
Thread Central

Non Sequitur

Donna, I thought that was the point of high-school anyways.

Nov 5, 14 12:14 pm  · 
I'm sorry, but have you looked at the effects of legalization on Colorado and Washington high schools? Of course I'm not ignorant to marijuana use already happening, and I also didn't say it's going to be tried just because it's legal. The availability of it is ridiculously high now. Let's all be real here, the biggest reason the government wants it legalized is so they can tax it. As for prisons; you keep meth addicts in jail, cocaine addicts, etc. druggies are druggies, just because society glorifies weed doesn't make it not a drug. Prior to legalization, it was too accessible. Now it is ridiculous. You can't tell me that weed is going to positively affect society as a whole. I won't have it.
Nov 5, 14 12:23 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^ Pedestrian "arguments" easily countered with reason. You're swooping close to TAMMUZ level nonsensical opinions here CD.Arch.

Nov 5, 14 12:28 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I just googled to find out about high schools and marijuana in colorado and apparently marijuana use has dropped among high schoolers. Glad I looked, thanks.

Nov 5, 14 12:39 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

on that topic of war on drugs, what say you of...

Nov 5, 14 12:48 pm  · 

"As for prisons; you keep meth addicts in jail, cocaine addicts, etc."


Prisons are for law breakers. Laws change. Universal statements about who belongs in prisons which are ignorant of the ability to change laws only serve to provide insight about the speaker, not the debate at hand.

Nov 5, 14 3:39 pm  · 

on the way home last night I rode by some teenagers smoking weed - I said, "do I smell skunk??!!"   kid was all "hell yeah!"  We've also got a roving band of teens on bicycles now - they ride around blocking traffic popping wheelies until the cops chase them off.  I see a few of them around doing tricks in my neighborhood - if I have time I usually stop and watch and give them encouragement.  generally nice and friendly kids... as for that gang... cops say it's a few of them that are known trouble makers and they discovered that since drivers (and cops) around here generally give cyclists the right of way they can more easily "claim" the street. kind of empowering in a way, I guess...

Nov 5, 14 4:22 pm  · 

^ That wheelie guy couldn't possibly have been stoned.

Prisons are for law breakers.

Nice theory, utterly false in practice. There are lots of wealthy, well connected law breakers who will never see a day in prison let alone a day in court. On top of that those who make the laws routinely exempt special interests or select groups from them as well as themselves (i.e. congress and insider trading). So the law itself is used to protect some while punishing others. So in the end prisons are sometimes for lawbreakers, sometimes for profit, and sometimes simply a way to fuck people over.

Matt Taibbi documented a day in court where a guy caught with a joint was given 30 days in jail while the guy who swindled millions of dollars was given a fine.

Nov 5, 14 5:40 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
I can't even talk about politics and the election. I've never before been so affected by it. Don't know if it's my age or profession.

So I'm changing the subject. I had a few students come to me about sponsoring a local HS chapter of the MSA (Muslim students association). I am not Muslim, but I figure we already have Christian student associations on campus, and those get to hold their meetings with a PA system in te cafeteria during lunch! Plus, the kids promised me chai and samosas.

The thing is, I'm afraid to tell people. I'm nervous to tell other teachers, and terrified to tell my family (husband obviously excluded). Am I just being paranoid?
Nov 5, 14 6:38 pm  · 

CD Arch, you can't be serious, right? Rockefeller Drug laws check em. Drug laws disproportionately affect people of color, it's a fact. So, how does that effect society? Mary-Janes were easy to get? Where do you live, because I want what you're smoking. I never bought a joint, too afraid. Always smoked someone's stash that I knew.

Sarah, I think it's great that you were asked, and I think it's great that you will host, and who cares what people think. Be your own person.

Nov 5, 14 6:46 pm  · 

^ Agreed. Just be prepared for the shit storm that will follow. It is Texas after all. I'm surprised that they don't issue hunting permits for Muslims. Then again, maybe you don't need one.

Nov 5, 14 7:08 pm  · 

Miles, I was speaking as if what you said wasn't true and things worked as they were intended.


In other words, I was spewing bullshit to make a point. :)

Nov 5, 14 8:11 pm  · 

Sarah, Go all,  "Kinky Freedman."  He is a Texan, wrote the famous not so famous song:

"They Don't Make Jews Like Jesus  Anymore."

Nov 5, 14 8:44 pm  · 

Actually, high school students should definitely *not* be smoking pot: recent research shows that pot is more dangerous, with worse long-term effects, on teen brains than on adult brains. Says a guy from McGill, "A teen brain is not just an adult brain with fewer miles on it"; teen brains are still growing and building themselves.

So wait til age 22-24 or so, kids.

Sarah, you absolutely should start the club, just do be cautious.

I anyone else getting a glitch when they hit return in the comment box? The cursor heads up to the top of the comment for me.

Nov 5, 14 10:04 pm  · 

^ Donna, yes to your last comment.

"They Don't Make Jews Like Jesus  Anymore." <-------That's my new bracelet! TDMJLJA.

Nov 5, 14 10:15 pm  · 

donna - that glitch has been going on for a while on my end - I thought it was just me.

Nov 6, 14 8:24 am  · 

Testing here at work on my PC to see if it does the same thing.

Nope, just on my Mac.

Hmmmm (whenever I write "Hmmm" I picture in my head Jack Skellington at the end of the best song in Nightmare Before Christmas when he goes "Christmastown? Hmm....")

Nov 6, 14 8:47 am  · 

it is awful. how would you like to be a muslim or referred as one? i am afraid the hatred for muslims are going to be further amplified after the recent election results since a lot of the winners have been known to run on the hate platform. it is not unique to texas. people are not doing enough to put a stop on it. it will get worst and eventually start to bite the asses of other groups including groups previously thought to be safe from the hate mongering.

stop all the religious associations in all schools. why can't people keep their fucking religion to themselves? i mean all the religions... i miss growing up in a secular country although that is almost out the door there as well.

down with fanatical and organized spirituality. bring so called "immoral" values back!

Nov 6, 14 12:30 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Orhan, add all public services to your "stop all the religious associations in all schools..." and you're on to something good.

Nov 6, 14 12:47 pm  · 

Islam considers usury a sin. As such Islam is the mortal enemy of capitalism, for which "Democracy" is simply a code word. Democracy therefore vilifies Islam. And as we all know enemies are good because they generate fear which can be used to justify certain actions.

Nov 6, 14 12:50 pm  · 

btw, i just noticed tc is approaching to 53,000 posts. does anybody know if there is a forum thread anywhere with that many posts? i mean these are not yes/no posts either. some of them are little articles in themselves.

Nov 6, 14 1:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Platform of fear sounds about right. Our new governor's first two agenda items are Ebola followed by securing the border.
Nov 6, 14 1:28 pm  · 


How does one go about securing the Texas Border?  Did I miss something is  Rick Perry Gone?

Nov 6, 14 6:07 pm  · 

b3....Kinky Friedman ran for Governor in Texas in 2006.  He has recorded a number of albums over the past and authored a number of books.  He is always touching someones button.

Nov 6, 14 6:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Kinky had a great campaign. Beautifully designed posters.

And to answer your second question, Perry didn't run for re-election. Thank god! So now we have Greg Abbott as governor, and an even worse Ken Paxton as Lt Governor.

Gregg Abbott actually didn't campaign on much. He didn't go to many debates, and when he did, he never answered any questions. He just said "I'll fight for you. I'll fight for Texas." Ken Paxton actually CUT 5 billion, maybe million (they rhyme) from the education budget a few years back, saying "Texans needed to tighten their belt." And when it was brought up during the campaign, he said proudly, "I did! And no one was any worse!" I couldn't get a teaching job, and many teachers LOST their jobs when he did that. They both want vochures and to do away with property taxes, which fund our schools.

But hey, they don't want to murder all the babies, and the oppose Obama-care, so I guess there's that.
Nov 6, 14 6:33 pm  · 
Careful Sarah, around here it's not murdering babies.
Nov 6, 14 7:07 pm  · 
Non Sequitur


CD.Arch, it's not just here but everywhere. Abortion is not murder, no need to carry over past generations ignorance forward.

Nov 6, 14 7:52 pm  · 
Non Sequitur, I'm afraid I disagree. I still don't consider it ignorance. A fetus (baby) is a life form, like you or me. It will one day grow to be a human being that has thoughts, and performs actions. It will become an independent person that is not the same as any other person that has ever existed. A completely unique being. Abortion simply snuffs out what could be. It's just the same as killing a child after birth. I will hold true to that, whether you think it's ignorance or not.
Nov 6, 14 11:21 pm  · 

^ bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. keep your fucking religion out of Thread Central.

Nov 6, 14 11:38 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Quite ignorant in fact, glad you realize it but I understand that there are still parts of the USA (and Canada)  where, unfortunately, childhood indoctrination remains strong. Low levels of critical-thinking geared education and unhealthy doses of bible worship lead to nonsensical positions like yours. You'll most likely grow out of it as most people with half-a-head do but If you don't, get used to having your positioned challenged constantly and more importantly, get used to loosing every. single. time.

No one is forcing anyone to abort a pregnancy and you have no ground to stand on when you demand that right removed from others because you were told it was wrong before you had the intelligence to think for yourself. Don't like em, don't have one. Simple. Continuing this ridiculous subject with you any further would be giving your position the illusion that it is debate worthy. There is already one fool plaguing these forums with idiotic politics, don't add yourself to the same list.

Nov 6, 14 11:47 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

We've tried that before B3tadine, it only lasted a few days.

Nov 6, 14 11:48 pm  · 

I hope this will help someone

Nov 7, 14 7:54 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

CDArch, it is a women's health issue. Women need access to safe, legal abortions, because sometimes things happen. Such decisions are not for politicians or the churches, but for women, their families, and their health care providers. Nobody LIKES abortion, but if you use your brain, you can see that there is another "life" involved that you are not in a position to make judgments on. It is not the same as snuffing out a child after birth, study some biology, m'k?

Nov 7, 14 7:58 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Curt, careful, I happen to be a devoted believer in the Jehovah's demon tiger monkey army.

Nov 7, 14 8:06 am  · 

I'm with tint, except it's not just a women's health issue, it's a human rights issue: as a human who owns a body, no one is allowed to take up residence in my body without my permission. My body, my right to own it.

Nov 7, 14 8:19 am  · 

so CD.Arch, after you fight to save the baby before it's born, do you continue the fight to support it, make sure it has healthy food to eat, safe shelter, access to education, and all the other things that go along with protecting someone?

or do you vote for the assholes who want to cut social safety net programs, reduce foodstamps, lower taxes on the rich so those programs stay underfunded, increase military funding so that kid might end up dieing for someone's misguided political will, remove access to preventative healthcare if they end up being born to lower income parents, and poison the kid's air and water through lax environmental regulation and underfunding regulatory agencies?

that was a run-on sentence.  let's just give the kid an uzi when they pop out so they can shoot up their school.  save the unborn, then kill the rest just like jesus intended.

Nov 7, 14 9:31 am  · 

The 800 lb gorilla in the room is the right to die. It's the very same discussion - where your personal decisions are legislated and controlled by others.

Nov 7, 14 9:34 am  · 

CD.Arch - the vast majority of medically performed abortions are actually women who are trying to get pregnant but there is some sort of health issue where either the fetus, mother, or both, wouldn't survive full-term pregnancy.  The next largest group are older women who have kids (usually married and in their 30s) and simply can't afford another mouth to feed.  The rest are women with substance abuse and/or mental issues - and the smallest group is the one that religious orbs are all up in arms over - young women who aren't ready to start a family.  You really need to learn just WHY women get abortions before you spout that judgmental garbage - if you really cared about reducing the number of abortions you'd be talking about supporting sex-ed and birth control, parents rights in the workplace, and social welfare, and education...


​Do you really want to tell a woman with an ectopic pregnancy to "give that life a chance?"  seriously - I want to know what you'd say - would you tell that woman that her life is less valuable than the life of the fetus that also probably won't survive?

Nov 7, 14 9:52 am  · 
chatter of clouds

Its easy for guys to feel so...unburdened. I think there's a question on another ethical basis that might precede that other question of abortion. Do men have the right to dictate -by way of opining- what any woman's (near:giving birth ...or far: motherhood) future is to be? Its such a personal matter left to each individual woman ... and effectively prohibiting abortion takes away her right of choice. Furthermore, why should a society force upon itself measures to prohibit a practice that it (as a whole, not merely a segment of it) has not resolved on terms of ethics - in contrast to, say, paedophilia. Which is to say: Not prohibiting abortion gives one the right to choose, to affirm it for oneself or, yes, to reject it. However, to prohibit is to impose one segment of the society's opinion on another and to deny the choice that determines the trajectory of their life. And on what basis? Certainly not on a unanimously conceived one.

Nov 7, 14 12:35 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

And I intended the above beyond the limits of medically justifiable abortions (ie endangering a woman's life and defining the issue as a choice between woman or child). Its not brave to defend a woman's right to choosing for her a scenario of medical exceptionality, therefore mitigating her free will to some extent owing to extenuating circumstance.

Nov 7, 14 12:42 pm  · 

Ken Paxton is actually the new Attorney General (replacing Abbot, who is now Governor), and his first order of business will be to defend himself in a criminal investigation over financial improprieties that came to light during the campaign, which if convicted of, will remove him as Attorney General.  His 2nd order of business will be to secure the border that he voted as state senator to cut over $200 million from the budget to protect.  All while suing Obama for whatever we sue Obama for these days.

And Dan Patrick, the Lt. Governor, is even worse.  Conservative talk show shock jock turned politician.  "Hannity goes to Austin".  God help us all.

Nov 7, 14 12:47 pm  · 

God help us all.

Looks like we're shit out of luck. 

Adios Thread Central, you will be missed. 

Nov 7, 14 12:57 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Don't despair just yet Miles...

I've read that 3 year's worth of research by Health Canada has determined that wind farm turbines does not cause diabetes...  See, it's just the US who can waste money with style.

Nov 7, 14 1:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
See, in always getting those two confused. Figures. At least they're equally awful.

And who thought wind turbines could cause diabetes? I'm curious about that link. How does one even try to connect the two?

And when I mentioned baby murder above, I was alluding to the thought process of those who voted for Abbott. I'm not sure they even considered any of the issues, but they knew David stood against closing the clinics, and called her a baby-murderer.

My own personal feeling on abortion is that it isn't for me, but I'm not you. I DO, however, feel that if a father can be held liable for the child once it's born, then he should also get some say-so on whether or not it's born at all. And then there are all those cases where fetuses ARE murdered, and the murderer is tried and goes to prison. It's all very messy. I don't have an answer, only questions.
Nov 7, 14 1:24 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

^Sarah, my turbine comment was an attempt to stir the discussion away.

There is a loud minority in Canada claiming every type of disease & ailment due to a few dozen wind turbines and have been making a stink about it for the last few years. Among the ailments claimed where caused by turbines was diabetes... which I find hilarious that someone thought that to be a legitimate cause for federal level research money.

Nov 7, 14 1:30 pm  · 

The biggest problem with wind power is the profit lost by traditional power generators and fuel suppliers.

Nov 7, 14 2:05 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Sarah, the father does have a say, doesn't he? Somewhere in between unzipping his pants and having a cigarette. Unless he is raped, I guess. 

Nov 7, 14 2:09 pm  · 
Methods of energy should depend a lot on geography. Even more so than they do now.
Nov 7, 14 7:20 pm  · 

Radical reduction in consumption would have commensurate effects on energy.

Nov 7, 14 8:12 pm  · 
Agreed^^. And although this is slightly off topic, California's drought right now is terrible. My solution would be to build quite a few desalination plants, with capabilities of pumping more water to Californian cities. The remaining removed salt could be used as export material to sell. I looked it up, this has been considered, but not enough. They only have like one or two desalination plants in all of California.
Nov 7, 14 11:22 pm  · 

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