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Cities are very complex, and what the best designers illustrate is how to give form to sometimes very simple ideas. Good design involves bringing not just a fresh eye to problems but, most of all, listening to the people who live in those communities. We’re talking about a billion people living in informal settlements today — New York Times
The exhibition, curated by Elias Redstone, originated as an online project and showcases 60 architecture magazines, fanzines and journals from over 20 countries. From Australia and Argentina to the UK and USA, these independent publications are reframing how people relate to their built environment – taking comment and criticism out of just an architectural arena and into everyday life. —
We're honored to have both our new Archinect News Digest 'zine, as well as Bracket, included in the upcoming ARCHI-ZINES exhibition at the AA in London. View full entry
This week, MVRDV, The Why Factory and the JUT Foundation for Arts and Architecture opened the fourth edition of the exhibition series “Museum of Tomorrow” in Taipei. Under the title “The Vertical Village” the exhibition explores the rapid urban transformation in East Asia, the qualities of urban villages and the potential to realize this in a much denser, vertical way as a radical alternative to the identical block architecture with standard apartments and its consequences for the city. —
“Design with the Other 90%: Cities,” the second in a series of themed exhibitions by Smithsonian’s Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum that demonstrate how design can address the world’s most critical issues, opens October 15 at the United Nations and runs through January 9, 2012. —
Simultaneously acting as exhibition, discussion tool, and architectural manifesto, “What About It? Solo Exhibition” presented for the first time a physical collection of the intellectual provocations, architectural narratives, and theoretical adventures of WAI Architecture Think Tank... View full entry
The Center Gallery at Fordham University is pleased to announce "ORIGAMI EXPLORATION", works by Yoshihara McKee Architects. The exhibition features objects and spatial constructions created from folding. Origami has long been associated with Japanese culture, but in this exhibition there... View full entry
Yesterday I checked out the exhibition "Otherworldly: Optical Delusions and Small Realities" at the Museum of Arts and Design. Below are some highlights from this highly recommended show. —
If you're in the Los Angeles area these days, we highly recommend to visit the excellent exhibition Rethink LA: Perspectives on a Future City, currently displayed at the Architecture and Design Museum on Wilshire Boulevard. Images above: Rethink LA exhibition opening, August 4 (Photo courtesy of... View full entry
If you're in London this summer, don't miss to check out this year’s Architecture Room at the Royal Academy’s Summer Exhibition, curated by Piers Gough of CZWG and Alan Stanton of Stanton Williams. The exhibition opened on June 7 and runs through August 15, 2011. —
0. Introduction Sustainability currently shares many qualities with God; supreme concept, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient; creator and judge, protector, and (...) saviour of the universe and the humanity. And, like God, it has millions of believers. Since we humans are relatively... View full entry
Archinect's Building of the Day series is brought to you by our friends at, the web's most comprehensive directory of buildings. During the summer of 2011 (May 28 - Aug 28), de KAdE in Amersfoort will host an extensive overview of the work of Solid Objectives &ndash... View full entry
The Garden of 10,000 Bridges, created by Dutch urban and landscape design firm West 8 in partnership with DYJG Beijing, has recently opened to the public at the International Horticultural Exhibition in Xi'an, China. The garden will be open until October 22, 2011. —
"Zaha Hadid, une architecture" will be the first exhibition held inside the Mobile Art pavilion since the installation of the pavilion in front of the Institut du monde arabe. —
... a new exhibit is having fun imagining what [Paris] will look like in the year 2100: 2º C warmer, due to climate change, but also a whole lot greener, where pedestrians rule and every building has a roof garden. —
The exhibit, which is the work of Yannick Gourvil and Cécile Leroux of the architecture firm Collectif et alors, is called "+2º: Paris s'invente!" Part of the City's Week of Sustainable Development (April 1-7), it was born of a simple idea: having acknowledged that the planet is... View full entry