
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


heh, I prefer "The Desidererer"

Mar 27, 07 3:07 pm  · 

-doh, if I "hear" i got in...not "here"...

Mar 27, 07 3:08 pm  · 

awww, that's great jason. I'm happy that someone found some good closure with this stuff, and it's a location that works for your family and everything.

I hope that everyone on this thread can get such a happy (&happily funded) ending.

Mar 27, 07 3:09 pm  · 

sorry to hear that chingale - do you have any other options, or are you holding out for UW?

Mar 27, 07 3:10 pm  · 

way to go jason, I too am looking forward to the end of the "what if" nights....

Mar 27, 07 3:12 pm  · 

congrats jason on getting out of limbo!

and for any UW waitlisters, I was just told that I could attend the Open House, yay!

Mar 27, 07 3:12 pm  · 

Damnit MIT...why can't you just call email everyone and say who was rejected..why all the confusion!

Mar 27, 07 3:48 pm  · 

I'm still waiting to hear back from Bill Massie at Cranbrook, post-interview. I steeled myself and finally e-mailed the department assistant, and she said that he'd be calling in the next few days.

The only solace I've been able to find is on this thread. Thanks everyone for sharing the torture!

Mar 27, 07 4:01 pm  · 

broccolijet- nice job with sci-arc, and keep up hope for UCLA

Mar 27, 07 4:12 pm  · 

At least none of us are this guy: (from gradcafe)

Syracuse University Painting MFA Rejected 2007-03-27 (Postal Service) 2007-03-27 A Received my slides back in the mail with no letter. Called the graduate office, secretary said that letters had gone out last week. Mine must have gotten lost in the mail. When are people going to learn to use email!?

That pretty much blows as a way of rejecting people.

Mar 27, 07 4:19 pm  · 

letter from mit in the mail with scholarship and stipend info, which is nice.

and email acceptance from pratt.

done and done. 10 applications sent; 6 acceptances; 3 rejections; 1 waitlist.

.600 batting average is respectable.

Mar 27, 07 4:48 pm  · 

Speaking of which, when do I get my P-folios back?

Mar 27, 07 4:49 pm  · 

congrats nicey- hope im that lucky tomorrow!

Mar 27, 07 4:51 pm  · 

I just found out that I'm accepted at Cranbrook! Yee-Haw.

Time for a celebratory drink.

Good luck those still waiting!

Mar 27, 07 4:53 pm  · 


Did you get an e-mail from MIT before you got the letter? Also, you did say you are MArchI, right?

Thanks again.

Mar 27, 07 4:54 pm  · 

congrats nicey!

Mar 27, 07 4:54 pm  · 

yup, email yesterday - letter today.

m.arch 1

Mar 27, 07 4:56 pm  · 

Nevermind. I looked back to Page 53. I guess you did get the e-mail. Sh*t.

Congratulations, though. Great news.

Mar 27, 07 4:56 pm  · 

There's no way I'm doing the Yale summer program- a computer probably just didn't see "architecture" in my degree title so it signed me up... you'd think they'd take half a look at the portfolio before stealing a month of my summer.

Mar 27, 07 5:01 pm  · 

i think everyone has to do that at yale jbond. unless you are M.Arch 2 maybe.

Mar 27, 07 5:06 pm  · 

I just got waitlisted at UT Austin

Mar 27, 07 5:19 pm  · 

Thanks. I sent MIT this e-mail earlier today (@5.5 hours ago):


I'm just going to ask. I know some applicants received acceptance e-mails yesterday. Can you tell me if you guys are done with acceptances? I understand if you can't answer the question.


No response yet. I fully expect that I've been denied.

Mar 27, 07 5:21 pm  · 

Better than a rejection.

So if it comes in, would you go to UT over Syracuse?

Mar 27, 07 5:22 pm  · 

no. I like Syracuse a lot. Definitely going there. I was more excited about them than anyone else. Just feels right.

Mar 27, 07 5:28 pm  · 

Gotta go with it.

Mar 27, 07 5:31 pm  · 

Jbond- i'm in the same boat on the yale summer program. have you contacted them about it? i send an email last night but have not heard back from them.

Mar 27, 07 5:32 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I just got a very polite rejection letter from Columbia in today's mail. But assuming I end up attending their summer program, they haven't seen the last of me.

Still nothing from Cornell or GSD.

The score:

Mar 27, 07 5:36 pm  · 

dang , LiG ..I think I relate you the most. Here is my score:

Princeton - E-jected
GSD- No word
GSAPP - No Word
MIT - No word.

I pretty much feel I am 0 for 4 now...but it is not comfirmed....I am still not sure my mail is straight either. Closure would be nice regardless.

Mar 27, 07 5:41 pm  · 

Sweet graphic gin, not so sweet news :C

As far as Yale and it's summer program are concerned... I've already commited myself to working and to solar decathlon so I'd have to be a chump and back out of major plans.

I'm gonna call Joel Sanders when I get a chance. He wants me...

Mar 27, 07 5:43 pm  · 

The score for me is 2/6 so far.

UW- no word (I thought the interview went well.... hope they did too)
MICA- no word (nice phone interview a month and a half ago)
CCA- accepted, no financial info
Pratt- no word
RIT- no word
SCAD- accepted, w/ 10k scholarship & bullshit pre-reqs

Mar 27, 07 5:44 pm  · 

oh, and I think that's the order of preference. For today at least.

Mar 27, 07 5:45 pm  · 


I could be wrong, but I have a feeling you're going to get into Cornell. Just a feeling. Don't get excited. I have absolutely no basis for this.

Regardless, I hope it happens. Good luck.

Mar 27, 07 5:52 pm  · 

LiG, if you do attend the GSAPP's summer program, try your damnedest to get into Danielle Smoller's studio. She's an awesome critic, and she's very challenging. In fact, she's much more motivated and incisive than the regular faculty that I experienced there last fall semester.

Don't be sad that you're not going to the GSAPP as an MArch student. The school as a whole isn't all that it's chalked up to be. I'm jumping ship!

Mar 27, 07 5:55 pm  · 


Where did you do UnGrad and what made you apply to UF? Just curious.

Mar 27, 07 6:01 pm  · 

I have given it some thought and I think I am going to take the leap and go with my scooter plan. I love scooters, they downright make me happy, and if it's going to work anywhere, it's going to work in Southern California. Plus the thought of learning to ride the scooter in traffic is much more entertaining than the thought of paying for parking, gas, car payments, car insurance, etc. Clearly I will have to deal with this for the scooter but on a much smaller scale.

Also it works with my proposed lifestyle. I can't be a good advocate for less reliance on cars and a more sustainable lifestyle if I am still driving a gas-user (I was going for the biodiesel thing but I don't know that this is even going to work, financially).

So I guess I'm thinking that USC is the one I really want to go to but I honestly do not know what I'm going to do if the loans come in low. It makes my stomach hurt even more. This is a recurring theme for me these days.

I mean, this is normal right? You try to go to grad have no money......they give you lots of loans, right? I have excellent credit, by the way. I sent in all my forms already, too.

All of this anxiety actually makes my metabolism work harder. I'd better come out of this a few pounds lighter at the other end!

Mar 27, 07 6:02 pm  · 

As an avid scooterist I support your decision. I love my scooter becasue I rarely wait for anything to happen..I am always passing and zipping. Wht you don't have in teh way of horspower you have in acceleration and versatiliy...crucial for the Designer with a place to be. I get 80 mph..and can go 49 mph ..on license... park anywhere... Cars are coffins.
scooter on!

Mar 27, 07 6:06 pm  · 

I want a pink scooter with a trolley on the back for moving things!!! If I don't get that I will get a pink bicycle.


Mar 27, 07 6:10 pm  · 

I meant ...80 miles per gallon

Mar 27, 07 6:16 pm  · 

I don't think a scooter would work so well in any of the places I might be living.... too cold in Seattle, NY, Baltimore. Well, maybe it could work in San Fran, if CCA would give me some $$$.

Mar 27, 07 6:17 pm  · 

waitlisted at Austin too.

It's kinda funny, but I bet a 2008 thread will be started before I know for certain where I'll be.

I'm getting a second wind folks and getting ready for a longer haul to end with style...

I'm beginning to feel like one of last teams to cross the finish line in the Iditarod: scrappy, exhausted, spent, not in the top 10 who are already warm and cozy, but proud to have made the decision to be in the race and hopefully ultimately finish....

ummm...anyone feeling the iditarod vibe?

Mar 27, 07 6:18 pm  · 

No, chingale. But I like dogs!

Mar 27, 07 7:07 pm  · 

I don't mean to kill anyone's jesus here, but got an email from a friend of mine who is in his 2nd year at the GSD. I had asked him if all the accepted students would have heard by now:

Yeah, pretty much students at GSD are
contacted by phone and then receive letters. Generally if you call
them and tell them who you are (and you have been selected) they will
let you know over the phone but they will not tell you any further
information if you have not been selected and will say something like
"it's in the mail and you should find out shortly". Also students who are put on the waitlist are also
contacted early in the process.

And for the record:

UCLA: e-jected this morning (M.arch I)
GSD: rejected via mail this morning (M.Arch I AP)
GSAPP: rejected via mail yesterday (M.arch AP)
Princeton: ejected
SCI-arc: wait-listed yesterday (M.Arch II)

Luck was not with me this time around...

Mar 27, 07 7:15 pm  · 

Any know the UTSOA Open house date? I couldn't find it on the UTSOA website. Thanks much!


Mar 27, 07 7:27 pm  · 

UT doesn't have an open house. They say they prefer to deal with students one-on-one and to make an appointment or just stop by.

Mar 27, 07 7:31 pm  · 

I now dread checking my email, because based on the fact that UW called for interview invites, and said they'd let me know this week, I expect a call for good news or an email for bad news. So I'm now praying NOT to have email. Amazing how it switches from week to week...

Mar 27, 07 7:33 pm  · 

Nothing in the mail today. Still waiting to hear from MIT and Rice. Both probably denials.

I just want this to be over so I can start making my decisions/plans.

Congratulations jasoncross on your quick decision to attend Rice. Must feel good to be that certain. Seems like both you and cpnorris have found your schools.

Mar 27, 07 7:59 pm  · 


I was wrong, I was wrong. Email is a good thing, a beautiful thing. Nothing wrong with email.

UW- ACCEPTED + 1 quarter TAship (including a bigger stipend than I had counted on!) + 3k scholarship.

Incredible sigh of relief. I can go to graduate school!

Mar 27, 07 8:01 pm  · 


Seems to me from reading your posts that UW is the one. I hope you get it. Best of luck.

Mar 27, 07 8:01 pm  · 

perfect, thanks baboom-squash.

rationalist, good luck. Wishing you a classic 'Stevie Wonder song' call from UW.

Tally Ho:

UO - accepted
UBC - accepted
UW - waitlisted
UT-A - waitlisted
Yale - rejected
GSD - reject any day now

Mar 27, 07 8:01 pm  · 

HA! See! I was right.

Big congratulations! Sounds like the one you wanted.

Mar 27, 07 8:02 pm  · 

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