
CD Swap!

vado retro

you had her with the Zep
but may have lost her with the Foreigner!

May 12, 07 8:52 pm  · 

That's funny because from the begining I wanted "Feels like the first time" to close out the second CD. It's a solid close out song. Good intro, good pace, good ending. I thought opening with Tenacious D was riskier.

I guess not every one is as big a fan of 80's arena/big hair, sythesizer rock as I am. So cheesy, yet so awesome at the same time!

May 12, 07 9:04 pm  · 
vado retro

i remember when i was in highschool i went on this "date" actually takin this chick to some concert that i can't even remember at the notre dame convocation center. all i remember is that my glasses broke a couple days before and in those days it took like two weeks to get new lenses so when we were at the show i couldnt see a thing, plus i was driving without them and couldnt see a frickin thing. also, before we left she just had to play me the first foreigner album. i hated that shit then with a passion. of course, now i can listen to that stuff and remember fondly how much i hated it. i can remember how passionate i was back when i was young. so now i have a nostalgic fondness for my hatred of foreigner, journey, styx and all other arena rock groups of that era. kick out the jams motherfuckers!!!

May 12, 07 9:48 pm  · 

A few years ago when I was in school, Foreigner came to the Lane County Fair. As I was working at the ice rink on said Fairgrounds I got to meet them before the show....WOW, time has not treated those guys well. They seemed to have forgotten they were playing a county fair in Eugene, Oregon and the fact it actually wasn't 1985.

May 13, 07 2:36 am  · 

anybody heard from crowbert? have you, aml? i'm supposed to send to crowbert, but i don't have an address and no email response. i can send to aml if crowbert's gone missing...

printing liner notes today. two discs again. (it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to edit down to one disc EVER.)

May 14, 07 7:57 am  · 
vado retro

ted nugents coming to town!

May 14, 07 9:19 am  · 

is it hunting season in the indy area?

May 14, 07 9:24 am  · 
Chili Davis

Got a CD from Bronson on Saturday. Played the first few tracks on my way to work this morning. So far, so good. My finals are over and I have until the 30th to submit my boards to the competition, THEaquino can expect a CD in a week or so. Steven, I never received a CD from Crowbert from the last swap. Not sure if he's still around.

May 14, 07 9:51 am  · 

since you missed the last one, send me your address via archinect-mail and i'll copy you with this one, chili.

May 14, 07 9:54 am  · 

steven, no word from crowbert. i'll be happy to get a cd from you, i'll email you my address.

i'm mailing my 'one' mix to quixotica today.

May 14, 07 9:59 am  · 
vado retro

i thought i had crowberts address but i cannot find it. i owe him for the opposites cd. anyway email crowbert and i'll send u a "one" cd. hi aml!

May 14, 07 10:29 am  · 

almost done. i'm @ 14 songs, but i still need to add more and edit. but for sure this week!

May 14, 07 12:14 pm  · 
vado retro

listened to mine in the car and i gotta make a couple of changes as two older songs are just not mixed hot enough to go with the other tracks. it may take a day.

May 14, 07 4:05 pm  · 

Quixotica - I just checked my mailbox and received your disc. So far, so good. You get my seal of musical approval. Mil gracias.

May 14, 07 9:53 pm  · 

ok, i emailed crowbert and told him he should show up here or be skipped on the swap. steven, you should have gotten an email from me today [i replied to one of your mapa emails, so it may not be in your usual archinect address].

anyways. and quixotica, yours is on the way. i'm sort of hoping crowbert doesn't show so i get those 2 cd's from steven. ehem. hi vado!

May 14, 07 10:03 pm  · 
vado retro

okay listening to the final mix again. had to watch that show about alexander hamilton, who had a drunk father and a prostitute mother and was orphaned at 13 and was running a shipping business at 15 in st neves or whatever it was called. by 21 he was washington's aide de camp. a bit of ambition and being born a genius goes a long way. to bad he wasn't a better shot.

May 14, 07 11:16 pm  · 

i also listened in the car today. i have to say that it's strange, not knowing crowbert or aml (much) that when i listen to my mix while imagining crowbert as the audience and when i listen imagining aml as the audience, it sounds different. made some changes, but not much.

May 15, 07 7:59 am  · 

Glad you liked it n_. it's definatly a different type of mix than i usually make. very nostalgic for me, thinking back on exactly where i was when i first heard all those songs. I'll post my little blurb and playlist tomorrow once i know vado got the mix.

I'm excited about my disk aml, and the wait as it travels across the continent will just make the reward that much more sweet!

May 15, 07 8:24 am  · 
vado retro

i was listenin to the cd that aml sent me on the way to work today. the strange looks a forty something white boy gets when listening to spanish language rap music is priceless.

May 15, 07 11:11 am  · 

Yo peeps, don't skip me - I am finally getting to the last one, but have been slammed (SLAMMED!) at work this last, umm, basically 3mo. - But I am good for it, yes, indeedy.

May 15, 07 12:45 pm  · 

if you didn't get my email, crowbert, send me your address via archinect-mail.

May 15, 07 12:59 pm  · 
vado retro

send me your address crowbert. i owe you a compact disc.

May 15, 07 1:12 pm  · 

vado, i aim to please.

quixotica, you better lower your standars right now. this cd swap sort of caught me in a hurry.

crowbert, i'll email you later with my address.

steven will you change it back? i'm curious, what changes had you done to 'fit' me? i'm almost afraid to know.

May 15, 07 3:42 pm  · 

probably a misstatement, or misworded. the changes were just to make the cds better.

the listening was just a little shifted in the things that i was thinking about as i listened: language (esp idiomatic speech), setting (kentucky/ecuador), musical style (esp country), and gender. none of these things made me change it, just hear it differently.

so, no, i won't change it back.

May 15, 07 3:59 pm  · 

that makes a lot more sense.

ok crowbert, just sent you my address.

May 15, 07 7:04 pm  · 
vado retro

yeah but aml went to school in georgia and thats almost kentucky.

May 15, 07 7:16 pm  · 

Chili's - your cd is finally on its way - any changes to the addy you sent?

Okay, so its been a bit overdue, buts I gots it here in my greasy hands and I gots to say, I likes it so much I made one myself. Why the pluralities? Don't know, perhaps its all the Sharpie fumes...

aml - trust me, yours will be quicker - I already have got a head start on yours...

May 20, 07 10:50 am  · 

Chili, unlike the check, your CD is actually in the mail. Let me know when you get it so I can post the tracklist.

May 21, 07 5:31 pm  · 

Vado, you get mine yet?

May 21, 07 5:33 pm  · 

Ok here is the track listing i sent to n_ and Vado (hopefully he got it by now)

First Impressions

Inspired by the "One" theme, I made a cd of the first song I ever heard from each band on the list. Obviously i could have put anyone on there but there was something about these songs, the mood i was in when i heard them, where i was, how loud the radio was turned up in my car, whatever it was, i can pinpoint exactly where I was when I heard each and every one of these songs for the first time.

1. Round One - Youngblood Brass Band
2. Daft Punk is Playing at My House - LCD Soundsystem
3. Jarvis Cocker - Washington Social Club
4. Devil Town - Bright Eyes
5. Dark was the Night - Blind Willie Johnson
6. Road Signs Always Look Better Looking Over Your Shoulder - Defiance, Ohio

May 22, 07 9:42 am  · 

Ok here is the track listing i sent to n_ and Vado (hopefully he got it by now)

First Impressions

Inspired by the "One" theme, I made a cd of the first song I ever heard from each band on the list. Obviously i could have put anyone on there but there was something about these songs, the mood i was in when i heard them, where i was, how loud the radio was turned up in my car, whatever it was, i can pinpoint exactly where I was when I heard each and every one of these songs for the first time.

1. Round One - Youngblood Brass Band
2. Daft Punk is Playing at My House - LCD Soundsystem
3. Jarvis Cocker - Washington Social Club
4. Devil Town - Bright Eyes
5. Dark was the Night - Blind Willie Johnson
6. Road Signs Always Look Better Looking Over Your Shoulder - Defiance, Ohio
7. Slice of Life - Bahaus (First song on my first CD swap from steven ward)
8. Leaping Lesbians - Meg Christian
9. This is How We Do Things in the Country - Slim Cessna's Auto Club
10. Devil's Got A Holda Me - The Colour
11. Fly Paper - K-os
12. Joro Boro - Balkan Beat Box
13. Sign of the Cross - Ratzinger
14. All That's Left in the World - Pilot Round the Sun
15. Weakness - McRad
16. II B.S. - Charles Mingus
17. Holland, 1945 - Neutral Milk Hotel
18. Going to Georgia - The Mountain Goats
19. Hyperbaric - Deleted Scenes
20. The Ramblin' Rover - Silly Wizard
21. Hoist That Rag - Tom Waits
22. Free Derry - Jake & the Infernal Machine

May 22, 07 9:47 am  · 

damn hitting enter before i was finished

May 22, 07 9:48 am  · 
vado retro

yeah i got it. i thought i mentioned up there/\ somewhere. its pretty damn good!

steven i mailed yours yesterday!

May 22, 07 10:08 am  · 
Chili Davis

Okay, THEAquino, the CD is done. I'm going to put some cover art together this weekend and send it out Tuesday. Email me your address so I know where to send, and you'll have it sometime next week.

Crowbert, your CD came in the mail on Thursday. Haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but I'll be taking it with me today on my trip to the cottage.

May 26, 07 2:14 pm  · 

Can't wait to hear what your thoughts are Chili...

For the record, here's the tracklist:

Archinect CD Swap: Opposites - A Soul Pulled 'Tween Heaven and Hell

01. What Keeps Mankind Alive - Tom Waits
02. Pensacola - Joan Osborne
03. Funeral Train - Mount Pilot
04. In Your Mind - Johnny Cash • Can't have a mix about death without the man in black on it, can we?
05. O Death - Ralph Stanley
06. Sinkhole - Throwing Muses
07. Soul - Healthy White Baby • Lest it get too mellow...
08. Devil - Sybaris
09. When the Levee Breaks - Led Zepplin
10. Judgement - Rev. Sister Mary Nelson
11. John Saw that Number - Neko Case
12. Kiss Me Like You Mean It - The Magnetic Fields
13. A Little Concerned, That's All - Hammel on Trial
14. Let the Mystery Be - Iris DeMint
15. Nobody Wants to Die - Moonshine Willy
16. Heaven - Talking Heads • The Official Band of Architecture Studios everywhere (1980-199?)
17. Mohammed - Dandy Warhols
18. May the Lord Watch For Thee - Scott Miller • On the off chance you are a carouser or like booze, here's a little holy insurance
19. Final Days - The Mary Janes
20. Diggin' A Watery Grave - Morcheeba
21. Come On Up to the House - Tom Waits • Tom bookends this mix with a song I wholeheartedly love.

Aml, I promise (unless its already too late) not to be the last one left with this current CD swap!

May 28, 07 10:07 pm  · 

crowbert, maybe i shouldn't say it [to pressure you into sending me a cd] but you're being more responsible with this than most- meaning most people that fail to send their cds for a past cd swap usually just skip it and move on. it's cool of you to send past cds, i'll happily wait for mine.

quixotica, did you get mine? or was it so awful you'd rather not mention it? i really did it in a hurry... sorry bout that. but there's a 'theme', i swear... what worries me about this one is i picked the songs because of their title [not so much the songs themselves] and decided to let chips fall where they may.

May 28, 07 11:22 pm  · 

i got vado's mix just in time to take it with me on this weekend's memorial day roadtrip to memphis. good stuff. love ALMOST every song.

the mix that i'm going to be sending out is complete, but my computer at home crapped out last week and i haven't been able to get it up and running yet. another 4-5 trips to compUSA for the wrong parts ought to do it, and then these things 'll be on their way!

May 29, 07 7:35 am  · 
vado retro

glad u like it steven. i didnt really see it as a driving mix. i'll posst the list l8tr.

May 29, 07 8:01 am  · 

for me, these days, everything is a driving mix. off to drive an hour to a job site in just a little while...

May 29, 07 8:50 am  · 

Liberty Bell - How's the mix treating you?

May 29, 07 9:40 am  · 

aml, i got it and so far i like it! i popped it in after work on friday and got about halfway through, some old favorites and some new songs that I really like. I haven't finished listening to it yet. you got a track list aml? the song i stopped on was really nice, had a kind of haunting melody to it, would love to know the name. Sounded very familiar.

May 29, 07 9:47 am  · 

glad you liked, quixotica. here's the track list:

1. here comes the sun, the beatles
2. sun comes up, it's tuesday morning, cowboy junkies
3. una mañana, cafe tacuba [one morning]
4. otra vez, ave guarapo [one more time or once again] [the cousin of a friend of mine plays in this ecuadorian band]
5. one day, bjork
6. a day in the life, the beatles
7. every day i have the blues, count basie & joe williams
8. quick one while he's away, the who
9. the tra la la song (one banana, two banana), liz phair with material issue
10. one step too far, dido & faithless
11. summertime, sarah vaughan + ufo remix
12. tanto tempo, bebel gilberto [so much time]
13. clocks, coldplay with arrangements by the buena vista social club
14. dia luna... dia pena, manu chau
15. farewell and goodnight, smashing pumpkins
16. un año más, mecano [one more year]

May 29, 07 10:01 am  · 

aquino - liberty bell just got back from a week+ in scotland yesterday. it may take a bit for her to get back to you.

May 29, 07 10:09 am  · 

So jealous, thanks for the update.

May 29, 07 10:29 am  · 
vado retro

My compilation for the lonely and left behind (no not me) Get your hanky out.

Much Sadder Than Two...

1. Dirge- Bob Dylan from Planet Waves
2. Hate It Here- Wilco from Sky Blue Sky
3.Don't Confess(This Thing That Breaks My Heart)- Tegan & Sara from If It Was You
4. Walk On By- Isaac Hayes from HOt Buttered Soul, I think.
5. The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore- The Walker Brothers (some British Invasion that is sort like the Righteous Brothers)
6. One-Nillson (the original and the title track if you will)
7. Fools In Love- Inara George doing a Joe Jackson tune the daughter of the late great Lowell George
8. Love Will Tear Us Apart- Nouvelle Vague doing Joy Division
9. Do I Still Figure In YOur Life?- Joe "Get SpastiK" Cocker
10. Lonely Avenue- Ray Charles
11. Excuse Me While I Break My Own Heart Tonite- Whiskeytown
12. Don't Need You- Alejandro Escovedo from Man Under The Influence
13. Those Three Days- Lucinda Williams from her live record.
14.If My Heart Was A Car- Old 97's from their live record.
15. The King Is Gone and So Are You- George Jones probably singin about Tammy
16. Wavin' My Heart Goodbye-The Flatlanders with Smokey "Mark It 8 Dude" on lead vocal.
17. Cryin In The Rain- The Everly Brothers. I had an album called A Date With The Everly Brothers, but I don't think this was on it.
18. Allison/Tracks of My Tears/Clowntime Is Over- Elvis Costello/Steve Nieve from a live cd my friend bootlegged
19. The Tears Of My Tracks- Billy Bragg not a dumped song but its about selling your records which is a breakup of sorts.
20. Sweeter Memories- Todd Rundgren from Something/Anything... the end of the end?

May 29, 07 7:02 pm  · 

vado retro - I was about to put that exact same Nouvelle Vague song on my mix to you. Mmmmm....creepy.

May 29, 07 8:50 pm  · 
vado retro

very creepy indeed. or is it??? (insert Twilight Zone theme here)

May 30, 07 8:18 am  · 
liberty bell

Listened to my mix in the car this morning. Just a minor tweak to do - I'm removing the Bread song and instead putting in a track from one of the CD's I picked up in Iceland two weeks ago - fresh Icelandic rock instead of stale (pun intended) Bread - I think you'll like it Cris (and Steven and vado too)!

THEaquino, since I've been out of town I've not been listening - but this week while pumping CAD I'll put disc 2 in for sure!

May 30, 07 9:28 am  · 

dissin' bread?! sacrilege!!

May 30, 07 9:34 am  · 
vado retro

there is only one bread song i like and it is the tune everything i own. which ain t much.

May 30, 07 10:11 am  · 

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