
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


23, B.Arch, 2 years full time in an architecture office, am basically 'head intern' and co-CAD manager, with several years part-time experience in architecture and construction before that. Applied to MFA Graphic Design/Visual Communications/Communication Design programs. My portfolio had about 20% architecture, 20% packaging/soft industrial, 60% graphic design.

Mar 13, 07 6:36 pm  · 

I'll join in...

..... 27 with a B.Des. in industrial design. Only applied to one (Canadian) school this year, my first time applying.

I've done a little design consultation (some industrial design, some not) but I make my living as a body piercer, of all things. In THAT field, I've been successful - magazines, TV, all that. I even included some tasteful photography of some piercings as part of my portfolio, which did not contain any architecture. I figure, that's why I'm applying to school - to LEARN how to design buildings.

I'll be finding out this week about school, so that doesn't leave a whole lot of time to really sit and wait, thankfully. Developed an ulcer already.

Oh.... and here in Canuckistan, the general consensus is that M.Arch programs only accept those students with a B.Arch. That is, except for two schools in the entire country. What a load.

Mar 13, 07 6:38 pm  · 

25 y/o fashion photographer (formerly graphic designer) with BFA in interdisciplinary design (dillettante) and internships at a few architecture-related firms, placed in an architecture essay competition, a few architecture electives in school, an exhibit design I did freelance, and *ahem* some kind of editorial status on a popular architecture website.

Mar 13, 07 6:46 pm  · 

Remember that post? Top party schools in the U.S.

I got in the Top one. #1 AZ State. Oh man...

Mar 13, 07 6:54 pm  · 

M.Arch 3+ program...

Mar 13, 07 6:55 pm  · 

26, BBA in marketing. I had planned to join an ad firm out of school, but 2003 still had the hit of 9/11. Ended up with a job as a commercial credit analyst. Currently part-time analyst and part-time arch intern waiting for the decisions while I complete prereq's for M.Arch program. Took undergrad design I and vis com at UTSA last semester, and a majority of my port includes photos, drawings, and designs.

Definitely pursuing what I love instead of what brought home the $$.

Plus, my wife is an "unlicensed" interior designer. This is always fun and interesting when it comes to designing and decorating our house.

Mar 13, 07 6:57 pm  · 

namby - now i'm VERY interested to see your portfolio! i shoot for an online magazine at all the fashion parades here but i'm not a professional photographer.. just very obsessed with fashion!

Mar 13, 07 6:59 pm  · 

I haven't recieved anything in days. I thought that maybe my e-mail was broken but I sent myself a message from another account and it worked. So.....another day of waiting and refreshing my e-mail awaits.

Mar 13, 07 7:11 pm  · 

me too. so stressed out, can't even concentrate at work

Mar 13, 07 7:15 pm  · 

namby has the life i wish i had!!

27, B.S. in finance, worked in finance for 4-5 yrs. very boring. took a summer arch studio 2006, portfolio studio arch project, artwork and drawings. that's it.

Mar 13, 07 7:19 pm  · 
Living in Gin

And so ends another day of nothing here as well.

Mar 13, 07 7:19 pm  · 

35, past life as graphic - web designer (without degree) to creative director/art director from 1994 - 2002. Returned to school and got BAArch at UNM with 3.6 gpa. Interned for AP and work in a Design/Build firm currently, as well as doing the UNM architecture school website. Portfolio included architecture, graphic/web design and screen printing work.

Mar 13, 07 7:26 pm  · 

kristin_kai, I'm not abandoning architecture......actually it's quite the opposite. I'm kind of digging in......

See if you can figure out what I'm going back to school for based on these other topics, which I have started:

Free Movie


News: The Street Turns Green

News: Greenbuild 2007 Moves to Chicago

If nothing else this little scavenger hunt will distract you for, oh, 3.7 minutes.

Mar 13, 07 7:30 pm  · 

yeah, I have posted it in a number of it is.

Mar 13, 07 7:34 pm  · 

wonderK, i'd guess you're going the environmental science route...those all look like green/sustainable design topics.

Mar 13, 07 7:36 pm  · 

25 B.Arch, work @ a large firm in DC. Love it... but want more. going for my M.Arch (post-prof) so I can continue my research and *hopefully* go for a fullbright.

Mar 13, 07 7:36 pm  · 

jason cross, you rportfolio looks amazing too! jeeeeeeeez...mine looks downright sad in comparison to all of yours!

Mar 13, 07 7:42 pm  · 

22, non-architecture BA candidate (film and media studies (very cultural studies oriented..)/ economics), did c-disco program at GSD but have no work experience.

Mar 13, 07 7:45 pm  · 

Anyone going to South By South West?

Mar 13, 07 7:48 pm  · 

I was going to go, for Flatstock, as a ton of poster art friends will all be there...and my wife is having her baby shower in austin on, it would have made sense to go...but, I have had to reconsider for personal reasons, like $.

If you go stop by Flatstock at the Austin Convention will be going on all day Friday and Saturday I believe.

Mar 13, 07 7:51 pm  · 

WonderK: That's awesome that you're into sustainable design. I am as fact, it's sort of how I got interested in architecture in the first place.

Mar 13, 07 7:56 pm  · 

20, graduated B.S. in Psychology last year. 3 years experience working unpaid in psychology research labs, and about 2 years experience in fast food (at least I get paid to do that...) Last year I was rejected from the PhD programs in Clinical Psychology I applied to. I reevaluated my life and realized I'd regret it forever if I never gave architecture a shot. It's been a personal hobby of mine since I was about 13--I don't know much, but I've spent a lot of time reading in UT Austin's architecture library. I'll be coming into my M.Arch completely green and clueless.

My portfolio has sculptures, drawings, and photography. Luckily artistic talent runs in my family, so hopefully I blew admissions away by my mad drawing skillz.

Mar 13, 07 7:57 pm  · 

I wish I was going to SXSW but I'm not. A bunch of my friends rented a loft on 5th street. I don't have the $ or vaca time to join them. bummer

Mar 13, 07 7:58 pm  · 

holy shit OD86!! you seriously drew that?

Mar 13, 07 8:00 pm  · 

Flatstock! Yeah, go buy a bunch of Jay Ryan, Mat Daly and Nick Butcher posters. Chicago, what?

I'll be waiting by the phone, damnit.


Mar 13, 07 8:01 pm  · 

themz my boyz!

Mar 13, 07 8:04 pm  · 

OD86 - that is some hyper real drawing

Kristan - thank you very much. I really do not know what would be my top choice...I am really waiting to see how they all respond. At that point I will evaluate my options...I think I would be happy at any of the schools I applied to.

Goodluck with UCLA...They and SciArc definitely seem like they are headed in very exciting directions.

Mar 13, 07 8:13 pm  · 

I am feeling the same way. Hard to concentrate and refreshing my gmail every few minutes at work.

25 yo. BA double major in Economics and Computer Science (totally unrelated). 2.5 years working at a boutique management consulting firm exclusively serving architecture and engineering clients (I get to tell firm principals what they do wrong in running their businesses), but I don't do any actual design or architecture. I've been taking classes for the last two years in design and drawing which has built up the brunt of my portfolio. mainly charcoal and pastel drawings, some perspective hand drawings, photography work from college.

No idea where I stand in comparison with others. I want to be in Boston or Bay Area. Applied to GSD, GSAPP, Cal, UCLA, and BAC as safety. Got acceptance from BAC back in January (they're rolling admissions). Haven't heard sh*t from the rest. So aggravting.

Mar 13, 07 8:13 pm  · 

wow, we've gone through some pages today! I guess things are picking up a bit, huh?

Would it be too much for me to hope for an acceptance from RIT sometime this week? Yeah, I should probably just be happy with what I've got. Goals for tonight: finish the final pieces for my magazine design book, get the covers cut and formatted so that my bf can print them at work tomorrow, and get the layout for the book to at least 75%.

Mar 13, 07 8:14 pm  · 

right on- there's a Van der mark5 poster from Mat Daly of the Bird Machine on my back wall as we speak. Beautiful stuff. They were at the Renegade Craft Fair in W-Burg last summer. Nice guys.

Mar 13, 07 8:16 pm  · 

we we're all part of the original flatstock in san francisco years ago and we have all been fans of each others poster work. great guys doing it all for the right reasons...and very talented to boot. architnect reveals the smallness of the world yet again.

Mar 13, 07 8:18 pm  · 

that's archinect.

Mar 13, 07 8:19 pm  · 

cpnorris- I hope that's what the admissions people say when they see it! And yup, I drew that back in 2002. It was only the second time I'd ever done a drawing using professional charcoal/graphite pencils on nice paper. Before that, I really didn't draw much, and if I did, it was only like #2 pencils on computer paper.

Mar 13, 07 8:23 pm  · 

Hey everyone. I just checked my e-mail. Got accepted to UT! No e-mail from Yale or GSD, so I'll expect those are denials. Sounds like the Yale e-mail was a batch. If anyone knows otherwise, please tell us.

Big congratulations to everyone who got acceptances today! Hang in there everyone who doesn't have anything yet. Even with my UT acceptance, I know how you feel. I am edgy about Yale since others got accepted today and I haven't heard.

I am proud to have gotten the UT (MArch I) acceptance, especially with my extremely low undergraduate GPA (it can be done LIG). My GRE and work experience helped I'm sure.

Mar 13, 07 8:26 pm  · 


Mar 13, 07 8:27 pm  · 

congrats baboomba...and I think it is far too early to count yourself out of Yale or Harvard.

Mar 13, 07 8:29 pm  · 

34, BS in business mgt, 5 years in the air force as a space systems acquisition officer, 7 years as a contracted consultant to the air force, all while successfully avoiding a music career in a band. until 2 years ago, architecture was only something i read about voraciously. my portfolio was some drawing, some graphic design, some furniture design, and some projects from an intro to architectural design class.

Mar 13, 07 8:29 pm  · 

Congrats baBoomBa! It's good to know isn't it?
(My apologies to those who haven't heard anything yet, but hang in there.)
Did anyone else get mildly freaked out when they got an acceptance? I sort of had an "oh $h1T" moment...

Mar 13, 07 8:31 pm  · 

congrats baboomba!! now get back to drinking...

Mar 13, 07 8:31 pm  · 

baboomba - congratulations!

Mar 13, 07 8:32 pm  · 

five schools and nothing so far..

do you guys think it would be possible that school people will be working late at night sending out emails, so that I maybe will receive one later today..???
I think I refreshed my gmail like 200 times today, and I do know that it automatically does it...
I guess ill go out for a drink...

Mar 13, 07 8:37 pm  · 

I got into UT-Austin. I can't believe they bought it! I was notified by email today. Does anyone here have knowledge about deferring?

M.Arch 1, undergrad in history.

Mar 13, 07 8:40 pm  · 

From what i know they do not do deferments at UT for MArch.

Mar 13, 07 8:46 pm  · 

Congrats baboomba! I wish UT would let their *other* applicants know. If I never get my letter, does our deal still apply? :o/

Kalyani and kristin, I think that the 3 of us deserve some scotch. I wish I had some scotch.

Mar 13, 07 8:51 pm  · 

geimanj- I was actually pretty pissed when I got the packet from CCA yesterday. The crappiness of the financial aid situation completley overwhelmed me. Now I'm starting to feel closer to being properly excited about the possibilities, though.

Mar 13, 07 8:52 pm  · 

Our deal applies regardless of who gets into where.

Mar 13, 07 8:53 pm  · 

Hey spankyspank and Balagan (and other Yale M.Arch IIers),

Congrats first of all!

What's your opinion on their program--especially the 2 years part of it... I feel that's a semester too long for the post-pro degree.

Good luck to everyone.

Mar 13, 07 9:13 pm  · 

I nearly got in a car accident today, and it would have been my stupid fault. Went home and checked the email and saw Dean Stern's thumbs up. That changed everything.

Mar 13, 07 9:21 pm  · 

Hey everyone I got in to UT Austin today .... way excited to be in a school

Since everyone else is putting their info here goes...

I have a mech engr degree been working for the govt in project management for the past 4 years. I have taken a few art classes, entered some design competitions, and worked for an architecture firm at nights for the past 2 years. my grades were a 2.8 with decent gre's here is a link to my portfolio:

i am applying to cal, ucla, ut austin, osu, harvard, columbia, cincy

Mar 13, 07 9:22 pm  · 

congrats mctwist!!!

Mar 13, 07 9:28 pm  · 

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