
CD Swap!

liberty bell

My apologies, I haven't burned or mailed yet - soon, soon....

Feb 8, 07 10:09 am  · 
liberty bell

I burned last night and will listen today in the car to make sure everything works properly.

Started it off this morning and I just have to post: I put a live version of Etta James singing "Take It To The Limit" on hear and ohmygod it is so a spiritual, powerful.

(Steven has an advance copy, hope you are enjoying it.)

Feb 9, 07 9:04 am  · 

Damn Chili, its been chilly out here - opposites has been quite a trick to get a full album together. I get about 6 songs that work together then nuttin' I'm just going to have to break down & sends ya somethin in EP sized bites - but I'm working on it.

Feb 10, 07 4:43 pm  · 

mine didn't work in my car, lb. but i'm going to try in the laptop.

Feb 10, 07 4:53 pm  · 

checked the cd in my laptop, lb. blank!

so i'm just reading the song list and singing the titles to myself, imagining how great it would be.

Feb 15, 07 7:19 am  · 
liberty bell

Crap. The ones I made to mail worked (of course I haven't mailed them yet...soon, really, after the snow problems end) in the car. So I'll make you a new one Steven - will be in Louisville March 3, I think - maybe you'll have a new baby by then, we can trade!

Feb 15, 07 3:03 pm  · 
vado retro

mine worked but i got no baby to trade...

Feb 15, 07 3:29 pm  · 

ok quixotica, after much travail (walking to the post office yesterday, and it being closed, damn presidents day when you still have to work) your cd is in the mail. hopefully you'll have it by thurday.

Feb 20, 07 7:25 pm  · 

Wilson, got the CD this weekend (or rather, just noticed it in the pile of mail this weekend) Excellent cover design and I love your choice of Opposites. My particular favorites "Had a good day" and The Go team song. Thanks!

Hows everyone else's doing? Time to start a new list?

Feb 26, 07 3:12 pm  · 

A new list would be great. I'd really like to participate.

Mar 1, 07 10:10 am  · 

ok, i've sent mine out. it's really, really late. sorry about that.

Mar 2, 07 11:04 am  · 

It is time for the return.

Let me know whos in.

Mar 27, 07 3:21 pm  · 
Chili Davis

AML, I know you sent me your address some time ago, but in the flurry of mapa emails it seems to have vanished. Do you mind sending it to me again? I'll trade you... your address for a CD!

Mar 27, 07 3:50 pm  · 
Chili Davis

By the way, I'm still awaiting my CD. Ahem.

Mar 27, 07 3:51 pm  · 
vado retro

i apologize but i never made the opposites cd.

Mar 27, 07 3:55 pm  · 
vado retro

but i never got one either.

Mar 27, 07 3:55 pm  · 

no problems chili, email going your way

Mar 27, 07 4:02 pm  · 

i take full responsibility for the last swap, i didn't post the list until criminally late in the game and by that point people had lost interest or were sending out a search party for me. I'll be prompt this time. My humblest apologies.

Mar 27, 07 4:16 pm  · 

no opposites cd received here neither. but i'm still in for the next.

Mar 27, 07 9:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

I sent a CD to quixotica and wilsonjd a few days ago - did you guys get them?

I'm up for the next swap, too.

Mar 27, 07 10:05 pm  · 

Nothing yet lb, but I'll keep an eye out. I'm looking forward to it!

Mar 27, 07 10:46 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Though I never got a CD I won't spoil someone else's fun by not sending. I said "screw it" to the opposites theme, though.

Mar 28, 07 10:39 am  · 

Should this rounds theme be "grad school applicants and the women who love them?"

Mar 28, 07 11:01 am  · 

no. but if we do, i've got a good one:
if i ask you difficult questions
if i make improper suggestions
would you find that a risk to your health?
would you put me up on the bookshelf
with the books and the plants?

Mar 28, 07 11:16 am  · 

LB, Yes I got the cd over the weekend, but have just started listening to it. Looks great... and between you and me, I was able to watch a filming of Drew Carey back in the day.

Will post again after I listen to it all. Muchas Gracias!

Mar 28, 07 9:58 pm  · 

Got the CD this morning on my way to work LB! It's a good friday to listen to it while stuck in the office.

And I confess. I have that Drew Carey CD too. 5 o'clock world was my favorite song back then when I heard it on the show.

Mar 30, 07 9:21 am  · 
vado retro

five o'clock world was by the vogues who could really sing! i think they were from pittsburgh.

Mar 30, 07 9:32 am  · 

Yes, but who did the original "moon over parma?"

Mar 30, 07 9:39 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh good, other Drew Carey fans! I feel so arch-connected!

Here's the song list and notes:
Opposites: Archinect CD Swap #4

I started thinking about “Opposites” in production terms: what if the CD alternated between super-polished, overly produced orchestral-type songs (think ‘70s operatic-rock stadium shows) and raw, live, acoustic-type songs (think navel-gazing singer-songwriter). From that initial concept I threw in a few covers that seem in opposition to the original recordings, and some stuff that seems, to me, simultaneously both produced and raw. Enjoy!

1. The Dap Walk – Ernie and the Top Notes, from The Funky 16 Corners compilation, 2001: A good energetic start, very stylized and polished production. I think there’re about 500 horns playing on this one!

2. Tell Everybody I Know – Keb Mo, from WXPN’s Live at the World Café Vol. 2 1995: Live performance in the studio, so simple and sweet.

3. You Love Me – DeVotchka, from How It Ends 2004: Famous from the soundtrack to Little Miss Sunshine, although the actual songs are a bit more obvious in their Eastern European sound than they were as used in the movie.

4. Take It To The Limit – Etta James, from Live From San Francisco 1994: I don’t know who wrote this song, but this version is so powerful I think it makes The Eagles’ version sound kinda whiny. Although I do like that version as well.

5. Fountain – PJ Harvey, from Dry 1997: From a large African-Amercian woman to a small Caucasian British woman, there’s a lot of diva in both of them. Respect.

6. Another Song About the Rain – Cracker, from Cracker 1992: Something about the water reference in the PJ Harvey song led me to this one. I can hardly listen to this song without weeping. I guess it is almost a “power ballad”.

7. Every Little Bit Hurts – Brenda Holloway, from Time Life’s Solid Gold Soul Collection 1964: The story told about this song is that Brenda Holloway wanted to sing more upbeat, energetic songs. Her Motown producer told her she had to sing this one, and rumor has it she was so upset about it that she was crying during recording, that’s why it hurts so good!

8. TSOP (The Sound of Philadelphia) – MFSB (Mother Father Sister Brother), from Time Life’s Solid Gold Soul Collection 1977: About here I realized my CD was sounding quite downbeat, so I decided to spark it up a bit. This song is so well(over?)-produced which I thought was a good contrast to Brenda’s raw pain in the previous song. Gamble and Huff are brilliant.

9. Jump – Paul Anka, from Rock Swings 2005: So bizarre, but fun. Very opposite from the Van Halen original. Though one might be able to say that Paul Anka and David Lee Roth are soul mates.

10. You’ll Lose A Good Thing – Barbara Lynn, from The Number One Soul Collection (originally recorded 1962): So smoky. Both fragile and threatening – would you mess with this woman? No way.

11. Lust Song (Acoustic) – Ike Reilly Assassination, from The Last Demonstration EP 2005: I think this was recorded on the acoustic tour he did with Johnny (last name?) of Cracker. Very pretty guitar but of course Ike’s rough vocals are quite a contrast.

12. Get Off This – Cracker + Leftover Salmon, from O Cracker Where Art Thou? 2003: Like a crow playing with a shiny bit of foil, I’m endlessly fascinated by this CD. Cracker gone bluegrass. They have been on every CD Swap I’ve made.

13. El Baich – The Arthur Murray Orchestra, from The Fabulous Ballroom Collection 1998: This is a samba, if you want to dance to it. The contrast in production values from the previous acoustic/live studio recordings was what interested me.

14. Cry – Johnnie Ray, from High Drama: The Real Johnnie Ray, 1997 (recorded 1951): Thinking back, I should have used “Lotus Blossom” by Johnnie Ray, as it has a hidden message about marijuana in a sweet crooner. But Cry is such a great song.

15. Love Street – World Party, from Goodbye Jumbo 1990: Blues from a white British guy. He also plays every instrument and sings, so this is as far from a live performance as one can get, unless the song was played by robots, I suppose.

16. Big Blue Sea – Bob Schneider, from Songs Sung and Played on the Guitar at The Same Time, 2006: Switching back to the raw live performance on this track: a man and a guitar. There are a lot of words stuffed into this song!

17. The Needle and The Damage Done – Neil Young, from Harvest 1983: Again, a live, raw performance. Contrasted with….

18. Words (Between the Lines of Age) – Neil Young, from Harvest 1983: The original release of Harvest has Needle and the Damage Done bleeding right into the power guitar of Words. I’ve always thought it was a brilliant contrast from the simple acoustic song to the wall of sound on Words that ends the album. Of course, I hate when itunes bleeds my songs together, so I set it not to on this collection – and can’t figure out how to keep the original relationship between the last two songs intact. So go buy the Harvest record to hear it how it should sound, everyone should own it, anyway.

19. High Hopes – Drew Carey, from Cleveland Rocks! 1998: Yes, I admit it, I own a CD of music from the TV show. I loved the early Drew Carey program. Drew has just been fired from the job he devoted ten long years to in hopes of moving up the corporate ladder. As he packs up his desk, he sings this cheery tune.

20. Ya Ho – James, from Just Say Yes! Sire Records Winter CD Sampler 1987: This collection has been so downbeat I wanted to throw something goofy and happy (but slightly sarcastic?) at the end.

Mar 30, 07 9:45 am  · 
vado retro

i think harvest came out in 1973. i remember lending it to this chick in 8th grade and when she brought it back it was all scratched. i dont even think it was my record. might have been my brother's.

Mar 30, 07 9:52 am  · 

lb, just got to track 8. I love it so far, but then i realized TSOP = Soul Train! This CD just went to new heights of awesomeness!

Mar 30, 07 10:39 am  · 

Oh I now worship at the alter of anka.

Thats enough out of me. The weather, the friday and all this music is turning me into a dribbling school girl

Mar 30, 07 10:44 am  · 
Chili Davis

aml, the CD went out today. Depending on the speed of your courier, you should have it in a week or so. Unfortunately, one of my studiomates walked off with the original copy, so I had to burn a new one the other night. Sorry to say you'll be missing my garwonderful cover art and song list. I'll post the list here once you have received the CDs (I couldn't fit all of my top songs on one CD) so not to spoil the suprise.

crowbert? crowbert? crowbert?

Mar 30, 07 1:16 pm  · 

I'm game, but I like electronic music.
is that okay?

Mar 30, 07 1:33 pm  · 

I am here, but I am recovering from swampedness. I have heard nothing from vado either, even though he complains all the time about getting shafted in this whole deal.

There's light at the end of the tunnel though, and some of it is reflected off your CD.

Mar 30, 07 1:40 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Good God that was fast man. Anyway, I just send you my address. Whenever that disk is done just drop it in the mail. No rush. Quality first.

Mar 30, 07 1:42 pm  · 

thanks, chili, looking forward to it! i'll probably get it in about 2 weeks since i'll be away on a small vacation starting sometime next week.

crowbert, as a past vado retro cd sender: you have to email and email. i ended up posting an old email address on the web for him to use.

Mar 30, 07 2:00 pm  · 

ps. no garwonderful cover? damn...

Mar 30, 07 2:01 pm  · 


FLM, some opposites coming your way shortly...

Mar 31, 07 7:11 pm  · 
vado retro

i said i dint make an opposites cd. sorry crowbert. im a jerk. that said i have only ever received one cd swap cd from aml(actually it was two) and stephanie sent me one that was extracurricular and i got one from steven ward but that was out of kindness and not swappingness.

Mar 31, 07 8:25 pm  · 

oh my god. I completely forgot about this.. I think I have Vado, but I'm not sure. I will send it out as soon as I buy stamps, which will hopefully be monday. I'm really sorry to have completely forgotten and to now be two months late.

Mar 31, 07 9:50 pm  · 

oops vado sorry about that. i thought crowbert was supposed to send you a i see it's the reverse.

Mar 31, 07 11:12 pm  · 

LB - Love the world party. Listened to it over and over and can't get it out of my head (wonder why?). Always been a Neil Young fan ('Harvest Moon' might be my wedding song), so no complaints there. I also love that Cracker version of 'get off this'. Never thought of cracker as bluegrass, but that version is amazing. Also Devotchka is the shit. They were good in little miss sunshine, but their own stuff is better.

Merci for the extra effort. Much appreciated!

Apr 1, 07 2:32 am  · 

I've neglected to post my list for quixotica (i think) here goes the opposites, though not as obvious without the artwork:

1 Stop - Janes Addiction

2 Straight Edge - Minor Threat
3 Why Don't We? - Jimmy Buffet

4 When I Wake - The Changes
5 Sleep the Clock Around - Belle and Sebastian

6 Los Angeles - Frank Black
7 NYC - Interpol

8 Straight to Hell - The Clash
9 Solsbury Hill - Peter Gabriel

10 Hurricane Water - Citizen Cope
11 Sunshower - Chris Cornell

12 Neighborhood #3 - Arcade Fire
(Power Out)
13 The Power Is On - The Go! Team

14 Everyday is Like Sunday - The Smiths
15 I Had a Good Day - Andy Breckman

16 The Replacements - Go

The Replacements - Go

Andy Breckman - I Had a Good Day

Stop - Janes Addiction
Straight Edge - Minor Threat

When I Wake - The Changes

Los Angeles - Frank Black

Straight to Hell - The Clash

Hurricane Water - Citizen Cope

Neighborhood #3 - Arcade Fire
(Power Out)
Everyday is Like Sunday - The Smiths

Apr 1, 07 3:01 am  · 

this next, if it launches, could be our 1 yr anniversary edition.

Apr 2, 07 7:11 am  · 

I like that Steven

It can be a one theme. The word one in the title, one member in the band, one note, who cares, or. Take songs from the past years cd swap and make a comp from that. Allthough that might not work as well for people who havent gotten a cd every time

Post if you want to be in this swap by the end of the week. Including veterans please. I'll make the list this weekend and the easter bunny will drop it on your door step.

Apr 2, 07 9:15 am  · 
liberty bell

I want to be in this swap. "One" it is!

quixotica and wilsonjd, I'm so happy you are enjoying the music I sent!

Apr 2, 07 9:21 am  · 

I would like to participate...

Apr 2, 07 9:21 am  · 

i'm in - i like the 'one' theme

Apr 2, 07 11:23 am  · 
vado retro

one is theLoNlIeSt#

Apr 2, 07 11:59 am  · 

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