The A+D blogging platform with a built-in audience.
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  • Kuala Lumpur Mega Malls
    By tonystefan: photographic documentation of urban mega-hybrids in a contemporary asian capital
    Antony Stefan Architect, PLLC
    Kuala Lumpur Mega Malls
  • BloggyMary - Finally a blog for architecture students
    By Polms: BloggyMary is held each year by 5 different master degree students of the architecture School of Versailles, France.

    We are posting daily OUR selection of fresh architecture news but we are also bringing out for you: internships that are worth trying, suitable competitions for students and reviews on Parisian exhibition. As often as we can, we'll also post an in-depth article dedicated to a subject that matters nowdays. /
    Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Versailles
  • tekton - exploring sculptural and architectural fabrication
    By ncecchi: A blog covering the various processes, methods, and pitfalls involved in designing, producing, and fabricating large scale sculptural and architectural features.
    Demiurge Design LLC
  • The Building of Thought
    By gabsvillalobos:
    The Building of Thought
  • Bleed - cross-overs, bleed-overs and where different types of design overlap
    By Sondre_M: A blog about design and architecture, and the points where they overlap. How they inspire each other, and can inspire each other. Often based around graphic design, but also around architecture, service/interactive design and industrial design
  • Coffee and Blueprints
    By Hajir Alttahir: Architecture and urbanism ramblings from an over-caffeinated postgrad.
    Coffee and Blueprints
  • SLVK: work in progress! - current projects + old projects and how r they aging + academy work
    By slvk: Talks about our projects (old and new) at SLVK, construction advances,drawings and our students works at the university architectural lab....
    SLVK: work in progress!
  • M.Arch in a strange land - Musings on the successes and failures of a graduate architecture student.
    By Ryan Panos: A week by week journal of the ups and downs of getting through a master of architecture program in Vancouver Canada.

    The University of British Columbia
    M.Arch in a strange land
  • Updated
    By Francesca Assemi:
  • Allied Studio 2012 - Cross-Disciplinary Design at the School of Constructed Environments
    By alliedstudio: This blog details the semester-long work of the Allied Studio, a cross-disciplinary effort of the MFA programs in Lighting Design, Interior Design, and the Master of Architecture program at the School of Constructed Environments in New York City. For the fall term students are re-visioning the Harlem School of the Arts in Manhattan, a pioneer of childhood education in the fields of music, dance, theater, and the visual arts.
    The New School
    Allied Studio 2012
  • City of Glass - #Vancouverproblems
    By Ekaterina Dovjenko: Vancouver, the City of Glass. It’s a city of shinning skyscrapers and cardboard homes: a city of spectacular natural beauty, crushing rain, award winning livability and a frightening income gap.

    It’s a city of contradiction—and it’s growing.

    This blog will follow Vancouver through its coming of age. It will highlight the city’s search for new forms, its attempts at new urbanism, and its struggles and moments of success within the world of architecture, planning and design.
    City of Glass
  • Advancing Sustainability Symposium 2012 - The Ailing Heart of the Urbanscape: Its Causes and Cures
    By AS Symposium: After a highly successful Advancing Sustainability: Business + Design Symposium in October of 2011, students from Woodbury University have gathered once again in order to prepare their second annual event. The topic of this year focuses on the "cardiovascular system" of a city—its infrastructure. The discussion will investigate how various infrastructures—perform, exchange, and are incorporated into the natural environment.
    Advancing Sustainability Symposium 2012
  • _
    By Michael Koutsoubis:
    AIAS | NYIT Old Westbury
  • Yale School of Architecture (A&A)
  • Next Discovery - By: D Steckler
    By DAS99: A blog about the many discoveries in life related to architecture.
    Next Discovery
  • Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
  • Design Elevates
    By Scott Sivan: How good design elevates commerce and culture.
    Design Elevates
  • Plate Life - Architecture/Urbanism/Discourse at Cornell's AAP
    By Jeffrey Dunn: This blog will document areas of discourse and architecture/urban achievements occurring in the master's program at Cornell's AAP in Ithaca, NY. While it will feature many students' work, I would like for it to maintain a discursive focus, illucidating the theoretical objectives of the work occuring here.
    Cornell University
    Plate Life

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