
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


fresh salmon sushi!!!
*mouth waters*

Mar 27, 07 4:28 am  · 

haha Balagan - I know TP is in no shortage of quality and cheap Janapese food though! but damn my sushi was good. It has salmon roe, avacado and cucumber in it, too!!! :)

so no SCI-arc for you eh? is it going to be harvard? i wish I can attend SCI-arc's open house but alas...have to rely on the internet.. it's going to be difficult to pick a school.

Mar 27, 07 4:33 am  · 

good morning everyone... good luck with you all

Mar 27, 07 7:37 am  · 

Hehehe, I know I'll miss the cheap good japanese food. =(

Well, at least Boston has lobsters, clam chowder, and raw oysters! Yay! Yeah, I'm pretty much leaning towards GSD, also because its in Boston and all...Not too sure about New Haven y'know?

Mar 27, 07 7:58 am  · 

congratulations miss_j! way to go! :)

Mar 27, 07 8:07 am  · 


still no letter for me today. i will be the last person to receive the rejection letter i guess. thanks to the effective snailll mail service. :) maybe i should just email stacy in a bit? 'open door see mountain', you know what i mean? lol.

Mar 27, 07 8:11 am  · 

Haha, c'mon fuzzy, hold out hope eh?
Not sure if they'll tell you over phone anyways.
Here, have a fresh salmon sushi...=D

Mar 27, 07 8:33 am  · 

Come visit me in Hokkaido and I'll take everyone out to conveyer belt sushi! :) only $1.20/plate (two huge pieces), and oh so fresh and so clean clean. Get it while I can still afford it...! :P

Mar 27, 07 8:57 am  · 

oh and a late congrats to all you future sci-arc, mit, rice graduates!

Mar 27, 07 8:58 am  · 

GSD Rejection letter yesterday. My semi final status:


Washington University
UT Austin
UF - Unofficial geeze they are slow.



Like most UF Undergrads "accepted everywhere except GSD"

Mar 27, 07 9:16 am  · 

I'm coming seopee! oh yummmm!!! i also want soba or egg noddles! ohhh those noddle houses in japan are amazing!! :o-- (me drooling)

cheers fuzzy! yea hang in there! snail mail service sucks. my letters took about 10 days to get here. it's so backwards. it'd be quicker if they send us telegrams.

Mar 27, 07 9:16 am  · 

i loveee sushi too! especially salmon sashimi. they have this mayonnaise salmon sushi here. **gulp**

seopee - $1.20 per plate? what currency is that?? gimme your address NOW! lol.

balagan - you're right. they don't disclose anything. letters have been sent on friday. friday + 10 days snail = ?...

Mar 27, 07 9:24 am  · 


thanks for the positive vibe. lol. i need it. err, i may come over to melb to do mba if gsd rejects me. lol. i miss brunswick street too much! did you miss melb when you're away in the states??

Mar 27, 07 9:28 am  · 

fuzzy - heheh...yea melb is a good place. hmm love doing brunch on brunswick st...brekky served till 4. :) how long were you here for? i missed melb dearly while i was away...i wish they have the m.arch programs here but alas the education systems are different... i'm at melb uni now. it's pretty relaxed :) and man, the lattes are great. i can't find good coffee in the US!

Mar 27, 07 9:35 am  · 

archrise - i have to agree with you about uf being slow - maybe sometime in april they might let us know?

can't say too much, though, since the other two schools i applied to still haven't informed me either.

my status:

u cinn - March1 2yr - ?
pratt - March1 - ?
uf - March1 2 yr - ?

i think i might have to steal it.... le sigh. (love it)

Mar 27, 07 9:42 am  · 


they are revamping the whole bachalor degree to master degree programme eh starting from 07 intake? they called that the 'melbourne model' or something like that? ermmm, transitional period with a new dean even? tricky! :) your exodus can't be more timely! relaxed?? i wasn't when i was there! tis not fair! lol.

Mar 27, 07 9:49 am  · 

fuzzy - what what? is this RMIT? actually i do remember someone talking about that... i think the revamp started with law schools in sydney... but i remember someone saying it's not starting till later for archi schools in melb. certainly melb uni didn't tell me anything. goddamn! hmm. well, well... a change of scene would be good for me, but, wow, how much money would i save if i did it here?!
i'm not presently in the architecture program- i'm in the arts so perhaps thats why it's a bit relaxed :) insane amount of readings to do. it's just that if you don't do it, it's kinda okay, too.

Mar 27, 07 10:32 am  · 

on that bed i go.

hopefully you'll hear back soon laurilan. it sucks that you still haven't heard anything.

Mar 27, 07 10:34 am  · 

what is pratt's deal?

the longer they take, the more attached to other schools everyone becomes... to all those who have called pratt, did they say how they're notifying?

Mar 27, 07 10:37 am  · 

wait, brightside, have you been accepted to Pratt? when did that happen? how?

Mar 27, 07 10:40 am  · 

so no roomate at CCA for me then, huh? ah well.

Mar 27, 07 10:53 am  · 

you guys still planning the "pratt phone call onslaught" today? hee hee, i feel like i started some kind of movement yesterday. it's the alice's restaurant movement! everyone call up pratt and sing, "you can get anything you want at alice's restaurant!" and then hang up! they won't know what to do with themselves!

Mar 27, 07 11:02 am  · 

(p.s. i think all of this grad school business has started to make me a little looney)

Mar 27, 07 11:03 am  · 

i am still on for the pranking of pratt - let me know what number you're calling and i'll join in the fun.

Mar 27, 07 11:07 am  · 

the final score is out for my 2007 applications

Rejected - Harvard, Yale, Princeton
Accepted - Columbia, UPenn

desicion - probably taking a year or two off, but who knows

while everyone is so hyped about japanese sushi,
I really want to recommend everyone trying Korean style sashimi!
it is much more lower-class and non-decorative & crude but so delicious!
definitely try the pepper paste smothered anago hoi and byung-uh hoi. have lots of tiny bone pieces in them.
just cant wait to get back there, its only two months from now!

Mar 27, 07 11:12 am  · 

(718) 636-3600 I think to get admissions you just keep pressing '1'.

Mar 27, 07 11:32 am  · 

hmmph. Had to leave a voicemail. But at least Ms. Caprino is no longer on vacation.... maybe now we'll get answers that don't change every time we call!

Mar 27, 07 11:42 am  · 

go to sushi of gari on 78th btwn 1st and york (nyc) and get the chef's special. i swear, it will change your life. it'll cost you a lot, but you will never be able to eat regular sushi EVER again. it's like a religion for me.

Mar 27, 07 12:02 pm  · 

Have any UW M.Arch waitlisters been invited to the UW Open House on the 30th? Are you planning to attend?

Mar 27, 07 12:10 pm  · 

sirgemhl - You're not going to go to columbia or UPenn?

Mar 27, 07 12:13 pm  · 

chingale- if you go, be sure to check out the art courtyard. With the cherry trees blooming, it's easily the most beautiful place on campus right now.

Mar 27, 07 12:16 pm  · 

any official word? is MIT done?

Mar 27, 07 12:24 pm  · 

chingale - my wife and i will be attending the open house at UW on Friday. i was accepted to the M.Arch 2-year option so i don't know if that answers your question regarding the waitlist, but we'll be there for sure. anyone else going to the UW open house this friday?

Mar 27, 07 12:49 pm  · 

no MIT word here still. fingers crossed clairito!

kristin, Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn that's a lotta whiskey I gotta drink! I might need some help... Thank you!

It still seems surreal that I got to meet Tom Robbins. We were up in Seattle this weekend, and my father-in-law had the chutzpah to overnight him a letter explaining how he would love to meet him and discuss a personal issue that he thought Tom might have some experience or advice about. We (in-laws and wifey) were driving up to Vancouver when Tom called our cell phone. Our mouths collectively dropped. Father-in-law and Robbins chatted for a little bit and then he invited us to his house in LeConner... couldn't believe it. We sat with him for 2 and a half hours in his living room talking about voodoo curses, eternal consciousness, Tim Leary, all the works. I'm spellbound, and now I need to go out and read the rest of his books!

One would think he would be lyrical and obtuse in his speech, but no, he had this real gentle southern drawl, spoke very slowly and frankly, and was incredibly generous with his time. He's 71, by the way, though he looks 60. Shivers, I feel so lucky.....

Mar 27, 07 12:51 pm  · 


I am still trying to decide, but it seems unlikely for me to afford the costs there. I didnt get much money from those schools (10k/year from them) so Im thinking of giving another shot next year with a better looking portfolio.

good luck on MIT!

Mar 27, 07 2:08 pm  · 

Thanks Sirgemhl,

Waiting makes a lot of sense. $10k for those schools is nothing. It really is too bad we can't look forward to the kind of money that law school/medical school leads to. Then we could take on a ton of debt guilt free. oh well... at the end of the day we get "personal fulfillment" and "job satisfaction" lame.

Mar 27, 07 2:20 pm  · 

we don't go through half of what a med student goes through - not even close.

Mar 27, 07 2:28 pm  · 

for those of you like me who are still waiting for UCLA m.arch 1 decisions, i just got off the phone with the admissions office and all remaining decisions are being emailed today.

my frustration ends in t-minus 6 hours.

Mar 27, 07 2:29 pm  · 


Mar 27, 07 2:30 pm  · 

thanks brother!

Mar 27, 07 2:31 pm  · 

i just called CMU... she asked for my name and then said "Oh hmm your application just came out of review and they should have a decision by tomorrow."

for some reason i got a negative feeling from that...

Mar 27, 07 2:39 pm  · 

Good Luck Broccolijet (and all those waiting)

jasoncross - You're right. I withdraw med students from my complaint. It wasn't a good comparison anyway as (after years of really intense/painful training) they get personal fulfillment, job satisfaction AND money.

Mar 27, 07 2:40 pm  · 

I emailed MIT, the program coordinator, Darren Bennets replied that , no decision is made on the phone and through email. The letters had been sent, and should be arrived within this week. So why some get emails from him? weird, I am soooo negative right now b/c i only applied to MIT.

But good luck to everyone else!

Mar 27, 07 2:47 pm  · 

But those business students.... I'm sorry, but they don't seem to do much of anything, at least in comparison to their compensation.

Good luck to all with (hopefully) most/all pending decisions coming out this week!

I don't really know what I'll do if UW rejects me... While the program is still duking it out in my mind with that of MICA, I think I could really afford it. If they just gave me the standard 2 quarters of TA + $5k/year scholarship or grant, or just gave me 3 quarters of TA (2 to occur in the first year), or let me do the 2 TAs in the first year + a $2-3k scholarship or grant in the second year, then I could afford it. That's not a stretch at all in terms of aid offered. Come on UW, I love you, I want to go there, it would be hard for me not to say 'yes' on the spot if you offered me something decent (as outlined above). Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaase? Pretty please with sugar on top, and a cherry?

Mar 27, 07 2:48 pm  · 

hmm.. I too broke and emailed Darren and he hasn't responded. I wonder if those MIT email acceptances were phony? Hard to believe. Oh well. I think I'll just fall madly in love with the school I'm planning on going to so that an MIT rejection would be a relief. Debt is no fun.

Mar 27, 07 2:58 pm  · 

I already sent in my acceptance (today) so, even if I here I got into MIT...I am not going.

I am happily attending Rice for the next 2 1/2 years.

Mar 27, 07 3:01 pm  · 

alas there is no UW sakura love for me...

I received a standard M.Arch waitlist notice about two weeks ago.

I immediately follow-up with a postive email to to the UW program and asked if I could provide anything to the admissions committee or perhaps visit UW to express my committment to the program. - No response.

I called the dept today and asked if waitlisters were allowed to attend the Open House as I had gotten no response to my email. I was told no, it was invitation only.

...le sigh...

The campus is indeed beautiful this time of year.

Mar 27, 07 3:02 pm  · 

congrats jasoncross!! :-) this damn limbo period is over!!

Mar 27, 07 3:04 pm  · 

oh what a relief it is...thanks. My wife is very happy that the nightly what if's are over :)

Mar 27, 07 3:06 pm  · 

congrats jason! I am going to call you "The Decider"! ah ha ha

Mar 27, 07 3:06 pm  · 

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