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If Texas seceded, would they have to pay import tax on the oil pipelines already built inside their borders?
Oct 22, 14 5:47 pm  · 

No, they'd probably abolish taxes altogether and bask in the utopian wonderland of booze and guns that followed. 

Oct 22, 14 6:04 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
There's a plan in the world to abolish property taxes, and raise the sales tax. So I think we'd still keep SOME taxes, just not ones like enheritence, gift tax, property taxes, or anything else poor people can't be taxed on.
Oct 22, 14 6:35 pm  · 
True, and they'd convert all the oil pipelines into Texas-wide alcohol distribution pipelines. I never thought of it that way!
Oct 22, 14 6:37 pm  · 

Escargot nachos?   Um....

Oct 22, 14 9:03 pm  · 
Non Sequitur, saw something about the parliament shooting today in Canada. That's crazy! Hope everything is well for you!
Oct 23, 14 12:00 am  · 
Non Sequitur

CD.Arch, yes quite the excitement yesterday. I can see the Parliament from my office (and from my house too) and the war memorial is but half a block away. I walk through these sites everyday... minus today since the police tape and layers of reporters & TV crews are rather thick.

All of the downtown was on lock-down up until 10pm or so and when I left my office at 6pm, the streets were so empty of people (except for the hundreds of parked cop-cars) that you just knew there ought to be tumbleweeds somewhere.

Oct 23, 14 8:26 am  · 

Glad you're safe, Non Sequitur.  You're back in the office this morning?

Oct 23, 14 8:52 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Yes Donna, back at the office. I did have to take a detour since I normally walk through the war memorial every morning.

Oct 23, 14 9:09 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

The city I work in is trying to secede from the state over fracking controversies. They don't want to allow it but the state has said, "tough shit, you have no choice."

Why were there gunmen at Canadian Parliament? Are they mad about something?

Oct 23, 14 9:47 am  · 

The country earlier this month announced plans to join the US-led campaign of air strikes against Islamic State (IS) militants in Iraq.

Violence breeds violence.

Oct 23, 14 9:56 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Tint, there was one gunmen who made it in the Parliament lobby before receiving an un-healthy dose of return gunfire from the 40 or so security guards and police inside. No official motive has been announced but what Miles suggests is the most likely answer.

Oct 23, 14 10:05 am  · 

What’s with email? Working on some pro bono stuff and nobody gets back to me. Throw something out – nothing comes back. Wife says people are too busy these days – I call bull-shit. My wife is one of the busiest people I know and everything gets answered before the end of the day. Additionally, I did a test - emailed President Obama and asked him a question and I got an answer in less than 24 hours! Granted it wasn’t him personally but that drives straight to my point that there should be an answer, any answer, within 24 hours. I think this no-answer thing is the new “NO!” Are you guys experiencing this? If not, maybe it’s that Lifebuoy soap thing again.

Oct 23, 14 2:36 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Carrera, I have a shopping list of questions I've asked my project engineers and, 7 days later, still no answer. 24hr response max is the rule in my office.

Oct 23, 14 2:45 pm  · 

This image of FOG flipping off a reporter must be spread far and wide.  Love it.  Gehry deserves to be as cantankerous as he wants to be, and I agree with him completely.

Oct 23, 14 4:04 pm  · 
NS I find engineers to be horrid-as a veteran at project coordination, the "best" engineers are not up to my personal standards in terms of responsiveness or communication.
Oct 23, 14 7:13 pm  · 
Good, responsive engineers are worth their higher fee. Every time. My partners don't always agree...
Oct 23, 14 10:06 pm  · 

I've never been able to find a good civil engineer.  have worked with quite a few excellent struct eng - MEP is often a mixed bag - but civil - I have no idea why they're all a bunch of jerks.

Oct 23, 14 10:27 pm  · 

that's probably just a regional thing toaster.

odd that it encompasses all regions though.

Oct 23, 14 10:29 pm  · 

this is for donna - making the rounds on the intertubes...

Oct 23, 14 10:59 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
I saw that this morning. I don't get it. The celebrities know they're going to be on this, but then they seem so annoyed and offended by the questions. It confuses me.
Oct 24, 14 9:51 am  · 

Watched it yesterday, toast, thank you for thinking of me.  Brad is the sexiest man alive, even with a pornstache and bags under his eyes.

Sarah the celebrities are in on the joke.  It's all scripted, every bit of it.  You can see Brad trying not to crack up.

I love Zach Galifinakis, too.  SO uncomfortable

Oct 24, 14 10:49 am  · 

I recall a great typo by a civil engineer on a subdivison  plot plan where the county commissioners needed to sign off. 

It read " We the Under Designed" ... in lieu of..." We the Under Signed."

Oct 24, 14 6:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
So strange, random question: wet dreams....

And that's just how the topic came up during a conversation with three other HS students yesterday. Then the three proceed to tell me that A has had a few, B has had none to date, and C has 3 or more a week. I wasn't sure what to say, so I focused on my poster cutting, and stared at the rail cutter.

As a teacher, I wasn't sure if I should even let the conversation continue. Had it been amongst my brother/friends I would've joked and asked isn't that what the shower is for? Then thinking like a parent, I don't know WHAT I'd tell Abram. I don't think I'd tell him to beat off in the shower, though, and I can't imagine any parent wanting their child's teacher giving that advice.

What would you have done? I think I'm glad I didn't say anything, and played ostrich instead, but I feel like I didn't help, either. Mostly, I am now aware how underprepared I am for puberty. But Abe is 6, I thought I had more time.
Oct 25, 14 9:35 am  · 
I think the appropriate reaction from a teacher is "Boys, that is not an appropriate conversation to have during class." Then add "Discuss it on during break or after dchool@ because you font scent them to think they can't *ever* talk about it, just not in class.

Six year old boys can have wet dreams, I believe. The book "It's Perfectly Normal" by Harris & Emberley is fantastic; it's non-threatening, cute cartoons but also very factual and non-judgmental.
Oct 25, 14 10:36 am  · 
Jeez, phone problems. You don't want them to, not font scent.
Oct 25, 14 10:37 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Oh, the conversation was after school. Just me and the three boys. They're like my groupies. Call me Hamilmom instead of Hamilton. It's all very strange, but they're sweet and intelligent, and they tend to brighten my day, even if the conversations get weird. Although, this was the most awkward one, yet. I keep thinking what if a principal had walked in. This IS Texas, after all.
Oct 25, 14 11:10 am  · 

human reproduction talk is something you should bring up with your team - kids are going to talk about it, but they should have a safe place to do so - and usually science/health teachers are trained and have experience with how to appropriately steer the conversation - do they teach sex ed at your HS?

Oct 25, 14 2:19 pm  · 

Oh, after class.  And these are teens? They're old enough to hear you say "You guys know I could get in trouble for talking about this stuff with you or even letting you talk about it in front of me, so save it for later, okay?" But then you probably also need to tell them that if they have anything they need to talk to you about, like if they need advice or help, that your door is always open to them for a private conversation. Seriously, so many kids have abusive uncles, older brothers telling them terrifying bullshit, etc. that they do need to know they have adults they can trust.

Oct 25, 14 5:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
I'm thinking the conversation is over, now. Surely it won't last the through the weekend. And yes, two are 16 and one is 15. All three are sophomores. One has a foot fetish, and really wants to try on high heels, just to see how it is to walk in them. All three grunt and raptor-walk. Yes. That is just what it sounds like. I'm hoping I can break them if those two habits by the end of the year. I'm glad they have each other, though, cause they're socially ridiculous.

And I can't help but wonder what that boy's mother thinks. He must do a lot of laundry.
Oct 25, 14 8:01 pm  · 

Can’t imagine being around high school kids for a living. One really has to have their head screwed-on-straight to be able to deal with the questions. With the way things are today one false move or answer can get you into trouble – or fired. I see school as just education but is much more – interacting with kids between things I think can be dangerous, today. I think it is the parents that should be addressing these kinds of things, but many don’t, so somebody has to, but I wouldn’t want to be the one doing it. Don’t know if you are in one, but that is the benefit of teacher unions – guess it protects you. My wife owns a nursery school and a kid last week touched another kids rear-end and said “that’s your booty” and it set-off a firestorm between parents. Talking about sex with students – holy cow.

Oct 25, 14 8:40 pm  · 

What a great and wonderful fall day here. Had a reunion with my two former partners in Ann Arbor yesterday. Haven’t seen them in a number of years. They are the best architects I’ve ever met, both FAIA. Even though I’ve accomplished a lot in my life I just sat there and thought “what an honor to know these guys and have them be with me and a part of my life”. We did a lot of great things together, won many awards, but what I cherished most is just knowing these guys and listening to their wisdom. I’m a smart guy and have many accomplishments but can’t hold a candle to these guys. They are real architects and when we talked shop I still learned from them after all these years. I also learned that - fuck email, fuck Archinect, get face-to-face with people and live-it with people. 

Oct 25, 14 9:15 pm  · 

I thought ban's aspen museum got the bung?  Why is it such a hot topic?

Oct 25, 14 10:17 pm  · 

I got an e-mail inviting me to come to my neighborhood's first "neighborhood innovation district" committee meeting.  There are already several "tech" or "innovation districts" in the metro area - (one of them is actually called the innovation district) - and now people in my neighborhood want to create a micro-scale neighborhood innovation district?  is it going to be innovation in nail/hair care because that's like half the businesses in our commercial area...


maybe I'll start a kickstarter/indiegogo for my new "innovation" business.  I'll have a nicely shot video with some simple piano riff - interspersed with clips that look suspiciously like TED talks and attractive young people sipping coffee next to brick walls.  "toaster-co... leveraging the ecology of the innovation start-up industry for the 21st century." Hopefully I'll eventually get bought out by microsoft or autodesk or something...

Oct 27, 14 11:18 am  · 

toast, seriously, you should be a millionaire already with ideas as good as that one!

Nothing like a Monday morning accusation of elitism from ThayerD to get me started off right!  Ah, internet.

Oct 27, 14 11:57 am  · 

Holy shit, they DO moderate. I had just written a bitter post about renderings and the idiots who champion them when *POOF*, I got a 404 error.


Thanks, Achinect, that thread was poisonous anyhow.  :D

Oct 27, 14 12:25 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

I noticed the sudden disappearance of that thread too Pete. Too bad the same fate cannot be cast to TAMMUZ's pile of garbage.

Oct 27, 14 12:46 pm  · 

That whole thread is gone? I can see deleting someones post, but the whole thread? Interesting.

Oct 27, 14 12:53 pm  · 


Sorry, CAD.

Oct 27, 14 12:55 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

The thread was titled:

Outsourcing design/visualisation work

Oct 27, 14 1:04 pm  · 

Donna, maybe I’ve got the wrong thread but I think it was an old thread about a guy that wanted to outsource work internationally. Discussion seemed okay but when it rejuvenated and the discussion turned to that site where people do stuff for $5 (called fiverr) – when it went that way – POOF!

Oct 27, 14 1:10 pm  · 

Damn, and I had a sweet post in there too.

Aha! The thread is gone but the comment history remains. This was in response to hiring someone for $5/hr to spam tammuz's thread, posted by Non, I think:

I could have a couple of my free interns do it but they're busy washing and waxing my cars.

Oct 27, 14 1:13 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

...and I had a nice response to Miles:

Miles, could you spare an  intern for the afternoon. I need my winter tires installed. I trust they will provide their own transportation at their own expense. All mine are busy organizing the horribly outdated product catalogues by binder colour.

Oct 27, 14 1:38 pm  · 

this is the cached version of the thread - it's from 2013 though:

this one is more recent, thread was necro'ed by someone posting their facebook page:

can we post cached versions of deleted threads?  takes away the point of deleting threads i suppose.  does archinect have a policy regarding the support of trading unpaid labor/human trafficking?  they've posted job ads for unpaid positions haven't they?

Oct 27, 14 2:02 pm  · 

Wait, so all we have to do is link a personal facebook page and it'll get the thread nuked?

Oct 27, 14 6:10 pm  · 

The other day I noticed another thread that got nuked. I'm not sure when, or for what. I had it linked in an old blog post, I went to check it to remind myself of why I linked it and poof, 404 page not found.

Oct 27, 14 10:40 pm  · 

Structures exam. T minus 3 hours. Yet somehow I am at work this morning, working.

Oct 28, 14 9:49 am  · 
That's usually what you do at work right, archanonymous? Haha just joking. Good luck!
Oct 28, 14 9:58 am  · 

Good luck, archanonymous!

I just got a flu shot.  Ouch.

Oct 28, 14 11:26 am  · 

Non, sure. How many do you need? They should finish hand-polishing all the office furniture tomorrow.

Oct 28, 14 12:33 pm  · 

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