Innovative Structural and Specialty Engineering

Innovative Structural and Specialty Engineering Diversity Badge

Female, Asian/Pacific Islander owned

New York, NY


City of the Future: A Design and Engineering Challenge,

Early civilizations were the first to design and engineer societies and architectural marvels that withstood time and inspired their predecessors. The History Channel challenged today's top architects and engineers to do the same in ‘City of the Future: A Design and Engineering Challenge, a 2008 national competition sponsored by the History Channel, IBM, and Infiniti.

The competition challenged eight invited teams of architects, landscape architects, and engineers in metropolitan areas such as Washington, D.C., San Francisco, and Atlanta to develop visions for their select city 100 years hence.

Each team was given one week to work collaboratively on their vision and then install a three dimensional display of their work in three hours in a major public venue and before an esteemed jury.

Team Dewmac, a team of four women which included Radhi Majmudar  was chosen as a Finalist for Atlanta and had the opportunity to develop inventive visions of the city 100 years from now. The competition enabled our team to create a new vision for Atlanta that took into account infrastructure, transportation, commerce, housing security and the environment.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Atlanta, GA, US
Firm Role: Structural Engineer