GROUNDWORK Architects + Associates Ltd.

GROUNDWORK Architects + Associates Ltd.

Hong Kong, HK | 深圳市 福田


Sichuan Earthquake Relief “Commheality” Centre

Our aim for the Sichuan Earthquake Relief project is simple and it is perhaps best described with an analogy: to create “a bandage that heals the wound and will slowly integrate itself into the body.”

On a functional level, the Commheality Centre will be the temporary medical and ration centre for a community. On a symbolic level, the Commheality Centre emphasis on unity; it is a piece of architecture that provides comfort and condolences for the victims under the extreme circumstances.

The Commheality Centre has two components: the spine and the outdoor space. The spine, which is a collapsible lightweight structure, provides the backdrop for the Commheality Centre. The spin’s flexible form may appropriate itself on Sichuan’s rough terrains.  Pockets of outdoor spaces engulfed by the spine are not only essential for the victim’s livelihoods, but they gradually becomes a critical piece in the puzzle for local reconstruction and revitalise a broken community. Its role changes as the community recuperates after the tragedy. The Commheality Centre is a symbol of unity during the hardest moment; slowly disguise and integrates with the landscape; its footprint planted the seed of a seminal community.

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Sichuan, China