Innovative Structural and Specialty Engineering

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Female, Asian/Pacific Islander owned

New York, NY


TKTs Ticket Booth at Times Square

One of a kind, possibly the first all glass load bearing building structure. The $19 million dollar structure serves as a bustling discount outlet for Broadway tickets featuring 27 glowing red steps illuminated by light-emitting rods.

Architectural competition was won by Choi Ropiha and executed by Perkins Eastman Design. Featured glass by Saint Gomain glass and eckalt glass, with interlayers from DuPont Glass Laminating Solution

“This structure is one of a kind, possibly the first all-glass load-bearing building structure. Although small, it has been challenging for all parties to implement the concept and novel engineering attributes,” says Radhi Majmudar, the structural engineer, and structural and facade consultant on the job. “Given its location and innovative characteristics, it will stand out boldly in the middle of Times Square.”

Nick Leahy, the principal at Perkins Eastman Design who led the design team for the TKTS Booth, echoed Majmudar’s sentiment in a Perkins Eastman press release. “The simple elegance of the design belies the extreme complexity of the structural solution. This was only possible through a concentrated, collaborative effort using cutting-edge glass technology and working with the world’s leading industry experts,” he said.

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Status: Built
Location: New York, New York
Firm Role: Structural Engineer
Additional Credits: Architectural competition was won by Choi Ropiha and executed by Perkins Eastman Design. Featured glass by Saint gomain glass and eckalt glass, with interlayers from DuPont Glass Laminating Solution