


Me. . .too. . .duh. . .what my name ?

Apr 17, 08 1:52 am  · 

hearing the recap i think Obama being unduly challenged by the moderator and clinton at the same time i think that gives him that underdog effect feeling that will do more for his success

i mean when i hear he worked with the weather underground member that only makes me support him more, because he has a larger perspective and understands the issues hopefully. the same goes for his and Carters contacts with Hamas.

Apr 17, 08 1:48 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

yea i like that he's friends with terrorists because everyone is equal and all opinions and viewpoints are equal.

i just want everyone to be the same; shared prosperity - it's so beautiful. this is going to be great! finally we will be united and not divided.

Apr 17, 08 2:01 pm  · 

ya, no more demonization of people who are victims to a larger problem

helping people prone towards violence avoid it is extremely important a skill the war monger bush does not posses in his black and white morally judgmental thinking.

Apr 17, 08 2:14 pm  · 
won and done williams
can you really vote for a man who bowls like this?

dear god, a 37? a 37?!

Apr 19, 08 8:51 pm  · 

Guys, Free Ramos is being is sarcastic again!

Apr 19, 08 9:19 pm  · 

you see that gaff this morning or McCains? first he says he is happy to have the support of the evangelicals who said catholics are 'satan' and then he says in the same sentence he rejects it. hommies lost it.. i could only imagine how easy it would for the puppet masters to manipulate McCain, not that they haven't been doing it his whole political life already..

M. Obama on Colbert was great

Apr 21, 08 1:43 pm  · 

only hardcore racist church goers will vote for McCain i see this being the biggest landslide victory of any election

Apr 21, 08 1:44 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

Antisthenes: only hardcore racist church goers will vote for McCain i see this being the biggest landslide victory of any election


Apr 21, 08 2:48 pm  · 
drums please, Fab?

Antisthenes: only hardcore racist church goers will vote for McCain i see this being the biggest landslide victory of any election


Apr 21, 08 2:48 pm  · 

WWE? seriously? I think that the SNL/WWE/Bowling shit is getting out hand.

I want a president not a buddy, I want someone smart, hardworking, and compassionate, not someone I can relate to (specially if I watched WWE). This election is ridiculous.

Apr 21, 08 3:47 pm  · 

Clinton said she should get extra points -- because "it takes us longer to get ready than the men. . ."

What ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? !

Apr 21, 08 3:59 pm  · 


Apr 21, 08 4:12 pm  · 
only hardcore racist church goers will vote for McCain i see this being the biggest landslide victory of any election

You might be surprised how many "racist church goers" are in this country. I suspect this election will be equally as close as the past couple. If anything the landslide would swing to McCains favor, depending on how the majority of voters (not primary voters) reacts to a black canidate. The only thing that will give the democrats a landslide is if the republican base boycotts the election as a protest against McCain.

Don't forget that congress has an abysmal 20% approval rating. The majority of people don't trust politicians. For all the love affair with Obama, he's still a politician in the eyes of the vast majority. I am one of those that doesn't trust him any more than I trust McCain or Clinton. Should be interesting once the Obama/Clinton gaffe is over, but I for one would not be predicting a landslide victory 1984 style.

Apr 21, 08 4:25 pm  · 
won and done williams

how can obama supporters not recognize the bowling gaffe? while not as damning as dukakis riding around in a tank, it is at least the equivalent of clinton playing sax on arsenio. why do these episodes matter? it's not the gaffe in itself; it's exposing the candidate to be the opposite of how he is trying to portray himself, i.e. dukakis was not a military man; clinton was not "cool;" and obama is by no stretch of the imagination a populist candidate. he is an elite like the rest of them. (this country is run by an aristocracy.) if nothing else, the episode was incredibly humorous.

Apr 21, 08 4:39 pm  · 

do you even read what you write? deciding the election based a pseudo sport played by mostly non-athletic types in high school? hillary can't bowl for shit, and she'd be the type most likely to take bowling in school.

Apr 21, 08 5:38 pm  · 

and we all know that type. those kids that didn't use snaps, the eyeballers

Apr 21, 08 6:07 pm  · 

Ortho Off!

Apr 21, 08 6:10 pm  · 

This was our Champion Presiential Bowler for you young ones:

Apr 21, 08 6:27 pm  · 

I didn't think I'd ever post in this thread, but I have to strongly disagree with you Jafidler -
As a fellow Sax player, any cat that can play the sax as well as Clinton can is cool in my book. Consequently, people that still use the term "cat" is not so cool.

And back to topic - Because I'm a PA resident and will be voting tomorrow, I have received numerous "calls" to my cell phone this weekend from Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton and actual calls from both sides of the campaign. I had to hang up at the sound of Hillary's voice, but listened to the end for Bill. He's just hilarious. I'm new to this voting business so I was wondering - is this mass phone message thing new?

Apr 21, 08 6:29 pm  · 
won and done williams

beta, cut it with the cussing and the insults. i'm not saying it should decide the election; perhaps you should read others' posts before you flame. i'm saying it exposes a flaw. it's not even a flaw because it happens to almost all candidates. obama was pretending to be something that he is not. just like hillary was when she said she was under sniper fire in bosnia, or when michael dukakis wanted to tool around in a tank.

i'm totally burned out on this election. i really don't care anymore. i simply thought barack's bowling was a great moment of levity in an otherwise overly serious election.

Apr 21, 08 7:49 pm  · 

No, Hillary lied on multiple occasions on the subject...Obama is just not a good your assumption all normal blue collar americans are good bowlers...well, run with blind assumptions just like Hillary runs with the overt lies.

Apr 21, 08 7:52 pm  · 
won and done williams

dude, it's a blue collar sport. if you don't think obama was trying to make a point with that, you know nothing about politics.

if someone doesn't bow down to the great god obama on this thread, then the heathen is cast from the island. whatevs. back to your worship.

Apr 21, 08 8:03 pm  · 

I am getting tired of this type of shit:

Apr 21, 08 9:39 pm  · 

snook_dude's foto of nixon looks like a former tweaker boss i had...

obama's sport is basketball, dude's got a BMI of like 3, though.

Apr 21, 08 9:52 pm  · 
Living in Gin

But basketball is such an elitist sport, you know. Right up there with lacrosse and polo.

Apr 21, 08 10:16 pm  · 

dude, lacrosse ain't elitist.

cricket is...

Apr 21, 08 10:25 pm  · 

bowling is barely a sport, and no because it's on ESPN does not make it a sport, chess and the spelling bee are on ESPN, blue collar or not, better yet barfly or not.

shit? you're on me for shit?

hillary can go around telling bill that working class whites can go screw - - and "I" need to watch my tongue?

you, you elitist.

Apr 21, 08 11:34 pm  · 

Liberals suck Do NOT vote OBAMA

Apr 22, 08 1:38 am  · 

Liberals suck Do NOT vote OBAMA

Apr 22, 08 1:38 am  · 

YOU are a TOOL - crawl back under your ROCK.

Apr 22, 08 6:35 am  · 

Liberals do suck vote down Hillary, Conservatives in sheeps clothing, those liberals

vote Progressive, Obama

not regressive - neo-con chicken hawk damage control 1000 year war man.

Apr 22, 08 12:31 pm  · 

Is Wrestling elitist?

Apr 22, 08 12:49 pm  · 

Has the NYT ever unendorsed a candidate before?

The Pennsylvania campaign, which produced yet another inconclusive result on Tuesday, was even meaner, more vacuous, more desperate, and more filled with pandering than the mean, vacuous, desperate, pander-filled contests that preceded it.

Voters are getting tired of it; it is demeaning the political process; and it does not work. It is past time for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to acknowledge that the negativity, for which she is mostly responsible, does nothing but harm to her, her opponent, her party and the 2008 election.[...]

By staying on the attack and not engaging Mr. Obama on the substance of issues like terrorism, the economy and how to organize an orderly exit from Iraq, Mrs. Clinton does more than just turn off voters who don't like negative campaigning. She undercuts the rationale for her candidacy that led this page and others to support her: that she is more qualified, right now, to be president than Mr. Obama.

Apr 23, 08 8:46 am  · 
liberty bell

Here's what I want: a moratorium - no, an outright ban - on candidates using music in their campaigns.

I want to be able to listen to Fleetwood Mac and Tom Petty without picturing Bill and Hill, or any other politician!

While were at it, let's extend the ban to political commentators, too - Limbaugh using The Pretenders on his show always made me want to see Chrissie Hynde stomp on him in high heels.

Apr 23, 08 10:02 am  · 

LB, it's yours' and vado's turn now. bring it home!

Apr 23, 08 10:27 am  · 

uh yeah we want who running this country?

A greater concern in the shorter term for Mrs. Clinton is fundraising: She raised $21 million in March, compared with Mr. Obama’s $42 million. In the latest campaign finance filings,

Mrs. Clinton reported $10.3 million in outstanding primary debts but only $9.5 million available to cover them, leaving an $800,000 shortfall at the end of March. In February, the Clinton campaign had a $3 million surplus.

By comparison, Mr. Obama had $43 million in cash for the coming primaries and a campaign debt of less than $660,000 at the end of March. Mr. Obama is spending 75 cents for every dollar he is taking in; Mrs. Clinton is spending $1.10.


Apr 23, 08 1:25 pm  · 

Well maybe this will make us all feel a bit better.

Apr 23, 08 2:33 pm  · 

Clinton had the Philly Mayor and the Governor behind her. They both have political machines like Daley and Blagojevich do in Illinois where Obama won. The Mayor of LA backed Clinton and she won California. He got the vore out for Clinton.

Food for thought.

"Situation is Iraq improving" ? How? You mean we're not spending $100 billion a month to prop up a puppet government?

Meanwhile China is spending almost $1 trillion on infrastructure improvements to make their country more competitive in next couple of years. What are we doing? Pouring money down a sewer in Iraq. We continue to lie about how iraq is vital to our security... It isn't and never was. We are living Groundhog Day. Iraq is not even a real sovereign nation. It is a bunch of disparate tribes, ethnic and religious groups once held together by a dictator that fancied himself as the middle east's Marshall Tito, that today is up for grabs.

Did anyone read the Pentagon's own internal study?

Apr 23, 08 3:35 pm  · 

I thought the Clinton nightmare was finally over - the army of brainless morons having their "pain" felt, the chameleon couple from Arkansas who the myopic call the greatest politicians in a generation -because they dont look any further back than their own cohort. These fuckers are bad in a bad way. Obama gets republican support because he's respectable to them - even if they hate his politics they agree here is a guy at least where we know where he stands. Almost a throwback -

The Clintons man, the Clintons - shit

Apr 23, 08 3:36 pm  · 

or the men she cheated on Bill with will come forward

Apr 23, 08 3:50 pm  · 

like with Spritzers wife admitting to her extramarital affairs

Apr 23, 08 3:52 pm  · 

ewww mental picture of hillary having sex with anyone, it hurts make it stop!

Apr 23, 08 6:28 pm  · 

are you saying Hillary doesn't have a future in porn?

Apr 23, 08 7:47 pm  · 

Not any porn I'd want to watch. . .

Apr 24, 08 12:05 am  · 
Apr 24, 08 12:15 am  · 

by kos
Wed Apr 23, 2008 at 02:27:53 PM PDT

The Mountain West has huge growth potential for the Democratic Party, which is why the DNCC is in Denver this year. Colorado is leading the way and is definitely a winnable state ... with the right candidate at the top of the ticket.

Rasmussen. 4/16. Likely voters. MoE 4.5% (3/17 results)

McCain (R) 43 (46)
Obama (D) 46 (46)

McCain (R) 50 (52)
Clinton (D) 36 (38)

Obama makes Colorado competitive, Clinton kills it for us. And that's not just relevant at the top of the ticket. We have a top-tier Senate race in the state, and you better believe Mark Udall is better off with Obama at the top of the ticket than having to make up a 14-point Clinton deficit. Throw in CO-04, which is already on the DCCC's target list, and once again, it's clear why having Obama at the top of the ticket is so helpful to the Democratic Party not just at the presidential level, but down below it as well.

Same goes for another Red state we can flip with the right candidate (that "right" candidate being Obama): North Carolina:

Rasmussen. 4/10. Likely voters. MoE 4.5% (3/20 results)

McCain (R) 47 (51)
Obama (D) 47 (42)

McCain (R) 51 (50)
Clinton (D) 40 (34)

Clinton might make this one competitive, but it'd be tough. Obama immediately makes this a top-tier pickup opportunity in a state that McCain can ill-afford to defend. We also have a potentially hot Senate race and at least one solid House pickup opportunity (NC-08), both of which would benefit from 1) having the state be a presidential battleground, and 2) having a competitive candidate at the top of the ticket.

What about those "big states" that Clinton thinks only she can win? How about California?

Rasmussen. 4/16. Likely voters. MoE 4.5% (3/12 results)

McCain (R) 43 (38)
Obama (D) 50 (53)

McCain (R) 42 (39)
Clinton (D) 47 (46)

Not that either Democrat would lose California to McCain (even in the best-case scenario, he wouldn't have the money to contest it), but funny how Obama runs stronger than Clinton in the Golden State. And even those two points will matter to candidates like Charlie Brown in CA-04 fighting to eeke out tight victories in tough districts. Indeed, Brown only lost by three points in 2006.

What about the purple states, like Minnesota?

SurveyUSA. 4/11-13. Likely voters. MoE 4.3% (3/14-16 results)

McCain (R) 43 (47)
Obama (D) 49 (46)

McCain (R) 46 (46)
Clinton (D) 47 (49)

Minnesota won't be a state we can take for granted this fall. It will be a tough one for either Obama or Clinton, but it's clear that Obama fares better. And remember, this is all post-"Wright" and all that other nonsense that has supposedly crushed Obama time and time again. Same goes with Wisconsin, Iowa, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington:

SurveyUSA. 4/14-17. Likely voters. MoE 4% (3/14-16 results)

McCain (R) 40 (47)
Obama (D) 53 (48)

McCain (R) 45 (47)
Clinton (D) 48 (47)

Check out that Obama surge -- it was also post-"Wright", post-"Bitter", post all that bull. Yet after all that crap, they've decided they still like Obama and have now given him a comfortable margin in the must-win Democratic state. Clinton? She makes it a nail biter.

Obama even makes a difference in the "blowout" states, like McCain's home of Arizona.

Rasmussen. 4/15. Likely voters. MoE 4.5% (No trend lines)

McCain (R) 57
Obama (D) 37

McCain (R) 60
Clinton (D) 32

"But", say the Clinton apologists, "what does it matter if we lose by 28 points or just 20? A loss is a loss!" It matters to the two House Democratic freshman running tough reelection campaigns this year (Mitchell in AZ-05 and Giffords in AZ-08). It matters to the Democrats running in our two targeted races in AZ-01 (Renzi's old seat) and AZ-03 (Shadegg's seat). The smaller the margin at the top of the ticket, the fewer ticket splitters they need to win their races.

Really, I can go through polls all day (and likely will over the coming two weeks), showing how in most states Obama runs stronger and has greater coattail potential than Clinton. I'm even ignoring pre-"Bitter" polls to ensure the numbers aren't just fresh, but include all of Obama's baggage. Yet as we'll see in the vast majority of cases (the biggest exception being Florida, though there are several others), Obama does far better.

What about the daily national tracking polls? In Rasmussen's latest, Obama trails McCain by 3, Clinton trails McCain by 6. Advantage Obama. Gallup has one of those tracking polls as well, and they have Obama and McCain tied at 45, while Clinton trails McCain by (a statistically insignificant) 1 point.

So remind me again how is Clinton "more electable" against McCain than Obama?

She's lost more contests to Obama than she's won. She's raised less money than he has. She fares poorer in the polling against McCain than he does. She trails in the popular vote.

And somehow, despite the fact she runs behind Obama in the general, the supers are supposed to overturn the will of the primary electorate and spur intra-party civil war on her behalf? Is she really that narcissistic?

Apparently so.

Apr 24, 08 1:05 am  · 

what is the acceptable amount or road rage to express at people with McCain stickers ?

Apr 24, 08 12:19 pm  · 

Uh -- either total annihilation, or a pitying sneer -- take your pick !

Apr 24, 08 11:54 pm  · 

i am thinking drive in front of them extremely slow, not letting them pass and making shame signs and Heils and pointing at them so everybody knows what they represent.

Apr 25, 08 11:38 am  · 

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