Innovative Structural and Specialty Engineering

Innovative Structural and Specialty Engineering Diversity Badge

Female, Asian/Pacific Islander owned

New York, NY


Landmark Building 130 on Governor's Island

Governor's Island is a loosely knit collection of individual historic properties and features and several complexes of related buildings erected during various military eras. In many cases, these have been remodeled, readapted and reused in the intervening years. Changes in the
island's building plan have most often reflected new directions in military

The New York Arsenal was established on the north side of the main roadway at least by 1833 and functioned as a separate reservation and command adjacent to the main docks. Buildings 104, 105, 107, 110,130, 135, and 140 remain from the Arsenal, which was removed from the island in 1920. Most of the remaining buildings have been considerably altered over the

Radhi Majmudar reviewed the CSS documents for the rehabilitation of Landmark Building 130, the settlement mitigation of build 920, and the rehabilitation of the North Feeder Loop. The documents that were reviewed provided construction details to flood proof the structures according to FEMA requirements and design new structural steel framing to accommodate new switchgear and mechanical equipment.

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Status: Built
Location: Governor's Island, NY
Firm Role: Structural Engineering review