
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


rock them skins welly!!!

first beat you should learn = john bonham's intro to 'when the levee breaks'

your neighbors will love it!

Mar 15, 07 7:24 pm  · 

well graduate architecture at CCA is a brand new program so that raises some questions right there. i believe that this years graduates will be the first accredited graduates from CCA as they just recently received accredidation.

i have heard a lot of good things from friends in the area and faculty that i know through my undergrad who know faculty at CCA and all the opinions have been positive. there are certainly a lot of interdiscplinary opportunities there that would be great to take advantage of. i have never seen it in person or met anyone who has gone there though.

Mar 15, 07 7:34 pm  · 

i haven't heard anything from columbia. i'm in cali btw. and i don't think i'll get in cuz they said they didn't get my third reference letter. (although my recommender swears she sent it and also resent it). oh well. i can't afford to live in nyc and be a full time student anyway.

Mar 15, 07 7:36 pm  · 

I assume no one's heard from UCLA today? The other schools seem to be saying that they'll send out stuff next week so I'm not sweating it yet (well that's a lie I totally am...) but I'm thinking UCLA will notify any minute now!

Mar 15, 07 7:54 pm  · 

Greetings everyone,

In light of a wave of phone calls and emails regarding decision notifications for M.Arch 1 applicants, we wish to announce that no applicant has been informed of his/her admission status. In fact, the graduate admissions committee is still finalizing the Fall 2007 class, and we hope to have decision letters sent by the end of the month.

We appreciate your patience, but please know that everyone will be receiving decision notifications shortly. Please let the Admissions Office know if you have any questions.


Mar 15, 07 7:55 pm  · 

that was SCI_Arc by the way....

Mar 15, 07 7:55 pm  · 

if we havent heard from ucla yet are we to assume rejection?

Mar 15, 07 8:00 pm  · 

I haven't heard of any MArch IIs being notified one way or the other yet.

I know that they've notified MArch Is who are getting big financial aid packages. I'm under the impression there is still hope for the rest of us. My thinking is that although I'm less desirable they'll accept me for the hell of it. Ya know "95% of our incoming freshmen are amazingly talented artists with arch experience and high GRE scores. Lets let this other one in.. ya know.. for kicks"

Mar 15, 07 8:12 pm  · 

Riedell101 and kabean, sorry to hear about the e-js but keep ur chins up its not over yet.

Mar 15, 07 8:24 pm  · 

brightside, most ask for responses by Apr.15.

Mar 15, 07 8:25 pm  · 

I would also like to throw my princeton e-ject into the ring......

here is the 75 dollars worth of text....

Dear Mr. Mobarchitecture:

Your application has been carefully reviewed by the Graduate School and by the Architecture Department. I regret to inform you that the department was not able to recommend your admission for the forthcoming year. The number of places available at Princeton for entering graduate students is very small, whereas the number of applications is quite large, so we are unable to offer admission to many who are well-qualified. Admission decisions take into account not only the merits of the applicants, but also the suitability of the departmental programs to the candidates’ expressed interests. All this is to say that we must turn away more applicants than we would like in our efforts to achieve sound matches between the strengths of our programs and the applicants.

The solicitation and evaluation of applications for graduate study at Princeton is one of the most important functions of the Graduate School as well as that of our academic departments and programs. The season is especially hectic and tense for us as well as our applicants, with decisions made on a rolling basis as we meet with each of our admitting departments. Realizing that a timely response to our applicants is very important, we have chosen this less-than-perfect method of advising you of our admission decision electronically, since that is the very quickest way of communicating this important information to you. We apologize for the informality of this email, knowing that past practice would have you receiving a formal, signed letter from my office (I would, of course, be happy to provide such a letter if you so desire).

I regret that you will not be joining us at Princeton. Please accept my best wishes for success in graduate study elsewhere.

William B. Russel

Mar 15, 07 8:35 pm  · 
Chase Dammtor

Got the good news from Columbia today. Postmarked March 12th.

Mar 15, 07 8:58 pm  · 

brightside - I haven't been keeping up with CCA's accredidation but I did look at applying there at one point. I thought they were supposed to have it by 2006. It could be that they were but it was pushed back for some reason.

Mar 15, 07 9:50 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats, Chase!

Still waiting on news of any sort here.

Mar 15, 07 10:02 pm  · 
Living in Gin

This thread inspired me to go out and spend $55 for a bottle of Ardbeg 10-year-old scotch this evening. Damn you all.

Mar 15, 07 10:38 pm  · 

chase, where do you live?

Mar 15, 07 10:41 pm  · 

Hey mobarchitecture, fancy letter for an e-jection.

What are your thoughts on GSD's MarchII?

Mar 15, 07 10:43 pm  · 

I guess I should ask if anyone out west has heard from Columbia??

Mar 15, 07 10:43 pm  · 

Oh, and congrats Chase and everyone else with acceptances!!

Mar 15, 07 10:44 pm  · 

people who are applying to MARCHIIs are you transfers from other programs or applicants with a 5-year B.ARCH?

Mar 15, 07 11:18 pm  · 
Chase Dammtor

March1 - I'm in the midwest

Mar 15, 07 11:20 pm  · 


Mar 15, 07 11:29 pm  · 

Okay, just got a Fedex package from GSD.

Accepted to both MArch II and MaUD programs, with a nice letters signed in person by Toshiko Mori and Rodolfo Machado, respectively.

FYI I'm international, and the package was dated March 9.

Mar 15, 07 11:29 pm  · 

accepted to columbia 3 year m.arch today! (california)
3 out of 5 now.

Mar 16, 07 12:28 am  · 

Congratulations Balagan!!

So I got an email today from UWash. It says I have received "a favorable recommendation for admission" but that they "cannot process formal acceptance" until I send "official copies" from my college directly from the registrar and complete the Statement of Financial Ability form.

I thought this is a good sign?!?!? Does it mean I got accepted but that I won't be getting any funds and would need to prove I can gather enough money to pay for tuition?? No idea why they wanted transcripts sent directly from my college...

Just wondering, for those international applicants, do you have to complete the financial ability form when you applied?

Mar 16, 07 12:29 am  · 

congrats vapor! i'm aching to hear from columbia.

Mar 16, 07 12:30 am  · 

the grand prix is happening here and the race track is right near my apartment. i can't tell you how annoying the constant zoom-zoom noise is. it makes my heart race even MORE when my phone rings or an email comes through.

Mar 16, 07 12:33 am  · 

Congrats Balagan, vapor, Chase!

Froccli, I am M.ArchII w/ a B.Arch

Mar 16, 07 1:21 am  · 

lol miss_j, this thread is like the grand prix. I checked last year's acceptance thread for kicks and they were only on lap 10 this time of the year. Here we are, rounding #34!!

Mar 16, 07 1:22 am  · 

yes prineton is a fancy place in an ivy league, walt disney land kind of way..... but i don't know of a place where more tuiton money gets thrown at you..... I have pictures of their dumpsters if anyone is interested.

As far as the GSD is concerned I am stoked. I had the opportunity to hang out in that neck of the woods for a month and a half a year or so ago. The faculty seem commited and the vending machines are stocked. What else could you want.

Mar 16, 07 1:25 am  · 

i think last year there was a separate thread for acceptances, this year, we just tagged along the same thread for the whole application proccess

Mar 16, 07 1:39 am  · 

lol mob...

you said you're in Denver, did you grow up there? I'm from Parker/Englewood (it's all one big mess these days anyway).

true vapor, though I think we are still extra obsessive this time around.

Mar 16, 07 1:44 am  · 



You live near the track?

I wish I could visit.....

I'll be watching the broadcast on Sunday....

How 'bout I swap you one of my acceptances for a weekend at your apartment? =)

BTW, don't worry as of yet, I think I was just in the first wave.

My recommender, a Harvard grad told me they take till April 1st to notify some people. So keep on hoping!

And yeah, I think that Washington mail basically means you're accepted, just you have to give them the stuff they need and they'll send you a formal letter.

Mar 16, 07 1:56 am  · 

designbydesign. I kinda agree with you regarding CCA architecture. I am from Nor Cal... heard so many stuff about that school. I got friends over there to. He is doing Graphic Design...

Mar 16, 07 2:44 am  · 

Addendum to my earlier post regarding CU-Denver:

From what I was told, they send decisions through post mail. But, I requested an email, since I am not at my Colorado address right now. So, my email accept may be an abberation...In case any of you who also applied to CU-Denver were wondering.

I also got the email of non-decision from SCI-Arc tonight. Bah!

Mar 16, 07 2:46 am  · 

are you kidding Balagan? I'd let you stay here for a month or two! there's also the food+wine fest and comedy fest coming up which will be great! and i won't tell you until i get the acceptance that even though the noise gets a bit unbearable, i couldn't see much of the track as I'm a block away! i could see people sitting on those stands and the turning bits, but not much else :)

Mar 16, 07 5:48 am  · 

Balagan- who do you like this year? Raikkonen at Ferrari is still really weird to me. And no Schumi is both a relief and sort of strange.

Mar 16, 07 5:56 am  · 

oh and good luck rationalist!! you'll do fabulously i'm sure.

Mar 16, 07 6:00 am  · 
Chase Dammtor

Is there any consensus on how GSD is notifying non-International M.Arch 1s? There was some talk about emails 5 days ago, but not many people on here seem to have gotten it, so that can't be everything. Last year there was talk of getting calls from Mori, but there has been no word of that this year. Some people have been talking of getting big packages in the mail, but that also doesn't sound like it's any M.Arch 1s.

Mar 16, 07 8:34 am  · 

thanks rationalist and Dedalus! hopefully these last 3 will come through, or at least one of them! congrats to everyone that's been receiving acceptances, and i know how you feel to everyone that's been getting rejections! trying to keep looking on the bright side of life!

Mar 16, 07 8:36 am  · 
Living in Gin

Yeah, we've heard that one before.

Mar 16, 07 8:55 am  · 


Anybody living in Oz and in sight of the albert park track, I will swap my Yale admissions letter in exchange for a 2-day stay at their apartment. Anybody who can get me INTO the grandstands for the race will get my GSD MaUD admissions letter.

miss_j, I'll be extra generous and offer you my SCI-Arc admission for the privelige of audio only.

geimanj - Yeah Raikkonen in red somehow just doesn't equate, although I really wish him well, he was really let down by McLaren reliaility or he'd already be world champ once or twice by now. Not seeing Schumi is...weird, you kinda miss his spectacular charges from the back, but you don't want him dominating the field turning the season into a snorefest either. Kimi's the only driver left really capable of doing these pit-lane start to podium charges, and Alonso to a lesser degree. I'd actually go with Massa for due to his familiarity with the team and dominant Ferrari winter testing.

Mar 16, 07 9:27 am  · 

Oh, I meant Melbourne.

Mar 16, 07 9:30 am  · 

my flight to ny got canceled and i can leave until tuesday becuase of the weather. i knew i should have left yesterday. what kind of murphs are these?

Mar 16, 07 10:11 am  · 

i can't leave until tuesday i mean.

Mar 16, 07 10:11 am  · 

That stinks Froccli....the weather is crazy here right now! (I'm in NJ) Yesterday it was 70 degrees and today it's 32, icing (supposed to change to snow later), and windy as hell!

Mar 16, 07 10:49 am  · 

Dear GSD,

Look, I mean, you're only in CAMBRIDGE. I am across the damned river. Our zip codes differ by just one or two insignificant digits. Why is it so hard to send me a piece of mail? I am so generous, that I am even willing to leave work at a moment's notice to take the Red Line over yonder, and hear the news in person, just to save you the trouble. I was a bike messenger once, you know, I am REALLY GOOD WITH MESSAGES. Trust me, you won't be sorry.


Mar 16, 07 10:51 am  · 

Okay , i like this post again. I tried to quit because it takes so long to hit GOTOBOTTOM so much....but anyway It is comforting to hear from other E-Jectees (Princeton). Its weird now that the letters are tricklig in, I just got two pretty cool Job Opportunities. My decision making might be complex in teh comeing weeks, or my rejections hedged with real world $...

Mar 16, 07 10:53 am  · 

Hey Balagan, I'll pay for your flight to Melbourne and accomadations if I can have your Yale acceptance!

Mar 16, 07 10:54 am  · 

Congratulations Balagan!! AWESOME news you got there!! :)

So, have you decided which programme will you be enrolling?

Mar 16, 07 11:33 am  · 

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