



May 24, 07 9:29 am  · 

oh well, you get the point...

May 24, 07 9:29 am  · 

you go Pixel!

As cronicled by my random commentary on Thread Central yesterday, I've discovered an amazing energy high when I bike to work. Unfortunately it only lasts til about 3pm, but hopefully I can find something to counteract that.

My original plan was to start out with biking to work a day or two per week, but I felt so great after trying it yesterday that I'm going to just keep going until I find a reason not to (like weather, site visits, or other).

May 24, 07 11:53 am  · 

hurrah for riding to work, I find its the best way to wake up and get energized in the morning. I ride daily unless the weather is uber-crappy (at which point I take the bus if I can) or if I absolutely need to use my car for something.

and the best thing to counteract the 3pm crash? coffee!

May 24, 07 12:35 pm  · 

yeah, I don't drink coffee. I know that's sacrilage around here, but never have, don't expect I'll ever feel a desire to. Maybe fruit juice will give me a little sugar boost instead.

May 24, 07 1:27 pm  · 

ahhh.. gotcha. I find that sometimes just getting up and walking around (preferably outside) for just a minute or two does the job. change of scenery, fresh air, etc.

May 24, 07 1:41 pm  · 
May 24, 07 5:59 pm  · 

rationalist make that fresh squeezed unpasteurized fruit juice and i'm with you!

May 24, 07 6:00 pm  · 

Jonas did you get one? I posted this while back, but they weren't available yet.

May 24, 07 6:11 pm  · 

i got one yes

but it is a prototype of the last model.

May 24, 07 6:15 pm  · 
May 24, 07 6:16 pm  · 

Oh so does it have lithium batteries?

May 24, 07 6:17 pm  · 

I've had it for a few years. it fucking rocks.

May 24, 07 6:17 pm  · 

So I should get one? Ha.

May 24, 07 6:19 pm  · 

this one looks sweet.

mine looks more like that w/o the rear shock
some kind of military batteries i suppose it will always be 1 of a kind now. just like me.

May 24, 07 6:19 pm  · 

no idea i would need to ride one of those new ones before i could say

May 24, 07 6:20 pm  · 

I'm giving up on my backpack, after only two days...

This morning found me in my boss's office, fixing his computer, in a pair of capri pants and the most disgustingly soaked tshirt imaginable, because he needed his computer fixed before I had a chance to change. Not only was this particularly bad, but that amount of backsweat is gross at any time.

Looking at getting a pair of Axiom Typhoon panniers to make this whole commuting thing easier.

May 24, 07 6:38 pm  · 

oh and mine goes 40

May 24, 07 7:02 pm  · 

there is a video of it goine 58 in speed trails on Bonneville but that is with a slick fiberglass body and a long open stretch witch is not available to me

May 24, 07 7:03 pm  · 

I read they are limiting the new one to under 35.

May 24, 07 7:12 pm  · 

i just mod'd the gearing

if you can find a 61 tooth 110mm cog let me know i hear they only made them on 70's road bikes, so i can peddle that much over the motor more

May 24, 07 7:15 pm  · 

Do you really feel safe on one of those on the street? I would be freaked out going that fast on a little metal frame...

May 24, 07 7:17 pm  · 

Motorcycles go much faster. Similar construction.

May 24, 07 7:27 pm  · 

no i don't feel safe at all but i don't go full speed either because i like range too plus i always like to be at least 1/2 human power

besides a 61 tooth cog i could use a KLR250 frame for a new rebuilt motor i have on my mangled one, that is how i broke my legs&arm when i got cut off in traffic and didn't even see it by a left turner and lost my brother one of the most amazing kids on the planet.

May 24, 07 7:32 pm  · 

Wow that sucks. I am sorry.

May 24, 07 7:48 pm  · 

That's cool, I'd rather do something healthy in the morning. Not ride a tricked-out motor scooter.

May 24, 07 8:18 pm  · 

Pixel, loving the shaved legs you sexy beast.

May 24, 07 8:20 pm  · 

hmmm, I'd just been checking out the 1.5"(?) eyelets he's sporting in those lobes. Must page back to see legs...

May 24, 07 8:24 pm  · 

I'm not going to lie, I paged back to see the legs as well....

May 24, 07 8:28 pm  · 
May 24, 07 9:47 pm  · 

jolly you don't understand it is a better exersize than fully human power its more aerobic and less stress and great speed and range.

when you have to over exert it is not as good exersize as the kind of ride i do of course everyone will ride different

May 25, 07 3:39 am  · 

must be a lens trick or something, because I sure as hell don't shave my legs. nothing against my friends that do, but thats just not how I roll...

May 25, 07 8:36 am  · 

here's a link for your chainring, you can thank me later! and despite the not-so-sexy website, Harris is awesome, so you've got nothing to worry about there.

they're only 7/8"

May 25, 07 8:41 am  · 

I had to page back to look at the picture again, to make sure he wasn't lying. I'm just saying.

May 25, 07 9:02 am  · 

OK, so I'm riding home last night, and somehow got involved in a major bicycle traffic-jam. I pull onto westwood, and there's this girl in front of me. She's riding at recreational speed, and seems to be fighting a constant and compelling urge to act like a pedestrian: weaving in and out of the parked cars to the side, occasionally pulling onto the sidewalk and riding there for fifty feet for absolutely no reason, etc. So I'm giving her some distance, because I have no clue what she's going to do next, and yet another bicyclist pulls in between us. We go along, the two of us in back trying to go slow enough to not run over the one in front, for several blocks, when the person in front of me (middle guy), without signal or even slowing down, suddenly stops in a crosswalk (not at intersection, just random crosswalk on the street), and turns his bike perpendicular to me so that I can't ride around without getting run over by angry vehicles. Plus he looks like he's about to zoom accross the crosswalk at any moment. I have to stop and wait for him to go. He finally does, and I'm caught up with miss pedestrian bicyclist within 20 seconds (she's sooooo slow), whose lack of speed makes getting up the hill there impossible.

Now I'm not a perfect rider, I'm sure cars get annoyed with me sometimes, but that just seemed ricockulous. No WONDER drivers hate bicyclists!

May 25, 07 12:20 pm  · 

I think Prolly's shave joke was taken a little too seriously.

Even I back paged.

May 25, 07 12:40 pm  · 

r, that weaving you describe is dangerous, even though they think they are avoiding traffic.

I knew a guy who handed out pamphlets to help people ride safely in LA, but how do you hand out such a thing? Ha. "You suck, here read this."

May 25, 07 12:42 pm  · 

I second Harris Cyclery's accolades.

I bought some hard-to-find internal gear hub grease that, thanks to low maintenance of the hub, will most likely never be used.

If anyone in LA needs a free lube, you know where to find it. I mean...

May 25, 07 12:44 pm  · 

yeah, and now I know exactly why it's dangerous. If I've got some traffic behind me, and there's no cars parked to the right, I'll duck into that space, pedal slow, and wait for the next break in the traffic to get back out into the lane. But this is something I do like, every two-three blocks in heavy traffic to let people pass. She did this EVERY TIME she saw an unoccupied parking spot, so about 5 times per block. Even *I* was freaked out by this as a cyclist, because I had no clue where she was going to be from one moment to the next. Especially combined with the sidewalk-love, it was confusing.

I wouldn't have even wanted to get close enough to her to give her a pamphlet, because I'd be freaked out that she'd swerve into me when I pulled up alongside. I like to give scary drivers of any sort of vehicle a bit of extra bearth.

May 25, 07 12:53 pm  · 

Yeah, unpreditability is not a good trait for a cyclist. It's like re-entering traffic every 20 feet.

I would never hand out the pamphlet... though I hate when people are coming right at you from the opposite direction. Why oh why do they think they should ride against the flow of traffic??? Sometimes I mutter "wrong side", but I would never yell it. Too many angry people and close calls for me.

May 25, 07 1:02 pm  · 

sucks when i have to ride back from the bar on this ol' beast

May 25, 07 1:02 pm  · 

who knows a good shop in Vancouver to get a good used cruiser type??

May 25, 07 1:13 pm  · 

I'm starting to plan a trip to LA for July and am looking forward to the Wolfpack Hustle - garpike, you down?

May 25, 07 1:20 pm  · 

rationalist: just be glad this isn't your morning commute.

May 25, 07 1:30 pm  · 

pixel, I'm down for that ride... I usually do the Sins and Sprockets ride.

When will you be here? I'll be out the weekend of the 14th. There's an afternoon dice ride on the 28th that will result in a party that I may or not may not perform some music.

May 25, 07 1:34 pm  · 
Why oh why do they think they should ride against the flow of traffic???

Because many of us were told to walk against the flow of traffic when we were kids, by well-meaning but not-so-bright police officers or crosswalk attendants, and some cyclists have a hard time making the choice between being a vehicle and being a pedestrian.

For those in other areas who think this sounds extra stupid, this is because in California a cyclist has the choice. They may act as a vehicle and ride on the road, signal, use lights at night, and obey all traffic signals and signs: or they may ride on the sidewalk going whichever direction they choose, with no proper equipment or understanding of the laws and are required to walk their bike accross intersections. For some, this seems to be a very difficult choice. Many compromise by either riding on the sidewalk, but not walking through intersections, or riding on the road going the wrong way!

Question: when you are choosing to ride as a vehicle, is it ok to turn pedestrian on rare occasions through a hard intersection or up a hill where your extreme slowness gets dangerous? I find there's one place on my morning commute where I feel I'd be safer as a pedestrian because I've got a steep hill and a left turn together and end up in a "right lane must turn" situation, but am afraid of confusing the people in cars.

May 25, 07 1:42 pm  · 


i don't see a 61T chainring did you?

May 25, 07 1:51 pm  · 

nevermind THANK YOU pixelwhore!!

May 25, 07 1:55 pm  · 

Jonas: I have a TA chainring on my race bike, high quality stuff. glad to be of assistance. what will this up your top speed to?

garpike: if I can make it happen it'll be sometime in the week of the 4th of July. the students here will be on their summer break then so taking the time off won't be an issue.

May 25, 07 2:06 pm  · 

1 more question what freewheel would you say is the strongest freewheel i keep shattering them the bearings fall out and i need to buy new ones

May 25, 07 2:08 pm  · 

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