
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


Brocs -

sort of feels the like the end of summer camp :(

(like....summer *math* camp)

Mar 28, 07 11:09 am  · 

b-jet: sorry to hear it. what's your plan b again?

Mar 28, 07 11:11 am  · 

I wish UCLA would hurry up and send me my formal admissions email with financial aid notification! They said they haven't processed my paperwork yet!! Though I have gotten both a phonecall and a "big envelope." Although I have basically decided to attend elsewhere, I am still curious to know what they come up with - though really I'm considering this their version of "no money for you!" This long delay is definitely not giving me a good impression of the school's administration, especially since I know other people who were given financial aid decisions within a few days of their initial phonecall. Arrgh!

Mar 28, 07 11:12 am  · 

ann_culture - i think all the people getting emails from GSD are far outside the US.

Mar 28, 07 11:13 am  · 

namby, when I called UCLA to ask about money, a very unhelpful gentleman told me that if I didn't receive scholarship/ fellowship info in my acceptance letter, I didn't get anything and that I should talk to financial aid. When I called them, they said they only deal with loans and that basically everyone gets (I can't remember the numbers) about $8500 sub and $12000 un-sdub in loans.

when I emailed, this is the response I got...
"If you have received the letter from the Department stating that we are recommending the Graduate Division to admit you, then you would have seen an offer in that letter if we were able to offer you a fellowship. If you applied for financial aid through FAFSA, then you will receive something from the University. You would need to contact the Financial Aid office for that. Their phone number is (310) 206.0400."'s frustrating.

Mar 28, 07 11:22 am  · 

broccolijet, I'm sorry. Please recap your Plan B, as w3 mentioned.....

It's been a helluva couple of weeks, hasn't it?

Last night I drank wine (again) and almost bought a Vespa online from Vietnam, lol.

Mar 28, 07 11:24 am  · 

UCLA has no money. The chances of getting free money from them is not good. Besides tuition is already cheap, especially after you first year because you can get residency.

Mar 28, 07 11:27 am  · 

last night I bought a bottle of champagne to celebrate, but it sits unopened in my fridge, as I caught some nasty throat-killing bug running around in thunderstorms in Phoenix. So the only thing I'll be drinking for a while is hot tea with honey in it.

It wasn't until this morning that I started wondering about actual financial aid from UW. I'm telling myself to only expect loans, but if there were even a little bitty grant thrown in there, it'd make me so happy.

Oh, and UW wants to know an answer by April 15th. So by the end of next week, I'll be calling and bullying schools I haven't heard from yet.

Mar 28, 07 11:41 am  · 

I feel like talking about something else. What do people think of Irish Whiskey?

I was at Golden Gopher last night with a *neat* glass of Bushmills and it went down real nice.

Mar 28, 07 11:43 am  · 

-so anyone out there going to the Clemson open house on april 6?

Mar 28, 07 11:43 am  · 

I love me some Glenlevit. Only tried it once, but it was nice. Otherwise, I typically stick with Jack. Canadian 7 is too smooth for me, and I get wayyyy too drunk on it.

Mar 28, 07 11:45 am  · 

BROCC: no worries, i got my e-ject this morning from fucla as well. oh well, like you i wasn't expecting to get in...i haven't even heard anything from cal poly pomona, but at this point i dont really care...i've already decided: SCI ARC HERE I COME!!!!!

p.s. has anyone received the formal acceptance letter and package mail from sci arc?

Mar 28, 07 12:00 pm  · 

Why the heck did you apply to Pomona in the first place?

Mar 28, 07 12:15 pm  · 

The UCLA financial aid office automated system said that grad students will be notified about their financial aid mid-April. Not very helpful if you're deciding between schools as you need to give notice to UCLA by April 15th. Although, as far as I know, the university financial aid office just gives loans anyway. Debt here I come!

Is anyone else going to need to invest in a new computer come September? Thoughts?

Mar 28, 07 12:34 pm  · 

reationalist: i applied there becuase its' cheap and close to where i live but after some consideration i decided that those two reasons were dumb reasons to go to a school.

Mar 28, 07 12:40 pm  · 


Hmm, I have given it thought. I have a mac desktop that is definitely serviceable but is at least 4-5 years old now. I'd love an apple laptop. I wish I didn't screw up my credit in college so I could get one

What were *you* thinking?

Mar 28, 07 12:42 pm  · 

Welp wellywellywell,

I've got a mac desktop that is 8+ years old and... not so serviceable anymore. I've also got a little mac laptop that I inherited that is only 3 years old but non-Intel based. Secretly I want to get a super fancy new mac laptop so I can run windows programs AND final cut pro-etc all at once. But that might be a just a tad excessive. I've never really owned a PC but I suppose that might make sense... i guess... if i have to...

Mar 28, 07 12:57 pm  · 

I have an apple G5 tower currently, though it is a few years old now. I am probably gonna get a new mac book pro for school so I can run windows and all that. Plus the new laptops are way faster than my desktop is. Just have to wait for the new OS to come out cause it is supposed run boot camp natively.

Mar 28, 07 12:58 pm  · 

Clairito, why would you do that? Don't go PC. There's no point.

I heart my MacBook Pro. I am running Parallels Desktop on it - long story - but so far, so good. There is a thread about this you know.

Ah, OK, back to the grind.

Mar 28, 07 1:01 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'm hoping to get a 17" MacBook Pro this spring or summer, depending on finances. When I do that I'll probably go ahead and sell my Dell desktop PC.

Mar 28, 07 1:02 pm  · 

pc and macs are both fine is what one does with the machine that matters...please no mac vs. pc is the most played out and silly argument there is on the web.

Mar 28, 07 1:04 pm  · 

welly – for me it feels more like the end of summer *meth* camp

thanks for the condolences w3 and DubK.

my plan b is essentially a non-architectural future. most of you already know my circumstances, but to summarize, I’m 34 with a wife and newborn son, a california-sized mortgage, and zero background in architecture.

after going through the 2-year emotional honeymoon of getting really excited about architecture and the prospects of an architectural career, the hyperstress of the last 3 weeks inspired some heavy introspection that hit like a brick. with arch school, internship, licensing, etc., it could reasonably be 10 years before i get back to my current earning capacity and i realized i can’t in good conscience put the major brunt of my family’s income responsibility on my wife for that long. it just wouldn’t be fair. especially since I love reading about architecture, love studying architecture, but have no idea whether i’ll actually enjoy practicing architecture. i also came to realize that my primary career goal in life is merely to enjoy what i do. the thing i like most about architecture is problem-solving and there are a lot of things i can enjoy doing that involve this and don’t necessarily put my family at such economic risk.

in some ways, i think the architectural gods have done me (and the two others who will be attending sci-arc and ucla in my place) a favor.

nonetheless, staying at my current job and on my current career path is unacceptable, so i’ve applied to the mba program at usc and plan to find a new job this summer.

on another note, i have to say that the last 18 months or so here on archinect have been a HUGE help to me and a priceless resource in my decision-making process. i want to thank you all for sharing your thoughts, dreams, expectations, frustrations, and eccentricities.

you’re a fab bunch!

i’ll still poke my head in the door from time to time (especially here) to see how everyone’s doing.

Mar 28, 07 1:05 pm  · 
namby, when I called UCLA to ask about money, a very unhelpful gentleman told me that if I didn't receive scholarship/ fellowship info in my acceptance letter, I didn't get anything and that I should talk to financial aid. When I called them, they said they only deal with loans and that basically everyone gets (I can't remember the numbers) about $8500 sub and $12000 un-sdub in loans.

The thing is, I didn't get that acceptance letter. At least I don't think so. When I wrote to inquire why I hadn't gotten an email (the letter in the Big Envelope letter references an e-mail I should have gotten, but didn't, and apparently is not the "official" letter of acceptance), they said that they hadn't finished processing my paperwork and that I would get an email when they're done. I still haven't gotten an email.

The person I know who has received a scholarship from UCLA was informed of it via the official acceptance email, which I still haven't received. So I do know that there is some money available, and that some people have at least been informed of their financial aid status.

My main concern is that until I get this official email, I can't even log in to the link that is supposed to be in that email, therefore I can't tell them that I will not be attending, and that any scholarships or aid which *might* be coming my way can be allocated to someone else :P

Mar 28, 07 1:07 pm  · 

*raises hand*

so, um, for real. how do we pay for this? i don't think MIT is going to offer me any money initially, and my credit isn't awesome. anyone have experience with this? =)

Mar 28, 07 1:13 pm  · 

WonderK - I do prefer a mac although I also feel funny paying as much for a new computer as half a year of tuition. I'm turning 25 the day the quarter begins though... perhaps some kind of crazy ridiculous birthday present is in order. Anyone up for a party?
I'll have to check out the computer thread. Thanks!

Broccolijet - I'm sorry that the architecture route isn't happening for you right now but judging from your post I think you're making the right decision. There are a lot of ways to live a happy life and it sounds like you've got a lot to be happy about. Good luck with everything.

UCLA people - I'm planning on just attacking them with questions on Monday at the open house. Mostly I'm looking for suggestions on where to take an acceptable Architecture History class. I haven't found a local JC that offers it.

Mar 28, 07 1:16 pm  · 

someone is always willing to give you private loans. i learned that the hard way.

Mar 28, 07 1:16 pm  · 

I also got the letter from UCLA but not the e-mail which was mentioned in it..
Give it to 'em on monday Clairito!!

Mar 28, 07 1:22 pm  · 

broccoli- sounds a good plan. And Marshall is an awesome school. I've always envied those slackers. I've been told that communications majors at SC get weekly emails with the most fabulous job/internship opportunities in them (like assisting the managers of pro baseball teams for some sweet pay), and that the ones coming from Marshall are even jucier.

I know that wherever I go will want me to get a Mac, but I have a perfectly good, recently resussitated PC that handles all of the graphic design programs just fine, so I am loathe to shell out the cash for that. That's another point for UW- they don't absolutely require students to have a Mac.

Maybe I'll keep my PC laptop, and get a Mac mini as a desktop? Anyone thought about that? My boyfriend's got a mini, and it runs pretty damn smooth.

Mar 28, 07 1:35 pm  · 

broccolijet - great post and sounds like you have a very lucky family.

wishing you the very best on all your future endevours! Looking forward to seeing that post several years from now on archinect where you're wildly successful, you've got a full house of kids, you couldn't be happier on your chosen path and you are looking to "hire an architect" since you're ready to build your dream home and got your own ideas and design plans... : )

Mar 28, 07 1:41 pm  · 

broccoli, it sounds like you have a wonderful family and i think you're making the right decision for your family. i've had four jobs since graduating, and even with the better pay or better work environment or more interesting work, i've found that work is work and the drudgery of work will always linger when you work for someone else. i know that for me, my unhappiness with my career had led me to switch from business to architecture, but i know plenty of ppl in architecture who find themselves in the same type of unhappiness that chose to go to business school instead. i'm not saying this is your situation at all, but i think sometimes any change can be a good thing when we cut our losses and take our mistakes learned and move onto something new. that said, i think there are many inspiring things you can do in the business world that call forth the same committment, creativity and problem solving skills as if you were a practicing architect. maybe you could even enroll in a couple of studios at usc with all that free time you will have as a businss student ;)

and this is a quote i found on another thread that may serve as a reminder that you can still enjoy architecture without becoming an architect:

"What students (of architecture) fail to realize is that they are being trained for a career that does not exist in any practical context. One might as well go to rock star school or lottery winner school. The chance of actually practicing architecture is just as slim. The industry that architects actually work in is the building construction industry. It has little in common with architecture. [Architecture students:] Please update your future[plans] accordingly. – web site comment from ‘Architecture Hate Page’, circa 1998.

good luck with your life! :)

Mar 28, 07 1:55 pm  · 
vado retro

heres another thing to consider for those in relationships who go into an arch masters without an arch background. you will meet many new people who share your passion for architecture. you will be talking about rem and reading deleuze and all of a sudden the mrs or mister at home and you will have little to talk about. you will never be home or if you are you will be locked away somewhere (designing) chances are you will become attracted to someone who you are in school with or maybe with a professor. affair abound hearts are broken. architecture is a bitch.

Mar 28, 07 2:13 pm  · 

Finally got my GSD and GSAPP rejections today. I called Darren at MIT...he said there was a like a very small number of MIT accpeptances left to send.

Mar 28, 07 2:19 pm  · 

Eck Vado Retro - That's scary. Don't tell my boyfriend; I think he's spooked enough as it is.

Mar 28, 07 2:24 pm  · 
black francis

For any admitted and pondering SCI-Arc, how do you plan on paying tuition/living expenses. Frankly, it is scaring me to death. I haven't received my financial package yet so I don't even know the status of my possibilities.

Also, to rationalist. I am a professional graphic designer and I have never met another graphic designer who uses a PC. Not to say there are none but its pretty rare and you will find yourself forking out the money for all sorts of Mac paraphernalia in no time.

Mar 28, 07 2:29 pm  · 

Hey FF33,

Don't pull our legs now! Did Darren really say that? MArch I notifications? Maybe there is still hope.

Mar 28, 07 2:34 pm  · 

but francis, can you tell me why? I agree, they all use Macs. Can't figure out why for the life of me, and the only answers I've gotten from those I've asked is "because that's what graphic designers do" or "because my school required me to have one." So until I find a real, legitimate, technical answer to the question, I'm going to keep my PC until it dies. After that, yes, I'll probably get a mac. I just have a hard time getting a new computer when I don't really need one.

Mar 28, 07 2:37 pm  · 

Vada Retro - where did you go to school? sounds like a sex-club/cult.

Mar 28, 07 2:38 pm  · 


Double u, tee, eff. I just *got* a new boyfriend, come onnnn. Don't make me un-myspace you already!

Mar 28, 07 2:39 pm  · 

Yeah baboomba....however he was not at liberty to discuss which programs they were for. I pretty much don't think its me...and so I may say good bye for now to this thread. It has been very supportive, ..and exacerbated my levels of anticpation for too long. See you all on another thread....probably something about scooters.

Good luck to all you guys going to Grad School this year...looks like I have got Princeton Review, Solar Decathlon 07, and another year of IDP to complete before I can join you.

Mar 28, 07 2:43 pm  · 

thanks for all the kind words everyone (froccli, rationalist, chingale, clairito).

i look forward to reading your school blogs to see what i'm missing!

Mar 28, 07 2:48 pm  · 


Sorry to hear about everything. I'll have to make the same decision over the next week or so. Extremely difficult when others are counting on you.

Best of luck with everything. You seem like a great guy. There will always be regret in life. All one can do is to try to minimize it.

I'll let you know when I decide what to do.

Thanks for sharing and providing such a good example for all of us.

Mar 28, 07 2:52 pm  · 
black francis

rationalist. One main reason is software. Unless you already have the software for a PC you will be forking out the huge cost of CS3 twice, once for your PC and once for your Mac. Also something that happens in school a lot is that students will go in on software together, and if you have a PC you are the lone man/woman out. In theory the software between a Mac and PC is compatible but oftentimes there are problems that no one can figure out. One more thing, especially in school you are going to want to be up to date in software mainly because everyone else will be and there are sometimes problems with having the older software. Basically you are going to want to start spending money on Mac software rather than using both.

Mac minis are a good way to go if you have the screen and juice up the RAM to the max.

Mar 28, 07 3:08 pm  · 

so Vado practiced adultery in school? interesting.

Mar 28, 07 3:18 pm  · 

Software is actually one of the main reasons I am hesitant to go mac. I have all the software for PC (because er, architects are resourceful like that), and cannot find it (at a price I can afford) for Mac. I would end up running Parallels and loading all of my windows software onto the PC side of things if I got a new macbook or macbook pro.

Glad to hear there's no real reason to switch. I likely won't end up doing the mac mini thing for software reasons since there isn't, just get a big monitor to hook up to my laptop for when I'm at home doing big layouts.

Mar 28, 07 3:18 pm  · 

getting software for either OS in school is not hard unless everyone hates you.

Mar 28, 07 3:20 pm  · 

Man, I feel like there was a nuclear war and I'm the only one left alive. This thread sure got quiet all of a sudden.




Mar 28, 07 4:29 pm  · 

There is still no MIT response here in New Mexico.

Mar 28, 07 4:31 pm  · 

I'm still here, waiting on Pratt, MICA, and RIT. Well, not RIT so much to be honest.

I've also been figuring out how to do a bit of acrobatics with my loans. If I get more federal loan money than I need, then I'll take it all and use it to pay back my private loan from undergrad, thereby obtaining a lower interest rate.

Mar 28, 07 4:31 pm  · 

oh, and remember I left a message with Pratt yesterday? They called back.... at 7:30AM, to tell me that it was all in the department's hands, and said responses would go out 'in early April'.

Mar 28, 07 4:32 pm  · 

I herewithby propose that we cease the thread at 6000 posts. I mean, that would be cool don't you think?

Just like, "a curse on all your houses if ye post beyond 6000". I think that would be a good moratorium on this thread. Whether or not MIT ever decides to finally let go of our heartstrings.

Mar 28, 07 4:34 pm  · 

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