Architetto Giorgio S. Bagnasco

Architetto Giorgio S. Bagnasco

Genova, IT



Assuming that the challenge of this competition is how to describe through a condensed and impressive project the potential of this “piece of town” and that it must be communicated in a very “short document”, our group has worked on a  “dynamic project”, which is necessary to touch and link together all the arguments and the topics of the theme.

1-    Dynamic through the urban structure to connect separate areas
2-    Dynamic through the scales of the project itself (from a small particular or the color of a flowers bed to the artificial hill that jumps the Vauxhall railway station.
3-    Dynamic through the people that already lives in this place and those who will reach it for living too or, simply, enjoining this urban land. (Their needs, their desires and their dreams).
4-    Dynamic through the time, thinking that the developing process of this area is in run, and that every project in it must look, at the same time, at the past, the present and future. 

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: London, GB
Firm Role: Team leader
Additional Credits: Gabriele Mangeruca, Simone Fareri, Anna Vercelli, Federica Robba