
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


chingale- no need for call. just got EMAIL!!!

Mar 27, 07 8:04 pm  · 

Hey Chingale,

Down here in Texas, UTA means UT-Arlington. Just letting you know. You should either just say UT or say UT-Austin.

Hope you don't mind the tip.

Funny you remember the squash. Thanks.

Mar 27, 07 8:04 pm  · 

Rationalist!! Congrats! Yay! :-D

Mar 27, 07 8:06 pm  · 

big congrats rationalist!

Mar 27, 07 8:26 pm  · 

rationalist, yay! congrats! well done! Yes, email is a good thing sometimes.

Mar 27, 07 8:26 pm  · 

got an email rejection from gsd- :(

Mar 27, 07 8:38 pm  · 

sorry. sleek. also, that is so odd. did anyone else get emails from them? my rejection was postal.

Mar 27, 07 8:40 pm  · 

im international- take about 15 days to get here from US

didnt want to go there anyways :(

Mar 27, 07 8:40 pm  · 

Finally got rejected by Texas- Austin. And without any e-mail...just ended up logging on to find the news. Oh well...Anyone going to Ann Arbor this week for the Open House?

rationalist- congrats...and btw, if you can ride a scooter in SF, you can ride it in doesn't really get any colder in Seattle than in the Bay Area. Maybe a little dusting of snow every couple years or so but very mild. Also, the hills might be a little less extreme in Seattle (by a wee bit).

Mar 27, 07 8:43 pm  · 

nomadic, your post made me curious. I've been unable to log on to UT's system until today, so I went back to that web page to see if I was using the wrong EID number or whatever it is. So I reset it, got a new password, and logged in.

And just like you, my application was denied! Bummer. Good thing I never paid for a plane ticket :o) That is kind of raw though. Finding out by logging in, no email or letter or anything.

I knew that they were a long shot from the beginning. Small program (i applied to the MSD), I'm not in Texas (they like Texas people) and I never visited, only called.

I will mention that the 3 schools I showed love to - by that I mean visited - accepted me. The one that I didn't, denied me.

So I guess I know where I'm going to school!

*USC - Accepted, and attending, as long as I find the funds
*Carnegie Mellon University - Accepted and still very impressed, but I want more than one year
*Bartlett, London - Accepted
*UT Austin - Rejected, booo
*UMN - who cares! I don't.

Mar 27, 07 9:10 pm  · 

MIT-still waiting MIT-still waiting MIT-still waiting MIT-still waiting MIT-still waiting MIT-still waiting MIT-still waiting MIT-still waiting MIT-still waiting MIT-still waiting MIT-still waiting MIT-still waiting MIT-still waiting MIT-still waiting MIT-still waiting MIT-still waiting MIT-still waiting MIT-still waiting

Mar 27, 07 9:12 pm  · 


Glad I could help you discover your rejection. I'm also waiting to hear from UMN, but for me it's regarding $$. If they throw me a bone, I'm there. Sorry they didn't show any love to you, but do enjoy the West's lovely this time (and all times) of the year!

Mar 27, 07 9:14 pm  · 

nomadic- I doubt I'll do the scooter thing. In Seattle, the bus system is good enough to get by on when it's cold, regular old bicycle or walking when it's warm. My mind's about 75% of the way made up that I'm going to sell the car- it would make life so much easier financially, and I (like WK) believe in alternative modes of transportation.

Mar 27, 07 9:17 pm  · 

Man, where the f*ck is MIT? God, that's where I was supposed to go. Sh*t. I just know the rejection is on its way. I'll never be a billionaire now.

Mar 27, 07 9:34 pm  · 

baboomba, I feel really bad that our plan didn't work out. It just wasn't in the cards this year....

Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday.....we'll find each other.

Here's looking at you, kid.

(did I mention I'm drinking again?!)

Mar 27, 07 9:36 pm  · 

That's funny. I'm drinking too. I actually admitted that in my last post but then erased it.

Someday soon hopefully.

Mar 27, 07 9:37 pm  · 

I think I'm going to change my name to WonderBoom.

Mar 27, 07 9:38 pm  · 

Tee hee.

Aw. Maybe I'll pass you on my way to LA and we can have drinks!

Mar 27, 07 9:39 pm  · 


Mar 27, 07 9:44 pm  · 


Architecture Sucks!

Mar 27, 07 9:55 pm  · 

yeah, DubK, when does USC's semester start? We might have a week or two before I run off to Seattle in which to have fun.

Mar 27, 07 10:31 pm  · 

Okay people,

Just accepted to MIT's SMArchS program via email. They say info has been sent out by snail mail today. Open house on April 5th.

Mar 27, 07 11:33 pm  · 

just as in right now? when did you get the e-mail?

Mar 27, 07 11:36 pm  · 

ucla: still no word...liars.

Mar 28, 07 12:17 am  · 




It seems like it's working out beautifully for you ladies <3 And rationalist - if you're going to get around Seattle by normalbike, I suggest also investing in a big, big, coordinating plastic rain poncho. It doesn't get terribly cold there, but it does rain enough.

Mar 28, 07 12:17 am  · 

Is anyone else on this thread going to the Syracuse open house on April 13th?

Mar 28, 07 12:25 am  · 

balagan, miss_j,

good news - gsd emailed me when i woke up this morning. bad news - they said they don't love me enough. lol. that's it. it kills off my pain of snailll mail waiting instantly. hurray!

congratulations to all who've been accepted. my score: 1:0.

back to issuing non compliance orders to contractor and telling engineers to resize their ugly ducts for now. lol.

Mar 28, 07 1:29 am  · 

got the SMarchS email from MIT today...... Thumbs up..... Cambridge here I come.

Now I will have to weight out the two MA powers.

So there is a MArch II spot at Sci-Arc up for grabs.....starting bit $65

Mar 28, 07 2:52 am  · 

I have officially registered for UPenn's open's scary how real this is getting!

CP, I am not going to the open house, but I am flying into Syracuse on 4/7 to check out the campus/ facilities. I will then spend all of Easter day alone on a train to Philly (I guess there will be others on the train) so that I can attend Monday's open house. I am bummed I can't go to the both open houses, but I just couldn't take a week off work.

Man, if this whole architecture thing doesn't work out- I will become a travel agent. Finagling those flights, trains, and hotels was quite a challenge! Now I am going to try and get a cheap last minute flight to Austin for this weekend....(is South by SouthWest over?)...

Congrats to all who got good news today!! It seems we are all getting a little closer to a decision...

Mar 28, 07 3:32 am  · 

hey fuzzy - sorry about the bad news. i got a letter from gsapp today and they got no love for me either. but yea, it's good to have closure. you only applied to one school? ah well. better luck next year? well..your job sounds interesting enough ("telling engineers to resize their ugly ducts" !!) heheh!

now that the waiting is over i've got some serious decision to make...

Mar 28, 07 6:46 am  · 

fuzzy - Sorry to hear that, you really put all your eggs in one basket y'know? Well, just keep on chillin' there in australia, and think of the great time you're having while I'm freezing to death up in Gund Hall at midnight, lol. Who knows, maybe we'll be freezing to death together come next year? =P

Mar 28, 07 8:18 am  · 

miss_j -

Yup, now comes the hard part, making a decision. Oh how I wish I could split into parts and attend them all! =P Where are you leaning towards right now?

Mar 28, 07 8:20 am  · 

WhattoDo, yes. SXSW is over...

Mar 28, 07 9:03 am  · 

WhatToDo - Have fun on your trip!! I'd love to hear what you think of Syracuse. Oh and yes, South By South West is over.

Mar 28, 07 9:05 am  · 

i'm not quick enough

Mar 28, 07 9:06 am  · 

anyone else going to the Rice open house?

Mar 28, 07 9:09 am  · 


I can't make the open house, but I'd be interested to hear about it. Are you going?

Mar 28, 07 9:18 am  · 


did you get reply from darren?

Mar 28, 07 9:45 am  · 
Living in Gin

Well, I just got some financial aid numbers from DePaul (my current school), and it doesn't look like I'll be getting enough aid during the summer quarter to finish my BA in time to start grad school in the fall. And that's not counting the extra tuition I would've had to pay for knocking out the calculus and/or physics prerequisites.

All that is basically a long way of saying I won't be attending grad school in the fall. The best I can hope for at this point is to get admitted into Cornell and defer my enrollment for a year. If that happens, I'd most likely be staying here in Chicago, but that's not 100% certain.

Otherwise, I'll move to NYC around the first of July, attend Columbia's summer program, and work in NYC while finishing my BA during the fall quarter on a distance-ed basis. In the meantime, I'll improve my portfolio, finish my prerequisites, and re-apply to grad schools for 2008.

Mar 28, 07 10:00 am  · 

Edgewood. yes, I will be there.

Mar 28, 07 10:08 am  · 

Can I get a recap of it afterwards?

Mar 28, 07 10:26 am  · 

congrats rationalist on UW!

congrats mobarchitecture and Balagan on MIT SMarchS! I'm really curious about that program.

M.I.T.--Mission Impossible Today

congrats to everyone else who heard yesterday!

Mar 28, 07 10:32 am  · 

Sure, I will do my best.

Mar 28, 07 10:38 am  · 

So like ummmmm...are we really saying that it's possible that there are still MIT acceptances floating around out there?

For the record, the anxiety of the past week caused me to break out in hives. I'm not even kidding. I was like "Why, hello! What is this? Oh it is a HIVE!".


Check this out for scooters: Hubbada -Hubbada

Mar 28, 07 10:42 am  · 

Damn!!! That bike is hot shit!!

Mar 28, 07 10:45 am  · 

I think if we put out a collection bucket on this thread alone, we could all own a little piece of that heaven-on-earth.

A paypal bucket.

One dollar for every post = restored Lambretta scooter!

Mar 28, 07 10:50 am  · 

I wish it did more than 50mph. I will stick with the Big Ruckus.

Mar 28, 07 10:51 am  · 

Oh I want it I want I want it! I once designed a digital camera that was inspired by old Vespas and vintage European scooters while I was in school. Fun times. But even more fun is riding them! I've rented one on three different occasions (Italy, Uruguay, and Grenada). There's nothing like it!

Mar 28, 07 10:51 am  · 

Whats with these folks saying GSD e-jected them? I got a letter via snail mail. maybe they ran out of letter head.

Mar 28, 07 11:01 am  · 

well, it's the ucla e-ject this morning.

disappointed, but the long delay in finding out didn't leave me holding out much hope anyway. plus i'd pretty much already made the emotional move towards my plan b despite being accepted at sci-arc.

it's been a blast commiserating with you guys over the last 6 months or so. i feel like we all went to school together all the same. good luck to everyone at their programs next year, i'm sure you'll do great!

for those of you still waiting and those of you going for it again next year, hang in there and keep at it.

Mar 28, 07 11:03 am  · 

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