
SABS™ receives ICC-ES accreditation - Report # ES-1638


Thought i would pass this on it is very exciting new for me/us.

now i can get a specking instead of having done one offs with individual jurisdictions :))!

SABS™ receives ICC-ES accreditation - Report # ES-1638
Fourteen years ago, Nasser Saebi, P.E., Founder, President & CEO of Strata International Group, Inc., drawing on his vast experience in structural engineering and the art of construction, along with his expert understanding of digital mathematics , began the process of solving how composite materials could be utilized in the construction of buildings of all types. In January 2000, Strata presented its alternative composite building system to staff members of the International Code Council – Evaluation Service (ICC-ES), including John Nosse, ICC-ES President and Kurt Stochlia, ICC-ES Vice President for External Operations. An oft-remembered comment stemming from this important meeting was that “history was in the making”. Additionally, Mr. Nosse stated that he had expected that something similar to the SABS™ technology was going to come, but that he “did not expect it to happen in his lifetime”.

After this meeting that was originally scheduled for an hour, but lasted six, Strata filed a formal application with the ICC-ES in February 2000 and, officially, the Strata protocol was developed. Over the next eight years, Strata would immerse itself in the elaborate process of carrying out the required research, testing and development to gain accreditation of its SABS™ building system through ICC-ES. Finally, on February 13, 2008, the ICC-ES announced the approval and publication of the Saebi Alternative Building System (SABS™); thereby bringing to completion Strata's long sought after goal of presenting its innovative building technology to the world. The vision of ICC-ES combined with Strata's hard work have brought forth a true, modern alternative building system with an equally important 21st century analysis method capable of predicting the structural performance of its buildings using any design under any set of climate and stress load conditions. These stress load factors included up to a Zone 4 earthquake, 170 mile per hour wind (as occurs in coastal regions), 15 minute or longer fire resistance to internal and external fires without the risk from structural collapse, and other durability indicators. Passing the rigorous ICC-ES testing and the completion of several SABS™ structures allows Strata to make the claims that:
• SABS™ structures are Earthquake resistant
• SABS™ structures are hurricane resistant
• SABS™ structures have the highest strength and safety
• SABS™ structures are architecturally beautiful
• SABS™ structures will have a very long lifetime
• SABS™ buildings are the most advanced green buildings on earth

Mar 12, 08 6:26 pm

PS Rhinoceros is great software to do the Solid model for the Finite Element Analysis to do the structural with even a plug-in to open direct to Algor.

today is good days :D

Mar 12, 08 6:27 pm  · 

I almost thought this was spam, until I saw who made this post. got any pictures of what SABS looks like? is it plain ol composit with a fancy dress, or is there something that makes this uniquely suited to constructing buildings?

how does it perform in fire tests?

Mar 12, 08 8:27 pm  · 

yes. look in the photo gallery of the Prescott house or the Scottsdale house on .

def. not spam. this is a revolutionary new building system that i have been waiting for the ICC to be approved for years....

there is a video of a fire test and it is never effected.
a video..

fire test video:

Mar 13, 08 11:30 am  · 

ummm, this looks like EIFS without the back up framing.

WARNING- their website has really loud music that you can't turn off every time you load a new page...

Mar 13, 08 12:00 pm  · 

ironic , your name would be no longer necessary and so many landfill spaces saved from all the plastic blown to foam for building material binded with soy oil :)

one thing i am interested in now is Cellulose Fiber Reinforced Concrete as the structural skin, after seeming the properties of UltraFiber 500, a

Mar 13, 08 12:47 pm  · 

seeing... a.. Buckeye product

Mar 13, 08 12:48 pm  · 

does anybody else see the value in this building technology here at Archinect?

Mar 13, 08 6:10 pm  · 

did anybody see the latest Architectural Record and the Panel Warehouse featured in it? They say the technology is from Italy, but this seems to predate that unreferenced statement.

Mar 16, 09 4:43 pm  · 

the most important link: ESR-1368

Mar 16, 09 5:36 pm  · 
el jeffe

seems pretty limited so far; it can't support concentrated loads of section 1607 and is limited to type V-N buildings.

kinda reminds me of the fiberglass/composite retrofitting jackets used around concrete in seismically hazardous areas.

Mar 17, 09 12:45 pm  · 

i suppose that is where this detail would come in handy 1607

from what i see V-N is allot of building types, correct my if i am wrong or explain better what you mean as i see it as quite versatile, as far as spans insulation shape cost and construction time

Mar 17, 09 2:16 pm  · 
el jeffe

not quite, that detail is to allow a point load to be isolated from the sabs, much as you would in a sips panel, but only in a wall.

1607 talks about floor loads; certain occupancies have required uniform and concentrated loading. sabs has no concentrated loading capacity apparently.

that means no use in schools, retail, offices, etc. and ONLY in type V-N (B?) buildings, which have limited applicability based upon occupancy and floor area.

Mar 17, 09 6:40 pm  · 

treekiller and antisthenes,

it does seem like EIFS, except structural, which is huge. Am I right about that: the EPS with concrete coating is all the structure you need? No steel or concrete backup?

In the photo galleries, a lot of the projects look poorly executed and, frankly, cheap. Maybe it's because the material has no inherent qualities itself. It's just a plastic material that you paint over.

Mar 18, 09 9:50 am  · 

yes. like the exoskeleton of an insect

yes. those projects did go together on a shoe string and it was a competition to get it to come under the price of the same home that was framed traditionally across the st. except it performs 4x better energy wise.

blow air into your plastic bind with soy and bury in your walls rather that bury in the dump, same concept for rammed tire homes.

Mar 18, 09 11:29 am  · 
The concentrated loading is taken care of just a paperwork thing any plans submitted can show testing to resolve that issue. Getting it in the ICC paper work just takes forever and we are still waiting for it.

We are type V-B construction which covers A LOT of building types... The only thing we are not permitted to build is hospitals because our fire rating is low
- Strata International

Mar 18, 09 5:12 pm  · 
el jeffe

so if i'm reading that note correctly, the testing has been done it just isn't yet a part of the icc report?

Mar 18, 09 5:18 pm  · 

correct, and it can be done to show in building submittal.

When we were doing some of the first ones that is how it went before the ICC # you would present per job to the city, Scottsdale/Payson, to prove the integrity of the system.

Mar 18, 09 6:02 pm  · 

Anyone know how long these ICC reports are good for? ESR-1368

May 3, 13 9:55 pm  · 

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