
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


And i totally feel you, it must suck being stuck in limbo like that, not being able to make any plans...However, you're gonna have to be prepared to wait a bit longer as those accepted to SCI-Arc are required to reply before April 27, add to that the turnaround admissions needs to pick people off the waitlist and you're well into May before you get an answer. So keep hangin in there!

Mar 26, 07 9:47 pm  · 

Congrats miss_j, and everyone else accepted to SCI-Arc!
Just got their stuff in the mail, very proggressive and experimental...looks like fun, too bad I have my heart set elsewhere already.

Mar 26, 07 9:50 pm  · 

Chase - visit, visit, visit! Money being equal, your gut will tell you where you should go. All I can say is that if living in a big city is important to you, Yale ain't it. While it is close to the big city... you know based on your past how that works, realistically. You just don't manage to make it into the City very often while you're in school. There is always the argument that you have no life during school and you could be in the middle of Manhattan or the middle of a cornfield and it doesn't matter, but I don't think that is true. Even if you don't go out every night, it's good that it's there, just a short subway or taxi ride away. Have you already ruled out west coast option #3?

I'm indifferent about my rejections because they were schools where I wouldn't be a good fit anyway. I'm sure the admissions committees could see that in my application. I wasn't particularly excited about the thought of anything else, therefore am not particularly arsed about not being admitted. The thought of going anywhere other than where I really wanted to go, even if they gave me more money, depresses me. Thankfully I'm not confronted with that decision.

I am definitely trying to sway a certain someone on this thread toward the school I'll attend. Yes I am. Not shy about admitting it either! *bats eyelashes, in hope that their tubular, elongated form will serve as a reminder of noodles*

Mar 26, 07 9:51 pm  · 

I have been accepted to Cincinnati and waitlisted at SCI-Arc.

I only decided in the fall to try for architecture school and I have a non-arch background.

I am going to visit Cincinnati, but if I have reservations would I be a fool to turn them down and reapply next year when my portfolio will be stronger? There is a program here in LA called the LAIAD that seems really strong at helping people prepare for grad schools. Have you guys heard of it?

Mar 26, 07 10:01 pm  · 

Oh so you're coming to visit Cincinnati, eh?

Mar 26, 07 10:02 pm  · 
Chase Dammtor

Namby, thanks again for the advice. I haven't ruled out West Coast Option #3, but I'm getting excited about East Coast options 1 and 2 since I'm visiting next week and have been reading great things about them lately. I think the final deliberations two weeks from now will definitely involve all three choices though.

Mar 26, 07 10:05 pm  · 

Yeah... well visiting is fun, anyway!

The other advice is: don't wear new, un-tested shoes when you'll be walking around a campus all day, no matter how promising-of-comfort they seemed at the store. ;)

Mar 26, 07 10:11 pm  · 
Chase Dammtor

...or you might end up taking a cab across campus... ;)

Mar 26, 07 10:20 pm  · 

Congratulations to everyone. Especially Broccolijet for getting at least one of his two. I'm sure it's been a frustrating wait until now.

Mar 26, 07 10:22 pm  · 

GSD rejection letter. Only MIT is left. i hope they do it quickly.

Mar 26, 07 10:27 pm  · 

Has anyone that's applied to Cincinnati still waiting to hear from them?
Any rejections?

Also, has anyone that's applied to Ohio state gotten anything?!

The way it's looking, I'll probably end up at IIT.

Catcow's M.Arch III scorecard remains:

IIT - Accepted
Miami OH - Waitlist
UIC - Under Review
OSU - Nothing
UC - nothin'.

Mar 26, 07 10:30 pm  · 

Only MIT left as well... somehow it is my top choice at this moment.

Mar 26, 07 10:41 pm  · 

thanks boomer. keeping my fingers crossed that you'll get some beaver yet. (my MIT alum engineer friend's class ring has a beaver on it).

even though i probably can't afford to go to sci-arc, it's still nice to know i was wanted.

...yet another slot for all the patient waitlisters. hang in there everyone.

Mar 26, 07 10:41 pm  · 

Here is the score:

Sci-Arc MArchII. Accepted
GSD MArch II Accepted
Princeton Post-Prof E-jected
Yale March II Condolence Letter
MIT SMArch S Hanging out in the wind

Signore: I am planning on going to the reception in NYC..... I should be cool to see OMA's office and Mori's.

Since scooters came up as a topic.... Are they at all usable in Boston or is the weather far too crappy?

Mar 26, 07 10:45 pm  · 

feet and subway...Boston has good mass transit.

Mar 26, 07 10:49 pm  · 
Living in Gin

...And terrible drivers. Seems like driving a scooter on Boston roads would be a death wish.

Mar 26, 07 10:51 pm  · 

Sigh. I'd like to go to Boston. I was born there and snatched away when i was four never to return again. Bring me home MIT! Bring me home!

Mar 26, 07 10:55 pm  · 

OH my goodness! I just watched Scrubs and JD was riding his scooter around. I am definitely thinking this is the way to go for me....assuming I end up in LA.

In other news, I just made my last payment on my loans for undergrad. Good thing I'll be taking out a bunch more for grad school! Yikes.

This thread has made "le sigh" my new favorite phrase ;o)

Mar 26, 07 11:01 pm  · 

aww Namby, batty eyelashes and all... I'm still not sure where I'm meant to be. The open houses should---hopefully---clarify this a bit. I got the GSD 'studio works' book in the mail today; it's pretty convincing. and yes, in my undecided state, I am that superficially swayed. :) We'll see, we'll see.

Mar 26, 07 11:21 pm  · 
Starland Vocal Band

*raises hand*

So how do we pay for all of this if we don't get enough scholarships/federal loans? Do we hold out for more federal loans? Do we get private loans? Do they do that?

Sorry, I like to ask questions.

Mar 26, 07 11:24 pm  · 

Yes, there are private loans. The interest blows compared to federal loans though. I would start by calling up the schools that are closest/you want to go to the most and asking them if there's any extra help they can throw your way- more work-study, assistanceship (at private schools they're not the huge deal they are at public), or any other such thing. If not, then look into the private loans. But I'd get a job before I took out private loans.

What am I talking about? I don't really see any school situation that doesn't involve getting a job.

Mar 26, 07 11:35 pm  · 


I wouldn't say bad-mouthing them, but they aren't my top choice. As I mentioned earlier, my bitterness is largely in part to having been rejected by columbia at the same time. Based on how things are looking, SCI-arc is shaping up to be my only option, but I would even have to wait for that.... hence even more bitterness

Mar 26, 07 11:41 pm  · 
Starland Vocal Band

Don't be bitter, be happy you got in!

Be bitter about how much you have to pay for the priviledge of going there :/

Mar 26, 07 11:51 pm  · 

congratulations, seems like today is the day for GSD rejection and SCI-Arc acceptence..

kristin, i am SCI-Arc c/o 05 as well

SCI-Arc is a school you either love or hate it, but i must say it's an incredible experience, you'll learn those construction/ technique side of architecture in real life tho..

Mar 27, 07 12:04 am  · 

Starla- I'd work the phones immediately- strike a tone of restrained enthusiasm mixed with melancholy and appeal to the schools of your choice to help you out.

Some people are nervous about this but if you never ask then you'll never know...

Mar 27, 07 12:12 am  · 
black francis

my status:


UofO - Rejected
RISD - Rejected
SCI-Arc - Accepted

Mar 27, 07 12:14 am  · 
black francis

and UW - ?

Mar 27, 07 12:15 am  · 

thanks for the encouragement starla, I just hate the thought of being on a waiting list; as if the wait to hear back from these schools wasn't hell in the first place!

Mar 27, 07 12:18 am  · 

did anyone receive a letter for summer school for yale?

Mar 27, 07 12:25 am  · 

yes, vapor, yes.

Mar 27, 07 12:26 am  · 

ohhh! another acceptance today! U Penn m.arch 1!!! letter in the mail dated 20 march. :O

Mar 27, 07 12:28 am  · 

treating myself to some fresh salmon sushi..yum yum :)

Mar 27, 07 12:29 am  · 

are you going to attend, namby?
i wonder if i can get out of it, since i did my undergrad in architecture, which is contrary to what the letter says...

Mar 27, 07 12:34 am  · 

Kristin: Thanks!!!!!!!...i'm super stoked, i'm jsut waitin on UCLA now...we'll see

Mar 27, 07 12:42 am  · 

Yes I'll attend - I pretty well need it!

Mar 27, 07 12:51 am  · 
Chase Dammtor

what's the yale summer school thing? do you non-arch background people have to do it as a condition of admission?

Mar 27, 07 12:55 am  · 

wait, there is a required summer school for yale? argh, it's so fustrating being away from all of my mail. i can't look at any of the tantalizing glossy pages either :(

Mar 27, 07 1:06 am  · 


What do you mean you either love SCI-Arc or hate it? Do you mean the applicants either love it or hate it or the students there either love it or hate it?

Mar 27, 07 1:29 am  · 

O.k. Now I'm drinking. Rejected by Harvard. Rejected by Yale. Rejected by UVa. Shit, that's embarassing.

I'm not going to write anymore because I'll regret it later.

Congratulations to everyone who go an acceptance today. Seriously.

Mar 27, 07 1:41 am  · 

what i meant was SCI-Arc is not for everyone, i love the fact that you definitely have freedom to do whatever you want over there (like cut a hole in the gypsum as a part of your design), while some people might not be able to accept it's crazyiness..

for me, it's a life changing experience ;)

Mar 27, 07 1:42 am  · 

Anyone ever heard of the musical group "Voice of Eye"? Good rejection music.

Mar 27, 07 1:44 am  · 
Voice of Eye
Mar 27, 07 1:49 am  · 

Chase - yes it is a condition for admission. If they didn't mention it in your letter (mine was included with my Financial Aid info, not the large package of magazines) then you probably don't need to worry.

Mar 27, 07 1:50 am  · 

Hey Y'all

just got back from a long weekend, checked the mail and:

thin letter, GSD
thin letter, Yale
(I knew already that I was in at Yale)

GSD MarchII said no, and that's alright with me. Yale said 'here, we'll pay 2/3 of your tuition.'

Nothing says I love you like cold, hard cash. My updated tally:

M.Arch II
MIT-still waiting

met Tom Robbins today too, what a gentleman he is.

time for bed, see you guys in the mornin'!

Mar 27, 07 1:58 am  · 


are you hitting the opium again?

Mar 27, 07 2:00 am  · 

No. The samples don't do the CD justice. It's an all-time great.

Mar 27, 07 2:07 am  · 

SCOTCH: a glass of aberlour 10; i deserve it =)...cheers to everyone who got in....and good luck to everyone who is still waiting

Mar 27, 07 2:09 am  · 

O.k. Goodnight, everyone. Gotta get up in 4.5 hours to go work my shitty environmental engineering job. Best of luck tomorrow, especially to those who don't have any acceptances yet.

Mar 27, 07 2:10 am  · 

60+ visits since I posted the link to my pbase.

Mar 27, 07 2:12 am  · 
black francis

Not that I expect anyone to do this, but it would be nice if some SCI-Arc grad would level with us and let us know what kind of debt they incurred after graduating from MArchI. If that is a little to personal, maybe explain what type of financial/scholarship help is available while in the program.

Mar 27, 07 2:13 am  · 

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