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Wilma Buttfit

RS means can be found at public libraries. Actually, so can codes and other stuff like ASTM standards. That's my freelancing tip of the day.

Donna, what do they say when you say you should have something to price before you price it? 

May 24, 16 11:40 am  · 
wurdan freo

Contractors price scopes of work without designs all day, everyday. Do you have any relationships with a contractor who can price it for you? Maybe team up on a design build? What is the scope of work? (Assuming this is for your freelance stuff)

May 24, 16 11:41 am  · 

No, wurdan, this isn't for freelance. It's for my institutional job, and the problem is there are grant application deadlines. The other problem is I really, really don't like asking contractors to price things that are highly unlikely to go ahead or that I know I will have to do competitive bidding on if the project *does* proceed. I know it's part of the territory but I hate doing it, because there's no way it doesn't parallel unpaid work.

May 24, 16 12:13 pm  · 

Given that food is my solution for just about everything-

Invite them over for a "themed dinner" and offer to cook if they get  the key ingredients- but don't them what you are making. When they ask "how can we get the ingredients if we don't know the menu," that's your queue.

May 24, 16 12:47 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

very creative, Marc.

May 24, 16 1:56 pm  · 
wurdan freo

Hmm... sounds more difficult. We used to estimate schematic design by system. Foundation, Structure, enclosure, etc. This can be (and appear) more precise than square foot pricing. Not sure if that would fly in lieu of specific vendor quotes. Could you pay a contractor to do the estimate? Hard to say without understanding the requirements.

May 24, 16 3:23 pm  · 
Donna-I have an independent estimator. She's good. Send me an email. Also-buy RS book. Worth it.
May 24, 16 4:10 pm  · 



Why don't you pay yourself (through independent side firm) to do a concept/ feasibility study for a contractor to price?

May 24, 16 4:34 pm  · 

Kind of a treat to have a client ask me how much one of my designs will cost vs. having them tell me what it will cost.

It’s simply a matter of pointing out similar examples of the same building (project) type…previous work of your own or work of others…not reinventing the wheel here. Any client should be able to get an answer to: “What am I getting into here?” Think it’s an order of magnitude issue…how can any project begin without a budget? It’s not about just wading into a design process hoping the client can afford it or worse designing it and being told to redesign it because he can’t.

Think this goes to the root to why people dislike working with architects and turn to design/build contractors…they want to know…trouble is our profession doesn’t know…it’s “draw then ask” when it should be “tell then draw”.

May 24, 16 9:14 pm  · 

Has anyone followed the story of San Fran Park's pilot program for paid reservations of "grassy space" at Dolores Park?  As one who's studied the history of public parks in the US, I found the notion to be outright offensive, glad it's been scrapped, for now...

LINKY>  City Suspends Dolores Park Reservations

May 25, 16 1:00 pm  · 

Carrera's post is very good.

May 25, 16 1:08 pm  · 

Does anyone have any suggestions for a gift for a designer who loves expressed structure, stairs, and other structurally heroic architecture? Detail books, construction detailing manuals, case study books, etc?

May 25, 16 1:09 pm  · 

A framed print or photo.

May 25, 16 2:21 pm  · 

sneaky, I just bought some cool prints by Eric Petersen, he does illustration with lots of architectural themes.

May 25, 16 2:50 pm  · 

The Tom Kundig: Houses book is great for detail fetishists.

May 25, 16 3:17 pm  · 


State code references and modifies the IBC.  Then reviewers hunt for every instance of IBC in the specs and drawings, and want it changed to the state name.  It's in half the darn specs.  I have far better ways I can be spending my time. 

May 25, 16 3:19 pm  · 

Unfortunately we haven't any more space on our walls for prints.


I shall look into the Kundig tome, thanks!


Any others? The type that are both eye candy AND reference manual are pretty sweet.

May 25, 16 3:46 pm  · 

Silly inspectors; I've had them ask for that.  Despite the fact that I list the State version of the Code on the Building Data block.

Local AJH was always looking for Rescheck for res projects, while the State had a provision for prescriptive insulation packages.  I always had a block on the cover page  that included all energy code info.  They would always hold up permit application for the Rescheck.  I'd always have to call and advise them of the State statute.

May 25, 16 3:48 pm  · 

subscription to GA Document.

May 25, 16 3:49 pm  · 

I'd probably marry the first girl that got me a subscription to GA document without me asking specifically for it.

Guess my standards are going lower as I age.

May 25, 16 3:59 pm  · 

archanonymous, GENIUS.


How often does it arrive? Monthly?

May 25, 16 5:14 pm  · 

Sneaky, I think GA Doc is every two months with the occasional special issue.

May 25, 16 5:32 pm  · 

I'm officially a registered architect in the state of Washington!

May 25, 16 5:48 pm  · 

A+U, Detail, GA Document, El Croquis




El Croquis is out due to being 360 bucks for 5 issues...


Congratulations, David!!

May 25, 16 5:50 pm  · 


It seems like alot but my old issues of AD (another with 6 issues/ year) are easily as treasured as many of my books. If you were paying that kind of $$ for some rag like dwell or Record, it would be asinine, but for the quality, it is damn good.

May 25, 16 5:55 pm  · 

"I'm officially a registered architect in the state of Washington!"

Currently the online database says "Pending Issue First License". I don't foresee any issues but it will probably be updated shortly and you'll also have your certificate and all. Anyway, it won't be an issue. Bitch 'em out if it still says that for too much longer.

Congrats, Anyway.

May 25, 16 7:04 pm  · 

Thank you, Balkins, I'd have absolutely no clue what to do without your unsolicited helpful advice.

If you had bothered reading the fine print on that page, you'd know the online database gets updated around 3 AM every night. My license was issued this afternoon, and it isn't 3 AM yet.

May 25, 16 7:12 pm  · 

I felt no urge to verify your claim, David. I apologize for letting the profession down.

May 25, 16 7:19 pm  · 

I can't wait until Balkins tries to get my license revoked over some imaginary breach of professional ethics.

May 25, 16 7:22 pm  · 

Thank you, Balkins, I'd have absolutely no clue what to do without your unsolicited helpful advice.

If you had bothered reading the fine print on that page, you'd know the online database gets updated around 3 AM every night. My license was issued this afternoon, and it isn't 3 AM yet.

Ok. Fair enough. I look forward to it but it doesn't necessarily say it is updated around 3AM each night. It only says when it was last updated. Since, I didn't know at what hour it was issued until you mentioned it was today. That is fine with me.

Nonetheless, congrats and look forward to seeing some good work from you in Washington.

May 25, 16 7:30 pm  · 


Congrats David! Hope you're enjoying your new home here in the beautiful NW.

May 25, 16 7:32 pm  · 

So far so good. The work culture here is a million times better than in the Midwest, and I can visit places like this on a Saturday and still be back in the city in time for dinner.

May 25, 16 7:37 pm  · 


I got reciprocity in Massachusetts recently, and while the fancy certificate is still somewhere getting its gold sticker affixed and the last time I looked the website still said "application received, incomplete", I thought I was safe calling myself an architect on MA soil as soon as I received the congratulations letter with my license number about a month ago.  I didn't realize one is not licensed until googled by Mr. Balkins.

May 25, 16 7:42 pm  · 

I can't wait until Balkins tries to get my license revoked over some imaginary breach of professional ethics.

David Cole,

I am NOT even attempting to do any of that. I think you are a good person. The only Architect that I had ever reported was outright in violation of law. He had continued use of the Architect title in Washington and in some capacity was still practicing Architecture under the architect title while license was expired for a substantial period of time. He would have received not only the original notice from DOL but subsequent notices from DOL and he isn't a firm but a small sole-practitioner office. 

Look man, I don't have an ax to grind against you. I am not going to pursue getting your license revoked or other disciplinary reprimand unless you are clearly, beyond a shadow of a doubt, violating the codified laws and rules. Do you have a reason for me to pursue that? 

You just got licensed in Washington. I don't see any issue. 

May 25, 16 7:47 pm  · 

Oh yeah, congrats David! 

Didn't you just receive your initial license before moving?

May 25, 16 7:50 pm  · 
Congrats David. I'm hoping to say that too sometime this year.*

*Obviously, I won't specify the state or my actual name for fear of being put on Balkins' list to check up on every renewal cycle.
May 25, 16 7:50 pm  · 

archanonymous: Yes, I got my initial license in Ohio back in December.

May 25, 16 7:56 pm  · 

You going to maintain the Ohio one?


The only thing separating me from mine is 42.5 hours in weird categories or June 29 when IDP switches to ARX and I will have everything I need. It feels good to know it's over, but I want it now!

May 25, 16 7:59 pm  · 

Yeah, I'll most likely maintain my Ohio registration, especially since most of my freelance clients have been in Cincinnati so far. At some point I may also get registered in Oregon, since my employer is based in Portland and it would be nice to have the entire Pacific Northwest under my belt.

If Trump wins in November, I may start seriously looking at what it would take to get registered in British Columbia.

May 25, 16 8:04 pm  · 

David, if I remember correctly it requires around 3 years of post-licensure work experience before you can get reciprocity in Canada.


Don't worry though, if Trump wins we'll invade Canada. you'll find no shelter there.

May 25, 16 8:06 pm  · 

Richard are you sure that architect received his notice? Did you check with him before you reported him?  These days some of the states only email renewals, and there are lots of reasons emails can go unnoticed - sent to spam folder, bounced back because mailbox was full, weren't sent in the first place until well after the expiration (this occurred in one of my states a year ago.)  In the states that don't renew every year it might not occur to one that it's a renewal year. I'd give anyone the benefit of the doubt and check with them before I'd assume they're "clearly, beyond a shadow of a doubt", knowingly, or willfully violating the law.

May 25, 16 8:08 pm  · 

i bet Mexico would take ya. Congrats David! and Balkins get a life, a job, a hobby, a clue.

May 25, 16 8:13 pm  · 

Fortunately BC, Washington, and Ohio are part of a pact of states and provinces that only require about one year of post-licensure experience. The fee is pretty steep, though.

At least Seattle is close enough to the border that if Canada ever has to liberate us, we'll be one of the first places the mounties reach... Sort of like being one of the villages closest to Normandy in 1944.

May 25, 16 8:23 pm  · 


Richard are you sure that architect received his notice? Did you check with him before you reported him?  These days some of the states only email renewals, and there are lots of reasons emails can go unnoticed - sent to spam folder, bounced back because mailbox was full, weren't sent in the first place until well after the expiration (this occurred in one of my states a year ago), etc. In the states that don't renew every year it might not occur to one that it's a renewal year. I'd give anyone the benefit of the doubt and check with them before I'd assume they're "clearly, beyond a shadow of a doubt", knowingly, or willfully violating the law.

He always could have checked online like once every 3 months. He knew the renewal cycle time frame and when it would be expected to be paid based on previous renewals and check 30 days before that. Under any circumstances, he was expired for like 2 YEARS before I filed a complaint. 2 YEARS. In fact, it was OVER that.

You can't tell me that he didn't know. It wasn't like the guy was a newly licensed architect. They guy had been through multiple renewal cycles. It wasn't like he didn't know how to do it or when to renew. Check at least once a year on the date of renewal. 

It isn't like I was dealing with a newbie. He was already licensed for 15 years. In other words, it wasn't the guys first rodeo through license renewal. Don't give excuses for something he knew better. 

OVER 2 YEARS expired and still practicing as an architect and using the Architect title is something even you would have to consider is excessively overdue beyond reason. There is no reason why you or anyone doesn't check the licensing boards that you are licensed at least once a year. 

If you even have the feeling you might be at renewal time for any of the licenses. Most states often allows or even require the expiration date on the stamp seal. Look at your current stamp for the state. That is how architects had often used as a means of indicating expiration date of stamp and that also tells you when you need to renew.

May 25, 16 8:27 pm  · 


The licensing boards. The building officials. Those who support architectural licensing.

May 25, 16 8:33 pm  · 

i bet Mexico would take ya.

There's a thought. Maybe I'll head down to Cozumel and sip mai tais and design beach villas while the inevitable civil war plays out north of the border.

May 25, 16 8:33 pm  · 

David Cole,

If Trump decides to go after Mexico, you might consider Sweden or Finland or other countries.

May 25, 16 8:36 pm  · 

I've never seen an architect's stamp with a date on it.  If the stamp has a date on it, wouldn't it need to be replaced every year or every renewal period?  When Rick says "look at your current stamp" it sounds like he thinks we replace these every year.  In my experience all my state stamps have been once-in-a-lifetime purchases (so far anyway).   Does anybody replace their stamp on a regular basis? Do any of you have stamps with dates on them?  If so, is it like one of those date stamps with the rolling months and days (in which case how would looking at it tell you if you'd missed your renewal date?)   

May 25, 16 8:47 pm  · 
Rick you just proved you go out of your way to try to cause trouble. Take that energy and focus on yourself and get at least one of your millions of projects in the works done.

Also client switched from light gauge metal framing to wood framing at the end of DD today. Such joy.
May 25, 16 8:51 pm  · 

Bloopox, California is the only US state that requires an expiration date on an architect's stamp (and the only one that even allows that as part of the stamp design) .  There is the option to have a CA stamp made with a date, but there's also the option to order it with a blank line so the date can be written in - and every CA stamp I've ever seen has been the version with the blank line - probably exactly because that way we don't have to order a new one every renewal period.

Richard didn't answer the question as to whether he sent the architect a heads-up about his expired license first, and gave him time to fix it before reporting him, so I'll take that as a no.

May 25, 16 8:56 pm  · 

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