A school of architectural thinking
Los Angeles, CA
Request InformationIs it possible to design a socially and environmentally sustainable city for seven billion people? Views of Planet City
imagines what the world might look like if humanity were to reverse the
urban sprawl, and its entire human population were to be housed inside a
single, hyperdense megalopolis. Drawing on the ideas of pioneering
scientists and futurists and projecting on the basis of already
gestating technologies, Views of Planet City challenges
dystopian visions of the cities of tomorrow and offers an alternative
vision: a scenario in which urbanization at a planetary scale is not
incompatible with the safeguarding of Earth’s biodiversity. The project
sheds light on various aspects of the Planet City hypothesis through
presentations of speculative design, design fiction, and simulation.
Opening SCI-Arc Gallery: Friday, September 13, 6-8pm
Opening Pacific Design Center Gallery: Saturday, September 14, 3-5pm