


Remind me again why we as a profession need to pay some shitty 3rd party agency to record keep for us?

Keep paying fees, fees and more fees.  

NCARB won't even click a mouse without charging you $50.  

Oh you want to send your record somewhere else?  $500!  What the fuck? That doesn't even include the state fees. 

The system is fucking automated; you fill out the online form and HAL 9000 sends the 20kb spread sheet over automatically.  Give me a break.  

NCARB is a racket and a monopoly.  

Mar 5, 14 6:10 pm

Shhhhh, careful. The walls have ears....

Mar 5, 14 8:09 pm  · 

spend your entire career working your way into a higher-up position in either the aia or ncarb and be the change you want to see. take one for the team!  just do it.

Mar 5, 14 9:38 pm  · 

yeah, let's get rid of NCARB and just deal with each state board individually! that'd be easier!

Mar 6, 14 2:09 pm  · 
gruen's called a cost of doing business. look it up. maybe you should go into something less demanding because it sounds like architecture just makes you angry. 

Mar 6, 14 2:13 pm  · 
WHEAT's called excessive. And it's normal to vent when NCARB Fs you over, look it up. 

Mar 6, 14 2:54 pm  · 

Gruen, it's OK, I realize you are just trying to protect your employer.

Give it a few more years and you might work your way out of your unpaid internship position at NCARB.  Good luck! 

Mar 6, 14 4:58 pm  · 
Look, all you do is complain about NCARB.

I can't help it if you are whiny.

I work for myself, am registered in 4 states and don't really care what you think.

Are you so dense that you think NCARBs computer system is free?

What is your other proposal?

I've read your other posts and you are just a whiner. Grow a pair and move on.
Mar 6, 14 7:13 pm  · 

I'm on a lowCARB diet.

Mar 6, 14 7:18 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Nice one Gruen.

Mar 7, 14 8:29 am  · 

I'll tell you what's bullsh!t about NCARB -- I recently finished my exams and IDP but if I were to officially register, then I would have to pay the annual fee AGAIN in two months b/c renewal is based on birth month not date of registration. 

Mar 7, 14 9:41 am  · 

Give me one reason why NCARB does that for my benefit and not theirs?

Mar 7, 14 9:47 am  · 

You want the state boards to handle the IDP and the ARE?  Sounds like a terrible idea to me.  I'm not a big NCARB fan, but i see them as a necessary evil...  A consolidation of testing taking and IDP resources makes sense.

Mar 7, 14 9:50 am  · 
Non Sequitur

whine whine whine.

yahhhhhwn. Perhaps it's a good thing, this way NCARB weeds out the less desirable applicants. But I doubt the "give me everything now and for free" crowd will understand.

Mar 7, 14 9:57 am  · 

WTF are you two talking about??? Who said anything about letting the state boards take over or getting something for free??????? 

Excuuuuse me for pointing out an unnecessary problem with NCARB. Maybe I should just put on my submissive kneepads and thank NCARB for giving me the privilege.  

Mar 7, 14 10:15 am  · 

My bad WHEAT, I mistook you for another user who brought up letting the state boards handle it.  But still, NCARB has overhead, like every other company in the world.  Which is why they have fees.  

They have to keep their website running smoothly, create new versions of the ARE, have representatives to deal with the state boards and their customers, et cetera.

As I said, I am not a huge fan of NCARB, however, they are a necessary evil.  I would rather use their online system than keep paper records myself.

Mar 7, 14 10:30 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Is it really unnecessary to pay money for a service? I'd like to see how you order food at a restaurant. "Excuse me, why do I need to pay $18 for this burger? Could I just get for like... I don't know, $1.40 if I bring it to my own table from the kitchen instead? I even brought my own plastic cutlery. What do you mean no!"

I can see the full length big budget movie too. Maybe change a few things to justify casting Steven Seagal but overall, not a bad premise.


Mar 7, 14 10:52 am  · 

No worries jdp. I understand fees and overhead and all that. What sticks in my crawl is having to wait for something as trivial as your birth month or paying the ANNUAL fee twice within months. And for all you NCARB fee lovers, I'm not complaining about the additional fee for initial registration. In my humble opinion, I think the months between registration and birth month should be prorated--that's right, I want to pay--or to make more sense, simply renew on the month you register. 

That has nothing to do with overhead or website maintenance or ANYTHING, that's just good ole' reasoning. Anyone who takes this for whining is a welcome to think for themselves. 

Mar 7, 14 10:57 am  · 

For a name like Non Sequitur, your analogy is ironic. I fail to see the comparison. 

Mar 7, 14 11:03 am  · 

ncarb provides a necessary function, but they do so inefficiently and the cost does not reflect the service.  hamburger analogies aren't really adequate, as ncarb does not make hamburgers.

ncarb has worked very hard to earn the 'fuck you' offered to them in this thread.  they could cut the fat and offer a more reasonable service for a more reasonable price if they wanted to.

Mar 7, 14 11:04 am  · 
Non Sequitur

would it not be more representative of my handle than ironic?

Mar 7, 14 11:05 am  · 

@Non Sequitur


$18 for a burger?!?  Where the hell do you go for an $18 burger?

Mar 7, 14 11:07 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Jeff, finally, someone understands.

Mar 7, 14 11:10 am  · 

I think I had one of those WOOOSH moments.  Being that NCARB is offering the $18 burger because there isn't anyone else in town to offer a burger.  Funny, it reminds me of this:

Edit:  Apparently, Archinects Image hosting sucks.  What I was trying to allude to was the episode of South Park that harps on companies Comcast, Cox, or Time Warner being the only cable providers in a given area.  "Why don't you try going somewhere else, oh wait, we're the only ones in town."

Mar 7, 14 11:18 am  · 

THANK YOU curtkram.

Yes, representative. In any case I'm just sharing my experience. "I think NCARB would be better if.." remember I'm on your side. I want to be in this profession.

Mar 7, 14 11:26 am  · 


Mar 7, 14 11:38 am  · 



Thanks for that.

Mar 7, 14 11:54 am  · 

Lol.  This is why we have anti monopoly laws...or should I say had.  

Mar 7, 14 12:07 pm  · 

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