
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!



Mar 28, 07 4:35 pm  · 


Mar 28, 07 4:35 pm  · 

oooh, that's a good idea about student loans. i didn't think about paying them off that way. i've got some private loans which i really wouldn't mind decreasing.

i'm still waiting on pratt as well. along with uc and uf.

Mar 28, 07 4:36 pm  · 

At this point it does not matter for me, I am not going to MIT. But, after going through everything to apply I would at least like a response...jesh.

Mar 28, 07 4:36 pm  · 

WWW: I was going to propose the same exact thing! This topic is about wrapped up now...just a few more notices straggling in...and for everyone's sake I hope they're acceptances....

Is this some kind of archinect post count record? Or are there others out here with more?

p.s. I'm ready to get fucked up this weekend, need to celebrate my change in career path....wish it was friday already

Mar 28, 07 4:38 pm  · 

oops, sorry for that up there...i dont know what happened

Mar 28, 07 4:39 pm  · 

Wrapped up?! I'm still waiting on HALF the schools I applied to.


Mar 28, 07 4:39 pm  · 

I could almost see you blowing up your bangs in an intense sigh.

Mar 28, 07 4:40 pm  · 
Nell Lime

well I guess this is mostly for those searching through this to find out for next year:

I myself am still waiting on UW and UBC, for the MArch II program.

Congradulations to those who have heard from all their schools, and have decided or are deciding now where to go, and to those who got into their school of choice and are forgetting other schools.

Have a wonderful day,

Mar 28, 07 4:41 pm  · 

1deviantC, you don't pay much attention to the rest of the forum, do you, lol.

Thread Central has way more posts:

But it took about twice as long to get there. You should stop by and say hello.....friendly bunch.

I'm still here! I'm in it to win it. I'm going down with the ship until it, er, goes down!

Mar 28, 07 4:44 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Still waiting on Cornell and GSD here. Thread ain't over until the fat lady sings.

Mar 28, 07 4:44 pm  · 

double oops, i guess i need to wander outside the realm of this thread...i have to admit, this is probably one of 4 threads that i frequent on this site...i guess i need to diversify

Mar 28, 07 4:49 pm  · 

Just got a Pratt MArch I acceptance email this morning. I had all but given up on them, too.

Mar 28, 07 4:50 pm  · 

I'm with the other oldtimers. It's not over 'til it's over. Not only do I want to know about MIT and Rice for myself, but I really want to see if LIG get into Cornell. That would be the cherry on top.

Mar 28, 07 4:50 pm  · 

clairito -

if you're LA local, try West LA college ( for architectural history. also, i asked UCLA already and they said they'd give half a credit for history if you take their jump start program, then let you take the other half during the March itself.

Mar 28, 07 4:54 pm  · 

thanks boomer -- likewise on all counts. definitely looking forward to hearing how your plans shape up as well.

if you're ever in the LA area, drop a line...we'll go get shitfaced.

Mar 28, 07 4:57 pm  · 

btw, no friggin' way i'm bailing on this thread until the rest of the diehards get all their answers (rationalist, LiG, et al). to do so would be lame and selfish and grotesquely uncool.

Mar 28, 07 5:03 pm  · 

oh really?!?!
I did jump start last year! That should count right?! (Not that i want to have an extra history class while I'm catching up with all the BArch folks who already know what's going on) but it would be nice to take physics and tennis and spend the rest of my week laying out in the sun...

Mar 28, 07 5:04 pm  · 

Claritito and anyone else wondering about UCLA history req-

They told me that you can take the jumpstart and get the half credit and then take an additional quarter of history during the year, or take 2 quarters of history during the year or the next summer. It doesnt have to be taken befor school starts. these extra classes not much time, 1 meeting per week. sorry to hear about what happened. i wish you the best of luck, and hey you can alway get a sweet job in buisness, especially living in LA. I am sure lots of architecture firms need a mba on the staff to run things. you gave it your all and thats what really counts...

Mar 28, 07 5:24 pm  · 

Shouldn't a regular Art History class suffice for that UCLA History of Architecture requirement?

I would believe that it would be enough, I havent heard of too many schools offering a History of Architecture...

However, I do remember taking a class similar to that content at Pasadena City College after HS...

maybe you guys should check there

Mar 28, 07 5:28 pm  · 


I recommend getting this out of the way before you guys start at UCLA, i'm sure they offer this class in the summer but can't gaurantee it.

Mar 28, 07 5:30 pm  · 

So I was thinking, just for fun, that I might send my own rejection letters to all the schools that rejected me, but date them a few days before they rejected me.

Mar 28, 07 5:33 pm  · 

Good idea. My idea was to call MIT and tell them I just received my acceptance. Tell them how excited I am and how, until I got it, I was sliding into despair because I was rejected by everyone else.

Mar 28, 07 5:36 pm  · 

Boy, guys.

Just speaking for myself here, but I wasn't trying to be grotesquely uncool or whatever. I just like round numbers. Sheesh. I recently joined the cyburbia forum though, for us planning nerds, sos I should prolly back away slowly from this thread, for about five steps, and then turn and RUN over there. *pout*

Mar 28, 07 5:39 pm  · 

Maybe I'll just call....

*ring ring ring*

Harvard: "Hello, this is Harvard"

Me: "Hey Harvard this is cpnorris, just calling to see if you have received my rejection letter I sent you"

Harvard: "Uhhhhh....? Actually we mailed you a rejection letter last week"

Me: "Oh really!? I haven't received anything. Haha, how funny! We both rejected each suck"


Mar 28, 07 5:52 pm  · 

mmmmm, I am very happy that I get to reject SCAD and their bullshit pre-reqs. Maybe I'll even e-ject them.

Mar 28, 07 5:58 pm  · 

Hey, I have another great idea. I'm going to call the Cambridge, MA police department and tell them that gunmen have entered the GSD and are holding admissions people at gunpoint.

Mar 28, 07 6:09 pm  · 

Or maybe I'll sneak up on the GSD's green roof and spray it with Roundup.

Mar 28, 07 6:13 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Yeah, I'm sure that idea would go over well. We all saw how Boston-area cops reacted when somebody put up a bunch of Aqua Teen Hunger Force signs around the city.

Mar 28, 07 6:14 pm  · 

vB code

Mar 28, 07 6:18 pm  · 

Or maybe I should send them my own list of prerequisites...

1) Double my scholarship amount (and I'll take typography II)
2) Guarantee me one quarter of TA per year (and I'll take history of design)
3) Give me a slot in your abroad program (and I'll take your computer applications class)
4) Get the rest of the country to respect your program (and I'll find an equivilant to graphic design II)

Mar 28, 07 6:18 pm  · 

welly...the grotesquely uncool comment had nothing to do with the 6000 post stop. more to do with me abandoning the thread just 'cause my decisions have been made. i still think 6000 is a cool idea, but i hope everyone's decisions are in by then. if not, we can start a new thread!!!

thanks for the kind words mctwist...i'm really glad to hear you'll be at ucla this fall. maybe we'll paddle out sometime.

kristin_kai, it's an open the spirit of 'le sigh', let's get la shitfaced.

Mar 28, 07 6:21 pm  · 

btw, for you LA prereq'ers, i took my architecture history prereq at el camino college in torrance. it was a full semester that covered antiquity through post-modernism. not sure if they offer it in the summer, but it could be worth a look. it used the same trachtenberg & hyman text that i'm pretty sure they use for the ucla undergrad course, so i'd be surprised if it didn't transfer.

Mar 28, 07 6:27 pm  · 

damn you called me out! this weekend's actually no good for me unfortunately. are you out for the open house?

Mar 28, 07 6:29 pm  · 

wow, other people have to suffer through trachtenberg & hyman too... I had thought that was part of the torture of USC.

Mar 28, 07 6:31 pm  · 

Plus, Broccolijet is married. Better behave.

Mar 28, 07 6:32 pm  · 

yesh, i suffered. thankfully the teacher basically spoon-fed the course with his handouts, so you really only had to read it if you wanted to (which, in my pie-eyed enthusiasm, i did).

Mar 28, 07 6:32 pm  · 

ha, ha! boomer, you can be my wingman anytime.

Mar 28, 07 6:33 pm  · 

O.k. I'm leaving work now. I will brace myself for two rejections in the mailbox; Rice and MIT. Any acceptances will be bonus.

Mar 28, 07 6:34 pm  · 

we'll be waiting for your update

Mar 28, 07 6:35 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'm leaving work now as well. My GSD rejection letter better damn well be there when I get home.

Mar 28, 07 6:36 pm  · 

Man, you're living dangerously appointing me wingman. You might be disappointed if you're counting on me to keep us honest.

Mar 28, 07 6:36 pm  · 

broccoli- we didn't have handouts. We just had the utter spectacle that is James Steele lecturing with no notes, no books, no reference of any sort, and not only getting every date right, but spelling the obscure names and places out for us. If you could keep awake (the content was still dull as dirt), it was a bit of a show.

Mar 28, 07 6:40 pm  · 

still no word... cmu :(

Mar 28, 07 7:04 pm  · 

[ben stein voice] boullee?...boullee?...boullee? [/ben stein voice]

Mar 28, 07 7:05 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Still nothing from either GSD or Cornell. Come on, GSD, reject me already! Stop playing games!

Mar 28, 07 7:19 pm  · 

I've just now absorbed all of the information of the last two pages....

broccolijet - I am glad that you got to make your decision on your own terms. There are plenty of ways to enjoy architecture, and going to architecture school is one of the more painful ones. If you get to go to USC for your MBA, we should have regular coffee together and come up with ways to get your classmates to hire me and my classmates, ha ha.

boomer (ha ha, I like your nickname-for-a-nickname) - did you really have your heart set on MIT? It's a good school but so is UT.

Everyone else, yes, I am sticking with you until the end. Hell, I don't even have all of the money to go yet so I'll probably be bugging you for at least another month anyway, because I always need a second opinion.

Who's going to try to do a school blog?

Mar 28, 07 8:09 pm  · 

I might. If archinect wants one with a sort of 'Life after Architecture' theme to it.

Mar 28, 07 8:12 pm  · 

I was thinking about it. Is that something you just volunteer to do?

Mar 28, 07 8:18 pm  · 

Nothing in the mail today from either Rice or MIT. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow.

Mar 28, 07 10:01 pm  · 

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