Innovative Structural and Specialty Engineering

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Female, Asian/Pacific Islander owned

New York, NY


Luckey Climbers Jungle Gym

Luckey Climbers are multi-story climbing structures crossed with mazes and jungle gyms. In appearance, they have been compared to "a Calder mobile fashioned from Monet's lily pads". They have been installed in locations across North America.

Radhi Majmudar of DMP , serving as the structural engineering design consultant, performed the concept development work for the support structures for the indoor playground exhibit in the Children’s Museum of the Upstate with architect, Tom Luckey of Luckey Climbers. This sculpture scheme, like the many other Luckey climbing structures, works with height and is supported by a netting system which allows the children to clamber up, while visually exploring their surrounding landscape. Although initially designed with structural glass and steel supports, the final structure was made of timber and acrylics.

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Status: Built
Location: Greenville, SC, US
Firm Role: Structural Engineer
Additional Credits: Architect- Tom Luckey