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Mantaray, that's very true. If I wasn't getting paid overtime, I'd probably be throwing things. It's straight time for me as well, but better than nothing as my base salary (well 40 hrs a week times my current rate added up for a year) is quite a bit above the new federal guidelines.

I never saw myself doing housing while in school, but with the civic impact LBBA has in their projects (probably the one project that melded my interests together the most was working with Rebuild Foundation on Dorchester Art + Housing Collaborative down in Greater Grand Crossing), I'm pretty happy overall. I don't think I could do market rate housing though, but I get calls from recruiters for it constantly.

Aug 14, 16 11:07 am  · 


"The thing keeping me going is the constant thought of all the extra money going to my Norway and Iceland trip next month. Two solid weeks without emails will equal heaven."


Have a safe and enjoyable vacation trip.

Aug 14, 16 2:57 pm  · 

Manta......I want to know become a retread!  Flop on down the road.

Aug 14, 16 7:33 pm  · 

Retirement? What's that? This GenX-er will probably never know what it's like. I'll just drop dead at my workstation someday and they'll dump my corpse into a dumpster in the alley behind the office before it starts to stink up the place.

Never hurts to fantasize about retirement, though... I'm finding that the older I get, the more of an introvert I become, and the less patience I have for city life. I'm already laying the groundwork to buy a townhouse or condo out in the burbs, and by the time I retire I'll probably be living as a hermit somewhere up in the mountains.

Every so often I'll browse the real estate listings just to see how much a nice piece of land would cost up in the Cascades. I came across this 15-acre parcel near Stevens Pass for about $250k. I have no idea what kind of place Peter Zumthor calls home, but I imagine it's a setting like this somewhere in the Alps. In addition to building my own house of my own design on the site, there'd be enough space to build a series of architecturally-interesting cabins and rent them out on AirBnB or something.

Has anybody here ever gone fly fishing? I've never done it myself yet, but it seems like something relaxing and meditative that I could use more of in my life. Also, it would be a good excuse to drink beer and hang out in spectacular mountain rivers all day.

Aug 15, 16 2:16 am  · 

I have gone fly fishing

you carry everything on you when go wading, so beer gets heavy.  I go with a flask of decent scotch or bourbon.

Aug 15, 16 8:04 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Olaf, I was out of town. But yes, Nam is my neighbor, pretty much. I think he is a neighborhood or two away.

I went fishing for the first time a week and a half ago. Caught a 14 pound lake trout for my first fish. I picked up a little Wisconsin accent too, ya know? 

Aug 15, 16 8:57 am  · 

not sure about fishing but i do enjoy "hunting" even though I haven't actually killed anything since i was a kid.  Mostly I sit under a tree and fall asleep = super relaxing.  Deer camp is fun too, stay up most of the night drinking and playing cards, then go "hunting"

Aug 15, 16 9:47 am  · 
Quit creeping on my LinkedIn profile, Balkins.
Aug 15, 16 1:56 pm  · 

A good reminder that I should've blocked him already. Done.

Aug 15, 16 2:08 pm  · 

David, I have a lightweight fly pole that I take backpacking. usually just fish from sandbars or do minimal wading. its super fun and very effective for catching dinner in high mountain streams. Definitely is meditative - when you are dipping the fly perfectly and casting back and forth, it feels so "zen" - of course this is inevitably interrupted by an errant cast that gets stuck in a tree and causes a 30-minute delay. Mmmm, so relaxing. 

Aug 15, 16 2:11 pm  · 


It's an internet profile so go fuck yourself. I don't tell people to not look at my LinkedIn profile because there isn't anything one can do to stop a person from doing so. It's one of those, you chose to have a public profile and therefore, you have the responsibility of accepting that just about anyone can view your profile even those people you don't like.

Suck it up buttercup.

Aug 15, 16 2:28 pm  · 

Robots have trouble with humor.

Aug 15, 16 2:38 pm  · 


You can think of the LinkedIn profile much like a billboard next to the highway. The internet is the INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY. You don't get to say anything about or cherry pick who gets to see your profile and who doesn't. Just like the highway and billboard, you don't get to choose or cherry pick who is driving down the highway and happens to see your billboard.

Aug 15, 16 2:48 pm  · 

I don't get it, I'm gonna need at least a few hundred more words.

Aug 15, 16 2:50 pm  · 

As usual, and 99.9999% predictable, Richard WC Balkins is wrong.  You can indeed block whoever you so choose from seeing your LinkedIn profile.  I put Balkins on my block list some years back when he threatened on another forum to report me to the FBI and my state boards for knowing information that he was unable to find on Wikipedia (yes, really) and I kept getting notifications that he was creeping around my profiles - trying to collect evidence for his case I guess.  I wonder if he's done yet - no agents have shown up.

Aug 15, 16 2:51 pm  · 
Non Sequitur



Aug 15, 16 3:05 pm  · 

Non Sequitur,

Not all places requires licensure or has licensure for architects.

Aug 15, 16 3:41 pm  · 

Uhhh, did I pick a bad time to come back to archinect? What is all this?


Snooker, nice to see you!! I do hope you get to retire someday. Although I suspect you would find it boring!

Aug 15, 16 3:42 pm  · 


You should see the dumpster fire Professional Building Designers of America or whatever name it's called thread. You're in for a facepalming.

Also, Just no.

Aug 15, 16 3:48 pm  · 

As usual, and 99.9999% predictable, Richard WC Balkins is wrong.  You can indeed block whoever you so choose from seeing your LinkedIn profile.  I put Balkins on my block list some years back when he threatened on another forum to report me to the FBI and my state boards for knowing information that he was unable to find on Wikipedia (yes, really) and I kept getting notifications that he was creeping around my profiles - trying to collect evidence for his case I guess.  I wonder if he's done yet - no agents have shown up.

LOL! That doesn't work. All a person has to do is make up an account or otherwise access your profile while not logged in.


You aren't even worth the time to get the FBI involved. You wouldn't be worth it to me to use computer hacking knowledge/skills. Get it. You are a meaningless fucking peon.

If I want to trace your actual profile and find it.... just a name and a profile. As for your LinkedIn profile, I doubt it has ANYTHING worth it to pursue such a case. No agents had shown up because I had decided you aren't even worth the headache of getting them involved. 

Why would I bother collecting information for a 'lawsuit'? What would a LinkedIn profile really tell me?

Even if you block me from accessing the profile while logged in to LinkedIn, it doesn't stop me from accessing the profile information while not logged in when you have a public profile.

Aug 15, 16 4:11 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

So rickardo balchachioni is a bad ass computer hacker now.

also, ricky calling someone else a peon?

I've heard something once about black kettles talking to pots. I am certain the saying is relevant here.

Aug 15, 16 4:14 pm  · 

Get it. You are a meaningless fucking peon.

Aug 15, 16 4:17 pm  · 

Here you go mantaray ... CPBD exam specifications under review by NCBDC. As Josh says, get ready to facepalm

Aug 15, 16 4:18 pm  · 

Balkins creeping on your LinkedIn (or other social media) profile ... just another reason why I post anonymously. 

Aug 15, 16 4:22 pm  · 

chicago is indeed gangbusters right now... which means the recession is right around the corner?

Aug 15, 16 4:30 pm  · 

"lol! i don't need a license to be an architect!  l wouldn't need a forged degree or a bullshit piece of paper with a number on it."  

sounds like the type of person i'd pay thousands of dollars in fees to design my community theater.  guess that's why nobody did?  

*hope this keeps the dumpster burning.  need some laughter today.

Aug 15, 16 4:37 pm  · 

Manta, Don't start the CPBD thread until you have plenty of time on your hands!

Aug 15, 16 4:50 pm  · 

Ivorykeyboard, I have the same feeling. 

Aug 15, 16 4:52 pm  · 

I think that dumpster long ago disintegrated from the intense heat. The Turning a hall into a walled garden? thread looked it might be a good one ... but then Donna had to go and be civil and explain things in language anyone could understand. Plus it isn't as fun if the OP never returns.

Aug 15, 16 6:42 pm  · 

'i know how vapor transmission works.  i was there in the 80s when they said wrap the building in plastic'


Aug 15, 16 7:50 pm  · 

Oh goodness gracious, he's one of THOSE, eh? The first break I took from archinect was because of one of those... I think he went by rockandhill or something. He kept getting banned and changing his name, growing worse with every mutation. 

Aug 15, 16 8:11 pm  · 

Re: Chicago... I have the same sinking feeling... But I can't tell if it's just being gunshy due to the last go-round or if I have actually reason to be wary...

I will say that we've recently been property shopping and prices are DEFINITELY inflated currently. Not near as bad as '08 but distinctly overpriced.

Aug 15, 16 8:14 pm  · 

Also David that looks awesome. Buy it!  ...and build a non-profit retreat center for stressed out architects!!

Aug 15, 16 8:15 pm  · 

Oh goodness gracious, he's one of THOSE, eh? The first break I took from archinect was because of one of those... I think he went by rockandhill or something. He kept getting banned and changing his name, growing worse with every mutation. 

I don't know who rockandhill was.

Aug 15, 16 8:22 pm  · 

start a commune.  i'm in.  i will bring my flyrod, and for those backpacking expeditions, i have a tenkara rod

Aug 15, 16 8:29 pm  · 

It will be like Arcosanti, minus the whole having to live in the middle of the damn desert part.

Aug 15, 16 8:39 pm  · 

re: chicago prices - i just put an offer on a house at 30k above asking and it wasn't enough... i'd call this a bubble.

Aug 15, 16 10:25 pm  · 

Oh no! On a condo or SFR? We're nabbing something under market, somehow... It's a miracle. Everything in our hood has been selling in literally 1-3 days, often in bidding wars.

Aug 15, 16 11:11 pm  · 

SFR. It was actually a two-flat (with both units included in purchase price) but i was most likely going to convert it back to a SFR. The BS3-2 zoning probably didn't help. I do wonder if it went to a developer or someone who is going to live in it.

I need to get out and walk around to look for places... the best ones are never posted online. Kinda hard to do when you are working 70+ hour weeks though.

Aug 15, 16 11:30 pm  · 
Archanonymous, I've stopped looking for now. It's starting to feel like prices are too high. A single family house on my block that is a converted 2 flat went for close to a million.
Aug 15, 16 11:30 pm  · 

Josh, i could see paying 30 or 50k over on a million... but this was nearly 20% over asking price... can't imagine someone paying 1,200,000 for a $1,000,000 place, but maybe it happens. If i had an extra $200k, i would just retire.

Aug 15, 16 11:32 pm  · 

Pretty much the same story here in Seattle, but I think it's less a bubble than the fact that 800k people are expected to move here between now and 2040. Seems like there will always be a demand for housing here, regardless of market cycles. It's good news when you work for a firm that does mostly multifamily residential housing, but not so good news when you're thinking about buying a place. (Due to some quirks in Washington state law regarding condos, almost everything being built here is rental, but they're usually being built to condo specs in case the laws get changed.) Part of me is almost hoping for a mild slowdown just to take the edge of housing prices, but not bad enough of a slowdown that we all end up unemployed again.

Aug 16, 16 12:40 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

attention Denver archinectors: we are planning another meet-up for early September. There are 4 of us that are planning to get together and we would like to extend the invitation to everyone in the area. Please come... we have fun... email me for details. 

Aug 16, 16 4:04 am  · 
Non Sequitur
Local archinect pub crawls? Damn, I guess I could start one but then again from the looks of things it would just be me sitting alone in the bar.

On another note, I recommended to a certain electrical p.eng student from Pakistan to turn his triangular site into an all male strip club. A fine use of the property I recon but I am curious: if the site was square instead of triangular(ish), would this engineering student have no issue putting square things in a square box? It is quite literally all that they do.

Morale of the story, throw a triangular ambush on your consultants and watch their heads spin like a oiled man's special appendage on stage.
Aug 16, 16 7:28 am  · 
That kid is a hoot. But you guys ganged up on him. Male strip club lol.
Aug 16, 16 8:43 am  · 
Non Sequitur

most don't stay around Gruen long enough to reply... I sensed an opportunity.

Aug 16, 16 8:50 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Non Seq, you can come to our hangout.

Aug 16, 16 8:59 am  · 
Non Sequitur

You provide air-fare?

Aug 16, 16 9:21 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

No, but I can start a gofundme for you. 

Aug 16, 16 9:44 am  · 

Draw a circle in the triangle plot, its what a superstar would do!

Aug 16, 16 10:19 am  · 

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