her internship to ball state and she had to find the internship! and then she has to document what she to get credit. how lame.

aml join the party you know you want to!

Jun 16, 07 3:29 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i've heard that they're going to make a movie out of thread central. my part will be played by lindsay lohan because she is the only actress in hollywood who is young enough, pretty enough, and fucked up enough toi accurately portray the nuance of my internet posts

of course, that's because blythe turned the part...she's much too cool for tc

Jun 16, 07 3:56 pm  · 

yippee for Daisy the pooche.

Vado that sounds like it would be a gruesome movie...simply because of the ending. Those must of been some well fed sharks in the end. Makes me want to rethink going sailing this weekend

Jun 16, 07 4:06 pm  · 

wait puddles is a hot young blonde actress? That explains alot

Jun 16, 07 4:08 pm  · 
vado retro

yeah the guy who i was talkin to told me that one of his crewmates who is now 84 years old. was dreaming about the ship sinkin, stodp up on his bed jumped off and broke his ankles!

Jun 16, 07 4:12 pm  · 

vado how was the show other than the pieholes? If you're looking at the stage which side did nels play? I got me some tix yesterday for the show in august. yippee!!!

Jun 16, 07 4:50 pm  · 
vado retro

the show was very very good. i wish i would have bought tix sooner to be closer to the stage. nels was on the left side if you're lookin at that stage. they played a few songs that i wasn't expecting. like outta mind outta site and california stars. take some macrame. they are collecting macrame.

Jun 16, 07 4:57 pm  · 

The show here is outside, general admission. Seems like those guys have been touring every year since I can remember.....

macrame, huh?

Jun 16, 07 5:03 pm  · 
vado retro

yes macrame.

Jun 16, 07 5:05 pm  · 

that's a funny word.

Jun 16, 07 5:50 pm  · 

cool, abra, thanks for the update. it's nice to picture the daisy parade.

hi vado!

Jun 16, 07 6:42 pm  · 
vado retro

hi aml!

Jun 16, 07 7:51 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i think johnny depp should play aml in the "thread central, the movie" because they're both hot. and brad pitt should be liberty bell because they like each other sooo much. al pacino should be architecnphnofilia because they arw both craggy, crazy old folks. vado retro reminds me of cary grant the way he keeps stealing my romanian girlfriends and steven ward is a dead ringer for george clooney.

shit...I must be missing tons of people here...maybe theoretical girl is audrey hepburn? and living in gin is christopher walkin. damn this is a total summer blockbuster.

maybe tyrone powers as snooker?...i don't know. oh, what about abra? it'd have to be someonr special for abra...maybe paul newman?

okay that's it for me you fill in rest of blank spaces like one of those puzzles with all the blank spaces to be filled in.

Jun 16, 07 8:18 pm  · 

As long as I get to be played by Cate Blanchett, I'm happy!

Just got back from beautious ride to Venice (wish you were here, DubK). Proof of global warming: the water at Venice Beach absolutely HAS to have come from polar ice cap melt, there's no other way it could be that freezing.

The BF is visiting his fam for the weekend, so I'm relaxing and being girly, and bought myself some liquor from Trader Joe's this morning. Will be back later to visit the hammerred thread...

Jun 16, 07 8:27 pm  · 

peter sarsgaard will play boss says that I am a dead ringer for him

also, apparently my boss used to be a big player in the macrame scene in South Africa back in the day

Im gonna start body hair macrame

Jun 16, 07 8:27 pm  · 

i will of course play me and my alter ego on archinect.

Jun 16, 07 9:23 pm  · 

al pacino as architecnphnofilia because we both craggy, crazy old folks. Shit I'm only 30...sniff sniff, I'm going to rub vicks on and climb into my rocking chair now

Jun 16, 07 9:26 pm  · 

i'll settle for george clooney, puddles (cuz he's also a kentuckian) but audrey hepburn would've been great, too. i think that little girl from 'little miss sunshine' could play me too.

Jun 16, 07 10:24 pm  · 

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