There has never been an institutionalized system in this country for the buying and selling of women as a gender. There has been for people of african descent.
But this is not a primary between a man and a woman, or a black man and a white woman (as much as HRC & camp seem to want it to be) - it a contest between the old democrats and the new democrats.
The old democrats represent:
"important" states only
20 big pocket donors get to call the shots
appointed candidate
broadcast media
big business
The new democrats represent:
50 state strategy
2 million $100 donors
Fair trade
small business
the net
community and grassroots organization.
the post-racial
Yeah, the former first lady with tons of bankroll and connections who had the nomination in the bag at the start of this thing is the down and out underprivileged underdog? Yeah. Uh, Okay.
Obama picked up two more delegates in Mississippi as he won more than 62.5% of the vote.
The final tally is:
Obama - 265,502
Clinton - 159,221
That gives Obama a heads-up 62.512% victory, which WILL switch another state-wide at-large delegate to him (there are 4 statewide pledged PLEO's in Mississippi, so 62.5% is the tipping point for them to break 3-1 instead of 2-2).
Net net? Now Mississippi broke 20-13.
On another note, Obama's margin of victory in Mississippi no longer "almost eclipsed" Hillary's primary margin in Texas - it completely surpassed it. To all you popular vote total affecianadoes, the hill just got a little steeper.
He apparently asked the tough question last: If Iran is wreaking havoc in Iraq, how come Ahmadinejad is welcomed in Baghdad with open arms ? The General had no ready answer. . .
I think he and Joe Biden had some really important questions, and I think we are finally driving home at some of the real issues at hand. Theres been a great deal of myopia going on, and this old paradigm fixation on military solutions to political problems. I dont think theres any question that american troops have done more with this shitstorm than anyone had imagined they could, but in the end the greatest successes in places like anbar and kurdistan have come about because of political rather than military resolution. As far as Ive gathered from what incisive analysis Ive been able to find in the last several months there is in fact little actual difference in the way our military posture there will change under either Obama or McCain over the next 2 years. Both, as a matter of practical necessity, will in fact begin a drastic draw down of troops beginning next spring. This is baring of course any calamitous destabilization between now and then which both, equally, will be forced to reevaluate and reconcile with. So the real question becomes, given that the military situation on the ground is a given condition, who has the wherewithal to provide a political strategy for the region that serves the best interest of the troops on the ground and the iraqi and american people and the arab world as a whole. McCains understanding of military affairs, at least in the 20th century sense, is considerable, and his service has been valiant and no one can take that away from him. But given that he still cant seem to discern between sunni and shia, whether because of the hardships of age, which no one could fault him for but still seem relevant, or worse because of a willful lack of concern for the distinction, I think serious questions need to be asked about whether McCain can match his military experience with the cultural understanding needed to solve this situation. Obama hasnt been on the scene very long, but in very short order I think people would have to recognize a remarkable aptitude for the political complexities involved here. Irans influence in iraq is in fact inevitable, and given that theyre neighbors even Crocker was willing to admit this relationship is natural and even positive. Al Sadr reaching out to Iran is practical move by him to consolidate as much power as he can and in order to counterbalance our influence there, but I dont think people should be confused that people living in southern Iraq have any more interest in having their lives dictated by Tehran than they do by Washington. Some political discussion with not just Iran but Syria and Jordan and Saudi Arabia is simply necessary to changing the nature of those countries influence and resolving this problem generally. I think Obama and Dodd and Biden are rightly asking the questions of what are the best possible tools to apply political leverage for Iraqs political factions to come to some stable agreement, and what are the metrics by which we are able to measure the sustainability of that handover and our corresponding withdrawal. All of this seems utter common sense to me and all this nonsense rhetoric about 'victory' without definition is exactly what got us into this mess and continues to do us no favors today.
a good first step would be standing up to Saudi Arabia something bush has been unwilling to do, he sucks up to them because of the financial backing they gave him personally as a individual daddies boy. Also working to disarm Israel from nukes just like is trying to be done with NK.
"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Too bad candidates aren't permitted to tell it like it is.
Obama fights back:
Obama reiterated his regret for his choice of words at the fundraiser but suggested they had been twisted and mischaracterized. He said he'd expected blowback from GOP nominee-in-waiting John McCain, but had been "a little disappointed" to be criticized by Clinton.
Then, laughing along with the union audience, Obama noted that Clinton seemed much more interested in guns since he made his comments than she had in the past.
"She is running around talking about how this is an insult to sportsmen, how she values the Second Amendment. She's talking like she's Annie Oakley," Obama said, invoking the famed female sharpshooter immortalized in the musical "Annie Get Your Gun."
He continued: "Hillary Clinton is out there like she's on the duck blind every Sunday. She's packing a six-shooter. Come on, she knows better. That's some politics being played by Hillary Clinton."
This whole sideshow began when Obama committed what she portrayed as the apparently unforgivable sin of trying to describe the resentment felt by some working-class Americans, venturing that "they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
This seemed "elitist . . . and, frankly, patronizing," Clinton charged. Never mind whether it actually was elitist, patronizing or, for that matter, inaccurate.
I thought I'd give it plenty of time to wash out, one way or another.
Seriously, I have a hard time imagining Earth in 100 years. . .I mean, the planet will still be orbiting the Sun; will anything else be the same as it is now ?
...i heard that this debate was one of the doucheist debates to come down the pike, and to hear that stephanopolous got that question from sean hanity, douchier + infinity.
Stephaopolous is a fucking worm. Why the let that fuckwit on tv is beyond me. I cant imagine either of them was very happy with that bullshit in-a-blender fest. I fell dumber having watched it.
people their friggn words get over it - the terrorists and chinese think we're a bunch of pussies
I dunnoh...'the terrorists' seem to have issues not only with words...but cartoons as well.
speaking of the anti islam video came out today
There has never been an institutionalized system in this country for the buying and selling of women as a gender. There has been for people of african descent.
But this is not a primary between a man and a woman, or a black man and a white woman (as much as HRC & camp seem to want it to be) - it a contest between the old democrats and the new democrats.
The old democrats represent:
"important" states only
20 big pocket donors get to call the shots
appointed candidate
broadcast media
big business
The new democrats represent:
50 state strategy
2 million $100 donors
Fair trade
small business
the net
community and grassroots organization.
the post-racial
an interesting wikipedia map from the 1948 election on the influence of the dixiecrat:
look at the distribution of red and blue states. my, how things have changed!
note: the red and blue states are switched in the map from how we know red and blue states to be now. (in the map, blue=republican; red=democrat)
crow, you forgot one thing; old democrats are old, and my mom is one of them, and they tend to see this as their last stand...
Before this whole thing started my mom (also old) couldn't bring herself to vote for Hillary, and now can't stand her at all.
And she votes in Virginia. You know, an "unimportant" state.
Plus, my mom can beat up your mom.
But I think your mom is going to go down with the ship first.
well, my mom is the blue collar type, and she took my father's shit for 40 years, so kicking ass is something she knows all too well...;)
So the new Democrats are the old Moderate Republicans and the new Republicans are the Old Dixicrats - like Ive been saying all year
Beta, beta, beta - she knows about taking shit, which is exactly what's going to get kicked out of her by my mom.
(talk about off topic - will this thread die? I say NEVER!)
I think its time to reshuffle the parties too evil p - secular progressives shacking up with fiscal conservatives? Look out!
...oh yeah!? well yer mom wears these
That just makes kicking your mom's ass that much easier. Plus after my mom is done, it will be your mom wearing them - up her ass.
oh, YEAH!?
Time and place, she hasn't beaten anyone done in a month or this'll be good training before her next UFC match....bring it!
gore makes far too much $$$ pimping bogus carbon offsets
although with this clintobama fight going on it would be funny if the superdelegates said 'screw you both, al gore is the nominee!'
Well, I wanted him in front of Clinton instead of behind, so I've been patient. Of course, he's said he doesn't want it. . .
Obama to pick up some major endorsements this week.
Meanwhile, Hillary's campaign is broke.
And of course, nothing says a campaign is on its deathbed better than vowing to stay in the race.
Clinton likens herself to 'Rocky' (AP)
Yeah, the former first lady with tons of bankroll and connections who had the nomination in the bag at the start of this thing is the down and out underprivileged underdog? Yeah. Uh, Okay.
Obama picked up two more delegates in Mississippi as he won more than 62.5% of the vote.
The final tally is:
Obama - 265,502
Clinton - 159,221
That gives Obama a heads-up 62.512% victory, which WILL switch another state-wide at-large delegate to him (there are 4 statewide pledged PLEO's in Mississippi, so 62.5% is the tipping point for them to break 3-1 instead of 2-2).
Net net? Now Mississippi broke 20-13.
On another note, Obama's margin of victory in Mississippi no longer "almost eclipsed" Hillary's primary margin in Texas - it completely surpassed it. To all you popular vote total affecianadoes, the hill just got a little steeper.
pro war Hillary easily misguided, weakness and age we just cant afford as a nation
Bill has another fit. . .
Patrick, did you watch any of the Patreaus testimony today?
petraeus. can a brotha get a fucking edit post function already!
[that would be nice. . .]
i did hear Dougy Feith on NPR today very self anxious sounding, like he was lying threw his teeth, very defensive non apologetic and hawkish.
any video clips of Obama questioning Betrayus?
He apparently asked the tough question last: If Iran is wreaking havoc in Iraq, how come Ahmadinejad is welcomed in Baghdad with open arms ? The General had no ready answer. . .
I think he and Joe Biden had some really important questions, and I think we are finally driving home at some of the real issues at hand. Theres been a great deal of myopia going on, and this old paradigm fixation on military solutions to political problems. I dont think theres any question that american troops have done more with this shitstorm than anyone had imagined they could, but in the end the greatest successes in places like anbar and kurdistan have come about because of political rather than military resolution. As far as Ive gathered from what incisive analysis Ive been able to find in the last several months there is in fact little actual difference in the way our military posture there will change under either Obama or McCain over the next 2 years. Both, as a matter of practical necessity, will in fact begin a drastic draw down of troops beginning next spring. This is baring of course any calamitous destabilization between now and then which both, equally, will be forced to reevaluate and reconcile with. So the real question becomes, given that the military situation on the ground is a given condition, who has the wherewithal to provide a political strategy for the region that serves the best interest of the troops on the ground and the iraqi and american people and the arab world as a whole. McCains understanding of military affairs, at least in the 20th century sense, is considerable, and his service has been valiant and no one can take that away from him. But given that he still cant seem to discern between sunni and shia, whether because of the hardships of age, which no one could fault him for but still seem relevant, or worse because of a willful lack of concern for the distinction, I think serious questions need to be asked about whether McCain can match his military experience with the cultural understanding needed to solve this situation. Obama hasnt been on the scene very long, but in very short order I think people would have to recognize a remarkable aptitude for the political complexities involved here. Irans influence in iraq is in fact inevitable, and given that theyre neighbors even Crocker was willing to admit this relationship is natural and even positive. Al Sadr reaching out to Iran is practical move by him to consolidate as much power as he can and in order to counterbalance our influence there, but I dont think people should be confused that people living in southern Iraq have any more interest in having their lives dictated by Tehran than they do by Washington. Some political discussion with not just Iran but Syria and Jordan and Saudi Arabia is simply necessary to changing the nature of those countries influence and resolving this problem generally. I think Obama and Dodd and Biden are rightly asking the questions of what are the best possible tools to apply political leverage for Iraqs political factions to come to some stable agreement, and what are the metrics by which we are able to measure the sustainability of that handover and our corresponding withdrawal. All of this seems utter common sense to me and all this nonsense rhetoric about 'victory' without definition is exactly what got us into this mess and continues to do us no favors today.
great post post oe
a good first step would be standing up to Saudi Arabia something bush has been unwilling to do, he sucks up to them because of the financial backing they gave him personally as a individual daddies boy. Also working to disarm Israel from nukes just like is trying to be done with NK.
Right on -- both of you
"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
Too bad candidates aren't permitted to tell it like it is.
Obama fights back:
Obama reiterated his regret for his choice of words at the fundraiser but suggested they had been twisted and mischaracterized. He said he'd expected blowback from GOP nominee-in-waiting John McCain, but had been "a little disappointed" to be criticized by Clinton.
Then, laughing along with the union audience, Obama noted that Clinton seemed much more interested in guns since he made his comments than she had in the past.
"She is running around talking about how this is an insult to sportsmen, how she values the Second Amendment. She's talking like she's Annie Oakley," Obama said, invoking the famed female sharpshooter immortalized in the musical "Annie Get Your Gun."
He continued: "Hillary Clinton is out there like she's on the duck blind every Sunday. She's packing a six-shooter. Come on, she knows better. That's some politics being played by Hillary Clinton."
WTF ??
"Obama is a political psychopath. He exhibits no shame, no matter where his money comes from. . ."
What do you do about this stuff /
This is how we pick a president?
This whole sideshow began when Obama committed what she portrayed as the apparently unforgivable sin of trying to describe the resentment felt by some working-class Americans, venturing that "they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
This seemed "elitist . . . and, frankly, patronizing," Clinton charged. Never mind whether it actually was elitist, patronizing or, for that matter, inaccurate.
meanwhile neocon Hillary is still trying to steal it
Yeah, she just looks worse and worse, to me. . .
me too
and i voted for her
Oh, well -- 100 years from now, we'll look back at all this and laugh our asses off. Or something.
I thought I'd give it plenty of time to wash out, one way or another.
Seriously, I have a hard time imagining Earth in 100 years. . .I mean, the planet will still be orbiting the Sun; will anything else be the same as it is now ?
depends how soon our self caused Omnicide happens
holy f*ck stephanopolous had some of clinton's lovejuice on his lapel for that one...
...i heard that this debate was one of the doucheist debates to come down the pike, and to hear that stephanopolous got that question from sean hanity, douchier + infinity.
fucktard blowhole.
Stephaopolous is a fucking worm. Why the let that fuckwit on tv is beyond me. I cant imagine either of them was very happy with that bullshit in-a-blender fest. I fell dumber having watched it.
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