
M-ARCH-T TU Berlin


M-ARCH-T is a 4-semester consecutive international “Master of Science” program in architecture at TU Berlin: Technische Universität Berlin. The main focus of the program is typology. The program is in English.

What are your thoughts about this? 

is there anyone who has done it or planning to apply?

Feb 6, 18 12:36 pm

I was recently in touch with their program director months ago. It's a brand new program in TU Berlin. The main goal of the program is to look into the history of architectural typologies, the theory of model and type and current trends in typological design methods and understand typology as a tool for the invention and development of new urban building types. They will eventually establish exchange programs with Politecnico di Milano and UCL in London. As for what softwares they're using, they're using space syntax (depthmap) technology in connection with systematical analytical methods. 

Bonus Information: Tuition is at 300+ Euros per term so it's pretty affordable, and TU Berlin is a top tier/high ranking university in Germany. Cost of living in Berlin is not bad as well.

Feb 6, 18 10:53 pm  · 
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Thank you very much!

Feb 11, 18 7:28 am  · 

I also got to know about this program from my friend, and she recommended it to me because the course program is really interesting. The English program in TU Berlin is brand new, I think they started in 2016 if I'm not wrong.

I am also planning to apply for the Winter program 2018. So far I've been gathering information about the application requirement & fees. But there are some things that I would like to know more (do i get to learn German language in the course, working opportunities after masters degree), so might get in touch with their program director as well.

I think the most important thing is that you need to make sure you will enjoy and like their program. This program is 120 Credit Hours, and you can check out their study course plan here :

Let me know if you've any new information about this! or any recommendations of other Master Architecture programs! tq

Feb 26, 18 4:12 am  · 

There are different english programs in Tu-Berlin which has past .It's really brand new program. What is the gpa requirement for this program is there anyone know? They didn't determine any score.Also they didn't want any letters of recommendation and only expect 6-8 pages portfolio. It is really hard to guess application process based on what. It is sometimes risky to choose more specialized programs for the ones who want to continue Phd. 

I had talked with an German consultancy company in Germany, they have warned me about when failing on one lesson twice,  you will expelled from the school. It was really scary. It is important to learn that if it is valid for Tu-Berlin. 

Mar 3, 18 4:55 pm  · 


Does anyone know when the application period for the spring semester in 2019 begins for this course? 

Jun 12, 18 2:42 am  · 

Has anyone heard back for the results?

Jun 12, 18 11:05 am  · 

Not yet, I hope they will inform us this week

Jun 17, 18 8:49 am  · 

Hello, does anybody have any news about the results? I know there's a post above from the 12th of June asking the same thing, but it's the 20th now, and anxiety has settled in..

Jun 20, 18 6:16 am  · 

its 21st now and anxiety has already eaten me up! XP

Jun 21, 18 7:22 am  · 

The interviews will take place on June 28/29 ... we still do not know about selection group invited to the interview...

Jun 21, 18 4:36 am  · 

I have visa problem to enter Germany. For interview, I should apply visa in Germany Embassy but I have no any info  There are only 6 days left but we do not any info about selection group.Should I give up for this institute?

Jun 22, 18 7:54 am  · 

if you applied through uni-assist, they must have sent you a document which you can take to the German embassy in your country in order to apply for a student applicant's visa. However, if you can't make it in person to the interviews you can send an email to arrange a Skype interview or something. I think they will understand given the fact that it's 6 days left now to the interviews. I would suggest either ways to send an email now, regardless of the results we are waiting for so that they can make a program. In other news, how is everybody holding up? Any progress? Something? Anyone?

Jun 22, 18 9:35 am  · 

Meine Damen und Herren! I'm so glad that I found this forum! I've applied as well and begun thinking the worst after not receiving any news in the last couple of days. Please keep us posted with any progress! Good Luck! 

Jun 22, 18 11:37 am  · 

anyone has any idea what are the possible questions on the interview ? 

Jun 23, 18 1:24 pm  · 

Hi Elza! Did you get an invitation?

Jun 23, 18 3:26 pm  · 

Hey, how do you prepare yourself for the interview?

Jun 23, 18 7:32 pm  · 

Hello Aylin! Did TUB contacted you with the day of your interview? I want to know if I should continue waiting... thanks!

Jun 23, 18 8:21 pm  · 

Hey Josepine, yes they did. I'm sorry for you if you didn't get any invitation... :/

Jun 24, 18 3:23 am  · 

Hey Aylin, congrats first of all, and second, if it's ok with you, could you tell us what exactly they sent you?

Jun 24, 18 4:45 am  · 
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Lol! My name is just Jose haha. Congrats Aylin! I wish you all the best! I would recomend you to study the program as much as you can to do well in the interview. Research a bit for Oswald Mathias Ungers, knowing about him might be of help! Be sure to let us know how everything goes. Congrats and best of lucks!

Jun 24, 18 5:53 am  · 

Hello everyone! Did you get any feedback after the interview?

Jul 4, 18 3:17 am  · 

I didn’t get any feedback, and I had the interview on Thursday! 

Jul 4, 18 3:41 am  · 

I had the interview on thursday as well but there is no feedback yet, does anyone know any expected time for this?

Jul 4, 18 3:47 am  · 

they will send an email end of july/beginning of august... too late to announce

Jul 4, 18 4:05 am  · 

Hello! Densden, did you ask about the timing of the feedback during the interview or is it just your guess?​

Jul 4, 18 4:18 pm  · 

Hi,I asked them via e-mail two days ago

Jul 5, 18 2:00 am  · 

Ohhh, thank you! ....that's so long.....

Jul 5, 18 2:46 am  · 
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I just called the administration and got to know that they’re going to send a letter (paper, oldschool one) on Monday.

Jul 5, 18 4:03 am  · 

Thanks! Do you know if we’ll be able to check the status on the tu portal? We really need to keep ourselves notified here if anyone gets a mail- unless we would never know if the mail was actually sent or got lost. 

Jul 6, 18 10:11 am  · 


Jul 6, 18 10:11 am  · 

I suppose it should be available under “Status Ihrer Bewerbung“

Jul 6, 18 1:24 pm  · 

results out on online portal

Jul 9, 18 7:41 am  · 

Hello! Have you received some notification? My status is still "Application in progress"

Jul 9, 18 8:16 am  · 

Hey, did any one recieved any notification ? My application is still in progress

Jul 9, 18 8:47 am  · 

If your status has a date on it, it means it's out. either J/N should be there (I think) If the date is missing, it is still in progress.

Jul 9, 18 12:19 pm  · 

Do you know what does J means? Is there any changes in your status?

Jul 10, 18 12:40 pm  · 

you are all talking about the tu online portal, right?

Jul 10, 18 5:40 pm  · 

yes, the one where everything is in german)

Jul 10, 18 5:48 pm  · 

So doggiedogworld would you mind telling us if your status changed to J in the portal?

Jul 11, 18 1:31 am  · 

Same, mine is also still in progress. Dont know if it is a good or a bad sign...

Jul 9, 18 8:53 am  · 

Still I have N without date on portal...

Jul 9, 18 2:59 pm  · 

Has anyone got an answer? There is nothing on the portal. Did you ask them about email notification? Paper letter sounds weird for me because usually they send it to you on the final stage.

Jul 10, 18 10:31 am  · 

as I understand previous comments, they changed some students status with J and date..

Yet, I do not how they will announce rejected applicants

Jul 10, 18 12:23 pm  · 

i have recieved nothing yet, is this normal! And does any one knows what is the expected time to know the status of our application? 

Jul 10, 18 12:46 pm  · 

Hello, does anyone have news yet? After my interview they replied to me that it would be at least 2 weeks until they send the results via post but I see here that we have different information. My Tu portal status is also undated and marked 'N'.

Jul 12, 18 10:46 am  · 

Hey, who told you that, professor on the interview? Are you sure about paper letter, because it would be too long(

Jul 12, 18 11:40 am  · 

I sent an e-mail on the 2nd of July to the student coordinator and I got a reply saying that it would be at least two weeks and that we would receive an official letter from the office for student affairs.

However I don't understand how for some people the online status changed and for others not. I assumed that there would be consistency in the way applicants would receive their results regardless of what they are, but I don't know.

Jul 12, 18 12:59 pm  · 

they announced to selected applicants via email 4 days ago...

as they do not care rest of applications, it is seen with N on portal in status part without any notifications.

I have no idea about waiting list and notification by post explaining reasons etc...

Jul 13, 18 5:49 am  · 

Hello! Who told you that? Do you have this email - congrats if so!

Jul 13, 18 6:11 am  · 

I applied to this program with my 2 friends, their status marked by "J" in 09.04 and they informed by an- email including the offer etc. as I understand, If you have N on portal, it means that your application did not accepted.

and also I marked by "N" on portal.

Jul 13, 18 6:23 am  · 

from what I understand, n without a date is a waitlist unless

Jul 13, 18 1:02 pm  · 

from what I understand, n without a date is a waitlist unless

Jul 13, 18 1:02 pm  · 

from what I understand, n without a date is a waitlist unless

Jul 13, 18 1:02 pm  · 


Jul 13, 18 6:17 am  · 

sorry my weird comments are everywhere. From what i’ve read on the german forums, they send out letters until the end of september. I think they’re waiting until the accepted people to finalize their decisions then contact the wait listed people, n without a date. they only send old school letters not an email.

Jul 13, 18 1:11 pm  · 

Thank you for the info. Could you maybe give us a link to a german forum? And also, congrats!!!

Jul 13, 18 3:01 pm  · 

Dear all, does anyone have any news, status changing or emails from the university? Or maybe paper letters?

My application is 'in process' as well.

Jul 20, 18 9:12 am  · 

Hello. I went there on Tuesday and they told me that if I hadn't already received a letter, that means that I didnt get in. I then asked the coordinator to doublecheck and she verified it. So I guess its over. She also said that The office of student affairs is responsible for the online portal.

Jul 22, 18 6:13 am  · 

Oh! And I don't know what the deal is with the waiting lists etc. I didn't ask either. She just said that I was not admitted.

Jul 22, 18 6:18 am  · 

Hello! Who was that, program coordinators? Because they don't even answer the phone(
I am curious about the course group size
Seems that they have only about 20 students. On my interview day (2 pm) I saw only 4-5 applicants, consequently about 25-30 was invited I guess

Jul 22, 18 6:48 am  · 

Yes. The Program coordinator. I went to her office.

Jul 22, 18 7:17 am  · 
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i don't understand your calculations

Jul 22, 18 7:17 am  · 

It's just a speculation, I suppose it doesn't really matter now.

Jul 22, 18 7:50 am  · 

this is the most stupid system I've ever seen...they do not give to answer emails. there is no any notification by program coordinators. 

most applicants apply more than one university having different deadlines to complete registration process. yet, still there is no any information indicating our application status by TU berlin.

there are much better/serious programs and universities informing you each steps regarding your application status.

probably, they do not care  too much the international program, if it is compared with the architecture master program in german language.

Jul 21, 18 7:53 am  · 

I think that because it is a program taught in English they had a huge number of applicants, so they couldn't manage replying to everyone. Unfortunate as it is... The thing I find problematic is that you can only apply in one program per semester, and then you have to wait until the mid of July and if they reject you you have lost time and the chance to apply for any other program.

Jul 22, 18 6:28 am  · 

Hi, Im going to join the new M-Arch-T course at TU Berlin this October, and I was wondering how many more students there are on the course as I couldn't find any current or past students participating in this course. Maybe we could get a group on Facebook going to keep track of this year's class members? Cheers!

Sep 6, 18 5:02 am  · 

Hey! How is the course there?

Jan 12, 19 2:23 pm  · 

Hi, I am applying to M-Arch-T program and I could not understand how I should send my IELTS result. Should I send the original certificate or copy of it also acceptable? As I am able to get just one original certificate from British Council. Thank you! 

Mar 18, 19 9:33 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Is calling the school's administration and asking too hard?

Mar 18, 19 9:41 am  · 

Hey! Anyone, if you are already in, please tell us about this program! Do you like the course?

Mar 28, 19 5:24 am  · 


Is anyone applying for this semester? Have you received any responses yet?

May 20, 19 9:05 am  · 

I have applied through uni-assist, my status is still processing has no started...

May 21, 19 7:49 am  · 

Does anyone know what the acceptance rate is?

May 21, 19 7:50 am  · 

someone said in this topic that they select about 20 students, so I guess the acceptance rate should be pretty low...

May 21, 19 8:58 am  · 

I doubt its that less! Its an international program with a good ranking...have you gotten any feedback?

May 21, 19 9:24 am  · 

I hope you're right... On uni-assit it states that my application is still processing as well.

May 21, 19 10:17 am  · 

hello, I'm waiting on a response as well. I applied the day the application opened. my application was sent to TU Berlin by Uni Assist about a month ago, I keep checking my status here: but nothing is changing, it's still being processed.. I really wonder when they'll be informing us about the interviews, it really feels like it's going to be a last minute thing, which means the plane ticket is going to be crazy expensive. :/

May 27, 19 6:44 am  · 


I have applied as well, but no response so far. The status on Uni Assist says that the application has been sent to the university.

May 22, 19 5:05 pm  · 

Mine says the process hasnt even started yet! Which is worrying me. But then i again i sent it pretty late. How long after you posted the documents did your status change?

May 24, 19 4:33 am  · 

Hey! I have sent it a little bit late as well. Uni-assist​ sent me an information e-mail that they have received my documents. On the application status, it is written that 'processing not yet started'. I guess they will announce the selected candidates middle of June.

May 24, 19 8:36 am  · 

Yea mines the same! Thanks for letting me know was beginning to think maybe its over for me haha

May 24, 19 8:38 am  · 

​I submitted in March, so I donot have any status anymore on Uni Assist. I guess lets see when they reply.

May 24, 19 9:19 am  · 

Yea mines the same! Thanks for letting me know was beginning to think maybe its over for me haha

May 24, 19 8:37 am  · 

Hey guys!

I have another concern about GPA because there is any requirement at all. My GPA is not high around 2.5 in American System. Is there anyone has the same GPA and enrolled to the school? Or my change is really low?

May 24, 19 9:32 am  · 


I've applied for the same program but have been unable to find about the job prospects after the degree. Can someone tell me whether one can be registered with the German Chamber of Architects with this degree? 


May 27, 19 8:09 am  · 

Hey, can you please elaborate since it's new to me? Also, if you know anything about the job prospects please let me know.

Jun 6, 19 6:42 am  · 

Okay so i just realised the application on uni assist i filled is Architektur and not typology, i couldnt find typology when i would search tu Berlin, masters, Architecture. What do i do nowww

Jun 4, 19 3:57 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

What's typology? Have you tried waving your arms up and down really fast?

Jun 4, 19 4:02 pm  · 

Typology is the english course, MARCH-T is the typology program. Or have you done it wrong too?

Jun 5, 19 1:12 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I don't do wrong. I know, it's a curse. Have you tried calling the school?

Jun 5, 19 10:56 am  · 

hey hajdh I hope you can manage this with the university. uni-assist is currently showing me that the application has been sent to TU Berlin

Jun 5, 19 11:04 am  · 

Okay they replied that once uni assist processes it theyll shift it! Still waiting for the processing. Thanks lcfc

Jun 5, 19 12:28 pm  · 

Hey Hajdh, I had the same issue. should i call TU berlin or uni assist to solve the problem?

Jun 5, 19 2:20 pm  · 

You can call tu berlin they said once uni assist processes it theyll shift it no issues! Just waiting on uni assist to process it

Jun 5, 19 3:38 pm  · 

Oh thanks! which telephone number did you call? I just tried this +49 (0)30 314-21803 but with no success .

Jun 6, 19 9:51 am  · 

I emailed them!

Jun 7, 19 8:40 am  · 

Has anyone figures out what is the admission rate or how many students ate accepted per year?

Jun 5, 19 4:08 pm  · 

Hey! I had contacted TU Berlin regarding this. The class intake last year was 30 students.

Jun 6, 19 9:02 am  · 

thanks for the info! :)

Jun 7, 19 9:50 am  · 

has anyone know what means the letter (N) in the Tu Berlin application status page??

My application it’s rejected? 

Jun 5, 19 8:16 pm  · 

not necessarily...

Jun 5, 19 9:48 pm  · 

Hi sebalonsogutierrez,

On which link are you seeing this could you send me that.

Jun 6, 19 4:15 am  · 

Most of the cases it is.

Jun 8, 19 11:36 pm  · 

If you read the conversations above from the start, there is someone from last year who wrote about the 'N' status which means no selection. And 'J' as waitlisted. I am not sure either its just what i read on the comments.

Jun 6, 19 4:22 am  · 

this is the link that they gave me, the application number is the one that uni assist gave you. Hope it works for you

Jun 6, 19 7:03 am  · 

let me know if you figure out about the status 

Jun 6, 19 7:06 am  · 

Thanks, Well I opened mine and it says N as well and there is an Information Text given above that which states that :" If there is an "N" in the field of admission, this does not necessarily mean that your application has already been rejected. We ask for your patience and will inform you in each case in writing about the result of your application."

Jun 6, 19 8:05 am  · 

well I guess we have to wait and see how things pan out. I’m just curious, since the interviews are on the 28-29 of June.

Has anyone applied to any other university like Bauhaus-Universität Weimar or Anhalt 


Jun 6, 19 8:35 am  · 

I have. Still waiting on Bauhaus, says on their website that they'll start evaluating the applications by the end of June.

Jun 8, 19 6:51 am  · 

Hi sararachdan, could you inform me which program you're applying for and in which part of the website do they say something about the evaluation timeline? Thanks a lot. I am also applying, but I didn't see this information in their website.

Jun 11, 19 9:32 pm  · 


I applied to this program as well through uni assist and I am trying to log in to TU Berlin online portal with my uni-assist application number but it says login failed. Did this happen to anyone else? Were you able to log in later?


Jun 9, 19 7:40 am  · 

Mines failing too!

Jun 9, 19 7:47 am  · 

Did you get an email from tuB? I think when they send the email we can login

Jun 9, 19 8:08 am  · 

I didn't get an email from TUB, I only received emails from uni-assist with my evaluation result and informing me that they forwarded my application to TUB and I should be getting an email from them in the coming weeks. It has been over 3 weeks now and I didn't get any emails from TUB.

Jun 9, 19 8:18 am  · 

I didn’t get an email from Tu, I just used my application number and the password it’s your birthday DD.MM.YEAR with the (.) between the numbers.

Jun 9, 19 8:53 am  · 

I didn't get my evaluation letter either,and the password doesnt work!

Jun 9, 19 9:00 am  · 

My first few login attempts also failed even though I entered all the correct information (application number + password in the format of with dots between them). I tried again the next day and since then it has always worked. Still got an N though, meaning no actual result has come out yet..

Jun 11, 19 9:29 pm  · 

has anyone heard about the MBA programs at TuB?

Sustainable mobility and sustainable buildings? 

Jun 9, 19 10:16 am  · 

Has anyone received an interview invitation from the university?

Jun 14, 19 7:44 am  · 

Its written on the MArch-T website that they send invitation to the selected candidates a week before the interview. So maybe next week !!

Jun 14, 19 7:53 am  · 

Does anyone have any leads on the type of interview it will be? 

Jun 14, 19 11:27 am  · 

The email said that it will mostly be about your submitted portfolio.

Jun 15, 19 2:36 am  · 

From the examination regulation document (in MARCH-T website): Each of the selection interviews is conducted by two members of the selection committee, including at least one professor. At least two specialisms of the Institute of Architecture must be represented.
To give the committee members an idea of the applicant's suitability and motivation, as well as the extent to which he or she identifies with the degree and the profession, the selection interview focuses on the following topics:
• Choice of profession, reasons for choosing this degree (expectations of the program and career)
• Design skills along with technical, structural, artistic and creative abilities
• Interests and activities, including professional and other activities
• Expectations of and information about the degree aims and the pathway through the program;
volunteering and social engagement

Jun 15, 19 2:42 am  · 
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Thank you! I received my invitation yesterday, did you?

Jun 15, 19 3:14 am  · 

You’re welcome and good luck! They also sent me yesterday.

Jun 15, 19 6:12 am  · 

Today I received an invitation for the interview, check yours. 

Jun 14, 19 2:29 pm  · 

Has anyone else also received an e-mail?

Jun 14, 19 2:54 pm  · 

Got mine today

Jun 17, 19 1:18 pm  · 

I didn´t receive any, so I guess my chances are over, good luck anyway!

Jun 18, 19 9:46 am  · 

Anybody got and invitation today?

Jun 19, 19 10:16 am  · 
1  · 

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