
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


I had 4 to 5 pages, double sided, with screenprint work and web design/graphic design work I had done...that was on top of architectural work.

Mar 22, 07 1:01 pm  · 

Thanks K & K and all other acronyms/pseudonyms who have given me happy thoughts.

You know, my last name starts with a K, we could be K,K, and, maybe not, ha ha....

This one is for baboomba:


Mar 22, 07 1:02 pm  · 

Noooooo, I just got rid of WonderK, flatmates again?

I kid, you know I love ya.

Mar 22, 07 1:04 pm  · 

I think I'm in love.

Mar 22, 07 1:05 pm  · 

i had 4 professional projects, a rendering of a facade rennovation i'd down, some liquor displays that i designed, a really neat elevation i'd done (constructed, not designed) and a floor plan on this crazy kite shaped space that i layed out. nothing too exciting, but since one of my recommenders was my boss, i thought it'd be good to include it. in addition to the 4 undergrad projects, i also included a section on photography, painting, sculpture, printmaking and sketches. but my answer might not be of any help since i haven't been accepted anywhere yet!!

Mar 22, 07 1:06 pm  · 

Yeah, I must confess...

I am jealous because Baboomba is so L33T at pervertness, I can never hope to catch up.

Mar 22, 07 1:07 pm  · 

It just occured to me....

If you happen to receive an admissions letter or email on April 1st, should you take it seriously?

What if the admissions department is just pulling your leg and getting a kick out of it? =P

Mar 22, 07 1:10 pm  · 

this time last year -- mit made their phone callls...eek..!!

Mar 22, 07 1:15 pm  · 

I had three studio projects from undergrad and a few professional projects that I worked on. I think you are better off picking a few of your best works rather than spewing out everything you have done.

I would say as far as proportion of school work to professional work, show more school work. Or atleast show more process. Since school is all about process it makes sense to show it more. If you show professional work make sure to clearly say what your contributions were.

Mar 22, 07 1:18 pm  · 

I'm also waiting to hear from MIT. Did they notify via phone last year?

Mar 22, 07 1:21 pm  · 

I agree with cpnorris, I put 3 of my best (or more complete) studio projects from undergrad and showed lots of process. Professional work was mostly limited to one photo each, maybe a few more for the better ones.

Mar 22, 07 1:23 pm  · 

Thanks to AP for responding on my behalf. You guys are too funny. Simply relentless on this forum.

But yes, March 1 AP

Wonder K, which schools do we have in common?

At the moment I am slightly leaning towards RISD and Washington U. St. Louis because of the fit of the program but significant financial aid would be needed for either.

The only one I have all but ruled out is UVA.

Mar 22, 07 1:26 pm  · 

Oh yeah as far as UF. AP and I did UnGrad there so we know people but the "we want you" was not from anyone on the admissions committee.

Mar 22, 07 1:28 pm  · 

i put 5 undergrad projects in my portfolio. and only one professional project.

I also had a few sketches incorporated in the back of the cover.

when i talked to my professor about it, he said you really need to be careful with professional work because you're going to be judged as a designer by it, whether or not you had a lot of control over it or not. but i am only coming with a couple years of experience, so i don't have a lot of "wonderful" projects.

Mar 22, 07 1:34 pm  · 

For folio I had a small section for lower division work combined (1st 2 years) about 6 projects and a section at the back, "making" for some of my post U.Grad independent projects.

Mar 22, 07 1:39 pm  · 

Oh hey I have a question:

Did any of you UT chaps get a $ offer? I just got an email sometime later that $ generally wasn't given out till second semester but I heard another friend of mine was offerd $ straight out. With know knowledge of how much fin aid they might give it makes it much harder to make a decision.

Mar 22, 07 1:42 pm  · 
I live in Brooklyn, work in Manhattan and on Fridays I eat soba and browse books with Namby.

That's right, and Friday's tomorrow!

Speaking of Toshiko prank calls, the thought did cross my mind to have my mother (who is also a Japanese lady about Ms. Mori's age, a little older actually) call tokyoDrifter. But April 1st isn't for another 9 days, and he's already been accepted to GSD... and more importantly I'm not that mean :)

Mar 22, 07 1:43 pm  · 

Hey everybody,

Today is a good day. After my Yale rejection and after having viewed some of the truly outstanding portfolios on this site, I thought I wouldn't get in anywhere. Fortunately this morning I received an electronic acceptance letter to Cincinnati. I am a non-arch background so they accepted me to their 4 + years M arch 1.

Anyway, the program seems great on paper and Design Intelligence ranks them number 2 next to Harvard, but I notice that not many people on this site seem to be targeting UC. Why is this? Is it because the ivies get all the buzz, or because it's in Ohio, or is it because the program isn't as solid as DI and the school claim it to be?

can anyone help me with this ponderance?


Mar 22, 07 1:44 pm  · 

My job sucks.

Mar 22, 07 1:55 pm  · 

*excuse personal rant*

wahhhhh I wanna go to MIT :(

*end rant*

Mar 22, 07 1:58 pm  · 

Got a call at work from my girlfriend, who tells me that there's a letter in the mail for me. I don't believe her, but she's insistent, so I go home to open it.

Get home, only to see a plain white, regular-sized, THIN envelope on the kitchen table. One look at it tells me that I've been rejected. I don't want to open it. My hopes are dashed and my heart stops beating a million miles an hour. I decide to open it.


Wait. What?

Yeah, accepted. To the only program to which I applied. The formal acceptance package will be mailed soon.

In the next year (or likely very much sooner, about 4 months if everything goes well), I will be moving across the country and buying a house with my girlfriend... not to mention studying for my M.Arch.

Next step is to visit the school just to make sure, but really, that's just a formality.

It feels good!

Mar 22, 07 1:59 pm  · 

WOW congrats slantsix. What school is it? Also i just need to point out how EVIL it was for your girlfriend not to warn you that the envelope was thin and scary...

Mar 22, 07 2:01 pm  · 

Well what the F, slantsix?! Congratulations, but you can't post that without telling us which school!

Mar 22, 07 2:01 pm  · 

Wow! I would have insisted that she open it and tell me RIGHT AWAY! You are quite patient my friend. CONGRATS!!!

Mar 22, 07 2:02 pm  · 


Mar 22, 07 2:02 pm  · 

I received on monday (19th) a letter of acceptance from Columbia, UCLA and last week IIT. Still waiting from GSD... I live in Atlanta. Does anyone know if schools are willing to push back the time needed to reply by? I really want to visit some of them but Im living in Paris until the end of Apr so its kinda hard to do....

Mar 22, 07 2:02 pm  · 

Now that I'm going to grad school in the fall I've decided to embrace the suckiness of my job. For the next 2 months I'll revel in the monotony and enjoy the free Fiji water. I work of a Disney subsidiary so I'm going to go to Disneyland as much as humanly possible before I have to return my pass. (now that i don't care about being fired... perhaps it's time to start going even more drunk than i had been)

Mar 22, 07 2:05 pm  · 

ann culture - where are you located? international or us?

Mar 22, 07 2:05 pm  · 

why haven't I got soup?

congrats dude.

Mar 22, 07 2:06 pm  · 

oh p1moocrack ... if only we all had your problems... (also i have no useful information for you)

Mar 22, 07 2:06 pm  · 

William shatner is singing Pulp on KCRW right now.
I'm speachless.

Mar 22, 07 2:07 pm  · 

Got into Penn. YYYAAAAAYYYY!

Mar 22, 07 2:07 pm  · 



Mar 22, 07 2:08 pm  · 

Is anyone else here going.

Mar 22, 07 2:09 pm  · 

I wanted to apply but didn't.

Mar 22, 07 2:10 pm  · 


Contact the school and tell them your situation is your best bet. (or so i am told) Wash U.'s open house isnt till the 12th-14th so I had to tell some to wait till a few days after that. After Apr is a long time though so I would get on it sooner than later.

Mar 22, 07 2:12 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats Buckity!

Mar 22, 07 2:14 pm  · 

KCRW online took too long to load and i missed shatner... sad.

Mar 22, 07 2:14 pm  · 

Hey, what is this bullshit? C'mon, slantsix, you have to tell us which school. Don't forget, you have some desperate people here.

Mar 22, 07 2:17 pm  · 

CONGRATS WONDERK!!!!!!!!! and slanxtix!!!

cpnorris, i have NO clue where i'm going yet. the next few weeks will be a busy one trying to figure it out. i'll keep you update on the process. eek.

namby, i'll be eating soba at mitsuwa and browsing books in jerz tommorrow thinking about how much better it would be in brooklyn! blech for jerz.

Mar 22, 07 2:22 pm  · 

Shatner has that wonderful gift of speaking a song instead of singing it. Like Willie Nelson does.

Mar 22, 07 2:24 pm  · 

MIT makes Phone calls?...shit , I better charge it up...

Mar 22, 07 2:26 pm  · 

I secretly love Willie Nelson with a passion... way more than William Shatner) shhh don't tell anyone.

Mar 22, 07 2:26 pm  · 

Axial753 - Any word on how Berkeley informs? Someone said that last year they e-jected people. Thoughts? Feelings? etc?

Mar 22, 07 2:29 pm  · 

Berkeley does e-ject and if I remember right, it came around the same time as all the other acceptance/rejections but that dosn't mean anything cause Berkeley, Penn, and Cornell all came within a week of each other when I applied and it seems that this time around they have been spread apart

Mar 22, 07 2:32 pm  · 
Living in Gin

tzenyujuei: Any word on whether Cornell is still sending out acceptances, or should I assume that I didn't get in?

And how was Kenya?

Mar 22, 07 2:35 pm  · 


Mar 22, 07 2:38 pm  · 

tzenyujuei!! how have you been?! it's been forever! atlanta misses you!

Mar 22, 07 2:38 pm  · 

If you had not have fallen
I'd not have found you
Angel flyin' to close to the ground

Mar 22, 07 2:39 pm  · 

Oh, sorry. I didn't post which school because I'm pretty sure nobody else from this board is applying there - it's University of Manitoba.

Up here in Canada, we only have 10 schools with M.Arch, and only two of those accept students who don't have a B.Arch. Some exceptions are made, obviously, but I was just talking to a woman the other day with a B.Sc. who's having to get a B.Arch (5 year) before M.Arch (2 year).

Because of my non-arch background, my M.Arch will take 4 years at a minimum. Yikes! But like I said, I only had two options in the entire country, and for a host of reasons, I only applied to one.

Clairito and 222 - I've been driving my girlfriend crazy for weeks. This morning, before the mail arrived, she told me that I wasn't allowed to talk about it anymore, and she was serious. I can't blame her.

As for me telling her not to open it, I only live a three-minute drive away from work (I walk most of the time, but not today) so I just drove home.

The letter itself is confusing. When I finally figured out what it was trying to tell me, my girlfriend bawled her eyes out. I think she was more excited than me. It still has to sink in. We'll be looking at real estate tonight, I'm sure.

Mar 22, 07 2:40 pm  · 

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