Innovative Structural and Specialty Engineering

Innovative Structural and Specialty Engineering Diversity Badge

Female, Asian/Pacific Islander owned

New York, NY


Arcadia Earth

The creators of “Arcadia Earth” want to awaken your conscience. But they also plan to make that guilt trip extraordinarily fun. An immersive experience consisting of 15 rooms, “Arcadia Earth” combines video projections, augmented reality and virtual reality with installations by more than a dozen environmental artists who worked to create installations using recycled and reusable materials. Exploring the challenges facing Earth’s environments through installations characterized by beauty and enhanced with AR, VR, and sensory elements, the exhibition reimagines the planet’s plight through a compelling fusion of futuristic tech and innovative storytelling.

Innovative Structural and Specialty Engineering  worked with Studio Dada and Kuka Robots in performing design and analysis on support structure elements. In one of the exhibits, lasers are seen alongside a Kuka Robot which enhances the immersive experience through the exhibit.

This Las Vegas exhibit was founded and designed by experiential artist Valentino Vettori.

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Status: Built
Location: Las Vegas, NV, US
Additional Credits: Studio Dada and Kuka Robots
Artist- Valentino Vettori